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PCBaller World/Montana

Revision as of 04:22, 4 August 2023 by imported>Afunhumaninter (→‎Internal Transport System)
This is the new official page for PCBaller World/Montana. If you want to view the old page, it is here. This is effective starting 30 June, 2023.

This page will be dedicated to the Montanan State (or just Montana), one of PCBaller World's four overly highly advanced nations (not including Alaska). It is the home of many corporate headquarters from corporations that relocated after being faced with disfavorable policies (like in Illinois). Its large population capacity is mainly achieved by the large numbers of suburban and urban cities built close to major interstates (but that isn't enough).

Montana's system does not represent my exact personal beliefs due to numerous compromises and treaties made with other nations. Also, Montana does have a military (one relatively similar to those of the other advanced nations by far), but it isn't mentioned as it'd be simply a repetitive trope among highly advanced nations in PCBaller World. - Afun


Time to start off with some nicknames, shall we not (both META and in-world)?

  • Montanan State (historical)
  • Montana-Wyoming (historical)
  • Монтана (translation)
  • Afungrad II (nickname)
  • Silicon Valley 2.0 (nickname)
  • Illinois-Lite (nickname)
  • Helion Country (nickname)
  • Greater Montana (nickname)
  • Glacier Republic (nickname)
  • OCYTreich (nickname)
  • Afunreich (nickname)
  • Big Sky Country (nickname)
  • Treasure State (nickname)
  • Land of the Shining Mountains (nickname)
  • The Last Best Place (nickname)
  • Mohtaha (nickname, visual transliteration of Монтана)
  • Corporate Breeding Ground (by enemies)
  • Illinois Cuck State #1 (by enemies)
  • Montanan Devil (by enemies)
  • Animal Cruelty Capital (by enemies)

Minor Information

  • Driving Side: Right (universal, no exceptions)
  • Measurement System: SI/Metric
  • Date format: Various (DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY)

Land (in terms of 2023 US states)

  • All of Montana
  • All of Wyoming

(The following are not exact)

  • The western two thirds of South Dakota
  • The westmost sixth of Nebraska
  • The westmost two ninths of North Dakota

History/Formative Stage


During 2024, large numbers of liberals and social justice/progressive activists began to immigrate in groves to the states of Montana and Wyoming from Colorado and California, and the states began to rapidly shift left. During the 2024 elections, the governments of Montana and Wyoming were nearly fully replaced with liberals and Democrats. At the same time, Kamala Harris rose to the presidency in Washington, DC. Even though there was much civil unrest and economic turmoil after that election, Montana and Wyoming were staying strong.

2027-Early 2029

Then there was the Great Collapse. After that, the states of South Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming declared themselves to be fully independent countries. South Dakota underwent a schism, separating it into west and east portions. The eastern portion would eventually become a part of Minnesota while the western portion would become a part of Montana. The states of Montana and Western South Dakota voluntarily fused into one, with Helena as the capital. Later on, a group of reactionary refugees from Texas, combined with Montana's political old guard as well as many disenchanted conspiracy theorists, conspired a raid upon the governments of Cheyenne and Helena. In late 2028/2029, the groups raided Cheyenne, and they overthrew the local government. The Bartonian movement (discussed later)Many of these raiders, appalled at the failure of the US government, became sympathetic to race theory and anarchism. From there, they moved up to Helena, where they conducted a violent and bloody raid. 90% of the Helenan government officials were killed in the process. Both Cheyenne and Helena were taken over by these mobs. Afterwards, the couped governments of Helena and Cheyenne (Montana and Wyoming) made an agreement to fuse into one state. Cheyenne was evacuated, and the city became a slum (or a ghetto, if you prefer to call it that). Helena was the official capital of the new state, also called Montana-Wyoming at the time.

Mid 2029

Okay, this is where the fun begins. It is only April of 2029. A team of corporate explorers from further east, appalled by the cataclysm that occurred here over the last year, decided to launch their own cleansing raid. Backed by a few Illinoisan troop units, the corporates launched their own raid upon Helena. They received the support of the Chicagoan government, which declared a small-scale war on the government of Montana-Wyoming in Helena in order to coup it. Illinois and the troop units won the war and cleaned out most of the raiders. The Illinoisan government backed out while the trooper units decided to make a compromise with the remaining raiders. They established a libertarian conservative capitalist government in this compromise, as well as banning all abortion procedures west of the 110th degree of longitude to the west. It was already June 2029 at this point. Two college graduates, Afunhumaninter (who studied and graduated college in Michigan even after the collapse), Crishoh Achtoel (who studied and graduated college in California), and JoeyFloppa (who studied and graduated college in Florida) were three honorary figures who came to Helena with the movement and helped greatly with the raid (except Crishoh Achtoel, he was mainly an observer). A vote was held whether Montana should fuse with Greater Illinois at this point or not. It was nearly a tie, and Crishoh Achtoel managed to convince enough people to become sovereign rather than fuse with Illinois (he had a general disdain of the Illinoisan government as a whole). On 16 June, 2029 (yes, it was scheduled to happen then), Montana-Wyoming was declared sovereign from Greater Illinois, and the state renamed to just Montana (from Montana-Wyoming). This day is a national holiday in Montana even to this day. Over the next few days, some of these three people's friends entered the high positions within the Helenan government while many individuals from the evangelical, Austrian-school, and anti-authoritarian movements (some remnants of the old raiders as well as Illinoisan immigrants) began filling lower-level seats and internships within the government. Afunhumaninter, Joeyfloppa, and Crishoh Achtoel became president, vice president, and house speaker of the Montanan government, respectively.

Late 2029-2035

Since Crishoh Achtoel was distinct from Afun and Joey in the respect that he opposed the Illinoisan institution east, he has normally opposed many of the founding philosophies of Greater Illinois, such as efficiency and order. From 2030 onward there have been talks of a west-east split. Just east of Billings, a backup capital was constructed in case of a West/East schism. Many small roads, including US-2 and US-12, were and are continuing to be upgraded to controlled-access freeways (this process keeps happening as population increases). The Western Montanans were in favor of open expression, aesthetics over functionality, and strict environmentalism; they preferred many of Crishoh Achtoel's policies compared to those of Afun and JoeyFloppa. On the other hand, the Eastern Montanans, heavily influenced by Greater Illinois and the LFA, were industrialized very quickly. These people supported lenient environmentalism, social norms against general slow social development and transgenderism, and functionality over aesthetics; these people were more in support of Afun and Joey than of Crishoh Achtoel. This cultural divide widened with the ever-accelerating rate of technological advencement, the influence of Greater Illinois and LFA on the east (especially near I-90 and I-94), and the sharp apparent disappearance of ruralism as a lifestyle.

Since 2035

The future has never looked brighter for Montana and its allies since then. Major breakthroughs in fusion and space travel technology have been made. Trillion-dollar enterprises reached the level of prominence that they are known for. Cheyenne was reformed. The western border was reinforced. Interstate 90 was widened. Alaska's prowess was weakened in their competition against Helion in an effort to keep using Shell Corps. as their tool for taking over the world. Southern California, Germany, Minnesota, and New Queensland are ascending through the same means Montana and LFA initially ascended just a decade earlier. The American Reunification Initiative Arctic quantum supercomputer was erected. Proxima Centauri and TRAPPIST-1 were explored by humankind for the first time. The global asteroid mining industry reached sixteen figures of collective worth. The percentage of flat-earth activists residing in the nation dropped by 75%. Madagascar and Indonesia were pacified.

With such advancements in technology made within Montana (and even more when you take all of ARI and Byzantium into the picture) have come numerous conspiracy theories. The 2039(-2040) eco-terrorism outbreaks in the East rattled the attention of industrial society. Other states, like Colorado and Illinois, secretly buffed their border security in an attempt to prevent the same thing from happening to them. Many districts and cities with large numbers of factory farms or abattoirs were flooded with military personnel. About 6-8 terrorism kingpins, treasonous actors, and major [REDACTED] were uncovered and sentenced to hanging.

Advanced CRISPR/Gene Editing

Genetic modification within Montana is extremely common. Over 99% of foods are grown GMOs, but pesticides are used less frequently than in modern America. GMOs are used to make plants insect resistant, vitamin-rich, larger during harvest season, and to perform many functions stated here (some plants are made simply to create toxic chemicals en masse, e.g. resiniferatoxin).

The most genetically modified organisms in Montana are farm animals. Cows, pigs, and chickens are mostly (if not all) genetically modified organisms. They may result in an increase in flavorants in meat, naturally produced vitamins, or even larger size (plus all the hormones). These genomes are top-secret within Montana, and only select countries or states (looking at you, Greater Illinois) possess copies of them.

As of 2035, Montana has engineered into existence bacteria capable of accelerated photosynthesis, converting some metal oxides into oxygen, and even producing specific chemicals from their components.

Asteroid Spectroscopy

The Republic of Montana has special telescopes placed into orbit around the Earth in order to scan distant asteroids in the inner asteroid belt using laser spectroscopy. With this, the spacecraft can determine the composition of the asteroids, and sell the information to asteroid miners (specifically to Greater Illinois) and collect large commissions from them (usually anywhere from 1% to 10%), earning Montana hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars.

Montana has been a leading producer of platinum and palladium, until the genesis of asteroid mining and spectroscopy.

Research into Energy

Even though Montana is powered by nuclear fusion based on the 1H/4He process (proton chain fusion), there have been research projects dedicated to harvesting energy from triple-alpha, quadruple-alpha, and quark fusion. Even seemingly magical or mystical methods are being researched into their validity with the intention of harvesting magic.

Space Program

As the Montanan/ARI empire gets ever larger, the advancements on other planets have boomed in prominence and number. With the recent news of the American (fully self-sustaining) colony being formed in space, the Montanan influence has expanded with it, as they are a portion of the new colony. They have at least a small presence on anywhere between 70 and 98 percent of bodies 200 kilometers and larger within the orbit of Eris. Montana has exceptionally strong and notable (and even self-sustaining) colonies on a few bodies. Let us look at them.

