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Girondism is an economically capitalist, civically right-unitist, and a culturally-right-wing ideology. He's against the French monarchy and supported the French Revolution, but only during it's earlier stages. Additionally, Girondism believes that democracy should be reformed and that secularism is the way to go. He also seems to oppose populism and authoritarianism.
Feuillantism - Similar to me but more moderate, monarchist and pro-slavery. I helped you turn France into a constitutional state but turned on you eventually.
La Plaineism - We were good friends during the initial progression of the Revolution, but he ended up abandoning me for him. At least our successor ended up avenging me later on.
Gaullism - Mixed bag but more good things than bad.
Monarchism - You're a traitorous scum that betrayed our nation. Fuck off and never come back.
Jacobinism - I was once allied with you against the monarchy and the old order of France. Yet, you and I stood against each other in a struggle for the blessings of liberty and the madness of egalitarianism, until you purged me.
Babouvism - Go away with your egalitarian madness. Also, private property is a human right.
Marxism - Same as above, but to a much greater extent.