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Revision as of 23:08, 28 August 2023 by imported>TIIKKETMASTER
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent MaritimeVistula's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.


Vistula Thought is an economically centre-right, culturally progressive, reformist and anti-authoritarian (unless its the steward) ideology.

Social Issues


Vistula Thought believes in strict, closed borders for the nation, with similar requirements to countries like Australia, where you must be able to provide something to the nation if you wish to enter. This is because mass immigration has recently been ruining countries like the UK, as social services become harder to keep with them constantly being full due to overpopulation.


Vistula Thought believes in a system where like heterosexuality and cisgenders, homosexuality, non-binary and all other sexualities and genders simply exist, completely accepted, with completely equal rights.

Gun Control

I believe that guns should be allowed only for purposes such as hunting, instead of for shooting your fellow human being.

Access to Education

With my belief in Equality of Opportunity, I think that all levels of Education should be available freely for all, so that all can aspire to be the best they can, instead of being limited by their families level of income. People should not be forced to risk their lives in military positions just to go to school. This extends to all genders.

Economic Thoughts



Stewardship Democracy


The Stewardship Democracy proposed here is a governance model that emphasizes economic stewardship and incorporates elements of representative democracy. The economic steward ensures that the executive branch does not excessively intervene in the economy and selects an heir who must meet specific criteria. The executive carries out regular governmental functions, while the assembly reviews and passes laws based on majority agreement. In emergencies, a provision allows for a temporary verdict without majority agreement, subject to the steward's permission, followed by a subsequent vote. The electorate comprises individuals who meet specific criteria and are eligible to vote.

The Electorate

The electorate composes of people who can pass these requirements: - Must be over 20. - Must pass a maturity test. - Must have been out of prison for at least 3 years. (Of course, if you are in prison, you cannot vote.) - Allowed to vote in elections. - You must have lived in the country for more than 2 years to vote.

The Economic Steward

The economic steward in the Stewardship Democracy is a non-elected position responsible for ensuring that the executive branch does not interfere excessively in the economy. They select an heir who must meet the same conditions as the Electorate. The Economic Steward's role is to maintain economic stability by preventing undue government intervention in economic matters, safeguarding the autonomy of the economy and libertarian principles.

Emergency Provision

The Emergency Provision in the Stewardship Democracy is a temporary measure that can be invoked in times of crisis. It allows for the passing of a verdict without a majority agreement in the assembly. However, the steward must grant permission for its use. The provision has a time limit of 10 days, during which the verdict is effective. After the 10-day period, the law is subject to a normal vote. Additionally, there is a subsequent vote by the people to determine if they want to elect a new leader through a general election. The Emergency Provision is designed to address urgent situations while ensuring democratic processes are upheld.

The Executive

The executive branch in the Stewardship Democracy functions similarly to that of a prime minister in traditional democratic systems. It is responsible for carrying out the day-to-day operations of the government, proposing and enforcing laws, policies, and regulations. The executive works in conjunction with the assembly, where laws are reviewed and deliberated upon. By fulfilling its duties, the executive plays a crucial role in the governance and administration of the country.

The Assembly

The assembly in the Stewardship Democracy serves as the legislative body responsible for reviewing and deliberating on proposed laws. The number of seats in the assembly is determined by dividing the total population by the population per seat. Assembly members vote on laws, and if a majority agreement is reached, the law is passed. However, if there is no majority agreement, the law does not proceed. The assembly plays a vital role in ensuring democratic decision-making and representing the interests and concerns of the population.

Workers Rights

Vistula Thought, being inspired by both it's socialist past and libertarian ideas, of course still believes in the rights of workers.

Trade Unions

In order to enhance the political landscape, it is proposed that Trade Unions be granted legal recognition within Vistula Thought. However, it is absolutely essential to establish clear boundaries to prevent the endorsement of violence. If a Trade Union were to promote or engage in violent acts, such as physically assaulting opposition members, a strike system will be implemented. Under this system, a Trade Union that accumulates five strikes will trigger the selection of a new leader from within their ranks through a vote among all Trade Union members. This mechanism ensures accountability and maintains a peaceful political environment while empowering individuals who meet the conditions of the Electorate to establish and participate in Trade Unions.


