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Polcompball Wiki

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Dr. Occo's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

In Development
"I'll stop reading eventually." - Left Communism

This page is still in development due to ongoing reading by Dr. Occo, multiple things may change drastically.


 Radical Frisianism is the ideology of PCB contributor Dr. Occo. It differs from the former ideology, Leerderism, by being more Libertarian, more radical, and less compromising, with less of an emphasis on Mainstream Leftist points and more of one on Tradition. It is essentially a form of Libertarian Reactionary Socialism, focused on the struggle for self-determination of the Frisian people through revolutionary means.



  • Peasants' Republicanism - Wat kunn ik seggen, dat is mien leevste System. What can I say? It's my favourite system, and I will not be shy about the reason for that largely being Patriotism. Apropos!
  • Patriotism - I think everyone could use a healthy sense of pride in their country.
  • Libertarian Market Socialism - Seems to be my perfect economic system.
  • LGBT Reactionaryism - That's what I'm talking about! Wi bünt immer da wesen!
  • Relativism - Wat de en sien Uul is de annern sien Kraih.

Up Stee

  • Traditionalism - Traditions are based. I rarely agree with people who identify themselves as "Capital-T Traditionalists", though.
  • Anarcho-Conservatism - The only fair way to enforce traditions is through a mandate from the community, never from the state.
  • Amish Model - Very cool praxis, with the communitarian, anti-tech, traditional lifestyle, but I don't like how Christian it is. Also it's American and Americans don't have TRVE Traditions!!!
  • Lys Noir - Funi fellow Libertarian Reactionary Socialist, but why u dont like the gay people?
  • Neoluddism - The vision is pretty based, but I disapprove of terrorism.

Bitje Good, Bitje Slecht

  • Reactionaryism - I like the concept, but not the execution. Especially when the execution requires execution.
  • Reactionary Socialism - I am the true Reactionary Socialist, because I support the true Socialism of the Middle Ages.
  • Euroskepticism - While I am something of a soft euroskeptic myself, being opposed to any further EU Expansion, I know that, in present conditions, leaving or disbanding the EU would be economic and diplomatic suicide.
  • Roman Republicanism - Hell Yeah, Republics! Although this one was pretty Oligarchic and extremely Imperialist.
  • Universal Nationalism - A nice idea for cultural preservation, but Nationalism only brings strife and Dictature onto the people.

Stuur Oftokönen

  • Libertarianism - "Why doesn’t the government let me kill people? Literally 1984!"
  • National Libertarianism - They understand that Libertarianism and Nationalism are not mutually exclusive, which is heel mooi! The rest sucks.
  • Liberal Democracy - Cuck.
  • Neoreactionaryism - While I appreciate some ideas of this movement, I abhor its goals.
  • Conservatism - What exactly are you, except a mask for Corporate and Populist Evil?
  • Conservative Socialism - Wishing for the Cold War Communist states to return is crazy, and „Anti-Wokeness“ is extremely annoying and anyone who builds their political career on it should be ashamed of themselves. At least we agree that Tradition is important.
  • Christian Theocracy - I dislike most things about Christianity, primarily how expansionist and hostile to other religions it is, and I think a full Theocracy in the modern day would be quite a bad idea (except Vatican City, that one's okay). That said, the Christian Churches were and to some extent still are very important for cohesion in (especially rural) communities.


  • Social Darwinism - I do not believe in this.
  • Capitalist Transhumanism - The direct opposite of my ideology, decadent as can be and a primary driver of Climate Change.
  • Imperialism - LEWER
  • Totalitarianism - DÜD
  • Feudalism - AS
  • Centralism - SKLAV!
  • Bonapartism - You abolished the Estates, you bastard!
  • Neoliberalism - Liberal Imperialism! Burn! Also I actually like when poor children have school lunches.
  • Neoconservatism - The former only it uses more blunt force and is more authoritarian.
  • Anationalism - Fuck you and your stupid language, you damn Anarcho-Imperialist! Ik werd krintenkatolschg hier!
  • World Federalism - Oh yeah, because multiethnic Federations have historically always worked perfectly. This is also just another form of Imperialism.
  • European Federalism - The EU made Article 13 a thing. Let's not give them more power, the current level is more than enough.
  • Marxism-Leninism - We're nearing Peak Evil. A horribly opressive ideology, that does not install any sort of virtue in the people, instead aiming to make them obedient drones to be lead by corrupt, joyless bureaucrats and delusional dictators.
  • National Socialism - Conquest, Totalitarianism and Genocide bad. Truly the most controversial of opinions.


