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Polcompball Wiki

Localism is a philosophy that champions the significance of local communities and economies. It encourages decision-making and problem-solving at the closest possible level to those affected. Advocates believe this approach fosters greater participation, accountability, and responsiveness. As a counterbalance to globalization, localism also emphasizes the preservation of local identities, cultures, and economies, and promotes sustainable, self-sufficient practices.

Localism aims to cultivate autonomy, sustainability, and self-sufficiency within local communities. By decentralizing decision-making processes, it seeks to enhance participation, accountability, and responsiveness, ensuring that actions resonate with local needs and values. Its ultimate goal is to foster resilient communities that can thrive in harmony with their cultural heritage and natural environment, resisting the homogenizing effects of globalization.


The principles underlying localism can be traced back to various philosophical and political traditions throughout history, even though the term "localism" might not have been explicitly used.

In Ancient Greece, the concept of "polis" or city-state reflected a form of political organization where decisions were made at a local level. The political philosophy of republicanism, as practiced in the Roman Republic, also emphasized civic participation and the importance of local decision-making.

During the Middle Ages, feudalism often provided for local autonomy and self-governance, with lords holding power over localized territories.

In the modern era, localism has roots in the writings of various thinkers. For example, in the 19th century, American Transcendentalists like Henry David Thoreau emphasized self-reliance and living close to nature. The British social reformer William Morris advocated for artisanal production and local economies.

In the 20th century, movements such as the Back-to-the-land movement, Environmentalism, and the Transition Towns movement have all emphasized local solutions and sustainable practices, contributing to the philosophy of localism.

However, as a formalized, named philosophy, localism is largely a response to the trends of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, particularly the growing power of globalized, transnational entities and the associated economic and cultural homogenization. In this context, localism has emerged as a counterpoint, advocating for local control, sustainability, and cultural diversity.


Localism believes that a local area should be governed by its local people and serve their interests accordingly. Similarly, it wants to promote the locality and its community in general; wanting to help its economy by producing and consuming local as well as furthering local culture and community.

Localism is usually, at least in some sense, patriotic for the local area, wanting to make people aware of its history and iconography.

Personality and Behavior

Localism loves his town and the surrounding areas, he sometimes gets jokingly upset at other cities or towns and likes to meme on them. He always buys local and hosts town events to connect with the community and share his ideas.
Usually, he hangs out with Regionalism, someone he gets along with really well despite thinking he doesn't focus on the important things and issues enough.

Localism can often be seen to be patriotic for his town and displaying its symbolism.

How to Draw

Flag of Localism
  1. Draw a ball with a black outline
  2. Fill the ball with green
  3. Draw a white GPS symbol
  4. Add the eyes


Color Name HEX RGB
Green #2D9600 45, 150, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



  • Patchwork - A friend of local rule is a friend of me!
  • Federalism - Pretty cool fella who lets me do my thing. Just try giving more power to the municipalities instead of the states.
  • Communitarianism - We need to work together and connect as a local community!
  • Distributism - I like your principle of subsidiarity.
  • Protectionism - Protect our milk producers!


  • Separatism - Bit radical, but he's on the right track.


Further Information




  1. he's officially registered as a Democrat, but he rarely supports their candidates or their party platform and has frequently voted Green since the collapse of the Reform Party in 2000.



Recent changes

  • ActualCaesar • 10 minutes ago
  • BaxMobile • 23 minutes ago
  • BaxMobile • 28 minutes ago
  • CheesyCommunist • Yesterday at 22:52