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Pantheonism is a Left-wing Monarchist, Evolutionary Socialist, culturally variable and Galacticist ideology which represents the political views of the Free PCB user "Pantheon". It is esentially the same Ideology as on the Anarchy Wiki.

List of People who influenced me

Note: I don't agree with everything those figures said or did but these had in some form an impact on my ideology and/or philosophy.

Iron Age

  • Abraris the Hyperborean (8th to 6th century BCE)
  • Solon (638 BCE-558 BCE)
  • Thales of Miletus (624/623–548/545 BCE)
  • King of Kings of Persia, of Anshan, of Media, of Babylon, of Sumer and Akkad, of the four corners of the world Cyrus the Great  (600–530 BCE)
  • Confucius/Master Kong (551–479 BCE)
  • General Sun Tzu (544-496 BCE)
  • Socrates (470 BCE-399 BCE)
  • Plato (424–348 BCE)
  • Aristotle (384–322 BCE)
  • Mencius/Mengzi (372–289 BCE)
  • Chakravarti Ashoka the Great (304–232 BCE)

Pax Romana

  • Emperor Gaius Octavius Augustus Ceasar (64BC-14AD)
  • Emperor Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (121-180)
  • Emperor Flavius Claudius Juilanus Apostata (331–363)

Middle Ages

  • Elder of Sakala Lembitu (?-1217)
  • Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274)


  • Holy Roman Emperor Maximillian I. (1459–1519)
  • Thomas More (1478-1535)


  • René Descartes (1596-1650)

The Age of Enlightenment

  • Charles Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de Montesquieu (1689-1755)
  • King Frederick the Great of Prussia (1712-1786)
  • Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte I. of the French (1769-1821)

La Belle Époque

  • President Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt (1858–1919)
  • President Dr. Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925)

The Great Wars

  • Reza Shah the Great (1878–1944)
  • President-Regent Konstantin Päts (1874-1956)
  • Gleb Ivanovich Bokii (1879–1937)
  • General Johannes Albrecht Blaskowitz (1883–1948)
  • General Yan Xishan (1883-1960)
  • Bapu Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
  • Otto Johann Maximilian Strasser (1897–1974)

Atom Age

  • Josip Broz Tito (1892-1980)
  • George Orwell (1903-1950)
  • Helmut Schelsky (1912-1984)
  • King of Kings, Light of the Aryans Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (1919-1980)
  • Baba Prabhat Ranjan "Shrii Shrii Ánandamúrti" Sarkar (1921-1990)
  • King of Kings, Brotherly leader and guide of the revolution of the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Colonel Muammar Muhammad Abu Minyar al-Gaddafi (1942-2011)
  • President Mikhail Gorbachev (1931–2022)

Information Age

  • Senator Bernard "Bernie" Sanders (1941-)
  • Sahra Wagenknecht (1969-)
  • Hamed Abdel-Samad (1972-)
  • Professor Yuval Noah Harari (1976-)
  • Rutger Bregman (1988-)
  • Gregory "jReG" Guevara (1997-)
  • Joseph "Kraut" Lancaster (?-)
  • Austin Lind (?-)
  • Duy Quang Nguyen Pham (?-)

Ideological Summary


Constitutional Monarchism


World Federalism
Galactic Imperialism






Progressive Conservatism
Cultural Patriotism
Fusion Feminism
Positive Secularism


Indian Integral Humanism


"Harmony through Solidarity."
"Freedom through Subsidarity."
"Peace and Unity through Universality."


My Economics are a mix of Distributism, Corporatism, Guild Socialism, Market Socialism, Georgism with elements of a Gift Economy.

Natural Ressources&Monopolies

Natural resources (like Air, Land, Oil, Water, Natural gas, Minerals) should be owned directly by the state while infrastructure and key industries should be owned by state-owned worker-controlled guilds.

Anti-Trust Laws

Large Companies (with over 1000 employees) should be broken up into smaller and local ones, also every company over 50 employees (including state owned ones) should have a works council made up primarily of elected worker union members, which will be elected by the Workers and represent them.


Regulations should be only done if they're neccesary to protect consumers, the environment, the workers ect.

Economic Coordination

Regulations as well as some Economic planning shall be made in a process I call Coordination, it consists of agreements between multiple companies or co-ops organized into economic sectors.


Co-ops should be encouraged through tax incentives and small subsidies.

Mutual Aid

Local Communities should practise mutual aid.

The Abolishment and Leveling of Economic Classes

The establishment and consolidation of economic classes in each society follows specific societal and socio-economic patterns. To some it might be obvious, but I find it important to state that every class system has a tendency towards Stratification and Oligarchic Elitism, which paralyses societal and economic development while also supressing various rights of the population in so far as they exist. For that reason we should move towards the abolishment of the class system in favour of a classless society based on free and artistic professionalism and merit. Economic classes largely exist based on three different factors:

  • Land (and collections of rents thereof)
  • Capital (ownership of the means of production aside from land)
  • Labour (operation of the means of production)

Each of these factors must be made irrelevant for the class system to ultimately cease existing.

Emancipation from the Dominion of Land ownership

Land-based class systems (as can be found in feudal, colonial and timocratic systems) can be abolished in two ways:

  • The introduction of a LVT high enough to discourage unproductive landholding or excessive rent-raising
  • The outright socialization of land and the concession of its benefits to the general public.