  • Earth's Moon. As this is one of the first celestial bodies an Earthling will take control of and see, it is just practical to explore and talk about this one first. The Moon base was one of the first bases to be made, and there are many large storehouses of asteroid-mined minerals there. The escape velocity there is relatively low (just a little under 3 kilometers per second) meaning that a spacecraft launch from the Moon would be significantly cheaper than one from Earth or Mars. The ARI base there is only 28% owned by Montana with the other 72% being (mostly) Greater Illinois and Byzantium. The Moon base has tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Montanans living on it. The base is worth trillions of dollars in itself and is visible from even 1,000 kilometers above the lunar surface. It is one of the three celestial bodies to have animal processing/production facilities. There are approximately 40 artificial habitats in orbit around the Moon that are at least 40% owned by Montana. The outposts are powered by nuclear fusion from the hydrolysis of the lunar ice at the poles.
  • Mars. Mars is obviously another major checkpoint in human space colonization. With a mediocre escape velocity, prices for launching off are somewhat higher than that of leaving the Moon but less than that of leaving Earth. The outposts are primarily composed of researchers and astrobiologists studying the conditions needed for any form of extremophile life to survive on the unadulterated, unprotected, and cold Martian surface. The planet has about 125 artificial habitats in orbit around it that are at least 40% Montana-owned. There are about 12,500 Montanans on Mars. Some of the artificial habitats have factory farms and abattoirs inside for supplying meat to the colony.
  • Ceres. Montana has put an unusually large effort into the Ceres colony. As a major outpost in the Inner Asteroid Belt, the Ceres colony is a rapidly growing, highly developed, and lucrative business. Nearly 80 PPM of the colony is owned by stock-holding individuals. The colony is an astonishing 60% Montana-owned, with 35% being owned by Illinois and 5% being owned by Byzantium. The Ceres colony is, save the lack of metals on the planet, fully self-sustainable. It has over 250,000 members and 15 artificial habitats orbiting it. These habitats are dedicated to meat production as well as human habitation with the purpose of emulating Earth-like gravity with centripetal forces. The base alone is becoming more and more self-sufficient, it may even become a mini-me of the extant ARI space colony. Since Ceres has much water and ammonia ice, these can be cracked with the purpose of gathering hydrogen for nuclear fusion plants to power the colonies. The colony takes advantage of vertical crop farming in order to feed the populace, produce oxygen from CO2, and feed the animals, which have been CRISPR'd to grow in an extremely short timeframe, similar to broiler chickens.
  • Europa. Europa is a weird one. Both Byzantium and Illinois have a large joint presence with Montana here, as Montana owns only 40% of the colony. There is a fuckton (aka literally the entire planet at this point) of water ice here to crack and fuse, just like clockwork. Europa is a top provider of condensed liquified hydrogen fuel, an industry worth hundreds of billions of dollars at this point. Oxygen is also in no short supply. The colony has thousands of members. The colony once broke into two, with the auxiliary colony having only about 700 members (all Western Montanans). Crop growing even exists here, just not factory farming (not just yet.) There are about five artificial habitats orbiting here.
  • Titan. The methane capital of the solar system nvm that title belongs to Uranus. Titan's colony is able to generate large amounts of helium, elemental carbon, and fusion energy. Food is grown, water is harvested, and ships take off.
  • Venus. Now this is a bit sci-fi-ish, but whatever. You're reading Montana's page right now, not Puerto Rico's or North Germany's. Venus has a surface pressure of 92 atmospheres and a surface temperature of 480 degrees Celsius, hotter than any Solar System object save the sun. Large floating cities, preferably interlinked prisms, will float about 50 kilometers, an altitude at which the dense carbon atmosphere of Venus is as low as Earth's surface atmospheric pressure. Thus, standard Terran air acts like a lifting gas in the thick carbon Gehenna that is Venus's atmosphere. The current setup on Venus holds 80,000 residents, and the colony produces food and water. Water is either brought to the colony or mined from the small concentration of it in the Venusian atmosphere. Since the upper Venusian atmosphere contains a significant amount of sulfuric acid vapor, that can be cracked into sulfur trioxide and water, the latter of which can either be consumed or cracked further for nuclear fusion. If it is economically feasible, sulfur trioxide can be cracked further into sulfur dioxide/elemental sulfur, providing the habitats with oxygen.
  • Proxima Centauri b. Greater Solar System jokes aside, Proxima Centauri b is one of the closest exoplanets to the Solar System, clocking in at 4.3 light years (40.7 trillion km) from the Sun. This exoplanet orbits a red dwarf star, Proxima Centauri (also one of the closest stars to Earth, save for the sun). Some warp technologies built with the collaboration of the entire ARI may have been built with the ability to travel at 520 c, traversing the distance to the star in slightly over three days. The P Centauri b colony is 18% owned by Montana. This colony is intentionally self-sufficient, as the distance to the star is hundreds of thousand of times greater than any interplanetary distance within the Solar System. More advanced triple-/quadruple-alpha fusion or quark fusion may be used to generate the vast quantities of power needed to power such a colony in the case of a lack of hydrogen or water. Water may be present on the planet. The number of colonists is numbering in the thousands at this point.
  • TRAPPIST-1: Montana, Greater Illinois, and Byzantium made a joint effort slightly over two months ago to travel all of the way from the solar system to TRAPPIST-1 using an Alcubierre drive capable of traversing the journey in slightly over one month. There are hundreds of small Alcubierre probes inside, which would be launched one-by-one, each one having an effective capacity of 100 kg; this could transmit small physical objects (like rocks) and information five hundred times the speed of radio waves. There are about 7,500 colonists in this mission to TRAPPIST-1. They will split into three (ideally) self-sustaining groups on planets TRAPPIST-1d, f, and h. The colonies are powered by both hydrogen-helium and quark fusion reactors. All reports from the colony will take slightly over a month (using 8:1 chronology) to reach Earth, so reports from the colony will be considered one month outdated at arrival. Before the first trip to the TRAPPIST-1 system, knowledge about the system (mostly derived from Byzantium's Jerry Ehman probe) was used to CRISPR into existence microbes capable of making the planet(s) more habitable, some being used for terraforming plans that may be easier than terraforming Mars. The major TRAPPIST-1 report is posted below:
Major TRAPPIST-1 report:

As the first Alcubierre capsule have returned from the settlement on TRAPPIST-1, it has carried about 86 kilograms of rock samples, data storage, and biological samples obtained from the settlement. It contains:

    • 52 kilograms in samples presumed to be from the the alien race on planet TRAPPIST-1e
    • 6.5 kilograms rock/ice samples from TRAPPIST-1h
    • 6.2 kilograms rock/volatile samples from TRAPPIST-1f
    • 2.5 kilograms rock/water samples from TRAPPIST-1d
    • 450 grams rock samples from TRAPPIST-1c
    • 15 kilograms condensed atmospheric samples from TRAPPIST planets 1d, 1e, and 1f
    • 2.9 kilograms biomatter from TRAPPIST-1d
    • 260 grams organic compounds and volatiles from TRAPPIST-1f
    • a compact, filled 1700TB date storage unit weighing nearly 150 grams, containing thousands of pictures, files, readings, videos, documents, and similar files
    • The number of colonists is at 7,535 colonists. About 71% of them are currently on TRAPPIST-1f.
    • The following new findings have been made:
      • TRAPPIST-1h has a small moon with a mass about 350 times less than itself. It is rich in sulfur, metalloids, silicate compounds, and certain metals. The moon is also tidally locked and has an orbital period of 18.4 hours.
      • TRAPPIST-1d has microbial life, including organisms analogous to prokaryotes on Earth. Their level of evolution resembles what was present on Earth about two billion years ago. The planet is tidally locked.
      • TRAPPIST-1b is a highly metallic/rocky planet with no volatiles present. It receives an extremely large dose of radiation and heat from its parent star, and it is tidally locked. It has mainly silicate-based rock and some metals.
      • TRAPPIST-1c has been found to contain silicate compounds, some post-transition metals, metalloids, and multiple period 4 transition metals. Period 5 transition metals, most notably cadmium, have been found in trace amounts. The planet is analogous to the planet Mercury as it can reach temperatures over 135 Celsius on the perpetually-lit side. The planet has no significant amount of atmosphere. It is tidally locked. It has a surface gravity of about 10.6 meters per second squared, and it is slightly larger and heavier than Earth is.
      • TRAPPIST-1d is found to be covered in liquid water (with some ice on the perpetually dark side) and a small magnetic field about 12.9% as strong as that of Earth's. The life here mainly lives by photosynthesizing the carbon dioxide in its atmosphere into oxygen. The atmosphere was found to be composed of 80% carbon dioxide, 11% nitrogen, 5% oxygen, 3% water vapor, and 1% other gases while having a surface atmospheric pressure of approximately 3.2 bar. The planet is, again, tidally locked.
      • TRAPPIST-1f, a planet comparable in size to Earth, has been found to have a few small oceans of ammonia and water (about 89% of which is ammonia) on its surface. Ammonia, water vapor, nitrogen, and trace oxygen/carbon dioxide/hydrogen cyanide have been detected in its atmosphere; it has a pressure of about 9.82 bar. The planet has been found to have a weak magnetic field about 21% as strong as that on Earth. The planet's oceans are colored blue due to the high concentrations of metals dissolved in the ocean. Alkali and alkaline earth metals are present, as well as transitional and some post-transitional metals (most commonly from the third and fourth periods). Even though TRAPPIST-1f is a strategic checkpoint in the search for life based on an alternative solvent, life has not been found on the planet yet.
      • TRAPPIST-1g has been found to hold a rather thick atmosphere of oxygen, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Water and water ice are present on the planet, and it holds an atmosphere with nearly seventy bars of pressure. The planet is tidally locked.
      • TRAPPIST-1h has been found to have a thick metal-rich water ice shell, similar to Jupiter's moon Europa. It lacks a magnetic field and an atmosphere. This planet is also tidally locked. It also has some trace minerals and salts in its water supply, and it may have a silicate-based mantle and iron/nickel-based core.
      • The TRAPPIST-1 system has asteroids, but these asteroids are estimated to have a total cumulative mass about 0.007% of that of the moon. The asteroids here are rare and scarce, but they have some valuable minerals in them (to a lesser extent than the asteroids on Earth).
      • In summary, the system had more nitrogen than previously thought. It contains a relatively large amount of volatiles, and this is consistent with previous findings dating as far back as 2022.

What about the belts?

Artificial habitats are being built all of the time in the inner asteroid belt, and hundreds have been finished. They usually take the form of a Stanford torus with an interior similar to a cluster of geometrical cities (you'll read about those later).


Montana is the leading producer of concentrated capsaicin and resiniferatoxin in North America, using heavily genetically modified plants and chemical processes to produce ever-larger amounts of these chemicals in use for pepperspray and weaponry (and trading) than before at an ever-lower cost. Montana's gene-modification and weaponry production departments have genetically modified Euphorbia resinifera plants to increase per-mass resiniferatoxin production hundredfold. Manufacturing at most hundreds of tons of these chemicals per year, these chemicals are regularly traded in with partners such as Quebec and central Greater Illinois (who in turn trades it in with partners). While a jalapeno may have 9,000 chemical heat measures (or Scoville units), pure capsaicin ranks to approximately 16,000,000 units while pure resiniferatoxin ranks to approximately 16,000,000,000 units.

The Aesthetics Problem

The "Aesthetics Problem" is a nickname given to the governmental softban on the lack of a specified aesthetical design (with the exception of prisons) due to the passage of a specific bill from the House of Representatives; it was passed on 21 February, 2036. In other words, buildings are required to be aesthetically pleasing (to some extent). Most factories and industrial buildings are built with a brutalist aesthetic in order to keep the costs low. Most other buildings are built with aesthetics in mind (not completely, but are more aesthetically pleasing than let's say buildings in Chicago, IL). The "Aesthetics Problem" has slightly increased the cost of building and the cost of living, but innovators have managed to create aesthetically pleasing buildings that are mostly functional.

