Social Authoritarianism is an economically center-left, authoritarian and culturally variable ideology that advocates for a capitalist economy with a strong welfare state and unions but unlike Social Democracy, has no democracy.
How to draw:
- Draw a ball
- Draw 2 black diagonal lines at the sides
- Fill the outsides in black and the inside in red
- Draw a white rose in the red portion
Add the eyes and you're done!
- Longism - Good chap wants to share the wealth.
- Monarcho-Socialism - The more moderate ones are basically me with a crowned monarch.
- Military Social Democracy - I to have a strong military.
- Social Democracy - The democracy part is kinda stupid.
- Integralism - Galinha verde you will get purged.
- Libertarian - Straight to the camps with you.
- Anarcho-Communism - Direct democracy? Anarchy? Marxism? Cringe!