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Soulism, formerly known as Ego-Communalism, is an off-the-compass Libertarian-left ideology that believes that an individual should be able to do anything they desire, resulting in everyone sharing all their property (both private and personal) with everybody else because it is in everybody's best interest to share.

Furthermore, Soulism believes that not only should the hierarchy of the state, capitalism, or traditions be abolished but also hierarchy such as gravity or inertia. Also, the fact that human beings can't live without eating, or sleeping for a purpose other than pleasure is oppressive. Souls believe this to be possible by spiritual enlightenment or advanced technology.

Soulism believes that the individual is everything and his's ego is the soul, and its desires for laziness, leisure, drugs, and so on have to be fulfilled in order for a truly sane society to be achieved and this can only happen through anarchy.

Soulists wants to reject the physical body and its limits by leaving it and becoming an energetic soul or by going into cyberspace where an individual can do anything they want and live in peace.

They often use psychedelic plants/fungi like ayahuasca or psilocybin.


Soulists are mostly pantheist and panpsychists, simultaneously believing that reality came from consciousness, and human minds are connected, that to love other minds is self-esteem, that we are The Universe but also that there is a spiritual/energetic reality other than physical universe. If minds do not share Soulist values, they can still be loved, but they must be enlightened so they can be loved *better*.

All animal lifeforms, some fungi, most plants and all artificial intelligence processes must be provolved to having the capacity to choose further provolution (so it is ethically consensual) and then permitted to ascend to better forms of consciousness.

Soulists only see ascension (the development of a Sapient Transhuman into a Transsapient Posthuman) as only appropriate up to the point of Sapience, and that for further development, a mind must undergo ascension where the ego does not port to the new architecture. In this manner the Soulist Society gains more Novelty and therefore Self-Esteem and Innovation.

Also, given that they (soulists) believe in the transcendence and eternity of consciousness, it is assumed that consciousness (or rather subjective awareness) can be moved from one universe to another. That practice is known also by name "Reality Shifting". And given the fact that the number of universes is infinite (at least hypothetical), and the fact that with the help of shifting it will be possible to be transported to the world of a personal utopia (temporarily or permanently), the entire value of the material and non-material benefits of the current universe (CR in their jargon) tends to zero, that is becomes almost meaningless to them. This is the one of main reasons for their apathy towards everything, even to death and various diseases - shifting nullifies them too, by transfering awareness into their younger bodies in parallel universe.


Classical Soulism

Does nothing except being on drugs all the time and enjoying life. Often lives in his lucid dreams (mostly doing orgies with fictional characters from various media, visiting fictional worlds for curiousity or just enjoying vacation on various theoretical space megastructures like Ring-Worlds/Bishop Rings/O'Neil Cylinders...), while downshifting in reality, or even sleeping all time in anabiosis pod with autonomous energy, liquid food and anti-aging drugs supply. If he is threatened by someone, he simply shifts his mind to a safer dimension without a threat source.

Scientific soulism

Scientific soulists wants to liberate from laws of nature and physics by advanced technology (transhumanism, abolishing need of eating or sleeping by technology, genetic modifications that could for example immunize humans for many illnesses, going into cyberspace and becoming digital beings, and so on). They also are interested in stuff like wormholes, time travels, teleportation, mind uploading, quantum physics, additional dimensions and pocket universes.

Esoteric Soulism

Esoteric soulists wants to liberate from boring reality by spiritual ways like spiritual enlightenment or occultist practices, or even leaving body and becoming mental/energetic soul. It can be considered as ideology of many shamans.


Serious Soulism

Serious Soulism is a version of Soulism based on posts from the reddit community r/serioussoulism, which is a community for serious, meme-free discussion of Soulist ideology. According to the posts, one of the ways to abolish the laws of the universe would be through transhumanism and posthumanism and supporting the 2045 initiative, claiming that it would not be a realistic and non-absurd way to achieve soulism, as well as being neutral towards determinism. of the universe, but still supporting the exploration of the Milky Way.

They also support a new kind of energy through self-copying robots, opposition to things said to benefit capitalism, anti-binarism, rise in philosophy, science and engineering, communitarianism, opposition to communist authoritarianism, opposition to polcompball, extraphisism, divineism, total freedom, influence of post-left authors (Max Stiner, Deleuze, Guattari, among others), a universe like a sandbox game and total power to individuals.[1]


Just a memes-related subreddit with surreal jokes.

Personality and Behaviour

Perpetually stoned off his balls. If not stoned, then mostly sticking with VR gadgets. Wishes to rid himself of a physical form.

Often sleeps and lucid dreams about utopian places and favourite fictional universes, while listening to psytrance.

Likes talking with aliens in the astral plane (and sometimes get new knowledge and technologies from them).

Escapes from all problems, responsibilities and threats by simply "Shifting" his consciousness to more safer universe.

Very apathetic, and hates anything related to dynamic things like working, careerism, ambitions, workaholism, material hedonism (because they cost money) and "rat race economics".

