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===[[File:No.png]] Bourgeoise===
===[[File:No.png]] Bourgeoise===
*{{KK}} - Good that you've abandoned monarchism. Your view on Israel-Palestine isn't the worst to be honest, definitely not as bad as some. Anyways, continue your "there is no alternative"-level neoliberalism, good luck.

===Ask to be added===
===Ask to be added===

Revision as of 19:34, 9 June 2024

Psychocommunism is a left-unity, culturally ultra-progressive marxist, internationalist ideology based around the views of Mari. Mari believes in the idea of capitalist realism set about by Mark Fisher, and hates the culture industry which permeates it across society, believing the only way capitalism is stoppable is by the proletarian's creating their own cultural machine, rather than continuing to be slaves to this capitalist mechanism. Furthermore, Psychocommunism rejects left-wing ideologies it sees as regressive such as conservative socialism, which he sees as failing to create a proletarian cultural machine, and so simply a useful idiot of capitalism.


Here I'll outline, through the use of Polcompball icons, my social, economic, civic and praxis views, with explanations underneath being planned.

Social Points

Economic Points

Decentrally Planned Economy - A decentrally planned economy would put the economy in the hands of the proletarian. I think it should be decentralized because expecting the national government to be able to understand the situation of multiple localities - all quite different of each other - is simply unrealistic.

  • Moderate Cybernetic Planning - Moderate use of computers for help with planning e.g. fixing planning errors and calculating where to potentially allocate resources. But, until this can be confirmed as stable, the human should take priority for obvious reasons. Cybercommunism can also deal with the problem of a human's limits with the large amount of memory a computer can have compared to a human.
  • Socialist Emulation - Non-capitalist competition practiced within the USSR and Warsaw Pact, we should attempt to create something similar as competition can drive innovation. Competition in methods would be ideal.
  • Multi-Organisation - Different types of planned economies may work better for different areas, this idea should be embraced rather than rejected.

Civic Points

Dictatorship of the Proletariat - The proletariat class must assume control of the state, in contrast to the dictatorships of the bourgeoise we see in capitalist times. The state is a tool for class power.

  • Direct Democracy
  • State Lacisim
  • Proletarian Internationalism

Pragmatism - It is good for leadership to adopt pragmatism, in exercising power.

Praxis Points

User Test

  • Civic Axis
    • Chaosist (-50)
    • Egoist (-10)
    • Anarchist (+5)
    • Minarchist (+5)
    • Libertarian (+10)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+50)
    • Statist (+20)
    • Dictablanda (+5)
    • Authoritarian (+1)
    • Totalitarian (-10)
    • Orwellian (-50)
  • Type of Rule Axis
    • Anarchist Anti-Democracy (+10)
    • Direct Democracy (+45)
    • Semi-Direct Democracy (+30)
    • Representative Democracy (+5)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (+5)
    • Totalitarian Democracy (-20)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (0)
  • If none above apply...
    • Ergatocracy/DoTP (+50)
  • Economic Axis
    • Marxist Communist (+50)
    • Socialist (+30)
    • State Socialist (-5)
    • Welfarist (+5)
    • Moderate/Mixed (-5)
    • Liberal Economics (-10)
    • Capitalist (-20)
  • If none above apply...
    • Third Positionism (+1)
    • Anti-Economy (+5)
    • Non-Marxist Communist (+20)
    • Gift Economy (+5)
    • Economic Anti-Semitism (-20)
  • Economic Freedom
    • Anti-Economy (0)
    • Dirigisme (+20)
    • Regulationism (+10)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+5)
    • Liberal Economics (-5)
    • Free Market (-15)
    • Laissez-Faire (-20)
  • If none above apply...
    • Central Planned (-10)
    • Decentral Planned (+50)
  • Diplomatic Axis
    • Autarchy (-2)
    • Autarky (+1)
    • (Alter-) Globalist (0)
    • World Federalist (0)
    • Cosmopolitan (+5)
    • Internationalist (+20)
    • Proletarian Internationalist (+50)
    • Moderate (+5)
    • Patriotic (+5)
    • Nationalist (-10)
    • Universal Nationalist (0)
    • Chauvinist (-20)
    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-25)
    • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-20)
  • Geopolitics
    • Western (-25)
    • Western Adjacent (-10)
    • Non-Aligned (+20)
    • Proletarian Internationalism (+25)
    • East Adjacent (-5)
    • Eastern (-25)
  • Cultural Axis
    • Ultraprogressive (+25)
    • Revolutionary (+20)
    • Progressive (+15)
    • Reformist (+10)
    • Moderate (+5)
    • Traditional Progressive (+10)
    • Progressive Reactionarism (+10)
    • Ultraprogressive Reactionarism (+15)
    • Traditionalist (-5)
    • Conservative (-20)
    • Reactionary (-50)
    • Corporate "Progress" (-50)
  • Technological Axis
    • Primal (-50)
    • Primitivist (-25)
    • Pre-Industrial (-20)
    • Deceleration (-10)
    • Moderate (+5)
    • Acceleration (+10)
    • Automated (+25)
    • Transhumanist (+30)
    • Posthumanist (+10)
  • Environmental Axis
    • Human Extinction (-500 you larper)
    • Radical Environmentalism (+20)
    • Eco-Fascism (+10)
    • Ecocentrism (+5)
    • Environmentalist (+5)
    • Moderate (+20)
    • Post-Industrialism (+20)
    • Industrialist (+25)
    • Anthropocentric (+20)
    • Anti-Environmentalism/Climate Denial (-50)
  • Neurological Axis
    • Anti-Praxis (+20)
    • Utopian (-10)
    • Dogmatic (-10)
    • Idealist (-10)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+10)
    • Realist (+20)
    • Pragmatic (+20)
    • Rational (+20)
    • Dystopian (+10)
    • Anti-Theory (-25)
  • War Axis
    • Pacifism (+5)
    • Non-Engagement (+20)
    • De-Escalation (+20)
    • Intervention (-15)
    • Irredentism (-20)
    • Revanchism (-20)
    • Jingoism (-25)
  • If none above apply...
    • (International) Class Warfare (+5)
  • Praxis
    • Insurrectionism (+10)
    • Revolutionism (+10)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+5)
    • Reformism (0)
    • Pessimistic Apoliticism (+5)
    • "everythings perfect already"-ism (-25)
    • Counter-Culture (+25)
  • Put your results here guys:



