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PCBaller World/Sweden

Revision as of 18:47, 30 June 2023 by imported>Altem101

The Sacred Kingdom of Sweden is a country situated in northern Scandinavia.


Kingdom of Sweden (1523-2024)

United Kingdoms of Sweden-Norway (2024-2029)

Swedish National State (2029-2031)

Sacred Kingdom of Sweden (2031-)


Ethnicity %
Swedish 96%
Sami 2%
Finnish 1%
Norwegian 0.7%
Other 0.3%
Religion %
Lutheranism 83%
Atheism 8%
Catholicism 3%
Sami Paganism 2%
Norse Paganism 1%
Islam 1%
Other 2%

Foreign Relations


State Structure

Local Councils

Regional Aristocracy

His Majesty's High Assembly

An assembly which holds parties that were voted on by the people through the regional councils. It holds no actual power but is instead used as an advicory council for the king. The advice that it gives to the king is what the majority of the assembly votes on.

Parties in the assembly:

The Inner Circle

The inner circle is made up of individuals chosen by the high assembly. These are the ones who are the closest to the king and can come in contact with him personally. Thanks to this, they have a much easier time to spread the message that they want to spread as it doesn't have to go through a vote.


The King


The economy is of a socialist variant which blends state control, guild-based ownership and agrarianism. The most important aspects of the economy are controlled through the state and are fully planned out. On a more local level the means of production is in the hands of the workers and regulated through guilds.
The biggest majority of the population work in agriculture to make sure that the community gets a source of locally produced food. Another large part of the economy includes the extraction of natural resources such as wood and iron.

Social Policy



Swedish Peasants' Front

  • Political Position: Syncretic
  • Assembly: 221 Seat(s)

The biggest and de facto ruling party in Sweden. It combines a socialist economic policy with christian fundamentalism and reactionarism. Community is very important to its members and it supports a traditional, rural lifestyle with a big emphasize on God and family.

New Social Democratic Party

  • Political Position: Centre-Left
  • Assembly: 38 Seat(s)

The spiritual successor to the old Social Democratic Party which once was loved by many Swedes. It borrows many elements from the old party while being noticeably more radical when it comes to state power. Corruption has been plaguing the organization and might lead to its downfall.

Patriotic Socialist Alliance

  • Political Position: Far-Right (with Far-Left elements)
  • Assembly: 36 Seat(s)

A splinter group of the NWP which has tried to distance itself from the old party by promoting an anti-fascist, semi-religious and socialist policy. Although, it has still kept the ultranationalist, populist and radical conservative politics which the NWP promoted. Its far-right nature can also be seen in its admiration of figures such as Otto Strasser and Sven Olov Lindholm.

All-Nordic National Legion

  • Political Position: Far-Right
  • Assembly: 23 Seat(s)

A party founded by the old military leaders in Swedish National State's army which didn't align themselves with Officer Altem during the coup. The group wants to mobilize all of society to launch an attack on Sweden's nordic neighbours. This will be done to create a great Scandinavian empire.

Liberal Party

  • Political Position: Centre
  • Assembly: 12 Seat(s)

United by their love for life, liberty and property, the Liberal Party and its allies seeks to bring Sweden back to the time of liberalism. The liberal West, which was so prominent in the early 21st century, must be brought back according to the party. Prosperity and liberty will once again become status-quo.

Freedom and Democracy

  • Political Position: Centre-Right
  • Assembly: 8 Seat(s)

Finding itself on the softer side of right-wing populist groups, the FD promotes the ideals of the average citizen and stands against the oppressive government. Staunch patriotism and economic liberty are a must in Sweden, according to the group.

National People's Party

  • Political Position: Syncretic
  • Assembly: 6 Seat(s)

The NPP seeks to promote tolerance and acceptance in the new Swedish nation and wants to protect a progressive and anti-bigoted culture. Seeing both the government and close-minded immigrants as threats to tolerance, it finds itself aligned both with the progressive left and the nationalist right.

Movement for Social Justice

  • Political Position: Left-Wing
  • Assembly: 4 Seat(s)

A party which was founded on the idea that true progress can never be achieved in a capitalist or socialist society. It supports the third position, something which has historically been associated with the far-right, and a strong paternalistic state. This is the road to true social justice.

Christian Party

  • Political Position: Right-Wing
  • Assembly: 1 Seat(s)

Not all christians support the reactionary policies of the SPF and these dissenting people formed the Christian Party. Believing in a centre-left fiscal policy and a right-wing social policy, the party could be seen as a softer version of the SPF.