How to Draw

Flag of Soulism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill the ball in with a lighter shade of black,
  3. Draw a triangle in the middle in light green and fill it in with the same color.
  4. Draw a rectangle cutting through two sides of the triangle with an outline of lighter black.
  5. Add the eyes and you're done!
  6. (Optional) Make the eyes pink (#FFC1D6) to highlight the fact that Soulism is as high as a kite.
Color Name HEX RGB
Soulism Abyss Blue #0C0C13 12, 12, 19
Soulism Green #00DA00 0, 218, 0
Pink #FFC1D6 255, 193, 214



  • Anarcho-Egoism - Self is most important.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Cool, but hasn't been to space.
  • Anarcho-Transhumanism - Semi-trustworthy fellow travelers.
  • Ego-Communism - My acid dealer provider.
  • Indigenous Anarchism - Taught me how to smoke pipes and use peyote and ayahuasca. We go on spiritual journeys together.
  • Neozapatismo - My OTHER smoking buddy... Anyone who is against authority and hierarchy and is into smoking pipes is my friend! Respect for your indigenous roots is also a big plus.
  • Pagan Theocracy - Oh fuck, I am seeing spirits alright, these Psychedelics are the shit.
  • Acid Communism - Fellow acid doer. I can help you imagine new futures *wink* *wink*
  • Post-Left Anarchism - Talks too much but we agree on a lot. Pretty much me but not on every drug 24/7. Why won't you take the anti-gravity pill?
  • Social Libertarianism - Duuuude I can use the $1,000 dollar UBI to buy weed, sweet.
  • FALGSC - Cool that you pushed the space frontier further, but you need to try the psychological plane too, we won't be able to free ourselves in this universe.
  • Anarcho-Frontierism - Another space friend.
  • Postgenderism - They want to abolish body terror through technology, cool.
  • Technogaianism - Technological liberation of not only humans but also animals? Cool.
  • Archeofuturism - My moderate variant. Keep improving both technologically and spiritually, until singularity!
  • Anti-Realism - Reject reality, embrace spirituality/ virtuality/ dreams.
  • Post-Anarchism - My pessimist sibling, that hates drugs and often reads books. But he is peaceful compared to him.
  • Autonomism - Tolerable Marxist, while other types are just too authoritarian and collectivist.

IDK, man

  • Communalism - I agree with ideas of peace and love but it can turn into an evil sect.
  • Transhumanists - Cool beans, man. But many of your variants are oppressive.
  • Kakistocracy - That kid on one hand is too stupid to understand the meaning of the universe and consciousness, but on the other hand, he believes in magic and supernatural things because of his childish mind.
  • Post-Humanism - While I’m doing my peaceful meditations, tantric orgies, and lucid dreams, robots protect me from violent reactionary thugs. Still, your science fiction variants like Deus Ex Machina, SkyNet GladOS, Allied Mastercomputer or Roko's Basilisk are very oppressive and violent.
  • Avaritionism - I don't want to pay for my weed. Time to permanently shift my soul to safer dimension...
  • Illegalism - Aren't you just Avaritionism with a funny hat?
    • - No i'm not like him, he supports psychopathy, I support unorganized crime and having fun.
  • Sikh Theocracy & Hindu Theocracy - Not a fan of religion or government, dude. Spiritual, but not really religious. You're telling me I can reincarnate!?
  • Christian Theocracy & Christian Anarchism - You're telling me that the son of God got absolutely wasted, died, came back 3 days later, and finally ascended into a higher realm? Sounds pretty awesome, but again, not a big fan of religion.
  • Mercantilism - Not a fan of his economics but he sells me opium he couldn't sell to the Chinese, so we're cool.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Greed is a spook, man. At least you're nonviolent and not a statist, so that's cool. I always buy drugs from this guy.
  • Fordism - I don't like how you're capitalist and statist, but that soma stuff is pretty good and you are fun at the orgies.
  • Scientocracy - What do you mean, that the astral plane is pseudoscientific bullshit? But major thanks to new drugs, floating pods, and virtual reality technology.
  • Posadism - Dude, you're fun for an authoritarian, wow.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - I may understand you, but it's better to just take weed and escape enjoy life. If you’re really bored of this universe, you can shift your mind to another, more desirable one, and you can stay there permanently!
    • - I try but even your drugs don’t work for longer than an hour.
  • Progressivism - I understand your enthusiasm for a better future, but your narrow-minded material hedonism holds you back spiritually and burns all your wealth into nothing. Why not try spiritual hedonism, like eating all your favorite foods in lucid dreams or having orgies with imaginary characters in the astral realm?
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Same as above, but man, you're a little too much of a mob and collectivist fanatic. (But your egoist and post-left variants are very based)
  • Progressive Conservatism - A tolerable elder, but still pretty restrictive and forces me to work. If only he understands that magic mushrooms, weed, DMT, and LSD are harmless soft drugs.
  • Anarcho-Primitivism - Bro, it's really cool that we go into spiritual space with psychic substances in shamanic ceremonies, but I hope you realize that technology can also help us.
  • Pacifist Feminism - I don't know, I would normally appreciate the love of "shifting" and "embracing spirituality" and stuff like that, but it seems like you're just using those things to look cool on Tumblr, Twitter, TikTok or whatever other stupid trendy website you love so much; and stop stealing from concepts and cultures you don't actually understand to seem hip; like c'mon you just look cringeworthy man.
  • Anti-Humanism - I don't know if you just want to fight against the concept of "human" itself, or if you really want to kill everyone.
  • Alien bros/foes - I often contact them in the astral plane. Someone of them are really friendly and want to share wisdom and knowledge through telepathy (that's why I have better technologies than the rest of the other balls combined), but others are either hostile scumbags who just love to scare me or arrogant pricks that ignore me.