Vistula Thought advocates for a system where wages are negotiated collaboratively between employers and employees, allowing them to collectively determine fair compensation for the work performed. This approach emphasizes the importance of mutual agreement and cooperation in establishing remuneration that reflects the value of the employee's contributions. By enabling both parties to participate in wage negotiations, I hope to create a framework that respects the autonomy and agency of individuals in determining their own economic terms, whilst also ensuring that work is rewarded.


Vistula Thought upholds the principle that work should be appropriately rewarded. This perspective stems from the belief that capitalism can thrive and reach its full potential when it recognizes the value of labor. In contrast to British Conservatism, which Vistula Thought criticizes for offering inadequate payment, it emphasizes the importance of fair and just compensation. By valuing and adequately compensating work, Vistula Thought aims to foster an economic system that acknowledges the contributions and efforts of individuals, promoting greater prosperity and satisfaction within society.


Vistula Thought strongly advocates for a fairer taxation system that considers the everyday struggles of working people, with it believing that the current taxation policies place an unfair burden on the common man, making it increasingly difficult for them to afford basic necessities like food. In order to rectify this injustice, Vistula Thought proposes the limitation of taxation.

By reducing taxation, not only would it alleviate a huge amount of the financial burden on consumers, but it would also benefit the common entrepreneur. Removing taxes would enable marketeers to offer their products at more affordable prices, ultimately stimulating economic growth and increasing opportunities for everyone involved. Vistula Thought firmly believes that this change would create a more equitable and prosperous society.



Vistula Thought holds the viewpoint that piracy should not be considered "stealing" in the traditional sense because it doesn't involve the loss of the original content. Instead, it sees piracy as a process of copying rather than depriving someone of their property. To illustrate this, I present an analogy, my friends: it would be like arresting a baby for "stealing" their parents' genes when they are merely replicating them.

In light of this perspective, Vistula Thought advocates for more lenient punishments for piracy offenses. This is because it believes in crimes that are punished based on the harm they have caused, which, in the case of piracy, there is not really much harm caused at all.

With my ideology embracing the concept of individualism, it is applied to the context of content ownership and protection. My ideology suggests that if a content owner is unable to effectively safeguard their content, they bear some responsibility for the consequences.

This does NOT extend to the crimes like burglary because that is actually stealing, the item isn't being cloned in any sense, it's gone from it's original owner.


Why Conservatism is NOT Capitalist

I have a belief that Conservatism (I'm meaning the British type in this scenario) isn't actually capitalism. Capitalism is an idea that you are worth the value you bring to society through your labour. For example, a man who worked hard would be considered worth more than a man who did not work hard. Now, there's a problem with Conservatism - it doesn't go by this model.

Conservatism goes by a disgusting bureaucratic model which wishes to keep the upper classes above the lower classes, permanently, no matter how hard they work. This can mean that Sir George von Windsor-Sniffler who never worked in his life is worth more than Pete Jones who has worked his entire life.

This happens by Conservatism limiting education to only the upper classes, with lower classes being forced into dangerous jobs such as enlistment in the military. This is different to ACTUAL Capitalism, where the entire process is be born -> work hard -> transform your hard work into labour -> get paid for your labour -> live life with the money you've earnt. Conservatism I believe to be more...let's say...complicated!

It's more like a flowchart. Here's how I imagine it:

seems the flowchart image ain't loading - please try again soon

As you can see, it is a LOT harder for the people not born into upper classes, which goes against Capitalism's idea of working hard being the main proponent of success.

Thanks for reading this rant about Conservatism.

Why the Meritocratic Free Market brings equality

I believe that the free market is fairer than a government-controlled market. Governments tend to favor their close friends and family, which is unfair. This means that some businesses receive special treatment and have a better chance to succeed, even if they don't work as hard as others. In a true meritocracy, success should depend on hard work, not on political connections or status. If the government stays out of the market, it would be more inclusive, giving everyone an equal chance to succeed based on their efforts.

Oh feck! The government is a criminal organisation!!

Yes, my friends, oh noes. The government is the kriminal! oh noes.

Joking tone aside, I'll explain with the case of Julian Assange. (this applies to the UK and the US, maybe to some other western countries as well.)

Do you consider an organisation to be criminal if it hates those who reveal crime? Think about it, why would an organisation hate someone who reveals crime unless that crime profits them?

If crime profits you, I believe you to be a criminal. This is because you are receiving personal satisfaction off of the infliction of terrible things upon others.