In this cause it makes sense for the working class and the owning class of productive enterprised to team up, so both don't have to pay rent for living on land, just as we don't have to pay rent for breathing air.

Emancipation from the Dominion of Capital

Abolishing land-based hierarchies, infact, doesn't fix all hierarchies. As in a Capitalist system productive property owners compete with each other and thus need to constantly increase their own productivity by increasing their profit and invest that increased profit to further increase productivity to not be outcompete, Capital has an incentive to monetize more and more aspects of life, for an example privatize more and more industries, gather private information about potential customers, demand payment for the usage of esstential services. For the abolishment of capital-based class system I prefer a non-violent combination of revolutionary reformism (ie. Reformism within the system with the intention of abolishing Capitalism) and eroding Capitalism:

  • Revolutionary reformism is to be done by relentlessly pushing for labour rights, environmental protections and indigenous rights within a electoralist framework insofar as possible.
  • Eroding Capitalism is to be done by creating alternative power structures in what Libertarian Socialists refer to as "counterpower" which is done by creating and connecting trade unions, cooperatives, credit unions, usage of alternative currencies, mass organizations and assemblies of local communities.

However, should the state, private corporations or other use violence against such meassures, a violent revolution and/or at least civil disobedience via counter-economics and the like should be considered.

Emancipation from the Dominion of Labour

In previous eras every society with a dedicated class of administrators and thinkers needed an underclass to supply them with essentials, however with increasing automatization it will be possible in the future to provide all people with products of all kind without them working themselves. That however will require the abolition of labour-based class systems or "dictatorships of the proletariat" as Marx called them. As automatization increases productivity this process is already happening somewhat automatically as less people will be needed to fulfill more tasks. However there is already resistance to be seen to such a vision for the future, people fear that they will loose their jobs or even that machines will rule over them, which shows that people are already aware of the power of their labour. This is why before a labour-based class system is abolished, a society must be created which provides for all and makes people materially independent of their occupation in order to increase acceptance by reducing the impact of this change. Once this is achieved, people will be free to follow their own will and can focus on hobbies as well as cultural and artistic matters.




  • A wee oddoism - Just have some faith into humanity, man!
  • Brazilian Liberalism - You seem to have improved somewhat. Still a neolib, though.
  • Hoodism - Eh, I have doubts that Reformism accomplishes nothing, and Revolutions are very messy affairs which only make sense under certain conditions. We're both socialists, though.
  • Dr. Occo - I am not a Republican and I do have some issues with Nationalism (although your kind is pretty much the least bad one) but overall your views are quite reasonable. I especially like your economics, decentralism and cultural stances. Pls. don't kill me with fire
  • Manipulism - I am beginning to realize what the Marxians meant when they wanted to warn me about Bonapartism... 50% goofy 50% based. A lot more radical than me, that's for sure.
  • Agricoetism - Alright for the most part, actually. Just Homofascism and Republicanism are a bit ehhh to me. I think that state-promoted Paganism in a heavily Catholic society would face massive backlash, but I appreciate the sentiment.
  • Jupiter Thought - Aside from the racism you're pretty cool.
  •  BERNHEism - TOTAL TECHNOCAPITAL DEATH!On the bright side it seems like you put a lot of thought into your Ideology and you realize the trouble that military interventions can cause, Post-BERNHEism seems like a future we should aim for, in a way ngl. However, I'd prefer it if the economic system of a country would serve the common people. You are right that putting too much power into one person is usually a bad idea but putting too much power into a really powerful oligarchy is that just as much. It's ironical how you condemn my foreign policy for being too cooperative while you want to do just that with us Europeans (which I appreciate, btw). However, I fear the rest of your foreign policy might turn every region except for Europe and Oceania away from America if you're not careful. Also I am sceptical about your Authoritarian style of doing things.
  • Distributist Reactionarism - Would be kinda based if it wasn't for the Papist Theocracy, Queerphobia and Revanchism.
  • Timocratic Neocameralism - Ngl. you have some appealing ideas, but I don't support your Stakeholder Timocracy.


  • Messardism - Le racismé. On a more serious note, I find it weird that you're a neoluddite while you want to nationalize industry instead of destroying it, that you have a close association with France while still considering yourself a Breton Nationalist. And Nazi-Maoism is just :skull:. Overall quite the Incel ideology. And you certainly have some guts to call me a LARPer...
  • Neo-Majapahitism - Showa Statism 2: Indonesian boogaloo (your economics are decent, though.)
  •  MugiKotobuki8814ism - Even though you're personally nice, aside from your economics and parts of your philosophy you're quite unwise... VIVA PERON VIVA PERON VIVA PERON!
  • Schumacherianism - Quarkist Vanguardist Centalist Darwinistic Capitalist Anti-Welfarism? REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
  • Theoanarchism - This is why the Patriots should've lost the American Revolutionary War.


Manipulism add me.,,...

  • DDD Thought - Hey! Your ideology and mine are really similar. Could you add me also? I added you already.
  •  MugiKotobuki8814ism - Add me :)
    • - Added you three :)

Recent changes

  • Iziaslav • 39 minutes ago
  • Iziaslav • 40 minutes ago
  • Zrab • 17:28
  • Zrab • 17:27