The Industrial Channel

The "Industrial Channel" is a portion of Interstates 90 and 65. The portion in I-90 starts in Bozeman, MT and goes to the junction with I-65 at Gary, IN. From there, the Industrial Channel will continue down to the interstate's junction with I-70 in Indianapolis, IN. The Channel has an extra lane on either side of the roadway (either that or the people are planning to build an extra lane on either side of the roadway, as it may not be finished). The Channel is notable for having many industrial centers, factory farms, airports, cheap aesthetically unpleasing homes, and abattoirs near it—shipment costs to Greater Illinois and the LFA are slightly lower. The northernmost 50 kilometers of Interstate 25 are surrounded by the robust Montanan industry sector.

The Vegan Problem

The "Vegan Problem" is a perceived problem in industrial areas near the Industrial Channel, where numerous factory farms and slaughterhouses are located. Many exits on industrial I-90 lead to slaughterhouses or factory farms, and these roads often face the issue of overcrowding by disruptive activists. Hostile architecture and surveillance have been implemented en masse to discourage the movement of these activists who intend on blocking the flow of traffic. Many factory farms and slaughterhouses are located near sheriff/police stations (or even military bases if they happen to be close to I-90) for this reason. In extreme cases, caravans of trucks and buses carrying animals for slaughter can be followed by teams of police cars.


English is the primary language of Montana, with 85% of residents having it as their first language. The Russian language is in running second, with 13% of the population having it as an L1 and 70% of those with a second language having it as an L2. Spanish, French, German, and Ukrainian are uncommon as L1's in Montana, with up to 20% having one of those four as second languages. English is the second language of 5% of those who have one. All official documents are written in English, even though both English and Russian are spoken in big meetings (the former is significantly more common for obvious reasons).

Over 98% of the population knows the Latin script (as used in English), with anywhere from 70% to 90% knowing the Russian Cyrillic script.

The Montanan accent is known for the ability to pronounce /ɨ/ and the ability to articulate /tʲ/, /dʲ/, and /sʲ/ mostly (but not completely) like a native Russian would; the average Montanan accent may struggle with /w/. The Montanan accent in the West may have a decreased ability to pronounce /w/ and an increased ability to make the /vʲ/, /bʲ/, and /pʲ/ sounds. On the other hand, the Montanan accent in the East may have a decreased ability to make the /ɨ/, /sʲ/, and /dʲ/ sounds, usually having little to no problem with /w/.

West vs East

There is a cultural divide between the western side of Montana and the eastern side of Montana. The West has a rather high concentration of Russian speakers while Russian is spoken less than average in the Eastern portion. Cost of living is approximately 30% higher in western Montana, as houses take longer to build and are costlier to build/repair.

The amount of effort put into aesthetically pleasing building within the Western Montana is often high, driving up costs and building times, even if the functionality of said building is impaired. Buildings built in Eastern Montana tend to be rather aesthetically unpleasing (most of them usually meet the bare minimum, except houses, which are more aesthetically pleasing than most buildings there), even though they usually have increased functionality. Buildings built in a strictly geometrical or even honeycomb-like manner are somewhat more common for non-residential buildings than in the West.

The rural lifestyle is a relatively major factor here in the West, with urban/industrial cities being uncommon (just somewhat less common than in the east but whatever). Ruralism and ranch life are virtually nonexistent in the east, with over 99% of the meat produced by the East being raised in factory farms. The attempted violent crime rate is nearly 60% higher here than in the West, even though police and military being very common.

60% of damage costs from extreme weather events are in Western Montana, while factory-related diseases and deaths are nearly three times as prevalent in the east.

Suburbs, upper-class neighborhoods, lower-class neighborhoods, and industrial centers are found in both halves of Montana. Suburbs are equally common in both halves, as are upper- and lower-class neighborhoods.

Ethical veganism, vegan activism, and violent animal rights protests are all more common in the East than in the West. Nonviolent animal rights protesters, seventh-day Adventists, and dietary vegans are more common in the West.

The space in between Western and Eastern Montana (Midwestern Montana) is the least population-dense area in Montana. Many land-based telescopes and military bases, as well as ranches, exist here, due to how relatively desolate it is. There are no urban cities here, as this is the northern end of the rocky mountains (pretty much). Suburbs are rare to find.


Since the early 2030s, there has been talk of a West-East schism due to conflicting interests between model politicians and subregions of Montana. A hypothetical schism would result in all land east of the 110°W longitudinal demarcation line belonging to East Montana (under the government of New Cheyenne); the land west of the line would belong to West Montana, based in Helena. East Montana would stay as a close trade partner of GI, and it would be run by Afun and JoeyFloppa as president and VP. On the other hand, West Montana would be run by Crishoh Achtoel and Toru Kitakaze as president and vice president, respectively. Western Montana may or may not break away from the ARI, breaking away from which would break their ties with Greater Illinois and the LFA. Even though this is somewhat unlikely, Western and Eastern Montana would still be distinct socio-economic and cultural groups anyway.


Even though much of Montanan industry is built near highways, sometimes megalopolises are built. Both West and East Montana have metropolises, except that they are built for very different purposes. They are simply large clusters of highly developed cities that aren't confined to the eight kilometers away from some bigass road like I-90 or some shit.

In Western Montana, megalopolises are usually large clusters of suburban, semi-urban, and urban cities, with geometric cities being rare. The Western megalopolises are usually commercial and residential, with businesses being built with aesthetics in mind. Some of the aesthetics may include Victorian or Renaissance-era architecture as well as dark academia. Functionality is rarely top priority over in the West. Greater Helena is an example of this.

On the other hand, Eastern Montanan megalopolises feature residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. Geometrical cities may or may not be common here. Aesthetics are nearly completely mitigated, only keeping a bare minimum to comply with national laws. New Cheyenne is an example of this.

Montana is broken up into sixty-six districts, which are just small county-like divisions. One district may have one city or multiple cities. They are marked from 01 to 66, smaller numbers being farther up north/west and larger numbers being farther down south/east. Each district has its own capital city (D16-Missoula, D28-New Cheyenne, D39-Buffalo, etc.), with the capital of D17 being Helena, which is also the main capital of the entire Montanan state.

District List
  1. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  2. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  3. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  4. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  5. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  6. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  7. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  8. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  9. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  10. District Seat City: Sidney; Largest City: Leninolyovsk;
  11. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  12. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  13. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  14. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  15. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  16. District Seat City: Missoula; Largest City: Missoula;
  17. District Seat City: Helena; Largest City: Helena;
  18. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  19. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  20. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  21. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  22. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  23. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  24. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  25. District Seat City: Butte; Largest City: Butte;
  26. District Seat City: Bozeman; Largest City: Bozeman;
  27. District Seat City: Billings; Largest City: Billings;
  28. District Seat City: New Cheyenne; Largest City: New Cheyenne;
  29. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  30. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  31. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
  32. District Seat City:; Largest City:;
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  65. District Seat City: Cheyenne; Largest City: Kolosevera;
  66. District Seat City:; Largest City:

Some notable megalopolises will be listed below.

Helionic Bozeman (D26)

Renovated Bozeman

Bozeman has been expanded from a mere 49.5 km2 to approximately 65 km2 Industrialists moved here as well in large amounts before the rush to fill up the Billings/New Cheyenne area. Bozeman was the first Montanan city to switch to deuterium (and eventually basic hydrogen) fusion for at least 80% of its energy supply.

The Megalopolis

The Bozeman megalopolis is an approximately 8,000 km2 area approximately centered on Bozeman. Finished in 2038, this was the first megalopolis to be raised in the new Montanan Territory. Since a large number of small cities and towns were already there, they were all expanded to fit the entire megalopolis. They were fused into a series of larger cities. Bozeman, Belgrade, and Livingston are not renamed. New Sky, a small city near the edge of the megalopolis, is considered a part of the megalopolis, and its name was not changed. Manhattan was merged into Belgrade. There are a total of 11 cities in the megalopolis, being:

  • Bozeman (Бозман)
  • Belgrade (Белград)
  • Livingston (Ливингстон)
  • Clarkson-Lombard (Кларксон-Ломбард)
  • New Sky (Новое Небо)
  • Hoffman (Хоффман)
  • Red Bluff (Красный Блеф)
  • Patterson (Паттерсон)
  • Sedan (Седан)
  • Harrison (Харрисон)
  • Voston (Востон)

Geometric cities are spread around the megalopolis as they are very common. There are close to 8,000 of them in total throughout the megalopolis. With a population of slightly over 7.85 million, the megalopolis has a combined GDP of nearly $4.9 trillion.

Major Arterial Roadways: Secondary Highways 600-619

The map of Greater Helionic Bozeman. Subject to updates.

Since this megalopolis is like an orb (and not a long strip out in the middle of nowhere), there will be no centralized highway. The highways are secondary highways ranging from S-600 to S-619. There is also one other highway, S-60C, but that will not be discussed later. The odd-numbered highways will go from north-south, and the even-numbered ones will go from east-west. Highways numbered with multiples of 5 minus 1 are large freeways (S-604/609/614/619). Numbers increase for highways situated more east or north. S-60C is a freeway with no terminals; it is simply one large circle.

New Cheyenne (D28)

New Cheyenne, the City

New Cheyenne is a major city 18 km east of Billings. This city is a large hub for industry, including Montana's weapons industry and housing industry. The city has a few suburbs for housing and general suburban life. Hexagonally-shaped (or honeycomb) buildings are a major sight in New Cheyenne. Large quantities of hostile architecture are utilized in places, especially around abattoirs and inside geometrical cities.

New Cheyenne is a primarily corporate project that was thought of for the purpose of having one large industry-oriented and technology-oriented region in the eastern section of Montana. The city has the largest population of any one city in Montana (about 6.67M, with Bozeman, Devyanostopol, and Butte coming in 2nd-4th). It will even serve as a backup capital for Montana in the case of a West-East schism; the governmental area and backup capitol are only about 4.2 km north of the S-581/S-580 junction. It occupies the entire triangle of I-90, I-94, and MT-47, making an area of slightly more than 1,355 km2, boasting nearly twelve times the area of Billings in 2023 (or about eight times greater than the large urban metropolises immediately built by Montanan corporations post-collapse). It is only slightly larger than Los Angeles by area, per 2023.

New Cheyenne is also more dense and tightly packed than most cities in Montana. This is what makes the city different from most cities of the era when it was first theorized.

New Cheyenne, the Megalopolis

Okay, here is the fun part. Other cities are being built between MT 47 and MT 59 by these large corporations. When the megalopolis is fully built, it will have an area of over 13,000 km2, being made up of many cities (and being ten times bigger than New Cheyenne itself) once the 16 component cities are done being built. Roads already exist in these areas, but they will be insufficient when the cities are fully built. There will even be military bases within this area. Just like in New Cheyenne, hostile architecture will be present en masse.

This megalopolis itself is projected to be finished between 2042 and 2075. It is projected to have enough homes for tens if not hundreds of millions of people. It will be visible from space during the day. Suburbs will be present in pockets within the urban landscape, but the rural parts will be fully removed from this area.