Now in Julian Assange's case, he was revealing crime. I'm gonna say it - he is a hero. If you don't believe that, do you wish to believe that war crimes should just be ignored? Because if you do, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Anyways, the governments of the United States and the United Kingdom tried to censor this and failed for many years. But now, Assange is being extradited to the United States to face up to 175 years in prison. This is obviously a plot to make sure he does not spread the word of western war crimes, so the west can look innocent whilst moaning at other countries for small things like having a say in their trading.

If someone is stealing your liberty for committing no offense, then they are a criminal. It is glorified kidnapping. How can the government enforce laws if they never follow them?

User Test

Civic Axis

    • Orwellian (-500)
    • Totalitarian (-50)
    • Authoritarian (-25)
    • Statist (-10)
    • Civically Moderate (+0)
    • Minarchist (+50)
    • Libertarian (+50)
    • Anarchist (+50)

Type of Rule Axis

    • Totalitarian Democracy (-50)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-50)
    • Anarchistic Anti-Democracy (-20)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (-20)
    • Representative Democracy (+10)
    • Semi-Direct Democracy (+25)
    • Direct Democracy (+50)
  • If none above apply...
  • Bicameralism (+100)
  • Tricameralism (+200)

Economic Axis

    • Darwinist (-250)
    • Pol Pot (-250)
    • Maoism (-150)
    • Marxism-Leninism (-100)
    • Third Positionism (-50)
    • Socialist (0)
    • Mixed (+10)
    • Liberal Economics (+50)
    • Capitalist (+75)
  • If none above apply...
    • Gold-based Economics (+10)

Economic Freedom

    • Dirigisme (-50)
    • Regulationism (-10)
    • Mixed (+5)
    • Liberal Economics (+50)
    • Free Market (+100)
    • Laissez-Faire (+100)

Diplomatic Axis

    • Warmongering Globalism (-100)
    • World Federalist (-50)
    • Chauvinist (-5)
    • Moderate (0)
    • Cosmopolitan (0)
    • Cooperative Internationalist (+10)
  • If none above apply...
    • Isolationist (+50)

Nationalism and Equality Axis

    • Ethno-Nationalist (-25)
    • Racial Nationalist (-10)
    • Nationalist (-5)
    • Patriotic (0)
    • Total Equality (+100)


    • Total Eastern (-50)
    • Total Western (-50)
    • Slight Western Bias (-25)
    • Slight East Bias (-25)
    • Non-Aligned (+25)

Cultural Axis

    • Reactionary (-25)
    • Conservative (-15)
    • Traditionalist (-5)
    • Extreme Progressive (0)
    • Reformist (+30)
    • Progressive (+50)

Technological Axis

    • Posthumanist (-200)
    • Transhumanist (-100)
    • Primal (-50)
    • Primitivist (-25)
    • Pre-Industrial (-25)
    • Automated (-20)
    • Deceleration (-10)
    • Acceleration (+10)
    • Moderate (+25)

Environmental Axis

    • Human Extinction (-100)
    • Posadist (-100)
    • Anti-Environmentalism (-75)
    • Industry Before Environment (-25)
    • Anthropocentric (-10)
    • Radical Environmentalism (-5)
    • Ecocentrism (0)
    • Moderate (+5)
    • Environmentalist (+10)
    • New Urbanism (+100)

War Axis

    • Warmongering (-500)
    • Intervention (-50)
    • Revanchism (-25)
    • Irredentism (-5)
    • Pacifism (+25)
    • Isolationism (+30)

Religion Axis

    • Satanism (-25)
    • "Anyone not in my religion should die" Theory (-25)
    • Anything else (0)

Scores on the Quiz (feel free to put them here)

Serbian Socialism -125

File:Merid21.png Meridionalism 12 (I added you and me back) ok bro

Great British New Left 350 (guys above be s l a c k i n g)

