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Not to be confused with the US Republican Party.

“The end of the republic is to enervate and to weaken all other bodies so as to increase its own body.”

Republicanism is a Non-Quadrant ideology centred on a system of government that (at least nominally) is non-hereditary, and opposition to Monarchism. Most of his views are dependent on context, varying from country to country. The only consistent trait has been a hatred for monarchist systems, but even then very particular countries and historical figures make an exception to this (ex. Cambodia, Napoleon, etc).


Republicanism is a political movement that has evolved throughout history with different manifestations and nuances. Its origins can be traced back to ancient Rome, where the Roman Republic served as a model of government with power distributed among various institutions, aiming to prevent excessive concentration of authority in the hands of a single individual.

During the Modern Age, republicanism experienced a strong resurgence in the context of revolutions that led to the establishment of republics in various countries, such as the 17th-century English Revolution or the late 18th-century American Revolution. In the latter case, republicanism became part of the philosophical foundation of the United States' independence.

In the 19th century, republicanism influenced nationalist and democratic movements in Europe, especially during the 1848 Revolutions of the People. During this period, republics emerged in various places, though many of them were short-lived.

In the 20th century, republicanism continued to play a significant role, especially in the struggle against authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. For instance, during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), Republicans fought against Francoist forces in defense of the Spanish Republic.

Today, republicanism remains a political movement advocating for a republican form of government, in contrast to monarchies. Republican principles often include the separation of powers, citizen participation in decision-making, and accountability of rulers.


Republicanism has its roots in ancient Rome, where it developed as a political system based on the concept of res publica, which means “public thing” in Latin. Instead of having an absolute monarch, the Roman Republic established a government in which power was divided among different branches, such as the Senate and elected magistrates.

During the Enlightenment in Europe, particularly in the 18th century, republican ideas were revived and influenced the formation of the United States. Thinkers like Montesquieu and Rousseau advocated for the republic as a form of government where political power derived from the consent of citizens and was exercised for the benefit of the common good.

Thus, modern republicanism is grounded in these Enlightenment principles and the experience of ancient Rome. The American Revolution and the drafting of the United States Constitution reflect the influence of republicanism, establishing a representative government with checks and balances to prevent the excessive concentration of power in the hands of a single individual or group. This republican approach also influenced other revolutions and political movements throughout history.

Personality and Behaviour


How to Draw

Cockade of Republicanism

Republicanism is represented by the Red-White-Blue Cockade which was a symbol used for the Republican movements both in France and America.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Around the edge of the ball draw a red outline.
  3. In the centre of the ball, draw a blue circle.
  4. Colour the rest of the ball white.
  5. Draw the eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #D40303 212, 3, 3
Blue #000080 0, 0, 128
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255




  • Anarchism - No state means no republic, which is bad, but we can guillotine monarchs together.
  • Juche - You're on thin ice, Mr. "Paektu Dynasty".
  • Ba'athism - You too, Mr. "Al-Assad".
  • Conservatism - You call yourselves the "republican party", yet you don't kill monarchists. curious.
    • - The reason why my American variant does not kill monarchists is that there aren't any left after more than 200 years of being an independent republic
  • Fascism - You are a really strange person. At least you went on the right path in 1943 and your actions indirectly lead to the permanent abolition of monarchy in 1946.
  • Reactionaryism - You may not be explicitly monarchist, but you tend to side with them at times. But at least we both like the Islamic Republic of Iran.
  • Bonapartism - A French "Imperial Republic"?! You confuse & frustrate me in ways I cannot understand!
  • Roman Republicanism - One of my first major influences, though you led into a Monarchy far too easily.
  • Ceremonial Monarchism - I should hate you way more, but at this point, you're basically just a celebrity who technically runs a country. Sparing and using you as an example to portray royals as lazy and hedonistic man-children who drain the treasury are great propaganda against monarchism! 🦀🦀🦀 Na Na Na Na Na Na~ Lizzie's in a box~ (in a box!) 🦀🦀🦀
    • - Charles III will show you your place hahaha.
  • Corbynism - You personally want a republic, yet don't have the balls to try actually getting rid of it because you're worried you'll hurt the feelings of the people who needlessly worship the royal family.
  • Thaksinism - I hope the conspiracies about what the Thai Royalists say about you are true.


  • Monarchism - À LA GUILLOTINE!
  • Feudalism - The tyrannical economic system of the Monarchy.
  • Enlightened Absolutism - Being enlightened does not spare you, À LA GUILLOTINE!
  • Monarcho-Socialism - Socialism without the cool. You may pretend to care about the people, but still, À LA GUILLOTINE!
  • Libertarian Monarchism - Libertarianism without the cool, À LA GUILLOTINE!
  • Korwinism - Polish Madder version of above.
  • Anarcho-Monarchism - No state means no republic. And you are a monarchist too. À LA GUILLOTINE!
  • Constitutional Monarchism - I don't care if you have a "constitution", I'm not living under a monarch! À LA GUILLOTINE!
  • Elective Monarchism - I don't care if I get to elect a monarch, À LA GUILLOTINE!
  • Monarcho-Fascism - Even the original Italian fascists eventually got a republic in 1943, but you still want a m*narch to stay, you Salim. À LA GUILLOTINE!
  • Bismarckism - You liked Machiavellianism, yet you were a monarchist. Contradictory.
  • Francoism and Neo-Ottomanism - Regents (the latter may pretend to be a "president", but is de facto a regent) also get the guillotine. Oh fuck, the first one succeeded.
  • Network Monarchy - I hope Thaksin and Sam Kib bring you down.

Further Information



Online communities


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-right_political_spectrum#Origins_in_the_French_Revolution
  2. The Prince, the Discourses on Livy (composed c. 1517) has been said to have paved the way for modern republicanism. It has also significantly influenced authors who have attempted to revive classical republicanism.
  3. While historically there had been a few Founding Fathers that were opposed to democracy, such as Alexander Hamilton and John Adams, this opposition to democracy has become more mainstream in modern times, usually among American conservatives that prefer to refer to the United States as a "republic" and not a "democracy."



Recent changes

  • Dr. Occo • 38 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 39 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 52 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 1 hour ago