The following cities will be apart of the megalopolis:

  • Devyanostopol (Девяностополь)
  • Arctus-Schelmus (Арктус-Щелмус)
  • Webster (Вебстер)
  • Henderson (Хендерсон)
  • Novolov (Новолов)
  • Derelikterius (Дереликтериус)
  • Zhopolov (Жополов)
  • Svernistopol (Свернистополь)
  • Novolog-Alga (Новолог-Алга)
  • Shveristov (Шверистов)
  • Welmerus (Велмерус)
  • Ulstera (Улстэра)
  • Moralenyy (Мораленый)
  • Yektoniy (Ектоний)
  • New Cheyenne (Нью-Шайенн)
  • Seviergorod (Севергород)

Arterial Highway: Secondary Route 580

A general street map of New Cheyenne and the megalopolis. Subject to updates.

The new highway, S-580, serves as one of the city's main arterial roadways, with its western terminus on I-94 (at a spot in Yellowstone County ~12 km from its own western terminus with I-90) and its eastern terminus on MT-59 in Custer County (54.6 km north of its intersection with US 212). The highway has a full length of 211.48 kilometers. Rider Rd. (or road 85 on a map), a road that S-580 goes through, is upgraded to the same lane count and freeway status as S-580 itself; this renovated section is about 1.61 km long. From here, it intersects with MT-47, about 6.5 km north of its own southern terminus at I-90. The section of the highway in New Cheyenne (from I-94 to MT-47) will be approximately 57.27 km long. S-580 is 8+ lanes wide (four or more lanes per direction, and it has a speed limit of 110 kph (only 100 kph on its easternmost 3 km). There are no traffic lights on the S-580 freeway itself; all intersections are built using ribbon-like sets of off-ramps and interchanges. S-580 (Rus: Второе Шоссе 580, В-580) is built to be completely bilingual as all of its signs accommodate both English and Russian languages with equal font sizes with no exception.

The highway has many spur routes to serve different cities. For example, all secondary highways 581 to 599 are designated New Cheyenne highways. Odd numbers are generally north-south highways while even numbers are generally west-east highways; the numbers get larger for more northern or eastern highways. They take the form of freeways and large limited-access highways.

Greater Helena (D17)

Greater Helena, a West Montanan megalopolis, isn't as industrialized or densely packed as others like New Cheyenne or Helionic Bozeman, but it boasts a large Japanese/Russian culture-base as well as an aesthetics-first approach to construction. Fish consumption culture, anime/weeb culture, and Eastern Slavic culture are the three largest facets of the local culture of this region. The main city of Helena itself may be the least anime-cultured city in the entire complex. The megalopolis is also known for its unusually high concentration of anime; many of these people take vacations to the coasts of Southern California simply to scuba-dive and explore the beaches there.

Renovated Helena

Renovated Helena is somewhat larger than it is normally. Helena and East Helena have been fused into one large city. Helena has been somewhat renovated to have a Japanese-esque aesthetic. Helena, Montana, as you should know, is the national capital of the Montanan State, even before the collapse. The capitol building in Helena has been renovated as to have more colored lights and even a large glass-covered light-up pool with fountains. Even though geometrical cities are rare in the megalopolis, there is a large cylindrical one in the proximity of Helena with a radius of 100 meters and a height of 400 meters (50 floors); it is also called the Steel Pillar of Helena.

Greater Helena

Most of the small census districts and cities have been fused into larger cities, few of them retaining their original names. There are a total of 9 cities in the megalopolis. The area of the megalopolis is approximately 10,000 km2, or about eight times larger than Los Angeles. It has a combined population of 6.18 million residents. The following cities will compose the megalopolis:

  • Helena (Хелена)
  • Townsend (Таунсенд)
  • White Sulphur Springs (Источники Белой Серы)
  • Yuzhno-Zapadno (Южно-Западно)
  • Tsentropol (Центрополь)
  • Nebulichairovich (Небуличайрович)
  • Wasanabo (Уасанабо)
  • Mili-Pilakata (Мили-Пилаката)
  • Hooker (Хукер)

Arterial Roadways: Secondary Routes 620-639

Map of Greater Helena. Subject to updates.

The megalopolis follows a scheme similar to those of other megalopolises when it comes to highway numbering. Even though the megalopolis is undoubtedly large, there are only two highways that are so large as to be comparable to a road like I-90 or S-580; these highways are S-624 and S-636. Every highway, except for S-638 and S-621, are fully bilingual with both English and Russian on sings for the whole length of the roads with equal font sizes.

Northeastern Loop (D10)

Many cities in the Northeastern section of Montana were census districts but really they were just small towns. Many of them were fused together into distinctive large cities. The entire megalopolis except for Cerkovisk, Semirivisk, and Bjuliresht is mostly if not fully built. This megalopolis is inhabited by upwards of 15 million people as it was one of the first megalopolises built. It has a collective area of 24,300 km2. The megalopolis is composed of the following 22 cities:

  • Plentywood (Плентивуд)
  • Scobey-Vpernisch (Скобей-Впернищ)
  • Lebanistovol (Лебанистовол)
  • Sidney (Сидни)
  • Nakota (Накота)
  • Bjuliresht (Бьюлирешт)
  • Denmeath (Денмит)
  • Interquest (Интерквест)
  • New Detroit (Нью-Детройт)
  • Ebrachester (Эбрачестер)
  • Timaversk (Тимаверск)
  • Leninolyovsk (Ленинолёвск)
  • Semirivisk (Семиривиск)
  • Dvadcepol (Двадцеполь)
  • Tretiyem (Третием)
  • Giloroshev (Гилорошевь)
  • Cerkovisk (Церковиск)
  • Morolokhovich (Моролохович)
  • Jamerov-Urukata (Ямеров-Уруката)
  • Ariloshev (Арилошев)
  • Hampshire (Хэмпшир)
  • Quebec (Квебек)

Internal Transport System

The Northeastern Loop.

Since this particular megalopolis is so large, it already has multiple highways running through it. Many spurs will be built for the purposes of accommodating the new living spaces and cities. MT-16, MT-5, MT-200, I-94, and US-2 are the most major and well-known freeway routes here.

Our Opinions on Animal Cruelty

The Manifesto

AES-256 ECB. This is one block of text.


Bartonian Movement

The Bartonian movement is a Christian religious movement that originated in western Montana.

The Bartonian movement, founded by Alexander Bartone, is a Protestant Christian fundamentalist religious movement that emerged out of the Seventh-day Adventist church in 2028. It started as a group of ethical vegans within the Adventist church (a denomination that usually supports vegetarianism) that assimilated many fundamentalist points to explain the American Collapse, including blaming the events on the abortion industry and the acceptance of LGBT. Later in 2028, the movement officially split off from the Adventist church, led by Bartone himself. The movement helped form the Party for National Revival in 2028; it was later banned in 2034. Even with the party banned, the Bartonian movement lives on.

Bartonian theology is (obviously) very similar to seventh-day Adventism. It supports ethical veganism as opposed to just vegetarianism (maybe not as far as PETA but same idea). The movement is also notoriously anti-LGBT, stating that sodomy should be recriminalized as a felony. The movement isn't as anti-abortion as many pulpit fundamentalists are. The movement also approves of the use of violence in some situations. Some sects within movement also see Greater Illinois and Indonesia as joint manifestations of the beast mentioned in Revelation 17 (Ofc the Pope is the false prophet, they're revisionist Adventists so...). It also supports the enforcement of File:Anticambrian.png recent creationism in public and even private schools. It also believes that Sunday worship is a sign of Catholic infiltration and that Saturday is the only valid day to worship on.

An estimated ~12,500 people follow Bartonian theology. It has been described by many people as a cult within Christianity. Loose connections have been found between the 2000-man slaughterhouse raid and the Bartonian movement.

What about LGBT rights?

Ironically, Montana is more accepting of LGBT rights than Afun or Joey themselves. Marriage is not recognized in the law, but it is a status assigned by large companies. The only exception to this is for high-up individuals in the government (in terms of classifying first/second/third ladies and gentlemen), where same-sex marriages are considered valid. All unions are considered legal. One is allowed to change their gender or perform hormone replacement/surgery at strictly ages 18 and up (puberty blocker restrictions depend on the district). Even though Montana is relatively inclusive to LGBT people more than expected, there are specific groups that are strongly looked down upon. The Montanan furry controversy has caused many members of the furry fandom to leave the country. And then there are those three specific groups of individuals that have been nearly universally condemned by the entire country and denied the status of LGBT.

Newest Megaprojects

"Geometrical Cities"

Many of the buildings in New Cheyenne (and a few found in other cities or just along major roads) are geometrically connected in the form of a triangular grid, square grid, hexagonal grid, or a grid of any repeating pattern. These buildings may be standalone buildings or may be massive tall habitats. These tall habitats may be tens (or even hundreds) of meters wide/tall and are built out functionally advantageous and strong materials. Support poles exist inside of the buildings (obviously). These buildings could house living spaces with the same area found in a middle-class house. Each building usually has anywhere from a few to dozens of floors, each one six to eight meters tall. This gives ample space for supports, housing, and business to be built on the inside. The companies that build these often take commissions from whoever/whatever inhabits these massive buildings.

The ground floor is often a massive parking garage that has a small outway to a road or street. Large elevators, water pipes, electrical wires, and ethernet cables run down the middle of the building near its widest support beam. Buildings not fully dedicated to commercial use are usually somewhat spaced to allow the building of small backyards and balconies. Higher floors are smaller than lower floors in order to keep the building from collapsing; thus, residential spaces on higher floors will have larger balconies than lower ones (and the view is also good if there isn't just another building; also, costs are higher up here).

The buildings are somewhat wider at the bottom than at the top. The construction procedures have costed significantly less than they have in the past. The materials used to make the supporting beams (some of them up to meters in diameter) and the external supports are very erosion-resistant and expansion-resistant as well as (relatively) cheap materials mined from outer space. Platinum and iridium are used for the coating of external supports while titanium and heavily reinforced steel are used for the support. Of course the buildings aren't completely hexagonal as they have some efforts put into making them aesthetically pleasing to look at (as compared to just raw metallic bars and beams spiking a hundred meters into the sky). Aesthetical accommodations (like wood and bricks) are usually at most one meter thick, resting on the metallic and cemented supports that give the buildings their durability and functionality.

"Geometrical cities" are often heated and lit to a certain extent (but not too much as to avoid increasing the maintenance costs). Lighting is usually in sync with the outside day/night cycle, using photoelectric nodes to determine day and night.

Geometrical cities are often built in clusters; this is often the reason they are built in shapes that are able to make repeating patterns. Roads may wind between the individual buildings. Each "geometric city" is simply a large prism with a specific cross-sectional shape. The shape is usually a regular polygon, and that will most likely be either a triangle, a square, or a hexagon. Hexagons are the most resource-efficient shape, as less wall material and less road are needed per unit area. In fact, circles are the most efficient shapes in this context, but they cannot be tessellated without the use of stars. Squares are able to make "blocks" out of roads, having one intersection at the shared corner of any two square buildings. Triangles are a strong shape, and they can resist wind and extreme weather events (e.g. tornadoes) somewhat better than the other shapes. Triangular buildings are often used on the borders of clusters of "geometrical cities" for this reason.

The base of each geometric city is often at least 10 meters (for one-lane streets, some areas have two-lane streets, making it 20 meters) away from the neighboring geometric city in order to ensure the passage of roads. The distance is usually the number of lanes times 5 meters. Left-turn lanes are often not present in clusters of geometrical cities. If no road passes between any two geometrical cities, they can often be as close as 2 meters together.