Up Stee

  •  Psychocommunism - Your critiquing of Capitalism from the angle of what it does to culture is extremely based, hence why I should really read Fisher. I can't help but feel that out ideas of what the culture should be instead are… probably different.

Bitje Good, Bitje Slecht

  • Pantheonism - My views on your ideology have barely changed. I like the economics and parts of the social views. Socialization of land, for example, is a point we 100% share an opinion on. What I have a problem with is World Federalism, Monarchy, and Indian "Positive Secularism", since in my view, different groups of people need to be treated differently to ensure harmony. I also disagree with your "Emancipation from the Dominion of Labour" text, since I don't believe we should accept automatization.

Stuur Oftokönen

  • Brazilian Liberalism - Your Nationalism is great, however I don't like your ideas about interfering in other nations. I think Liberalism is not that good a system anyway, but a punitive approach doesn't fit into a Liberal framework, and as a Libertarian, I obviously dislike central state authority. And please reconsider Imperialism.


  • Schumacherianism - Your article is unconvincing, since it rests on your opinion that killing people that could live for no real reason other than „well that's my understanding of the state of nature“, with other arguments about how Social Darwinism is generally good for Society seeming extremely flimsy. Neither is your aversion to Tradition very infectious. You do not really explain why traditionalism is bad, only that it has no inherent value, and since nothing has inherent value, that „critique“ is completely redundant. The article is also extremely arrogant (especially in the Overview), obnoxiously faux-objective and full of Neologisms that, at least to me, seem to serve only the purpose of sounding cool. In short, it's typical for an Economic Right-Wing extremist. We share a Ruralist view, but that's not enough to elevate your ideology, I'm afraid.
  • G-Man Toiletism - This is very stupid.
  • N.Brioism - Also stupid.


Up Stee

Bitje Good, Bitje Slecht

Stuur Oftokönen

  • Jordan B. Peterson - I like the comment about integrating gay people into traditional marriage, but apart from that he's just an extremely weird Right-Wing culture Warrior posing as a wise polymath. He really should have stuck to Psychiatry.
  • Olaf Scholz - The SPD should be a Social Democratic Party, and he stands in the way of that. Also, he's corrupt and undermines what little trust the traffic light coalition has.


  • Saddam Hussein - Genocidal War Criminal who invaded his neighbors and oppressed the Kurds and Kuwaitis. I'm glad he got his ass beat in 1990.
  • George W. Bush - Also a War Criminal.
  • Barack Obama - Setting a precedent for unfettered drone murder even in neutral countries is one of the most devastating decisions any US President has ever made.
  • Bill Clinton - How many people are rotting in jail for small amounts of drugs because of the laws he and his helpers passed? And how toothless is the Democratic Party because of him?
  • Henry Kissinger - Remember 29.11.2023! It was a day of justice.
  • Emmanuel Macron - Least Imperialist & Authoritarian French Leader be like:

