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Revision as of 05:02, 1 February 2024

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Luna's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Infrequently updated
"S l o w c h a n g e i s t h e b e s t c h a n g e !" - Decelerationism
This page is not frequently updated and the creator doesn't have time to do changes, or might do them later or the creator is just lazy.

"Y'know, a long time ago crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy."- Charles Manson
"The world is too peaceful, too aquiescent, too tame. It is a circumcised world.
Nay! A castrated world! It must be made fiercer, before it can become grander, and better, and more natural."
- Ragnar Redbeard
"Here's a matchstick boy,
let's set this world on fire and enjoy
the pretty flames of our youth."
- Charles Free

Hello and welcome dear reader to my self-insert page! My name's Luna, and I believe (among other things) that Anarchy is always preferable to a state, Death is awesome, the White Race is Culturally and Spiritually superior to all others, America is alive, God and Jesus are Extraterrestrials, Old stock Americans are God's Chosen People, and Technology is really cool. Yes, I'm serious. Yes, I am Neurodivergent. No, I don't care.


Civic Views

I believe in an Individualist, heavily Americanized strand of National Anarchism divorced from the conspiracism and crypto-statism of Southgateism. Nations and Peoples, like individuals, have a natural right to sovereignty, self-government, and self determination. As such I believe society should be run by homogenous communities which are run through Direct Democracy. In order to provide defense for each other, these communities should create voluntary associations such as Confederations, functioning in a manner similar to Panarchy or Patchwork, with communities deciding on the specifics of how they are run. (E.g: A Socialist commune coexists with neighboring Mutualist and more Propertarian communities.)

I would also say I'm influenced by Theodemocracy, applying a Jeffersonian and Anarchist perspective. I'd say that Direct Democracy and Voluntary Association would lead to the creation of Religious Communities based around consent and would best bring about the will of both God and the people. The most Holy government is self-government.

In my specific case, my ideal and what I advocate for with unwavering loyalty and fervor, is the creation of a Perpetual Union of predominantly Religious Communities brought together by a Religious-Political doctrine of Columbicism, which would ruthlessly expand out into North America at first, and eventually the rest of the world, creating an Eternal Frontier and bringing the beauty of America across the world. Russia? Let's call it West Alaska! South America? It's our new Wild West! Europe? Why, it's been an everlasting goal of America to bring freedom and justice to the continent. Though it is very important to remember that this continuation of Manifest Destiny is more of a long-term ideal for the American people to strive for and work towards than something that should be enforced by a state, for such a thing would only cause a repeat of history, with the state “settling” the Wild Frontiers with it's rampant Urbanization, Industrialism, and so-called “progress” and “civilization”. Our Progress is only that we might progress towards God. Our civilization is that of unrepressed creativity, individuality, community, and total freedom of form and expression.

Vanguard Anarchism

Unfortunately, due to the conditioning of mass-society by the state, corporations, agenda-pushers, spiritually evil folk, we can't trust any sort of disorganized mass-movement to get the work done that needs to be done. The fix for this is the creation of racially and ideologically homogenous and united Vanguard Organizations, which would exist to:

  • Perpetuate Anarchy
  • Provide the Necessary Organization to Do So
  • Defend and Assist in the Creation of Sovereign White Communities
  • Hunt Down and Persecute Enemies of the White Race
  • Provide Mutual Aid to those in need
  • Provide Defense and Property Protection
  • Reclaim the "Property" of the Ruling Class and Repurpose it for Righteous Means

These organizations would not seek to establish a state or government. Membership would be Voluntary, Organization would be Horizontal, and the services provided would either be Paid or Free of Charge, depending on who it is. Worker-Unions and White Militias have equal oppurtunity to succeed in their respective areas of activity. If they do end up fighting? So be it.

Economic Views

I vehemently support Market Anarchism, and most other schools of Anarchist economic thought, including Agorism, Rothbardianism, Mutualism, and even some variants of Socialism, however I make a very clear distinction in which ones I do support.[12] Economic Regulations do nothing to help the people, or even to limit the businesses and corporations which they are meant to go against, instead bringing about Corruption and a system of state-privileged Corporatocracy. Any form of statist economy inevitably falls into this, no matter how “Laissez Faire” it may be touted as. The state, so long as it exists and reigns, will always meddle in the economy, be it through Regulation, direct control of the economy, such as in State Capitalism and State Socialism, or through plain old Cronyism.