Now you may ask, where the hell are these places? A large number of them are built and being built in the growing town of New Cheyenne. One of the largest suburbs south of downtown New Cheyenne, Zeus (yes, a city named after a Greek god), has a string of square-column geometric cities approximately 2.4 kilometers long and 80 meters thick near Henderson Blvd. (a large S-580 spur that continues south of I-90, named after none other than the president of Greater Illinois himself, also a northern expansion of S-418). There is a small cluster of about twenty 50-meter-edged hexagonal geometric cities in Bozeman as well as an isolated cylindrical 100-meter-radius geometric city in Helena. The largest geometric city is dubbed the Monolith of New Cheyenne as it is a square geometric city that is over half a kilometer wide, and it isn't even done yet; this particular city will have a total of 40 7-meter floors as well as an internal drivable roadway. It is east of the city of New Cheyenne itself; it is only a few hundred meters off of the city's east border at MT-47, making it a part of the New Cheyenne Megalopolis. Of course these aren't the only places these structures are present.

Terraforming of Mars

Much of the CRISPR gene editing done on bacteria is primarily for the eventual purpose of terraforming Mars, which could be started at most 1000 years into the future. Teaming up with LFA, Greater Illinois, and (possibly) Byzantium, Mars will eventually be made a habitable world of its own that can allow a human to live on the surface without the use of a space suit. Mars will be used as a second habitable planet similar to Earth. It will have water, nitrogen, oxygen, (little) carbon dioxide, iron, and an agreeable atmospheric pressure. The planet may have artificial moons built in orbit around Mars (by then many artificial moons will be built around Earth and its moon).

On a side note, we are all unsure whether this is even truly possible, partially possible, or impossible to begin with.

Project Spherewash

See File:Mainjing.png Mainstream Idea Jingoism.

Project Spherewash is a corporate plan to deplatform and eventually eliminate (or "wash out") those who hold flat-Earth beliefs, geocentrism, alternative cosmology, and/or hollow-Earth beliefs across the entire world. The plan has been started, and the first phase is currently being rolled out.

The efforts of these companies will include the vast majority of megacorporations in pretty much every corner of the planet (even those not on good terms with Montana, e.g. Indonesia or Austria). The project will even involve the government of Greater Illinois and other authoritarian regimes to commit cultural genocide on flat-Earthers (besides Russophiles and furries).

National governments that resist Project Spherewash will face some corporate withdrawal and tight corporate sanctions. The goal of this project is to eliminate flat-Earth belief and geocentrism, remember?

Why does Corporate want to do something this great?

This operation is done due to how many flat-Earthers there are all over the world. Even though science education is going strong over here in Montana, other countries might not be as lucky. These flat-Earthers and geocentrists forge plans and schemas to stop large asteroid companies, forcing them to spend billions of dollars yearly in court cases thanks to how powerful large groups of flat-Earthers and geocentrists can be when it comes to libel and misinformation. In order to eliminate these obstacles, they elites, pretty much all billion-dollar corporations, some authoritarian governments, and pretty much every conventional science education agency have come together to devise a plan to eliminate this threat.

Even the vast majority of the populace of sphere-earth adherents are not completely sure whether the entire project should go underway or not. Only time will tell.

Phase 1: The Beginning of the End

Phase 1 is the first phase of Project Spherewash. It is planned to last about ten years, and it will start anytime from 2035 to 2040. In this case, social media will be funded large billions (especially by trillion-dollar asteroid-mining companies and industrial megacorporations) to prohibit the promotion of targeted belief systems across all social networks. Any resistance will be met with either intensive fact-checking, account terminations, or sitewide bans. Links to sites such as FES will be prohibited across sites. Advanced AI technology installed on websites will be used to clean bad posts or even ban users of social networks.

Phase 2: The End?

After social media companies crack down upon target belief systems, the next stage is the dissenters. "Free speech" social networks that have not succumbed to Project Spherewash in Phase 1 will be removed from the majority of search engines. Search engines (e.g. Google or Bing) will remove these links from their search engines. Internet service providers will block any sites that support flat-Earth theory (or even search engines that do not remove such links). The ISP system will be modified as to fully disconnect and isolate such individuals. Any protests, online or physical, will be met with staged forces from those participating in Project Spherewash. This phase is predicted to last anywhere from 20 to 80 years.

Public book-burning ceremonies and rituals will be held. Entire debates will be held between teams of conventional scientists and individual dissenters; they're specifically held in order to turn the wider populace against alt-cosmologies and flat-Earth theory. These debates are staged in order to give the scientists more ground than the flat-Earthers and alternative theorists. 24-hour (or even 48-hour) space trips will be held with anywhere up to a thousand people in each one in an attempt to show visible proof of a spherical Earth to those in it. Armed teams of evangelists (armed to defend themselves) will be sent to areas will abnormally large numbers of flat-Earthers and geocentrists.

Phase 3. The End.

Once phase 3 has been hit, there is no coming back. Once alternative cosmology has been pushed underground almost entirely, the job/housing/auto market will be targeted next. Those who publicly hold alternative cosmology as true will be prohibited from holding jobs with affected companies. Housing or auto will be prohibited for those who haven't given in at this point. Companies that have not succumbed will be removed from search lists. Landlords targeted will be required by contract to prohibit individuals who hold alt-cosmology systems (or even alt-cosmology-friendly businesses) to be true from holding businesses there. Individuals who hold alternative cosmologies will be prohibited from working at schools. Entire public schools will teach strictly conventional cosmologies, with dire penalties put in place against teachers or educators who resist.

Home- and private-schooled children will be targeted as well. Places where young children are held (typically ages 4-6) will face an intensive wave of indoctrination into mainstream cosmology in order to sharply decrease the chances of flat-Earthers being raised. Major news agencies by now will be egging on this wave of mass indoctrination of children as young as preschool age. All levels of schooling starting with kindergarten will have classes intended to saturate children with the conventional narrative of cosmology.

This stage could take up to 100 years to complete.

Phase 4: ???

After all is said and done, the complete removal of alternative cosmology will be performed by natural selection. Over the centuries and millennia that will elapse in the future, alternative beliefs will be washed out of even the underground, and natural selection will perform the bulk of the job of washing out these belief systems among those who still believe them at this point.

Conspiracy Problem

How is Montana complete without its own conspiracy theory problem? In the year 2039, conspiracy-based violence spiked and then started decreasing as many militant groups were sniffed out and exposed. Some of these I cannot post here in detail since they would violate the wiki rules, but you probably know what those will be about. The following are the main offenders.

Greater Illinois NWO/Antichrist

Greater Illinois and the ARI are the medium through which the NWO will be established, and President Bernard Henderson himself is the Antichrist.

GI Wisconsin's Tunnels

You can probably tell what this one will be about.

Animal Genocide

Montana's enormous meat industry is a joint attempt by both Montana and Greater Illinois to increase obesity and incompetence in all of America and the world.

Catholic Church - ARI Synthesis

Self-explanatory. Mainly posited by Seventh-day Adventists. The high numbers of factory farms built are built to provide food to the elites and help submit the global population to the Catholic church and the one world religion.


I90gate is a conspiracy theory that Interstate 90 serves as a transit route for much secretive and illegal activity at night. It also posited that the extremely high rate of traffic jams back in 2029 and 2030 were the result of the elites attempting to slow down population growth in Montana; this would allow the elites to perform their illegal duties above ground for longer.

The Collapse Paved the Way for the NWO

Self-explanatory. The collapses of Montana and the USA were pulled off to establish globalism in the world. The USA is seen as a threat to that plan, and ARI is a force of evil.

Geometric Cities Tunnels

Essentially, the geometric "cities" built are all over-ground protrusions of a massive network of tunnels, some of which lead all of the way to Illinois and Indiana. You already know what happens in the tunnels, no need to say.


