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Revision as of 17:19, 4 May 2024 by Xablau Gostoso (talk | contribs) (hail wallex)

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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Gato Matador's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

NOTE: This is not Killer Kitty's real ideology and is just a troll created by him

Neo-Killer Kittyism is an economically center-right, culturally center-left, chauvinist and authoritarian ideology representing the based and redpilled views of Killer Kitty after he dropped Brazilian Liberalism.



Neo-Killer Kittyism despises communism and socialism, while also opposing laissez-faire economics. Instead, he prefers economical centrism, as at the same time we ensure the economical freedom to everybody, we provide Welfare to the poor. He supports the nationalization of critical industries such as Oil and Gas. And he supports class-collaboration, seeing “cLaSs cOnScIoUnEsS” as faggotry made to engage a war between the Rich and the Poor to distract us from real problems.

Social Policy

Neo-Killer Kittyism is extremely racist against White people, supporting segregationist practices against them. additionaly, Neo-Killer Kittyism is also bigoted towards: Redskins, Paraibas and Spics . Neo-Killer Kittyism is an Ultranationalist ideology, seeing Brazil as superior compared to other countries. Neo-Killer Kittyism only supports abortions, for Eugenic reasons, obviously. Besides his racism, ultranationalism and eugenicism, Neo-Killer Kittyism is still (somewhat) moderate on the cultural axis, as he supports feminism and LGB rights, while opposing tr*nnies and multiculturaloids.


Neo-Killer Kittyism supports a strong and powerful government but he is still Democratic, his ideal state is an Authoritarian Democracy. In the matters of states' rights, Neo-Killer Kittyism is a Federalist ideology, viewing Centralism as a way to undertemine the country policies and enslave the states to the central authority. Also, Neo-Killer Kittyism is extremely militaristic, wanting to increase the military budget and withdrawing from the NPT(non-proliferation treaty) to build nukes. He sees Humans rights as BS, a Leftist plot to sell Brazil to criminals.

Foreign Policy

Neo-Killer Kittyism supports an Imperialist foreign policy, Brazil is superior to other countries, tand we should *ahem* dominate them. And finally, he wants to alingns Brazil towards the Western world, and specially the Honorary Blacks against Snow Crackers. Even though he still would likely made cooperation agreements with Non-Western countries, like China.




  • Francoism - Based and trad white terror, but being a cracker is cringe.
  • Peronism - Same as above.
  • Mexican Fascism - Same as above, but spic.
  • Fujimorism - Way better than Gonzalo, but Sterilizing poor persons was a idiotic move. Should only have sterilized redskins instead.
  • Trumpism - Based triggering of leftoids, but are you sure you are a nationalist?
  • Mugabeism - Trolling the crackers is based, but why the hell did you fuck the economy?!
  • Black Islamism - Based, but stop being a Mudslime.
  • Centralism - Most of you are based auts, but unitarism goes against Brazilian values.
  • Peter II Thought - Too moderate, but I’ll make sure that Brazil will come on top.
  • Modism - I don’t know how to feel about you...
  • Brazilian Socialism - Socialism is cringe, but thanks for the anti-cracker sentiment.
  • Brazilian Liberalism - What do you mean that racial equality is good? You're probably bought by crackers.
  • Kemalism - Most of your ideology correct, but perhaps you should have persecuted Kurds and Whites. Also some of your followers were based.
  • Kagameism - Better than most current leaders, but you’re a still a Poopsie.
  • De Francism - I’ve recently been thinking where to put you. On one hand, based systematical removal of crackers and state worship. On the other hand, you attacked us and your people didn’t get killed enough.
  • Jimenezism and Batistaism - Thanks for installing puppet dictatorships, useful idiots.
  • Malemaism - Only good communist!