Free Markets, in their true and uninhibited form, are the very sum of Voluntary action, production, consumption, trade, etc. by Individuals. The Wildly Free Market, without any state to repress it, would “eat the rich”, so to speak, regulating itself. Combined with Geoanarchism or some form of Geomutualism, where land is either owned by none, or by the Community, and rent is a thing of the past, there can be no reigning Landowning Class.

Cultural Views

I vehemently, and I do mean VEHEMENTLY despise the retarded narrative of the “Culture War”. This sort of thing has been pushed by an elite class of Race Traitors and Foreign Agents (no, I'm not talking about Jews) that wish to see the destruction of America, and to that extent everything else beautiful in the world. Every single “Conservative” jackass media pundit who likes to demonize Queers but won't utter a word about Race is equally as guilty as every virtue-signaling Progressive Twitter Shitlib. They're paid off by the same groups and they ultimately have the same goal of suppressing Liberty, Individuality, and every other great ideal our predecessors strived and died for, and hoisting up their own demented flag of Collectivistic, Race Communist tyranny.

Culture is a matter that should be wholly up to Individuals and their Communities. Don't like Queers? Good news, you can just live somewhere without them. Other way around? Same story. Have a small, particular, weird ideology or religion? Form your own community with others who share the same ideas. This is as complex as it needs to be. As soon as somebody starts talking to you about needing to enforce their values and their strict morality and worldview, you should really just tune them out.

I also advocate for and support Basically Every Queer/Trans identity, which for some reason people seem to think is contradictory with my Racism. It really isn't- White Culture as a whole tends to be much more accepting and free when it comes to matters like that, even if there are Exceptions, people of Queer identities and orientations generally don't need to worry about being Beheaded, Chemically Castrated, or Persecuted. All of the countries and cultures which do all of this show absolutely no signs of changing or even being capable of change.


Modern Psychiatry, Psychology, Neuroscience, CBT, etc. is all a bunch of bullshit. It's a statist scam made to take your money, your life, your liberty, and your happiness. It's made to get you hooked on drugs so you keep coming back, it's made to belittle you and force you to vent your issues in the small scale over time to somebody who literally does not care and will never understand your issues. The differences between Neurodivergent and Neurotypical people, while quite clear, aren't going to be more easily understood by our modern pseudoscientific, anti-spiritual system of abuse. The solution to our issues is simple - let Neurodivergent people govern themselves, let them live away from NT society. Let them solve their own issues at their own pace through Spirituality, Self-Exploration, Community aid, you get the idea. Death to the NT state and it's psychological oppression.

Cultural Revolution

In order to eradicate the influences of non-white forces, and put an end to the racial mongrelization we're seeing insane levels of today, I advocate for a brutal GWCR (Great White Cultural Revolution), about like what happened in China, which would involve the utter destruction and purging of non-white (primarily African-American) culture, as well as the purging of regressive and anti-white ideologies (including but not limited to State Communism, Third Worldism, Racial Progressivism, and Anti-White Religions). Books would be burned, musical records and movies trashed, public figures hunted down, and race traitors persecuted. This would all be motivated and incentivized by a system of bounty-hunting, spreading the truth via media hijacking, and direct-action by both lone wolf operators and private organizations. It would start off slow, but if it were able to kick into high gear, really get into motion, it would be unstoppable, the pure rage and fury of a repressed race made manifest.

Philosophical Views

I believe that all men are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with inalienable Natural Rights. While I am not truly a political Liberal, I carry a lot of the values of Classical Liberalism to their logical extremes: Wildly Free Markets, Liberty secured through Polycentric Law, Absolute Individualism, Absolutely limited government, which means No Government At All, and a Righteous advocacy for all Political Freedoms. I think these Enlightenment values are a major part of what lead to America's success as a nation and to the development of the American spirit and character, and that the co-opting of them (as seen in modern day Social Liberalism and Progressivism) and the outright rejection of them (as seen in Reactionary and Traditionalist movements) are both horribly unamerican evils.