PCBaller World - Montana - This template

  • Construction of the Devyanostopol Office of Ufology has been completed, and the new facility is up and running. This is a facility dedicated to the study of extraterrestrial and UFO phenomena, and this will push Montana and eventually the whole world forward technologically.
  • The construction of freeways and large ports has been finished off the coast of Western Canada, connecting all of the ARI (including many Communist nations in the vicinity) to the Pacific ports of the northern parts of North America. This will help to facilitate American commerce with Thailand and New Queensland without the need to pass through the Northwestern Imperium or Southern California (their ports are already busy). Since cargo shipment by boat is significantly cheaper than flying an equal amount of cargo by plane or spacecraft, this will be projected to cut costs for American goods in New Queensland as well as Australian goods in the ARI states.
  • David Kirtley, CEO of Helion, has made a press statement denouncing the "Truth or Trillions" movement as "perverse, primitive, and futile" yesterday on Fox News.
  • A rapid joint industrialization move has been made in New Queensland and Southern California. As the two states most similar to Montana in 2032 (just right before mass industrialization and ascension started), multiple industry sectors are slowly being upgraded at a fast rate through gradual acquisition by the few major corporate empires known to be headquartered in either Montana, the Northwestern Imperium, or Greater Illinois. Fossil fuel is slowly replaced with nuclear and quark fusion while geometric cities are being raised. Even though these megacorporate empires have at least a small presence in an estimated 90% of countries, the presences of the empires in some countries is far greater. Even some Byzantine megacorporate empires have stated their plans to make a contribution.
  • A new movement, named "Truth or Trillions", has begun to gain traction among midwestern and western Montanan residents. They claim to promote socialism and some ideas that generally contradict the narrative proposed by both the Montanan state and the trillion-dollar corporate empires headquartered here. They've been caught supporting multiple QAnon points, Holocaust distortion, and multiple conspiracy theories regarding the American Reunification Initiative, especially Montana and Greater Illinois. The movement, centered in Laurel, a major city in the Billings district, has announced that it has plans to move into Southern California, Greater Illinois, and New Queensland in an attempt to derail the industrialization and ascension processes despite not having that great of an impact on the society of Montana.
  • The border with the Northwestern Imperium has been finished and upgraded. This will help keep unwanted immigration at bay. There are also ultra-advanced border guards with weapons capable of unleashing enormous amounts of energy into targets; it is capable of heating them to hundreds of degrees Celsius at maximum output, given the target is about the size of a typical road vehicle. Even though this is rather small compared to the largest directed-energy weapons wielded by the military, it will suffice as a deterrent. These directed-energy weapons are mounted directly above all four entrance points in order to nearly instantly wipe any obvious intrusive force entering. Each entrance is powered by rapid and vigorous nuclear fusion plants that on normal uses, produce only 10% of their full power output (it will ramp up if the particle cannons are used). Large pull-up systems capable of lifting up to 20,000 kilograms per load are situated at major spots. Each entrance has a large military base at it with a continuous water supply capable of delivering over 900 liters per second (54 kL/min) at highest demand. There are also barbed wires on top, capable of delivering thousands of volts to the few who manage to climb over. The border is 502 km long, 12.5 meters high above ground, 3.5 meters deep underground, and up to 40 centimeters thick.
  • A team of refugee buses have been sent to Sequoyah in the case of a war. These buses will follow either the 40-55 route, the 70-25-90 route, or the 40-25-90 route.
  • All major Montanan corporations have withdrawn from Austria following the latest sanctions from across the ARI.
  • It has been determined that Helion has not fully acquired Shell Corps. as they are used by the Alaskan government to buy up other businesses. Many of these smaller businesses have been bought up by Tyson-Nestle and other ARI-based corporate empires. The executive teams of Helion and Shell as well as the government of Alaska will have a major meeting regarding the future of Shell at an undetermined time in the future.
  • The major corporate empires of Montana (Helion and TiCon mainly) have decided to drastically increase their presence in New Queensland and Germany. They are focusing on maximizing profit, going green, and technologically accelerating the population in the given areas. Geometrical cities, space missions, and commercialized nuclear fusion are the main things being brought to these two countries.
  • The Anthropomorphic Inclusion Organization of Montana said that it would be liquidating as the populace of Montana, specifically the people who live in the East, has expressed its growing antipathy towards the organization as a whole. The Organization was formed as a result of the numerous refugees fleeing Illinois to go to Montana as a refuge from hostility in the early 2030s. As hostility is rising in Montana, the chief executive of the organization said that it would finally be closing its doors. The executive team said the following in a press statement: "I encourage our former members to move to Western Canada, Colorado, or Europe as they are more inclusive to the furry fandom than Montana is. The ARI as a whole has become more hostile and exclusionary than it used to be to the furry fandom. We simply cannot keep going in Montana as our mission has proved to be a net negative for all of us involved."
  • Trade with Southern California has skyrocketed. Montanan megacorporations, including pre-collapse ones like SpaceX and Amazon, have made their plans to advance the region to a level or sophistication comparable to or near that of countries like Montana, Illinois, and Byzantium, although this may be somewhat harder to do than with the BosWash megalopolis. A portion of Montana's highly advanced military troops will enter the region, specifically the area near the country's border with the NWI. Those from Illinois are beginning to show interest in the region as well, but they have stated that advancement may be difficult due to the country's emphasis on religion.
  • With Madagascar split and the worm nation defeated, the original leaders has been exiled to Tuvalu. The northern section of the country was given to the PSNR while the southern portion went to both us and the Illinoisans. Tuvalu will have a close eye kept on their territory in order to ensure another worm incident like the last one never happens again. It is to be noted that this is not fully certain at this time.
  • A superhuman testing center has been constructed at the border of Devyanostopol and New Cheyenne, both of the 28th district. It uses a pulley system with a mechanical advantage of anywhere from 10-3 to 10-7 and a set of weights.
  • In response to the global intestinal worm pandemic, Montana has developed a speedy aerial delivery method capable of deploying specialized microprobes into the population. The nanites released will be small enough to not fall to the ground as they are under the influence of Brownian motion. The nanites are modified to destroy, terminate, or dissolve the worms and their eggs on contact, regardless. The nanites are an upgraded version of that initially developed in Greater Illinois. These nanites can enter through the sweat pores or alveoli, and they can enter the bloodstream that way. These nanites will either land on skin or be inhaled; it will target all animals with these two bodily microstructures as a scorched-earth attack on the worm infection. CRISPR bacteriophages are also being deployed en masse in order to eliminate cholera and supercholera.
  • Three large companies in Montana's industry, construction, and energy sectors, ThermoRoto Inc, Helion Corps, and Titanium Construction Inc., have stated that they would become active in Southern California as to make it ascend in technological advancement. A set of routes have been determined in order that I-5 is to be used as little as possible and preferably only in emergencies.
  • With further analysis, it has been speculated that the TRAPPIST-1 system formed in an environment rich in primordial oxygen and nitrogen. This might explain the seeming abundance of nitrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen-oxygen compounds in the atmospheres of planets. The system's inner planets may have shed their ammonia atmospheres early, with the closest ones losing their oxygen. Middle planets such as TRAPPIST-1d and 1e may have lost their ammonia but not their water very early on. In the outer planets, ammonia and water in liquid/solid form may have persisted. TRAPPIST-1h has been found to have over three hundred times more ammonia ice than previously thought. TRAPPIST-1h1, moon of TRAPPIST-1h, has been found to have nitrous oxide ice as well as a potential underground ocean of ammonia and water. The moon is also about 35 million years (+/- 950,000 yrs) younger than TRAPPIST-1h itself. A set of space probes have been thrown into orbit around TRAPPIST-1e in order to help facilitate research of the planet and the life there.
  • An underwater city that has been under construction for a little while a few kilometers east of the Boston-Logan National Airport in the BosWash Megalopolis has finished construction. It serves as an underwater research center, a new eastern terminus for highway 90, and a tourism spot for local fish-watching folk.
  • The Refugee Task Force has been implemented in Sequoyah, East California, NWI, and Texas. If a war is declared on any of these states by any ARI member, non-driving civilians may use a series of thousands of high-security double-deckered articulated buses (each one capable of holding an average of 200-300 passengers) in order to be driven to refuge within ten days. The system uses a highly coordinated GPS-based effort to keep buses from clustering initially or causing traffic jams at interchanges. It also relies on a series of predetermined interstate highways to bring people to their destinations. These buses will have an indicator that they are refugee buses so that driving refugees can follow them while driving. Buses will have yield indicators during merges or lane changes to lessen the chances of accidents that could potentially slow the movement of refugees greatly. Buses will always take the innermost lane that they can and will have warnings to encourage other drivers to move out of their lane in order that buses can move quickly in the given lane. Semi-trucks will be used to carry excess luggage. All luggage will be sealed with a unique identification system similar to a fingerprint scan to deter theft. Only security, military, and police will have access to the luggages. Discoloration-based instant drug tests will be used as drugs, alcohol, and enemy soldiers will be barred from the buses. When the buses reach destination, everyone leaving will be thoroughly checked by security/police/military. The system will be engaged only at the order of either the Montanan government, the Illinoisan government, or the executive branches of certain large corporations (only if war is declared).
  • Southern California has entered the American Reunification Initiative. Their state aligns closely with Montana's ideals.
  • The samples carried home from TRAPPIST-1 will be analyzed by scientists of varying fields from Montana, Greater Illinois, Byzantium, and Lebanon.
  • Speaker of the House Crishoh Ashtoel, his sister, and Toru Kitakaze have been confirmed that they are on their way back to Earth from Ceres.
  • MAJOR TRAPPIST-1 REPORT: As the first Alcubierre capsule have returned from the settlement on TRAPPIST-1, it has carried about 86 kilograms of rock samples, data storage, and biological samples obtained from the settlement. It contains:
    • 52 kilograms in samples presumed to be from the the alien race on planet TRAPPIST-1e
    • 6.5 kilograms rock/ice samples from TRAPPIST-1h
    • 6.2 kilograms rock/volatile samples from TRAPPIST-1f
    • 2.5 kilograms rock/water samples from TRAPPIST-1d
    • 450 grams rock samples from TRAPPIST-1c
    • 15 kilograms condensed atmospheric samples from TRAPPIST planets 1d, 1e, and 1f
    • 2.9 kilograms biomatter from TRAPPIST-1d
    • 260 grams organic compounds and volatiles from TRAPPIST-1f
    • a compact, filled 1700TB date storage unit weighing nearly 150 grams, containing thousands of pictures, files, readings, videos, documents, and similar files
    • The number of colonists is at 7,535 colonists. About 71% of them are currently on TRAPPIST-1f.
    • The following new findings have been made:
      • TRAPPIST-1h has a small moon with a mass about 350 times less than itself. It is rich in sulfur, metalloids, silicate compounds, and certain metals. The moon is also tidally locked and has an orbital period of 18.4 hours.
      • TRAPPIST-1d has microbial life, including organisms analogous to prokaryotes on Earth. Their level of evolution resembles what was present on Earth about two billion years ago. The planet is tidally locked.
      • TRAPPIST-1b is a highly metallic/rocky planet with no volatiles present. It receives an extremely large dose of radiation and heat from its parent star, and it is tidally locked. It has mainly silicate-based rock and some metals.
      • TRAPPIST-1c has been found to contain silicate compounds, some post-transition metals, metalloids, and multiple period 4 transition metals. Period 5 transition metals, most notably cadmium, have been found in trace amounts. The planet is analogous to the planet Mercury as it can reach temperatures over 135 Celsius on the perpetually-lit side. The planet has no significant amount of atmosphere. It is tidally locked. It has a surface gravity of about 10.6 meters per second squared, and it is slightly larger and heavier than Earth is.
      • TRAPPIST-1d is found to be covered in liquid water (with some ice on the perpetually dark side) and a small magnetic field about 12.9% as strong as that of Earth's. The life here mainly lives by photosynthesizing the carbon dioxide in its atmosphere into oxygen. The atmosphere was found to be composed of 80% carbon dioxide, 11% nitrogen, 5% oxygen, 3% water vapor, and 1% other gases while having a surface atmospheric pressure of approximately 3.2 bar. The planet is, again, tidally locked.