  •  Baxism (///) - Definitely a wonderful thought. I have thought of a recent concern about Esoteric Revolution recently - it's definitely a good idea in the modern world of surveillance but its problems could be in that manifesting a proletarian culture against the values enforced upon us would be much harder, though, the conditions of Chile may not necessitate a change in culture, but it may be argued that Pinochet kind of "birthed neoliberalism" in Chile so I am unsure. I've grown very fine with your nationalism as it is definitely anti-capitalist and does not worship the past like irredentist nationalism, but rather looks on towards a socialist future. Your ventures into philosophies like sadism seem interesting, I hope they go well for you.
  • Heathcliffism (///) - Not much on your page for me to judge yet, but from what I can see from your relations section, you have a dislike for liberalism and are a market socialist, environmentalist, internationalist, libertarian. You also dislike Mr. Imperial Socialism's bastardized internationalism. So I'd say definitely going good, I'm more of a decentral planned economy guy than a market guy but I have sympathies for market socialism.
  • Barbaric Socialism (///) - This is something rather incredible, to me. There's definitely things on it I do not have an understanding for yet - I still need to expand my knowledge, but I love the, well, barbarism of this. Makes me realise how much I need to continue reading Society of the Spectacle. "Technological Enhancements for all conscious beings with the goal of making people self-sustaining systems" just sounds incredible - It's great when someone else rejects this yawn idea of "this is X and X can never be changed", the entire idea just seems so despotic and bleak. I don't understand the meaning of Decoupling Life and Lebenswille (which apparently says "will to live", correct me if I'm wrong.) but doesn't mean I reject it - I don't have the knowledge to have a stance. Your organization views are also good - a large amount of democracy, to me, is a must (though I do understand some of the anarchist arguments against it.) Communization is something I'm still unsure about - I should probably, ya know, read books about it? Welp, either way, I'd definitely prefer communization to capitalization. I wonder what the rejection of ideology means - I think I should learn about it, sounds interesting to me. I would definitely be able to write a better thing about this if I had more knowledge on certain subjects.
  • Nuriskianism (///) - From what I've read on your page so far, you do make a pretty good argument on the necessity of conservatism and nationalism for a Marxism applied to Indonesia - I don't have a like for conservatism, but you've cleared why it is necessary for a socialist Indonesia pretty well. I definitely agree with you that tradition and ethics are nothing if they are not enforced, I think we live in a time where ethics are definitely enforced, especially with more developed enforcement we see today that rejects direct rule in that it has found a new way of molding our social norms. But for tradition I think we live in a time where tradition is capitalised, I guess changing that is a viable option. Overall, very good.

Labour Aristocracy




  • Brazilian Liberalism - Good that you've abandoned monarchism. Your view on Israel-Palestine isn't the worst to be honest, definitely not as bad as some. Anyways, continue your "there is no alternative"-level neoliberalism, good luck.