National Republican Party

  • Political Position: Far-Right
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

A party which split from the NWP once the Swedish National State fell. It claims to be the true successor to the NWP, but with a much more "sane" government policy. Despite its fascist leanings it is relatively moderate with its support of democracy and minority rights.

Norse Futurist Movement

  • Political Position: Syncretic
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

Taking inspiration from the artistic movement in Norway, the Norse Futurist Movement is a relatively new political group with a growing following. It combines ultra-progressive futurist ideals with a romantic view of pre-medieval scandinavia and militant chauvinism. Its members are known for engaging in hard drugs, orgies and extreme violence.

Farmers' Freedom Front

  • Political Position: Centre
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

The FFF is a populist party of farmers who don't agree with the SPF's reactionary and fundamentalist policies. They represent the rural communities and are the "voices of reason" who stand against extremism.

Life and Liberty Party

  • Political Position: Centre
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

Believing that true liberty and progress can only exist if they are enforced through authoritarian methods, the LLP is a party which breaks away from the libertarian orthodoxy. While it does support most libertarian ideas, it also promotes a "soft" dictatorship and "wokeness".

Free Union - The Green Party

  • Political Position: Far-Right
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

The FU mixes ethnonationalism with bioregionalism, believing that each ethnicity is spiritually and biologically tied to its environment. Although it wants ethnic purity on the national level, it also wants international cooperation between different ethnicities to save the environment from climate change.

Social Nationalist Swedish People's Party

  • Political Position: Right-Wing
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

The SNP is a party inspired by the system used in Poland. It wishes to increase cooperation with Europe, especially Eastern Europe, to stand against "the West".


  • Political Position: Far-Right
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

The Folkparty is a group which wishes to see an almost mythical revival of "folkhemmet" and "folkgemenskapen", but on ethnic grounds. They see society as a great family where everyone has to contribute for the betterment of the community. Equality and unity are central.

Our Salvation

  • Political Position: Far-Left
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

A communist party which sees great potential in the newly established Neo-Soviet Union. It wants Sweden to give up its sovereignty and join the union. This is thought to be the best way to finally achieve a global communist utopia.



  • Political Position: Centre-Left to Left-Wing
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

A party which wants a bigger islamic representation in Sweden. It is supportive of liberal islam, social justice and a swedish-arabic culture. It has been noted that the party has ties to the Islamic Emirate of Finland.

Swedish Autonomous Action

  • Political Position: Far-Left
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

The SAA sees terror not just as a means to an end, but as a preferable governmental system aswell. It wants to use individualist terrorism and the concept of "will to power" as a basis for a political system. Under this theoretical system those of a strong will are to be free and the weak will be in the grave.

Odin's Army

  • Political Position: Far-Right
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

Formed by the inner circle of the NWP after its disintegration. Unlike the old party, the new group is heavily influenced by nordic spirituality and sees everything through the lence of religion. The goal of the organization is to build an aryan theocracy in Scandinavia.

The Counter-Revolutionary Prevention Union of Iefan Alstūd

  • Political Position: Syncretic
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

A terrorist group created by the Norwegian-Swedish Anarchist Collective to spread the TSD outside of its nation, but since the treaty of Bergen the group has split off from its Norwegian masters. The group's goal is to inflict as much pain and suffering towards the Swedish population, which it sees as inferior, as it can. Although its members claim to be left-wing anarchists, their behaviour and beliefs mirror that of fascists.

The Resistance

  • Political Position: Left-Wing to Far-Left
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

Formed by young activists, The Resistance is an anti-government organization which stands against everything the state promotes. It hosts frequent protests and sets out to "piss off" the state as much as possible. The actual politics of the group are extremely progressive and hedonistic with no regards to traditional morality.

Pressure Groups

The Great Spiritual Awakening

  • Political Position: Unknown
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

The GSA is a new religious movement and cult. The actual beliefs of the group are relatively unknown, but some knowledge has been gathered regarding it. The movement holds many opposing views such as reactionarism and postmodernism, materialism and esotericism, extreme totalitarianism and moral relativism. It is speculated that, if the group ever was to come to power, Sweden would become one of the most brutal regimes in history.

Party of the Sami

  • Political Position: Centre-Right
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

A political group which represents the interests of the Sami population. It promotes native culture, wants the traditions of its people to be protected and hopes that the Sami people can gain special protection.