Mr_Beast_0f_93 235



  • Great British New Left - I don't mind Corbyn and Benn. Also your anti-Zionist, very cool. "Left-Wing Coalition within the Labour Party" based. That's what Labour needs, instead of Starmer's disgusting non-socialist rule. Critic of Tony Blair as well, great. "Keith is trying so hard to emulate Tony Blair that he accidentally became the Conservative" thats fucking hillarious mate!
  • File:Cduar2.png Neo-humanism - Let's see here. Moderate progressivism, awesome. Globalism is meh but at least you don't believe in a world federation (unlike File:AceffBall.png somebody). You're between liberal and libertarian, so a liberaltarian? I like federalism, it's cool. Yay, anti-authoritarianism bro, epic. You're pro-pornography which is meh. "I do not typically rely on Mediastocracy flair.png mainstream news sources for information." Good, that is epic, based. You lean towards the West, I'm more neutral so we have differences. BUT, you accept that the east could be right in places like Iraq, so that's epic. I like Environmental Globalism as an idea, working together to help the environment, because 196 helpers are better than 1 (except for when a few of them produces way more CO2 than they should). You consider China repressive, which is true. You also consider Lukashenko to be illegitimate, which is cool. Overall, you are based mate!


  • File:AceffBall.png Aceffism - Social libertarianism is based but globalism isn't. Athiest but not anti-thiest, noice bruv. I don't really like world federalism because it seems like a civil war just waiting to happen (imagine putting serbia and albania or pakistan and india into one state, it wouldn't go well). You like the UN, even though it's really just the United States way of pushing around smaller countries. Meritocracy is pretty cool. Overall, you're not bad.
  • File:Merid21.png Meridionalism - You like Non-aligned-ism, which is cool. Keeping your people out of America and Russia's silly childish game (seriously, we meant to look up to presidents when all they do is say they'd rather have us all die than give up a bit of money or something smh). You hate Stalinism meaning you're not a tankie at least. I don't mind you. Southern secession could weaken the American menace so thanks mate. You're also against slavery, yay!!
  • Brazilian Liberalism - Hello, fellow moderate progressive! I like how you think economic freedom is a positive, that's pretty based. You want equal rights, which is nice. I like equal rights as much as I like equality of opportunity (the latter requires the former). You want an open-border policy, but you say it has benefited Brazil, so I'll trust you on that considering I'm not a Brazilian and you are. Cracking down state monopolies is really awesome as well. I'm kinda confused how you are considered auth-right to be honest. You seem more moderate lib-right. I don't like internationalism but eh, each to their own. Taxing nicotine and alcohol I can say is a "not so bad" tax because it'll help the people out of the grip of slavery by these horrible products. Wait- what's that I just read? You want to enforce a meritocrat system of climbing the ladder? Fucking hell, that's based tier. You're western-aligned and quite interventionist but I guess I can ignore that as you have good intentions. You're sympathetic to New Labourism and Labour Zionism, two ideologies I find pretty disgusting to be honest. I'd say you're economically based, but everything else is like a middle. By the way, yes, I am anti-porn. It degrades the mind like alcohol and nicotine!!

Not too bad

Quite Bad

  • Serbian Socialism - Average Commie "Democracy but you can only vote for people I like", anti-globalism is pretty nice, agrees with Federalism which is cool, doesn't understand that completely open borders can ruin a country (look at UK for an example, although that's partly due to ineffective tory leadership as well.), wants to produce nuclear weapons yet hates nuclear energy, "eradicate" from the balkans anyone not aligned to you, that's fucked up, intervening in other countries politics is disgusting.


File:Bakbax2.png Baixian Federalism - Authoritarian, ethnonationalist who is reactionary yet wants to be non-reactionary by protecting LGBTQ?? Make your mind up br- oh your satire. lol. 10/10 satire post.



Not too bad

Quite Bad


  • [[File:WelfChauvin.png] Welfare Chauvinism - Wel-fair is not fair if it is un-fair-ly revoked from people.
  • Strasserism - Welfare Chauvinism but extremist, so bad. Only good thing about you is the good songs (separating the art from the artist here...).
  • Neoconservatism - Imperialism under a mask.
  • Imperialism - Imperialism under no mask.
  • Ingsoc - Literally 1984
  • Imperial Japan - Your war crimes aren't talked about enough and it's fucking disgusting.
  • One Nation Conservatism - I hate the Conservative Party, conservatism in my opinion is a shit form of Capitalism, made only to appease the upper classes and to keep the lower classes down, instead of promoting equal opportunities. it's not a free market when only the upper and middle class can use it, cunt.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Authoritarian? CONSERVATISM?!? NoOooooooOOoooo!!!11!1
  • Ethnocracy - Racism? Autocracy?? Authoritarianism??? Disgusting!!