  • Ingsoc - Nah.
  • Capitalism - Nah dude, sorry.
  • Feudalism - Nah man, I’m very sorry.
  • Hive-Mind Collectivism - Sorry, I don't watch Star Trek.
  • Social Darwinism - Peace and love, man.
  • National Capitalism - Dude, uncool.
  • Combatocracy - Nah dude, not interested.
  • Kraterocracy - Really uncool, dude.
  • Conservatism - "Find a job, quit drugs, and be a normal citizen"? Sorry old man, but I'm living inside my own lucid dreams while downshifting in reality. And after that, every material thing becomes boring and uninteresting.
  • Technocracy - He calls me irrational, boring. If only he understand, that lucid dreams inspired famous philosophers and scientists to invent scientific methods!
  • Astral demons - Oh no, those nightmarish eldritch abominations still scaring me in the astral plane!
  • CRINGE incarnate - My arch-enemy who's really obsessed with unjust hierarchies, dumb laws of anything, and pointless caste systems. One "day" I will annihilate him in the astral realm. Because fighting with you in physical realm causes paradox[2].
  • Mediacracy - Your news is really boring compared to the surreal non-existent anime that I watched with my harem in the astral plane.
  • Esoteric Socialism - Fake leftists, fake humans (I see their demonic nature with my spiritual third eye), and fake anti-capitalists that like money and banks.
  • Cultism - Pseudo-spiritual power-hungry and money-loving prick that give spirituality a bad name.
  • Capitalist Transhumanism - You can't hide your technologies blueprints because I have the ability to spy through remote viewing! But actually I don't need your low-tech products, because aliens through astral give me a lot nicer blueprints of nano-factories.
  • Reactionarism - How the hell is your civilization supposed to be stable and fundamental when it's literally only lived 1% of human history? Like, are you aware that the other 99% was just people chilling in the stone age not having to worry about all this 'family values' garbage? You know nothing about history, and your religions are dogmatic unspiritual garbage made for the elites to control the masses.
  • Corporatocracy - Why do I need to buy material and temporary luxuries when I can just lucid dream and have anything I want? Even if I want a material thing, I just shift my mind to other dimensions where I already have it.
  • Satanic Theocracy - There is no hell in the afterlife, only the astral realm. And your dumb cruel rituals can't help you achieve demonic powers. Thanks for giving me your female servants, non-material bro.
  • State Atheism - Quit killing people who reject your hardcore materialist mindset. At least you like my scientific twin.
  • World Federalism - Sorry, but humanism is outdated.
  • Humanism - I. Said. You. Are. OUTDATED!
  • Police Statism - How the hell is taking harmless psychic substances a crime? Also, I don't have enough money for paying fines.
  • Neoluddism - Dude, I'm kind of at a loss for understanding what you can do for yourself just by opposing technology. Yes, all jobs suck, but destroying machinery and screwing others is not a solution!
  • Ochlocracy - Collectivist morons that just give people the impression that anarchism equals violence.
  • State Liberalism - Dude, bigotry sucks yeah, but violently obsessing over who is and isn't a minority so much is just the definition of fighting fire with fire, and a lot of what you're doing really makes me wonder if you actually care about minorities. Also why are you pointing a gun at me?
  • Right-Wing Populism - Yes, reptilians exist. Yes, they control humanity, and honestly how is your ideal world really any better?
  • Industrialism - Nah, f*ck all jobs. If I want something, I'll just shift my mind to someplace else.
  • Marxism - No, I don't care about your outdated materialist philosophy that subtly encourages its followers to become dictators.
  • Marxism-Leninism - Collectivist materialist maniacs who murder anyone they disagree with. Also vodka is just the worst of all drugs; makes you behave like an absolute clown.
  • National Socialism - Oh no, not these crackhead genocidal lunatics! At least we both like meth.
  • Illuminatism - You are cold-blooded aliens in a human disguise (just spied through astral remote viewing). But you are too powerful for overthrow, so I'll just wait for your hierarchical capitalist system to fall from its own weight. Wait. Why someone at midnight knocks on my door? And what the hell do I see black helicopters?! Are they knowing something about... *kidnapped*
  • Death - You can kill others, but you NEVER catch me! *Concentrates his mind* Time to permanently shift my awareness into my younger self in ten, nine, eight...

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