Finnish Government in Exile

  • Political Position: Centre-Left
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

After the islamic takeover in Finland the Finnish government fled to Sweden. It now seeks to, with Sweden's support, reaquire Finland from the islamic government. Most want to achieve this through diplomacy, but the most radical members wants an armed takeover.

Union Movement

  • Political Position: Syncretic
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

The UM is a movement which wishes to reunite Norway and Sweden under a new ideology. It fuses the two governments' policies, synthesizing the governmental, economic and ethnonationalist politics of Norway with the reactionary, agrarian and christian politics of Sweden.

National Reich Party

  • Political Position: Far-Right
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

A party which wishes to unite the South Swedish Reich with Sweden. It fully embraces the policies of South Sweden and has a hatred for everything that it believes to be "left-wing".

Swedish Liberation Front

  • Political Position: Syncretic
  • Assembly: 0 Seat(s)

The Swedish Liberation Front is a guerilla group situated in southern Sweden, an area which is under Norwegian control. It wants southern Sweden to gain independance from "the fascist imperialists" and reunite with northern Sweden. It uses terror attacks, both as a revenge for years of oppression and as a tool to reach its goal.


Kingdom of Sweden

Social Democratic Party

  • Political Position: Centre-Left

A party which was dominant in the historical Kingdom of Sweden. It builds upon the notion of equality and justice, both social and economic.

Sweden Democrats

  • Political Position: Right-Wing

Populism and nationalism are central to SD's ideology and it believes that the welfare state must be protected from outside interferance to ensure its existance. It supports a social corporatist economy with conservative social values and workers' rights.

Moderate Party

  • Political Position: Centre-Right

A staunch supporter of economic liberty, the Moderate Party wants the market to be as free as the people. Capitalism and moderate conservatism are central when building a Sweden which the party finds ideal.

United Kingdoms of Sweden-Norway

Royal Action Party

  • Political Position: Centre-Right

Created by the new pro-monarchist sentiment in Norway-Sweden, the RAP is a party which stands firmly by the kings' sides. It is a rather wide movement with many different factions and ideological currents.

Social Democratic Labour Party

  • Political Position: Centre-Left

S was created by old members of the Swedish and Norwegian social democratic parties. It is noticeably more liberal when it comes to its economics compared to its predecessors.

File:Swedsep.png Movement Against the Union

  • Political Position: Big Tent

Not everyone is supportive of the new union between Sweden and Norway and these dissenters formed the MAU. It supports nationalism and stands against the Norwegian-Swedish union, royalism and elitism.

National Democratic Party

  • Political Position: Syncretic to Far-Right

A self-proclaimed "party for all populists", the NDP combines left-wing and right-wing talking points. Its focus on economic equality and environmentalism has aligned it with the left, but its radical conservative politics, staunch nationalism and harsh authoritarianism places it on the far-right of the political spectrum.

The United Left

  • Political Position: Left-Wing

The UL is "the left-wing party" of the Norwegian-Swedish Union. Although, its left-wing politics are more applicable to its social stance as its economics are highly elitist.

Swedish National State

File:NWP.png Nordic Workers' Party

  • Political Position: Far-Right

The once ruling party of the Swedish National State and the group behind the Swedish revolution, the NWP is one of the most infamous parties in current day Sweden. Totally taken over by its most radical faction after the revolution, the Ethno-Jacobins, the group perpetrated a genocide against ethnic minorities and religious people. However, its brutality and problem with corruption became its weakness as Altem's coup marked the death of the party.

Union of Nordic Workers

  • Political Position: Far-Right

Its critics accuse it of being a controlled opposition or a traitor to the revolution, while its supporters believe that its the only way to liberate the nordic workers. The UNW split from the NWP following the Swedish revolution and became its more moderate counterpart while still holding onto similar values. A Sweden where the interests of native working class people are central and corruption is gone, that's the party's utopia.

Counter-Revolutionary Front

  • Political Position: Centre-Left

Standing against the government and its oppression, that's what the CRF does. Promoting the return to the old Swedish way of life with its liberty, tolerance and equality, the group sees itself as the true liberators of Sweden.

Order of the Lord

  • Political Position: Syncretic

The OL was a secret society active during the reign of the NWP. They were opposed to the government and had many high-ranking members such as Officer Altem. It later evolved into the SPF.

Recent changes

  • Dr. Occo • 12 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 24 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 27 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 28 minutes ago