Kill in the sight

  • Macronism - Crackerultural Marxists who hates Brazil! Not even your economics and imperialism redeem you.
  • Sarneyism, Cardosoism, and Temerism - The Cracker elite posing as “Brazilian”.
  • Monarchism - Go follow a real god rather than your king, lmao. Though Brazilian Empire and Mali under Mansa Musa were based societies.
  • Plutocracy and Ergatocracy - FUCK THE CLASS WAR!
  • Satanic Theocracy - LITERALLY SATAN!
  • Anti-Racism - “WhItE PeOpLe ArE HuMaN ToO!!!!” Get out of your parent’s basement for once, degenerate.
  • Greek Model - No mercy for beach crackers!
  • Showa Statism - Imagine attacking every Asian country. Even worse than normal nip theology.
  • All Lives Matter - NO THEY DON’T!
  • Workerism - STOP. RUINING. MY. COUNTRY! I wouldn't be fucking surprised if you were a puppet of those cracker commies in an attempt to sabotage us!
  • Fitzhughism - Fuck off, proto-commie.
  • Timocracy - Rent is not due, slumlord.
  • Fonsecaism - Republicanism is good, but you caused our history to go downhill!
  • National Socialism - Yes, you may have been influenced by Fascism and influenced some ideologies I like, but your ideology is cracker cringe!
  • Socialism - Socialism is the ideology of broke crackers who hate working!
  • Indigenism - Redskin Genocide go BRRRRRRR *Proceeds to sip Indian tears* We brought civilization and capitalism to you redskins, cope.
  • Marxism - This cracker’s ideas and his consequences…
  • White Supremacism - Why do most incest cases are commited by white people?
  • National Bolshevism - Unironic commie-cracker supremacy. Disgusting.
  • Manosphere and Radical Feminism - Stop whining and found a girl/boyfriend.
  • Populareism - Get stabbed, proto-leftist.
  • Mises Instituteism - The Austrian might as well destroy all of the fucking economy.
  • Allendism - I’m glad you got what you deserved for being a commie cracker.
  • Leninism and Stalinism - Crackers who massacred millions!
  • Marxism-Leninism - All tankies must be destroyed and purged.
  • Trotskyism - Another Globalist Cracker who ended up cucking to Spics.
  • Nacionalismo - Cracker who purged his own country. Should have got your country nuked million of times.
  • Chavismo - Its funny to watch these stupid spics fail at managing countries.
  • Evoism - Evo got what he had coming to him!
  • Fourth Theory - Dugin is an anti-black Cracker who is likely leading the elite!
  • White Anarchism - Anarchism if it was worse, combing it with Pale Skin!
  • Socialism of the 21st Century - Socialist redskin ideology. Enough said.
  • Boricism - Spic who destroyed Chile!
  • Castroism - Another commie faggot who expelled millions of innocents from his communist hellhole.
  • Gonzalo Thought - You got what you deserved for trying to turn Peru into a commie hellhole, you commie fag!
  • Hamasism - Claims to be based, is against the based Jews and is a mudslime. Curious.
  • Putinism - Cracker who is currently getting annihilated by the Honorary Blacks, Ukrainians. How the fuck do people think you’re the savior of the black race?
  • Democratic Confederalism - Assad little cumslut LMAO. Your “country” is nothing but a pathetic pile of kiro shit, and stop killing the based Turks!
  • Mileism - Cracker who made his country into a living nightmare. Still better than cristina.
  • Zyuganovism - I told you Russia is still communist.
  • African Socialism - To be socialist is to be anti-black.



  • Sapismo - I dislike most of this, but you got few points for giving me nostalgia of my liberal era.
  • Neocarlism - Based for a Spic. I support a Ethnocratic Spain just to get Spics out of Brazil and the Moroccans (the current, not the old, as the old were based) are sand-eating terrorists, but other than that, fuck spics.
  • Schumacherianism - Laissez-faire capitalism, libertarianism, revolutionary progressivism, ruralism and alter-globalism is shit. But it's far from the worse.

Kill in the sight

  • Dankeism - HAHAHAHA! You're the biggest cuck i've seen. Progressivism, cuck ideology who wants to enslave the blacks to crackers. Socialism, an entire ideology full of broke crackers who hate working. Pacifism, another cuckoldry. Socialism of the 21st Century, ideology full of redskins and spics who hate working. Democracy and Social Democracy are alright, but they can be improved. Plus, Argentines are the worse, because not only they are crackers, but also spics. Mixing the two of the worst worlds. And yes, i support Videla, cope.
  • Distributist Reactionaryism - NO MERCY FOR REACTARD CRACKERS!
  • Immature Thought - Unironic beach cracker supremacy. Disgusting.
  •  Romantic Egoism - Everything written here is awful. From the anarchoidism, to anti-semitism (bro mad because Jews are more based than french crackers, lmao!). And let's not talk about Egotardism.
  •  DECBism - Average godless libtard. Reminds me of my Liberal era, and it sucks and gives me nostalgia at the same time.
  •  Baxism - Commietard shit. But worse, since it's a Spic and a Cracker at the same time. Plus, National Bolshevism is shit.

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  •  Baxism - Why pinochetism? Íngrid Olderöck rapped his victims with dogs by Pinochet orders.
    • Brazilian Liberalism - Cuz, i believe choppers are a good way to take care of commies.
      • - You used to have a good ideology, now you're just an Kakistocrat who dehumanizes anyone who you disagree, imagine supporting Pinochet just because he killed """commies""", imagine supporting a FUCKIN IDEOLOGIC GENOCIDE, IMAGINE SUPPORTING AN AMERICAN PUPPET, kys
    •  Baxism - You are just LARPing

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