God Tier

  • Official Monster Raving Loony Party - The greatest party known to man itself. They decided it was monster raving loony time and monster raving loony'd all over the place. (this is obviously a joke but even a satirical party would be better than the Tories.)
  • Based

    • Scottish National Party (SNP) - Free Scotland! Scotland needs to stop being dominated by Westminster. Look at the EU leave voting map, Scotland wanted to stay yet because the people in England said leave, it had to leave. That's not fair on Scotland!
    • Corbynites - Corbyn's a good guy, 100x better than Starmer.
    • Women's Equality Party - Equality of opportunity extends to women.


    Not too bad

    Quite Bad


    • One Nation Conservatism - As I've said in The "Real ideologies" section, I hate the Conservative Party, but let me repeat it. Conservatism in my opinion is a shit form of Capitalism, made only to appease the upper classes and to keep the lower classes down, instead of promoting equal opportunities. It's not a free market when only the upper and middle class can use it, cunt.
    • New Labour/Blairites and Brownites - Disgusting neo-conservatives trying to say they are Labour (they aren't). I hope the entire country of Iraq spits on your grave, Blair.
    • The British Fascists - no. just no.
    • Britain First - How about Britain Last? Because Britain is a terrible state currently, like seriously we need Federalism AT THE LEAST.
    • British Progressive Party - Conservative...Progressivism? What? That's the most oxymoronic thing I've ever heard. That's like saying "Libertarian Juche".


    • Vistula Thought - sup bitches, put comments here
    • File:Bakbax2.png Baixian Federalism - Add me.
    • Mr_Beast_0f_93 - Can you add me
      • Vistula Thought - What is your ideology page? Nevermind, found it. Will add you bro.
    • Great British New Left - may i ask what you mean when you say violent unions? because the term violent is used a lot by tories to describe the act of disruption, which is different to physical violence.
      • Vistula Thought - I don't mean the Tory definition of violent trade unions . I mean physically assaulting someone, arson, stuff like that. Should've made that more clear, sorry.
        • Great British New Left - Hey man it isn't your fault, a lot of our writing has been preconditioned to assume that arson and assault are more common than they are in strikes, but the truth is, it's being made harder for people to strike, and It's only getting worse. so, you gotta have a little sympathy for those who are getting riled up, even if you don't support the use of force. They sure haven't been afraid of using force. It's like my spanish teacher said, only a day before the first teacher strikes. 'It's really either this, or starve. I cannot imagine sitting idly by while other people fight for me to earn a better wage.'
          • - Links broke lmao you get the concept
            • - Yeah striking is a human right. It should get easier instead of harder. Teachers and doctors should not have to work multiple jobs just to fucking live. They went through years and years of Education and are deciding the future yet the most we can afford is "have some claps". The fuck is wrong with the government? They suggest that we start paying the MP's more, I say pay them less, the more useless they are, the less money they get, then they'll soon be changing their narrative when they understand the hell that the people must go through.
              • - 100% agree, but the most persuasive argument i heard was that we should keep their wages the same, perhaps even increase them, but at the caveat that they should be allowed no other sources of income. so many of these crookish swines have investments, companies, fucking Zahawi is still in charge of Yougov! being a member of parliament is devoting your career to serve the people of britain. hearing that your MP is making money on the sly is a slap in the face to everyone who voted them in. they get paid a fair wage for what is essentially a democratic vocation, but that should be non-exceptionally it. cutting off their other sources of income would immediately uproot massive amounts of Tory corruption.
                • - That's a pretty good idea, if you make it so they can't have any other sources of income other than their political jobs, they probably wouldn't be so friendly with some businesses (those that donate to them) as well. Meaning that they won't start crafting legislation to help that business which is good bcos that shits corrupt af.
    • Great British New Left - Hey what's your opinion on Mick Lynch?
      • Vistula Thought - I don't like his anti-EU stance but he's alright other than that. Seems to like James Connolly, who came from Scotland and was a rebel to the core as he wanted not just freedom but socialism and more. I also like Connolly. Overall, he's pretty cool but I consider the UK to be more oppressive on workers rights than the EU. If they could, the Torys'd probably outlaw all striking, fucking anti-meritocrat, classist bastards.
        • - Yeah, no that's a completely valid take. 10/10 no notes.
    • Brazilian Liberalism - Add me
    • National Brazilian Liberalism - Add me
    • Schumacherianism - add me? :D