I remain a fervent advocate of Death, Violence, and Combat, as I think they are some of the most beautiful parts of life, the most thrilling experiences that there are. I believe that the American spirit, especially the spirit of the Frontier, is especially brutal and even barbaric, and that this is by no means a bad thing. The Frontiersmen who settled the West were more often than not extremely violent against the so-called “natives”, and would stop at nothing to make a home for themselves and their people, and to spread the beauty of America and its ideals. A horrible evil of the present is the descendants of these men outright rejecting their legacy, disavowing their heritage, selling themselves and their Nation out to foreigners. They worship nothing but weakness, fragility, and victimhood. If we want to revitalize the American spirit and see a return of the Frontier, we need to see this sort of attitude dissipate from the popular mindset.

Religious Views

My religious views are very syncretic and messy, but to put it in a broad perspective I believe in Columbicism, meaning I support almost any religious movement originating from White Americans or Anglo-Saxons. For my personal theology, I'm mostly focused on learning more and researching before taking concrete stances, but as of right now I would describe myself as a Spiritualist Protestant Christian and an Animist, with varying influences from different beliefs systems which I plan to learn more about, including, but not limited to Scientology, Mormonism, British Israelism, Thelema, and other American Spiritual and Religious movements.

I believe that every single object, force, word, idea, whatever it may be, is imbued with a soul and is sentient (to varying degrees), and has its own agency, rights, and purpose. I extend this idea to Technology and the very Land itself especially, but it's important to remember this belief is all-encompassing. Combining Animism and Idealism and taking influence from a good friend of mine, I believe that what gives something (anything that exists, from a person, to an idea, to a country, to a rock) it's spiritual energy is the amount of attention, affection, care and general acknowledgement it receives. The more devotion something has, the "realer" and more alive it becomes. The only way I could say something is not spiritually alive is if it were to not be thought of by anyone or anything anymore.

This does not mean I support Idolatry, however, as I believe there is only one true God (part of a three-personage Godhead), but I believe that he works through the spiritual forces behind our world. In particular, I believe that the North American Continent, in its entirety, is alive and has a will of its own, falling in line with the will of the American people. Arguably I treat America like a sub-deity in itself, a sort of divine mother brought about through Divine Providence. I believe nations, cultures, peoples, and races all have a Spiritual force guiding them and keeping them as a cohesive thing. The American Spirit in particular is one of Individuality, Liberty, Freedom, Natural Rights, Democracy, and Religious Freedom, and it lives and perpetuates itself through loyal Americans and their works. These ideas are a major part of why I advocate the creation of a ‘Spiritual Confederation’. An entity united not by a tyrannical State, Dictator, or Military, but by God and the very soul of the Nation itself.

When it comes to relations with other Christians, I'm very Ecumenical, with the major exception being Catholics. Catholicism and the Catholic Church are in my eyes the most disgusting betrayal of the word of God. The Church has become an institution that will stop at nothing to sacrifice Christian belief in favor of secular support of the Papacy and ruthless pushing of authority. Catholicism in its entirety is something I see as wholly incompatible with the American spirit.

Technological Views

A major force of Centralization and the encroachment of the state upon the populace is that of the urbanized area, the city. In cities people have no sense of Community, and certainly a dampened sense of Individuality. Every single resource or service they could ever need is usually at their doorstep, which, in theory, would be great and wonderful. But when it's the state forcing the people to receive these things from the state, an unhealthy culture of reliance is born. People are forced to stick to dead-end jobs because they're sunken in rent, bills, debt, etc. and the issues don't stop there. Cities as they are pretty much represent everything I despise. They have made life unfulfilling for millions of people, crushed their spirits and made them live like sardines. They have perpetuated ruthless Multiculturalism and Miscegenation, any metropolis such as New York, Chicago, Paris, or London can show this in its most gory detail. No amount of UBI, Welfare, Public Funding, or “walkability” can solve these fundamental issues we see perpetuated by the city. The only solution is Deurbanization.

The Rural, Agrarian, self-reliant life, be it alone or in a community of those like you, is one of the most beautiful ways to live. Far and away from the state, among those who you trust and those who trust you, living feels more purposeful and, well, alive. You can be free to pursue your passions, Artisan craftsmanship especially flourishes, another avenue where the individual can assert their freedom from the state, in contrast to forces such as mass-production.