Ask to be added

Reading List



  • Karl Marx: Theses On Feuerbach
  • Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto
  • Friedrich Engels: On Authority
  • Friedrich Engels: Principles of Communism
  • Mikhail Bakunin: What is Authority?
  • Vladimir Lenin: The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism
  • Vikky Storm: The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto
  • Vikky Storm: Egoist Agorism
  • Vikky Storm: It’s Time For “Mad Anarchism”
  • Oswald Mosley: Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered
  • Daniel De Leon: Syndicalism
  • TripleAmpersand: The Alt-Woke Manifesto
  • Murray Rothbard: Anatomy of the State
  • Mark Fisher: Capitalist Realism: Is there no alternative?
  • Mark Fisher: Left Hyperstition 1: The Fictions of Capital
  • Mark Fisher: Left Hyperstition 2: Be Unrealistic, Change What's Possible
  • Mark Fisher: Terminator vs Avatar: Notes On Accelerationism
  • Mark Fisher: Exiting the Vampire Castle
  • Robert P. Murphy: Chaos Theory: Two Essays on Market Anarchy
  • D. Z. Rowan: A Brief Description Of Egoist Communism
  • Nick Land: A Quick and Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism
  • Alex Williams and Nick Srnicek: Manifesto for an Accelerationist Politics
  • xenogothic: A U/Acc Primer
  • Bobby Whittenberg-James: Economic Nihilism
  • smartistone: Ads are everything, not AI
  • Vincent Garton: Unconditional accelerationism as antipraxis
  • Edmund Berger: Unconditional Acceleration and the Question of Praxis: Some Preliminary Thoughts
  • Otto Rühle: The Revolution Is Not A Party Affair
  • Max Stirner: The Unique and Its Property
    • I Have Based My Affair on Nothing
    • Humanity
      • A Human Life
      • The Ancients
      • The Moderns
        • The Spirit
  • Ian Wright: Venture Capitalism versus Venture Communism

Currently Reading

  • Guy Debord: Society of the Spectacle
    • Separation Perfected
  • Karl Marx: Capital, Volume 1
    • Commodities
    • Exchange
    • Money, Or the Circulation of Commodities
      • The Measure of Values
  • Tony Cliff: Trotskyism after Trotsky
    • Recognising the Problem

Want to Read


  • Louis Althusser: Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses
  • Louis Althusser: For Marx
  • Ernesto Laclau: Hegemony and Socialist Strategy
  • Ralph Miliband: The state and capitalist society
  • Karl Marx: A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy
  • Karl Marx: Wage Labour and Capital
  • Karl Marx: Value, Price and Profit
  • Friedrich Engels: Anti-Dühring
  • Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: The German Ideology
  • Karl Marx: The Civil War in France
  • Friedrich Engels: The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
  • Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
  • Group of International Communists: Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution
  • Antonie Pannekoek: Worker's Councils
  • Karl Marx: Grundrisse
  • Karl Marx: Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy
  • Isaac Deutscher: Socialist Competition

Anti-thesis (Capitalism)

i VVILL NOT end up a capitalist by reading this I SWEAR

  • Henry Hazlitt: Economics in One Lesson
  • Benjamin Tucker: Individual Liberty
  • Milton Friedman: Capitalism and Freedom
  • Murray Rothbard: For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto
  • Murray Rothbard: What Has Government Done to Our Money?
  • Murray Rothbard: Man, Economy, and State
  • Murray Rothbard: The Ethics of Liberty
  • Samuel Edward Konkin III: New Libertarian Manifesto
  • Samuel Edward Konkin III: Last Whole Introduction to Agorism

Anti-thesis (Fascism)

  • Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile: The Doctrine of Fascism

Left Opposition

  • Joseph Stalin: Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR
  • Joseph Stalin: Dialectical and Historical Materialism

Utopian Literature

  • G. D. H. Cole: Guild Socialism
  • G. D. H. Cole: Guild Socialism: A Plan for Economic Democracy


  • Jules Joanne Gleeson: Abolitionism in the 21st Century: From Communization as the End of Sex, to Revolutionary Transfeminism
  • Justin Sotos: Alexander Dugin: Theorist of Communization?
  • Leigh Phillips: The People’s Republic of Walmart: How the World’s Biggest Corporations are Laying the Foundation for Socialism

things i want to write eventually

  • The Capitalist Nature of Comedy in Politics
  • On the Thatcherite Reforms in the United Kingdom
  • The European Union
  • Critique of the British Road to Socialism
  • On Reactionary Socialism

  1. Ordered by author...mostly