      • TRAPPIST-1f, a planet comparable in size to Earth, has been found to have a few small oceans of ammonia and water (about 89% of which is ammonia) on its surface. Ammonia, water vapor, nitrogen, and trace oxygen/carbon dioxide/hydrogen cyanide have been detected in its atmosphere; it has a pressure of about 9.82 bar. The planet has been found to have a weak magnetic field about 21% as strong as that on Earth. The planet's oceans are colored blue due to the high concentrations of metals dissolved in the ocean. Alkali and alkaline earth metals are present, as well as transitional and some post-transitional metals (most commonly from the third and fourth periods). Even though TRAPPIST-1f is a strategic checkpoint in the search for life based on an alternative solvent, life has not been found on the planet yet.
      • TRAPPIST-1g has been found to hold a rather thick atmosphere of oxygen, nitrogen, nitrous oxide, carbon dioxide, and water vapor. Water and water ice are present on the planet, and it holds an atmosphere with nearly seventy bars of pressure. The planet is tidally locked.
      • TRAPPIST-1h has been found to have a thick metal-rich water ice shell, similar to Jupiter's moon Europa. It lacks a magnetic field and an atmosphere. This planet is also tidally locked. It also has some trace minerals and salts in its water supply, and it may have a silicate-based mantle and iron/nickel-based core.
      • The TRAPPIST-1 system has asteroids, but these asteroids are estimated to have a total cumulative mass about 0.007% of that of the moon. The asteroids here are rare and scarce, but they have some valuable minerals in them (to a lesser extent than the asteroids on Earth).
      • In summary, the system had more nitrogen than previously thought. It contains a relatively large amount of volatiles, and this is consistent with previous findings dating as far back as 2022.
  • An emissary has been sent out to Southern California inviting them to join the ARI. In the meanwhile, the multi-trillion-dollar Montanan industry sector has initiated the construction of fifty geometrical cities as well as the use of hydrogen fusion over fossil fuel.
  • Montana's industry has developed a space-oriented fusion-driven particle cannon capable of directing over 90 gigawatts worth of tungsten ions at targets. This device features 25 small cannons that are able to focus down on one point, each cannon being able to project 3600 MW worth of energy in the form of tungsten ions. It will be deployed across all of Montana's major space colonies over time unless something greater comes along. It has the ability to accelerate ions to slightly over 0.8 c.
  • The main banquet in Illinois has been started. Afunhumaninter, JoeyFloppa, and most of their cabinet will be attending the banquet. The banquet will have a diverse gamut of cuisine. David Kirtley, CEO of Helion, will also be there for the banquet and will have an educational presentation regarding nuclear fusion, energy production, and the sphericity of the Earth.
  • The multi-trillion-dollar nuclear fusion and space technology giant, Helion, has purchased Shell, E.ON, Fox News, and Origin Energy (from Brookfield) for about $264 billion, $176 billion, $22.8 billion, and $12.7 billion respectively. They have also purchased a few dozen smaller energy companies, with their cumulative worth totaling at $67.4 billion. They are making plans to lower the world's fossil fuel usage and carbon emissions by replacing it with nuclear fusion.
  • Recently, the TRAPPIST-1 colony is predicted to have landed at this point. It took slightly over a month to do, but they did it.
  • The S-580 extension has been finished. This is a landmark accomplishment for the raising of the New Cheyenne Megalopolis.
  • Afunhumaninter said in a press release "I as well as my close cabinet will be attending the Illinoisan banquet very soon, I hope we can all enjoy a good cuisine as well as have a blast of a time. I'll be looking for some drip to wear to the party. I wish you all a good time too."
  • Ceres Report: "This large colony on Ceres is a testament to how far Montana's technological advancement has gone. But as with Eastern Montana, they are lacking a taste for aesthetics. I don't know if the President will agree with me or even side with me for that matter, but our goal should be to make Montana and its major space colonies beautiful, if we continue spreading. Overall, I personally think we need to pause the advancement of space colonies and get Eastern Montana beautified for a little while. I wish I could come to your banquet, but I won't see you for another one and a half months." - Speaker of the House, Crishoh Achtoel
  • Even though triple-alpha fusion may never be economically viable, carbon-helium fusion, also known as fourth-step quadruple-alpha fusion, has been tried with the result being a net positive in energy. Even though modern fusion plants run three-stage algae-assisted energy extraction techniques on the fossil fuel (combustion + hydrolysis + hydrogen fusion), this could prove as the fourth step, making power plants produce nearly pure oxygen gas as a biproduct.
  • Even though the people east in Greater Illinois are holding a large banquet, Crishoh Achtoel, his sister, and Toru Kitakaze will be unable to join them for the meetings due to their space trip. Best wishes to them three.
  • West Montana is introducing Japanese culture to its society.
  • A tornado of magnitude four appeared only 20 kilometers north of Helena, and in about 15 minutes, it was diffused with world-class weather control technology.
  • Helion Energy, a trillion-dollar company behind Montana's behemoth nuclear fusion industry, has expressed its plans for overtaking the fossil industry of Montana, LFA, and numerous other countries. Specific countries are exempt from this plan, including those who already have widespread implementation of nuclear fusion or anything more advanced than nuclear fusion. Their mission is to implement cheap and renewable energy in other countries using hydrogen-helium nuclear fusion.
  • The cluster of geometric cities in the Beryist Reich is finished. A round of over 13,000 geometric cities crossing both New Cheyenne and Devyanostopol has started construction.
  • A major flat-earth apologist social media site, Flatbook, has closed its doors after 13 years of operation.
  • The FitnessGram 20-meter PACER test has been retired for space explorers going on certain missions, even though it is still universally used for armed forces and ground troops.
  • Montana has finally perfected weather control for once! There is now a patented method of producing level 7 tornadoes, which are able to whip and destroy at nearly the speed of sound.
  • A manned mission is being sent to TRAPPIST-1, a star that is 40 light-years away from Earth. With the latest ARI warp drive with a speed of 520 c, the ship will reach the star in about five weeks. They will be armed with cutting-edge weaponry technology, and the mission will also involve some Byzantine and Illinoisan colonists. Many CRISPR farm animals will be brought over, some being cows that can grow to slaughter weight in as little as six months.
  • Speaker of the House Crishoh Achtoel, his sister, and his close friend (Toru Kitakaze) are getting free admission for a trip to Ceres and back; they will be staying for about two months. We live in the future, motherfuckers.
  • The Montanan outpost on Ceres is becoming a hub of asteroid belt activity on its own, as opposed to just an enclave of the greater Mars/asteroid belt colony. They will use asteroids to obtain metals even though nuclear fusion will be used to power the outpost as Ceres has much ice. Ceres and it's over fifteen orbiting artificial habitats are on their way to replace the Moon as the main hub of inner Asteroid Belt activity. The escape velocity of Ceres is about 21% that of the Moon (making flights from the surface of Ceres nearly 25 times cheaper than a flight from the Moon), and the self-sustainability of the ARI's space colony will prove very helpful to this colony.
  • An unusually large and somewhat elongated asteroid with an estimated worth of $8.5Qd (and another smaller asteroid near it holding $550T worth) in many precious in-demand metals has come within one million kilometers of Earth. Advanced mining teams from Montana will be some of the first to scout it out.
  • All Montanan corporate operations have been ceased in Egypt and the Neosoviet Union. Montana in itself does not desire to start a war.
  • As of the recent events, Kultokrat has been found attempting to use the AltUN to assimilate Sorbia into their voivodeship. Montana has always been a supporter of Sorbia's sovereignty from Poland, except if Vlasov himself willingly hands over his country to another, and Vlasov does not consent to this. We hereby oppose the application of Article 5 to this conflict as it would result in the partial if not total assimilation of Sorbian land into the PSNR.
  • Cluster of over 100 Montanan geometric cities started construction in the Beryist Reich. Their combined functional internal area will be approximately 35 km2.
  • A "flat-earth" planetarium opens in Missoula, MT. It portrays the earth and the cosmos from an unconventional flat-earth, young-earth-creationist, and Christian fundamentalist perspective.
  • Bozeman faced a shooting of a Wing-Stop location inside of a geometric city there. 4 killed, 17 injured. It was performed by a lone gunman who was a vegan activist. Vegan claimed he was willing to "die for the chickens abused by Wing-Stop". Multiple relatively peaceful protests burst throughout the city of Bozeman calling for animal rights. Some people even rally for the legalization of raiding non-vegan restaurants.
  • A large cluster of geometric cities in New Cheyenne is fully built; they all took years to build, accounting for multitasking, ultra-advanced air-assisted construction techniques, and the vast quantities of valuable metals from the ludicrous asteroid-mining industry. These new geometric cities are regular hexagons with 50 8-meter floors, 90-meter edge length, and a count of nearly 7,000 individual structures. Each geometric city has an internal usable area of about one square kilometer. More clusters of cities are on the way. Construction is now faster due to the fact that the Artic quantum supercomputer was finished long ago. Much of the construction process is semi-automated. Most of the cluster is between Henderson Blvd. and Mainstreet, with some going west of the former.
  • A ban-wave encompassing millions of accounts has taken place on many major social media networks. They all had one thing in common: they promoted Flat Earth theories and geocentrism. Spherewash is sweeping faster than initially thought. The populace of many big cities, including Helena, Devyanostopol, and New Cheyenne is one of the first to experience mass brainwashing efforts in order to eliminate as many flat-earthers and geocentrists as possible.
  • An exception to the Enforced Aesthetics rule has been put into place: factory farms. They can now make their buildings as ugly as they want.
  • Montana is finished building its first geometric city in Southern California.
  • Research into magic and mystical phenomena regarding alleged forces has started. This includes research on if magic is real (ofc, first of all). If it is proven real without a doubt, magical functions could be harnessed for the uses of energy production among other fields.
  • Another round of megacorporations are planning on helping with Montana's projects. Due to the recent imports of millions of tonnes of asteroid-derived minerals, the band of Montana's megacorporations have begun accelerating their progress, especially on things related to the lunar effort and the New Cheyenne effort.
  • The first mostly-Montanan Titan base has been founded with 200 colonists.
  • The construction of a superconducting ring around Mars has started construction. Asteroid mining will be ramped up.
  • The most recent slaughterhouse raid has been found to have a connection to the Bartonian religious movement.
  • Band of flat-Earth believers reported raiding rocket/space shuttle facility with heavy weapons. There was a middle school field trip to the facility at the time of the raid. 24 killed, 90 injured. The raiders have been intercepted and are awaiting trial. Capital punishment may be used.
  • The industry has announced that Project Spherewash has just been started in its first phase. This is a plan to sharply reduce the prevalence of pseudoscientific beliefs across the world using business denial, private sanctions, mass indoctrination waves, and intensive fact-checking.
  • The industry's plans to absorb and take over Cheyenne (and all of northern I-25) have been made public.
  • There has been a factory farm bombing off of Interstate 94 near the city of New Cheyenne. There are about 13 human deaths, nearly 10,000 animal deaths, and over forty injuries. Terrorism is having an unusually high occurrence rate in eastern Montana.
  • Reports are that the rumored Arctic astronomical supercomputer has FINALLY been built. Running at nearly five thousand orders of magnitude faster than previous technologies, this quantum computer is destined to lead all humanity into the future.
  • Another round of fossil plants shut down due to outcompetition by the technologically advanced nuclear fusion technology.
  • As Montana's cumulative nonhuman kill count since 2029 reaches the 200 billion mark (195 billion of which are chickens), a new round of violent protests across Interstate 90 have erupted. Police and military are on a run to quench these protests ASAP.
  • The city of New Cheyenne has reached a population of 100,000. This city, built by the industrial sector, is near the I-94/I-90 junction and could be the capital of eastern Montana in the case of a schism.
  • The population of Montana's Europa base has reached the 500-man mark. Illinoisan researchers are present in the Montanan base.
  • An anti-chemical weapons bill has died in the Senate.
  • One of Montana's largest animal processing facilities, capable of processing 20,000 cows per hour, has been invaded by a large band of nearly 2,000 militants. The production of meat will be decreased over the next month as repair needs to be made.
  • A bill to split the country by east and west has been written, and is currently up for votes in the Senate.
  • Triple-alpha fusion has been made for the first time in a laboratory.
  • A bill is passed in the House that may ban the shipment and sale of maitotoxins, cluster bombs, phosgene, and white phosphor to GI and LFA. It may still have to pass the Senate. The future is uncertain.
  • Montana has counted a total of 2,515 significantly large nukes in inventory, 12 of which are over 100 MT-TNT in blast power.
  • Montana has made a rough calculation of nearly 100 thousand nuclear weapons in arsenal, including their smallest ones.
  • A bill started in the House to break from the ARI died in the Senate, by a margin of 26%.