It is important to note, however, that I am far and away from being anywhere near anti-technology. The questions we need to ask are: A. Who is controlling technology and B. How are they using it? When it's in the hands of the state, technology is used to oppress, monitor, and control. But in the hands of the individual, it can change everything. Creativity and expression are free to be unleashed upon the world, life can be made easier, people can be brought together from miles away, United by ideas and concepts. And the most important aspect of technology for me is that of freedom of form. The greatest extension of individuality - to biology.

Bringing in theological aspects, I am a firm believer in Transfigurism, also known as Christian Transhumanism, leading me to advocate for Freedom of Form and Progress Theology. If humans were made in God's image, with little distinction besides sex (something which we can transcend), and God is to the best of our knowledge an amorphous and perhaps polymorphous God, are we not meant as a species to be equally amorphous? Why should our God-given rights to individuality and diversity stop at our bodies? I'm also very in line with the Mormon belief that God was once a man from another planet (an Extraterrestrial) who ascended to Godhood, and it is the destiny of posthumanity to become like him.


Power: Statist and Anarchist

Violence; Power, Force, Domination, Combat, Sheer Might; is the basis and root of ALL political power. The state maintains its control through a monopoly on violence. The freeman asserts his freedom through his (more often than not) violent resistance to said state. There has never been a case of peaceful domination. Just as much - no state can exist without violent repression of its dissidents or perceived detractors, and subjugation of its citizens (slaves, in better conditions!). This is why ideas like Nozick's Night-Watchman State or those of the Post-Libertarians are pure nonsense. The state has no reason to protect the "civil liberties" (whatever that means, and we know full well that the state takes advantage of that lack of clear definition!) of its subjugates, so long as they have bread and circuses to keep them distracted. No state exists for the purpose of the defense of its citizens. States exist to rob, cheat, lie to, attack, kill, suppress, and generally disregard the will of the people subjugated by them. The state does this through all sorts of ways, be it through taxation, rent, debt, brute force, coercion, etc. but all of these actions and institutions stem from two things - force and invasion.

Now, contrary to what you may hear from other so-called Anarchists (whether they be actual Anarchists or simply misuse the term), I'm actually quite in favor of force, power, and violence. My issues are with invasion and tyranny. The Anarchist appreciation of force is towards the enforcing of the individual and the community's autonomy from the state, the Anarchist appreciation of power is towards the power to be free in all aspects of one's life and to maintain that freedom, and the Anarchist appreciation of violence is towards liberatory violence from the state's gangster police. The state's institution of force is towards destroying individual autonomy and lining its own pockets, the state's institution of power is towards abolishing freedom and solidifying its 'rightful' place, the state's institution of violence is to put down any and all opposition from those who would dare to escape it's maw.

Point is - Anarchy isn't about destroying power or ending violence, it's about taking such things out of the hands of the state and back into the hands of individuals. Ending the state's monopoly on violence, along with all of its other monopolies. Every 'justification' for the state is a loose lie built on a faulty foundation. As I said before and will repeat with a fervent mantra; Force, Coercion, Violence is the foundation of the state, and, just as much, all of the best ways to resist it.

Long Live Death!

Death is equally as important as life is, if not more. Death sustains life by giving it a place to grow from. Death only begets life as what decays and rots is reborn on another day. Death puts an end to stagnation and misery, just as much as life leads to joy and fulfillment. When an animal dies in the forest, its body becomes nourishment for the forest and the animals and insects and plants within the ecosystem. The animal is dead, yes, but its death has given and sustained life to countless other organisms. If there was only life, and no death, life would become stagnant, boring, depressive, whatever would we do if we were forced to live in eternal misery, no violence to reprieve others and no suicide to escape? Pay no mind to Immortalist dreamers, who want us all to live as depressives in nursing homes well past our twilight years. A short and meaningful death is always superior to a long and pointless life. To embrace death, not to fear it, not to shun it, but to love it for what it is, is to make peace with nature. We all have our time to go, and that's what gives us reason to press on and make what little time we have on this earth mean something. The beauty of a short life was something recognized by the people of antiquity and the artists of the classical era. The horrible drabness of a long, pointless, overworked, boring life is a product of our modernity. What sounds better to you; living a long dull life of work and loneliness, living for 80 years and even at your oldest working at a retail job because you could never retire, croaking of a heart failure as you bag somebody's milk, or dying quickly and violently for something you care about with someone you love at your side?