User Test

  • Civic Axis
    • Chaosist (+5)
    • Egoist (0)
    • Anarchist (+10)
    • Minarchist (+5)
    • Libertarian (+20)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+10)
    • Statist (+5)
    • Dictablanda (-5)
    • Authoritarian (-10)
    • Totalitarian (-15)
    • Orwellian (-20)
  • Type of Rule Axis
    • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (+10)
    • Direct Democracy (0)
    • Semi-Direct Democracy (+20)
    • Representative Democracy (+5)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (-10)
    • Totalitarian Democracy (-20)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-15)
  • If none above apply...
    • Organic Centralism (-10)
  • Economic Axis
    • Marxist Communist (-5)
    • Socialist (+20)
    • Welfarist (+10)
    • Moderate/Mixed (0)
    • Liberal Economics (-10)
    • Capitalist (-15)
  • If none above apply...
    • Third Positionism (+5)
    • Anti-Economy (0)
    • Non-Marxist Communist (+15)
    • Gift Economy (+5)
  • Economic Freedom
    • Anti-Economy (0)
    • Dirigisme (-10)
    • Regulationism (+20)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+15)
    • Liberal Economics (-5)
    • Free Market (-15)
    • Laissez-Faire (-20)
  • If none above apply...
    • Central Planned (-20)
    • Decentral Planned (+15)
  • Diplomatic Axis
    • Autarchy (+5)
    • Autarky (+10)
    • (Alter-) Globalist (-10)
    • World Federalist (-20)
    • Cosmopolitan (-5)
    • Internationalist (0)
    • Moderate (+5)
    • Patriotic (+15)
    • Nationalist (+10)
    • Chauvinist (-15)
    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-20)
    • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-5)
    • Universal Nationalist (+20)
  • Geopolitics
    • Western (-20)
    • Western Adjacent (-10)
    • Non-Aligned (+20)
    • East Adjacent (-10)
    • Eastern (-20)
  • Cultural Axis
    • Revolutionary (-10)
    • Progressive (+5)
    • Reformist (+10)
    • Moderate (+10)
    • Mixed (+20)
    • Conservative (-10)
    • Traditionalist (+5)
    • Reactionary (+10)
  • Technological Axis
    • Primal (-20)
    • Primitivist (-10)
    • Pre-Industrial (+10)
    • Deceleration (+20)
    • Moderate (+10)
    • Acceleration (-5)
    • Automated (-10)
    • Transhumanist (-15)
    • Posthumanist (-20)
  • If none of the above apply...
    • Post-Civilization (-5)
    • Archeofuturism (+5)
  • Environmental Axis
    • Human Extinction (-20)
    • Radical Environmentalism (+20)
    • Eco-Fascism (+5)
    • Ecocentrism (+5)
    • Environmentalist (+10)
    • Moderate (0)
    • Post-Industrialism (-5)
    • Industrialist (-15)
    • Anthropocentric (-10)
    • Anti-Environmentalism (-20)
  • Neurological Axis
    • Anti-Praxis (-5)
    • Utopian (0)
    • Dogmatic (-10)
    • Idealist (+5)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+10)
    • Realist (+15)
    • Pragmatic (+20)
    • Rational (+5)
    • Dystopian (-15)
    • Anti-Theory (-20)
  • War Axis
    • Pacifism (+10)
    • Non-Engagement (+15)
    • De-Escalation (+20)
    • Intervention (-15)
    • Irredentism (0)
    • Revanchism (-10)
    • Jingoism (-20)
  • If none above apply...
    • (International) Class Warfare (-10)
  • Praxis
    • Insurrectionism (-5)
    • Revolutionism (+20)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+15)
    • Reformism (+5)
    • Stagnationism (-10)

Post your results here:

Reading List[2]

Have read

  • Marc-Uwe Kling - Quality Land (Part 1+2)*
  • Howard Phillips Lovecraft - The Call of Cthulhu*
  • Niccolò Machiavelli - The Prince
  • George Orwell - 1984*

Reading now

  • Julius Evola - Orientations
  • Friedrich Nietzsche - Ecce Homo

Plan to read

  • Karl Marx - Das Kapital
  • Karl Marx - The Communist Manifesto
  • James burnham - The Machiavellians: Defenders of Freedom
  • Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics


Stylistic Notes

  • Either wears a stitched Beret and Rags or a Prinz-Heinrich-Cap, and sometimes sunglasses with a golden frame.
  • Speaks East Frisian Low German or Frisian.
  • Likes tea and hardy food (Kale, Cabbage, Beans, Sausage, Rye Bread).


  1. Please remember that all statements in this section are subjective.
  2. The star at the end of a work indicates that it is not primarily theory, but is still relevant in a philosophical/political context.