Major Rivers/Freeways

The following are really the most notable in Montana. Other rivers and freeways exist (of course!), but they're not as notable as the following.


  • Missouri River - It starts in District 33 and makes a loop through the northern parts of Montana. it enters Minnesota, re-enters Montana, and re-enters Minnesota before entering the Nebraskan region and Missouri before ending at the Mississippi River on the eastern border of Missouri. It is 3,767 km long and transfers 2,445 cubic meters per second at its end.
  • Milk River - It starts in District 02 and enters the Western Canadian territory just to re-enter Montana. It ends in District 09 where it merges with the Missouri River. The river is 1,173 km long and carries 17.5 cubic meters per second.
  • Yellowstone River - It starts in District 33 in the Yellowstone Park area. The river flows in a northeast direction, flowing through the general New Cheyenne and Northeastern regions. It is 1,114 km long and transfers 390 cubic meters per second at its confluence with the Missouri River in the District 15 area, near the border with Minnesota.
  • Bighorn River - It starts in District 48 near the city of Shoshoni. It is 298 kilometers long, and it transfers 103 cubic meters per second at its end. It follows MT-47, a large arterial route demarcating New Cheyenne from Devyanostopol and similar cities. At its end directly above the Megalopolis, it flows into the Yellowstone River.
  • Snake River - It starts in District 38 near the country's border with Deseret. The river flows into Deseret and eventually into the Northwestern Imperium where it ends as it flows into the Columbia River. It is 1,735 kilometers long and flows 1,553 cubic meters per second at its end. The Snake river at the Deseret-Montana border is highly protected, and immigration into the country through this route is heavily regulated.


  • I-90 - Interstate 90, the largest and busiest road in Montana, is irreplaceable in its importance to the ARI and to commerce as a whole. It begins in the Northwestern Imperium as a branch of 4th Avenue and I-5 in downtown Seattle. It travels through many major Montanan metro centers: Missoula, Butte, Bozeman, Billings, New Cheyenne, and Buffalo. It travels through Minnesota, Greater Illinois, the LFA, and BosWash before reaching its end as a toll pass to Route 1A in the Boston-Logan Airport region.
  • I-25 - Ah yes, the Rocky Mountain freeway. It begins as an offshoot of I-10 in Arimexican Las Cruces, not that far from Texas. It proceeds to go through Darwin Soup's Democratic Republic of Colorado, serving its capital city. From there, it enters the Montanan State and runs all the way up to Buffalo at its confluence with I-90.
  • I-94 - Interstate 94 is an interesting one. Branching off of I-90 in the area between Billings and New Cheyenne, it serves Great Falls and the southern section of the Northeastern Loop. It runs through Minnesota and Illinois, sharing the same physical roadway with I-80 and I-90 in some cases. I-69 ends at I-94 right before the latter ends in its confluence with Highway 401 in Communist Canada.
  • I-15 - Interstate 15 is a major connector to the Californian region. It begins as an offshoot of I-8 in Southern California, and it goes through East California, a de-facto enemy of the ARI. It will also run through Deseret (where I-70, a major west-east route, ends), Montana (serving its capital), and Western Canada (where it ends at Hwy 3).
  • I-80 - Interstate 80 runs in the southernmost parts of Montana. It starts as a branch of US-101 in the Northwestern Imperium. It runs through Deseret, Montana (serving Cheyenne near the border with the DRC), the Kansas-Nebraska territory, Iowa, and Greater Illinois before ending at its terminus with I-95 in the LFA.
  • I-380 - Interstate 380, a spur of I-80, is a post-collapse highway built to serve a specific section in southern Montana (historically Wyoming). It starts off at at US 30/I-80 junction near Cheyenne (District 65). It runs northwest, crossing paths with US 85 and I-25 as it winds through a major metro area (despite it not being nearly enough to classify as a major, notable megalopolis), including some with geometrical cities. It ends at the junction of US 26/I-25 in the Casper area. Between Cheyenne and Casper, this highway serves as an alternative to I-25.
  • MT-200 - MT-200, sometimes nicknamed I-200, is a major ARI freeway that used to be a two-lane street before the Collapse. It starts in the Northwestern Imperium as a branch of US-2 and US-95 and runs through Montana before ending in Minnesota where it runs into US-2. In the state of Montana, the entire highway works as a freeway.
  • MT-59 - Montana Highway 59, a major freeway in Montana that was originally a small street, starts in District 51 in the city of Douglas at I-25. The road runs upward and intersects I-94 and US-212 before terminating at MT-200 in district 20. It is also the eastern border of the New Cheyenne Megalopolis, with the New Cheyenne freeway (S-580) terminating at MT-59.
  • US 2 - This is the northernmost highway of Montana. It starts off in Everett, Northwestern Imperium (an important city in lore) at I-5, running through Montana, Minnesota, and eventually Greater Illinois where it terminates at I-75. It serves as a major freeway serving the northern districts.
  • US 12 - This highway is not as far north as US 2, but it serves a vital function. US 12 starts off at US 101 in the NWI, eventually entering Montana. It serves the capital of Montana, Helena, where it intersects with I-15. For 110 kilometers, it runs concurrent with I-90 before branching off again. From there, it runs through Minnesota before ending at a city street in Detroit, Greater Illinois.
  • US 212 - This highway is not as significant as any of the others shown above, but for the New Cheyenne and Yellowstone regions, it proves important. It starts off as a small road serving a set of cabins in Yellowstone National Park. From there, it will leave the park and become a large freeway. It runs concurrent with I-90 for some time before going into Minnesota and running into US 169.
  • MT-16 - This major freeway starts off as an offshoot of W Towne Street and I-94 in Hampshire in District 10 to Hwy 55 in Communist Canada. It is a major freeway that serves the northeastern megalopolis, including the major urban hotspot of Leninolyovsk. It intersects MT-200, US-2, and MT-5 (a not-so-major freeway) within the megalopolis.
  • US-20 - This highway is a quick-access freeway to Yellowstone National Park. The westmost 50 kilometers of the freeway are tolled at approximately $0.0348/100m/car (2042, 7-8/2039). The intersections the road has with US-14 and I-25 are tolled at $1.23 per car as of now. The western end of the freeway section is approximately 10 km east of the entrance of Yellowstone Park. This highway loses freeway status outside of Montana and runs as a highway to Illinois, LFA, and BosWash before ending at state route 2.

Other Interstates

Not exhaustive.

  • I-425 - I-25 in D39 to MT-59 in D35, also intersects I-90 west of I-25. Serves the Buffalo Megalopolis in a 270-degree loop.
  • I-13 - I-90 in D16 in Missoula to I-15 in D02 at Sweet Grass. Serves many urban regions in the area, also facilitates the commerce from the Missoula/Western Montana region to Canada.

Montana's Top Cities by Population

  1. New Cheyenne - 6.67M
  2. Bozeman - 5.81M
  3. Devyanostopol - 4.90M
  4. Butte - 4.11M
  5. Buffalo - 3.71M
  6. Leninolyovsk - 3.54M
  7. Helena - 3.38M
  8. Missoula - 2.71M
  9. Livingston - 2.55M
  10. Ganymede City (District 34) - 2.39M


General Statistics

  • Mean life expectancy at birth: 90.2 (total), 93.4 (female), 87.0 (male)
  • Average Salary: $90,000
  • Unemployment rate: 2.1%
  • Homicide rate: 4.6 per 100,000 per year
  • Terrorism Index (2039/2040): 5.37 (Terrorism Index in 2038/2039 was 6.53)
  • Obesity (BMI>30.0): 38.3%

Energy Production

Numbers are in billions of kilowatt-hours per year. Only applies to Earth (if space were taken into account, numbers would be far higher).

  • Total: 13,829
  • Nuclear fusion: 12,540
  • Fossil fuel: 542
  • Nuclear fission: 554
  • Wind: 105
  • Solar: 74
  • Hydro: 14

Science Education

  • Percentage of schools teaching biological evolution: 98%
  • Percentage of schools teaching creation: 5%
  • Percentage of schools teaching round earth: ~100%
  • Percentage of schools teaching recent creation: 0.5%
  • Views on the origins of humanity:
    • Humans arose due to natural processes: 76%
    • Humans arose due to natural processes, with divine help: 12%
    • Humans were created no more than 10k years ago: 2%
    • Uncertain: 10%
  • Views on age of the earth:
    • Conventional age of 4.5 billion years: 88%
    • Under 10,000 years: 2%
    • Uncertain: 10%
  • View on shape of the earth:
    • Roughly spherical: 95%
    • Flat: 0.5%
    • Uncertain: 4.5%
  • View on the earth's interior:
    • Filled/Not Hollow: 96.5%
    • Hollow: 0.5%
    • Uncertain: 3%
  • View on chemtrails:
    • Real threat: 0.4%
    • Hoax: 92.6%
    • Uncertain: 7%
  • View on MSG:
    • Safe: 95%
    • Dangerous: 3.5%
    • Uncertain: 1.5%
  • View on climate change:
    • It's a real thing, and humans are/were part of the problem: 83%
    • It's a real thing, but humans are/were not a part of the problem: 9%
    • It doesn't exist: 1%
    • Uncertain: 7%
  • View on GMOs:
    • Safe: 88%
    • Dangerous and/or harmful: 1.5%
    • Uncertain: 10.5%
  • View on Greater Illinois and ARI:
    • Beneficial: 38%
    • Harmful: 34%
    • Not much effect: 24%
    • Uncertain: 4%

Meat Production Statistics (2039)

The following does not include accidents or animal testing. Montana is landlocked, so no fish.

  • # of chickens: 22.4B
  • # of pigs: 245M
  • # of cows: 146M
  • # of sheep/lambs: 95.3M
  • # of turkeys: 86.2M
  • # of ducks: 27.1M
  • # of geese: 12.5M
  • # of goats: 11.7M
  • # of horses: 2.67M
  • # of camels: 1.98M
  • # of rodents: 823k


  • Montana was formed out of a political collapse caused by far-right groups, later to be stabilized.
  • Montana assimilated Wyoming during the American Collapse. The city of Helena was couped shortly after Cheyenne was couped.
  • Interstate 90 has the most traffic of any road in Montana.
  • Montana is actually at par with Greater Illinois in gene editing technology. Usually they either surpass GI, or GI surpasses them.
  • The Montanan sect of Seventh-day Adventism has accepted both recent creation and progressive creation as acceptable for adherents to hold to. The prevalence of progressive creationism in Montanan SDAs is possibly due to the fact that opposing young-Earth creationism is a strong social norm in Montana. This has posed a significant selective pressure to religious groups in the area, especially Adventists and traditionally pro-YEC religious groups. Bartonism is one of the few SDA sects in Montana that oppose progressive creation.
  • In the early 2030s, Montana had more people than living spaces.
  • Individuals who were originally Montanans/Wyomingites before the Collapse are relatively uncommon. Most people in Western Montana are either Russian or Californian immigrants while most people in Eastern Montana are Illinoisan or New Englander immigrants.
  • [META] as of now, "Crishoh Ashtoel" is equivalent to OceanClouds (or OCYT). The name is pronounced either /kɹɪʃɒ æʃtoʊl/, /kɹɪʃɔ æʃtoʔɛl/, or /kriʃo aʃtoelʲ/ for those who can't pronounce it.

See also

  • Organizations - A page on the major companies and groups in Montana.
  • PCBaller World - The world in which Montana is a part of.
  • Greater Illinois - A similar technologically advanced state instrumental in Montana's formation, now one of its major benefactors.
  • Montana on Wikipedia - A page discussing the state of Montana in detail as of 2023.
  • Wyoming on Wikipedia - A page discussing the state of Wyoming in detail as of 2023.

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  • Aryan • 31 minutes ago
  • SocialistWorldRepublic • 37 minutes ago
  • Aryan • 50 minutes ago
  • SocialistWorldRepublic • 57 minutes ago