  • Frontiers and Free-Riders
  • Techno-Ruralism
  • Americanism
  • Technobarbarism
  • Psycadelica
  • Cyberdelia
  • Outlaws and Criminals
  • File:FruAer.png Old Web Nostalgia


Includes Books, Essays, Articles, Manifestos and anything else that fits.
☆ - Major Influence
◯ - Actually owns


Lene Rachel Andersen

  • Metamodernity: Meaning and hope in a complex world ◯

Georges Bataille

  • The Accursed Share: An Essay on General Economy, Volume I ◯

Jason Brennan

  • Against Democracy ◯

Kevin Carson

  • The Iron Fist Behind The Invisible Hand ☆
  • The Thermidor of the Progressives
  • Anarchism and Markets
  • Hierarchy or the Market
  • The Left-Rothbardians

Voltairine de Cleyre

  • Anarchism and American Traditions

Richard Coyne

  • Technoromanticism: Digital Narrative, Holism, and the Romance of the Real ☆

Jack Donovan

  • The Way of Men

Milton Friedman

  • Capitalism and Freedom

Henry George

  • Progress & Poverty

Giovanni Gentile

  • Origins and Doctrine of Fascism: With Selections from Other Works

Johann Silvio Gesell

  • The Natural Economic Order

William Gillis

  • Anarchy and Transhumanism

Friedrich von Hayek

  • Individualism and Economic Order

Thomas Hobbes

  • Leviathan ◯

Richard Kelly Hoskins

  • Our Nordic Race

Thomas Jefferson

  • The Declaration of Independence

John Maynard Keynes

  • The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money

Margaret Killjoy

  • Take What You Need And Compost The Rest: an introduction to post-civilized theory
  • Cooperative Scavenging
  • It's Time to Build Resilient Communities
  • We Who Will Destroy the Future

Samuel Edward Konkin III

  • New Libertarian Manifesto

Nestor Makhno

  • The Struggle Against the State and Other Essays
  • The Manifesto of The Makhnovists
  • About the Platform[13]
  • Organisational Platform of the Libertarian Communists [14]

Filippo Tommaso Marinetti

  • The Futurist Manifesto

Mariana Mazzucato

  • The Entrepreneurial State

James Mason

  • One-Verse Charlies

Ludwig von Mises

  • Liberalism: In the Classical Tradition
  • The Theory of Money and Credit
  • Economic Calculation in Socialist Commonwealth

Yukio Mishima

  • The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea ◯

Albert Jay Nock

  • Our Enemy, the State

Jonas Nilsson

  • Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn ☆

Thomas Paine

  • Common Sense
  • The Rights of Man

Carleton Putnam

  • Race and Reason: A Yankee View

Ragnar Redbeard

  • Might is Right ☆
  • Sayings of Ragnar Redbeard

James Redford

  • Jesus is an Anarchist ☆

Murray Rothbard

  • Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays ◯☆
  • What Has Government Done To Our Money? ☆

Eleanor Saitta

  • Designing the Future of Sex

Klaus Schwab

  • The Fourth Industrial Revolution ◯
  • Stakeholder Capitalism: A Global Economy that Works for Progress, People and Planet ◯

Robert Sepehr

  • Species With Amnesia: Our Forgotten History ◯☆

Troy Southgate

  • The National Anarchist Manifesto

Lysander Spooner

  • No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority

Stateless Sovereign

  • The Case for Localist Populism
  • Segregation and the Importance of Freedom of Association


  • Anarchism as Profane

Nicola Tesla

  • How Cosmic Forces Shape Our Destinies

Hunter S. Thompson

  • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas ◯☆

Benjamin Tucker

  • Individual Liberty ☆

Frederick Jackson Turner

  • The Significance of the Frontier in American History ◯☆
  • The Problem of the West ◯

Curtis Yarvin

  • A Formalist Manifesto
  • The Case Against Democracy: Ten Red Pills
  • Castes of the United States
  • Popularchy: Rule of the People
  • Nuclear Neocolonialism: A Formalist Design for Nuclear Law
  • Technology, Communism, and the Brown Scare

Various Authors

  • A Slap in the Face of Public Taste
  • The Bible (KJV) ◯☆
    • The Book of Genesis
    • The Song of Solomon
    • The Gospel of Mark
    • The Gospel of Luke
    • The Gospel of John
    • The Acts of the Apostles
    • The Epistle to the Romans
    • The Epistle to the Ephesians
    • The Epistle to the Philippians
    • The Epistle to the Colossians
    • The Epistle to the Hebrews
    • The Epistle of James
  • The Gods Have Landed: New Religions From Other Worlds[15]
  • Transhumanism and Transcendence: Christian Hope in an Age of Technological Enhancement[16] ◯☆

Currently Reading

  • Object-Oriented Ontology: A New Theory of Everything - Graham Harman

On Hold

  • TechGnosis: Myth, Magic and Mysticism in the Age of Information - Erik Davis ◯

User Recommendations

Please give me some for fuck's sake.

  • Title - Author - User
  • Industrial Society and It's Future - Ted Kaczynski - Schumacherianism
  • Do Human Races Exist? - Peter Frost - Weedium
  • The Orange Book - Osho - Weedium
  • Critique of Transcendental Miserablism - Nick Land - Weedium
  • Infamy: The Crimes of Ancient Rome - Jerry Toner - JustaWorker
  • Defending the Undefendable - Walter Block - Weedium
  • The Ego and it's own/The Unique and it's Property - Max Stirner - Temujin Lee
  • The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto - Vikky Storm & Eme Flores - Meowxism
  • The Forest Passage - Ernst Jünger - Phill Tchaikovsky



Ideologies closest to mine.

  • Artisan Anarchism - Probably the best ideology that there is on this hellsite, and there's a great ball behind it too :3
  • Mindform Anarchism - BASED BASED BASED, you've become so fucking cool. Anarchism, Idealism, Ultraprogressivism-Traditionalism synthesis, Cruelty Squad!! We are SO back. (I have no clue what you're talking about but it's still based TwT)


Ideologies I share many values and beliefs with, but differ on key issues.

  • Neo-Optimateism - Switching polarities wildly between utopia and dystopia. We have our differences (your ruthless nihilism v. my religiousness, and our different conceptions of things like capital), but overall I think we agree on too much to not be on good terms, plus you've been a good influence on me in the past, and who knows, I intend on looking into things like Attentionalism, Metamodernism, and NRx, so I see a lot of discussion with you coming in the future.
  • Romantic Egoism -We have almost completely contrary philosophies, but besides that's we have too many similarities for me to not rate you this high. Long live death!
  • Libertarian D4shism - You've become evil :(((( Jokes aside, you're not terrible I guess. Though Gnosticism stinks and the trinity is a bunch of Catholic malarkey.
  • Neosyndicalism - Pretty good but you don't really have a good understanding of power relations. Anarchism is less about relying on human goodwill than it is on dismantling the state's monopoly on violence, through self-defense, self-reliance, and the disintegration of state-backed defense agencies. Mercenaries, private defense, mutually defensive communities, sovereign citizens, and arms traders are all fundamentally Anarchist. The way states are prevented from forming is by preventing the formation of a monopoly on violence. Thanks for the art btw!
  • Timocratic Neocameralism - If only you were like this during my NRx phase, I'd drool over you then. I dislike a lot of parts but at least you like Confederalism and are a Libertarian in some capacity.
  • Agricoetism - Decent guy and we share some values, but it's a shame you're a Vanguardist. Sodomy is Aryan too bro just trust me.
  • Rocksism - The platonic ideal of a left-anarchist. What on earth does 'socially fascistic' mean to you? Cultural issues aside, you're fine I guess. Although you should recognize the importance of free markets against the state rather than advocating for purely gift economies.


Stagnant, stale, boring ideologies and pseuds abound.

  • Lankajori Thought - I guess you're fine, ehhhhh you're sorta like me just extremely boring, minarchist, and with dogshit cultural takes. Mid/10
  • Vistulism - You remind me of myself during my Market Socialist-Cybercommunist phase (dark times). You're pretty much just a spicy DemSoc with some heckin wacky tendencies, but you overall succumb to dumb impossible ideas like Left Unity. Embrace Anarchism fully and you'll be cooler.
  • Dokevism - I guess you have good aims (Hedonism is based), but to embrace the state in order to pursue these aims is the worst of errors. And why does intelligence/technical ability give any man the right to rule over another?
  • Constantine Thought - While I agree with you on many points, I think you're, in general, a mess of contradictions, and I really dislike the Orthodoxy.
  • TIIKKETMASTER thought - You're just plain stupid. Your views are such a clusterfuck you make me look like a centrist. Anarchy is completely feasible, Death is awesome, Race is undeniable, Everything is alive, God watched you type all this, Jesus is from Venus, and Tech is wicked.
  • Cannabis Anarchy - Your economics are alright, but I heavily detest Post-Structuralism and the horrific unchristly ideas that it pushes. Please stop it with the demiurge-matrix-I'm-so-schizo larp.
  • Nurulisme - Well you can certainly type up a storm, that's for certain. But no wall of text can justify your rabid collectivism. Also Deism is coal (except for when the founders did it).
  • Hoodism - Industrial commie, not so great. Buuut Autonomism is at least superior to state socialism, so I'll give you that. Also your page is as empty as a desert, so I can't judge much.
  • Meowxism - Same case as the above but worse since you're some sort of tankie. I assume you get your knowledge of politics from memes and reading the communist Manifesto once.
  • ⠀ism - Okay so after reviewing your page again I've come to fully realize its written with chatGPT. Nice Transhumanist praxis bro.
  • Proletariat Builderism - You're alright I suppose. Way better than how you used to be. But you'd be like 100x better if you were Protestant, more Progressive, and liked America.
  • Temujin Leeism - 1. Markets don't cause megacorps, governments do. 2. Go back to reddit. 3. Get better at English.
  • Meadowsin's Basilisk - So heckin cool and schizo sis...
  • Brazilian Liberalism - Brimstone.
  • Neo-Anthony Bax Thought - Ehhhhhh... You can coat yourself in whatever philosophies you like, but you're pretty much just a boring State Socialist.
  • Alstūdism - Fascisto-Communist, Anti-American, Vikang larper. I actually don't mind European Pagan faiths, they have their roots in the truth at least. I can't say the same about the rest of your ideas. If only you stayed a National Anarchist. Also, you're brown.
  • Philosophical Nuggets thought - The consequences of BBC addiction at it's worst stage, very sad.
  • Hispanic Reactionary Monarchism - Truly, truly abhorrent. Death to tyrants and death to Catholicism.
  • Distributist Reactionarism - You are a shining example of the horrors of miscegenation. Stay in Brazil.



  1. Referencing the fact that the name "Luna" in portuguese looks like the word "Moon", as well as the fact she an Ethnonationalist
  2. Nobody owns the land, just as with water and air. Abandoned land is free to use, trespassing on occupied land gives the occupants the right to blow trespassers brains out.
  3. Part of the reason I dislike non-white people/cultures is because of their historical and contemporary treatment of the queer community. Europeans have a far better track record with such matters.
  4. “If you want a society which has the innovation of free-market competition, just make the concept of society itself a competition.” ― A Friend
  5. Especially in regard to Queer issues and Cultural Revolution, and it should certainly be noted I reject the racial elements of it.
  6. Yes I know I've been autistic about the label but I've realised I genuinely am one lmao
  7. “The mind is endless. You put me in a dark solitary cell, and to you that's the end, to me it's the beginning, it's the universe in there, there's a world in there, and I'm free.” ― Charles Manson
  8. I don't follow his atheistic beliefs but I do still agree with many of his principles and ideas.
  9. Including Continental Animism and Techno-Animism
  10. Also called Pan-American Theism and Anglotheism.
  11. I'm nowhere near his politics but he has way too many good videos/books on anthropology/human origins.
  12. I am a staunch opponent of Industrialism, Statist, Weakness-Worshiping Socialisms.
  13. With Errico Malatesta
  14. with Alan MacSimoin, Ida Mett, Linsky, Pjotr Arshinov, and Valevsky
  15. James R. Lewis, J. Gordon Melton, John A. Saliba, John Whitmore, Diana Tumminia, R. George Kirkpatrick, Susan Jean Palmer, Robert W. Balch, Robert S. Ellwood, Ted Peters, J. Gordon Melton, and George M. Everhart
  16. Michael Burdett, Ronald Cole-Turner, Todd T. W. Daly, Celia Deane-Drummond, Stephen Garner, David Grumett, Karen Lebacqz, Gerald McKenny, Ted Peters, Michael L. Spezio, J. Jeanine Thweatt-Bates, and Brent Waters

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