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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Glencoe47's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Neo-Glencoeism is the New Ideology of Glencoe13. Now read the Page.



Passive Wealth Accumulation, or PWA for short, refers to wealth that is passively accumulated with out innovation or hard work. This is an enemy of the market, as seen in the modern day with corporations who can create terrible services yet still succeed due to using PWA to stifle competition. To combat this, we should ban Inheritance, Interest would also be removed, and though Debt is sadly unable to be ended, so, we would sponsor strong debt relief programs.

Accumulated Wealth Tax

In addition to this, I believe that we should put in place an Accumulated Wealth Tax to encourage Rich people to reinvest their capital that is sitting idle in Bank accounts and invested in gilded furniture and expensive paintings, none of which serve an economic purpose.



ALL banks should be nationalized. The private banking sector has proven to be Unstable to provide an adequate backbone for the economy, so the government should take control of the economy. That being said I will allow Credit Unions but they need approval first.


Despite me being a capitalist, I do believe some industries need to be nationalized for numerous reasons ranging from their better state-run or nationalizing them will help me push my agenda further. These Industries include Public utilities, Healthcare, Banking and asset management, Travel, Legeal, and Information technology.

File:Construction.png Infrastructure

The State of Infrastructure in America is Terrible and requires immediate improvement. here are some proposals: Making Train tracks high-speed capable Mass Building of Nuclear Power Plants and other green energy sources Expanding our Ports and Airports Increasing internet capabilities in rural areas.

Urban Planning

Welfare State


Well, first of all, straight up abolish the debt ceiling as it is completely useless. That being said, we should start to pay off our debt by allocating about 5-10% of the yearly budget to paying off our debt.

Economic Scorecard

Using GDP as a basis of economic health is a bad idea because 1. It's only one statistic, and 2. It does not take into account other factors. As a result, I support implementing the Economic Scorecard proposed by Andrew Yang as a measurement of the economy.


Mass Automation is coming, you can not stop it, and that is a good thing. That being said, there are some negative consequences, most notably a lot of out-of-work people. To counter this, we will create a UBI to give these now-unemployed people a good life despite no longer being able to work. Another way is to give money to people to start up Co-oops, thus giving them some forelement and letting them do their dream job.

Laws related to adds


Government Structure

I support a Constitutional Technocratic Oligarchy that is Semi-Democratic.


There will be two houses in the Legislature, the Upper house would be the Directory comprising experts in numerous fields chosen by a test. The Directory would be the most powerful house controlling most of the duties, however, they can not propose legislation, only approve it. The Lower House would be the House of Representatives which would now be elected by popular vote instead of the district system they have now, though there will be a test you need to pass before you run, it will be a pretty easy test it will just be about knowing English and government functions.


The Executive Branch's structure will remain the same. However, instead of having elections for the Presidency, as we do know, instead the President will be elected by the Directory and the House of Representatives(they both have to agree). He will also be allowed to pick his cabinet though the Directory can impeach the choice if they don't like it.


STACK THE FUCKING COURT BIDEN, but anyway, it will remain the same as before.

States Rights

State Rights and Local Rights will be massively curtailed though federalism will be preserved. Specifically, Education will be under the complete control of the Federal Government, and the directory will appoint governors(although the state congress will need to approve of the pick).

Why Oligarchy?

The States

The current state structure is fine though Puerto Rico should become a state, and though D.C. should eventually be merged into Maryland for political purposes, right now it should be a state.

Gun Control

I support Gun control, all guns should be banned except for handguns and some shotguns, and to own these, you will need a permit that will need to be renewed every year. That being said, if someone wants to shoot big guns they can shoot them at government owned shooting ranges. That said, I don't support gun control right now for various reasons.

Police Reform

The police need urgent reform, and defunding them is not the answer, so what should we do? My answer to this question is pretty simple. First, we obviously need more expansive and longer training, but I also propose a National Police agency. This National Police Agency will also have a National Blacklist to prevent troublesome officers from being rehired and be in control of designated Anti-Riot Units. The National Police Agency will be divided into several different sections. These being:

  • Police Regulation division
  • United States Marshall Service
  • Federal Police Service
  • Riot Control Division
  • Federal Threat Elimination Organization

On Antifa

While I am sympathetic to Antifa, there are too disorganized, I want the SS and, they’re the SA, so they must go. Also, most there members are anarchists (Not Based)

Clamping Down on the Opposition

As an authoritarian(even a moderate one), I obviously want to clamp down on the opposition, but unlike the childish and immature "Keeping America Pure" section, I have new methods. Taking a page from the Peoples Action Party in Singapore, we will suppress the opposition by suing them constantly with defamation suits.

Culture & Social

The New Americana

America, as it is right now, is culturally speaking, a dumpster fire. Consumerism runs rampant, eating our money away and distracting us from true individualism. We are more polarized than ever before with Race and Gender relations in the trash can. We are insanely ignorant, lazy, and just straight-up stupid. Bottom Line The Old Americana is dead or dying, and there is no going back. Instead, we must burn the Old Americana to the ground and build a New Americana from the ashes. A New America that is truly Individualistic. A New America that is smart, Hard Working, and Tolerant. A New America that is truly in line with American values.


His favorite architectural style is Tropical Modernism which is Modernism adapted to Tropical climates. As a result, in Public Building Projects, Modernism should be the only one used, with variations depending on the region.


Green Energy


Other Polices

  • Switch to Metric System
  • Monarchy is a relic of the past that should be removed regardless of its power. If the Monarch was a ceremonial or a Constitutional one who supported positive reforms, then they can stay in the country and keep some of their assets. If it was Constitutional Monarch who pushed negative things or an Aboustule monarch who was benevolent, then they will lose all their assets or be exiled. If it was an Absolute Monarch who was a tyrant, then they should be imprisoned or in extreme circumstances executed.

Reform or Revolution


On Morality

My Personal Morals

My Religious Views

To put it quite simply, I am a deist. I believe that God's will is unknowable, and due to the fact we have free will, we should follow our path. In addition to this, I believe that God(or Gods?) are NOT omnipotent and/or omnibelovent because Natural disasters exist.

On the Human nature debate

Don’t Care. If Human nature aligns with liberalism great! If not? Who cares we will mold be in align with liberalism then.

My Essays

Grow a Spine! Liberalism in the Modern Day

When the USSR collapsed and, the Cold War ended, many intellectuals, such as Francis Fukuyama, declared it the end of history. That was that we won Liberalism had emerged triumphant as the world's sole ideology. Alas, as time has passed, this has sadly proven to not be the case with the Anti-Liberal forces now striking both at home and abroad, but now the threat is from the Far-Right or Far-Right Far-Left hybrids(take North Korea, for instance), not the Far-Left like last time due to the Far-Left being plagued by factionalism. The Current Liberals are complacent and are unwilling to do what needs to be done to combat these threats. Liberalism as it stands right now needs to grow a spine to survive. We need to break out the weapons of old and unleash them on these Far-Right fuckers and, we can win, look to Ukraine, for instance, and China while the spectacular "21 Days!!!!!!" collapse predicted by the crypto bros will sadly not happen it is facing a slew of issues and is at risk of collapse, Meanwhile, at home the Trumpist movement is not popular. (though neither is Biden). So, in conclusion: Grow a Spine, Hold the Line, and the Center shall hold.

Mega LARP I am working on



Positive Leaning


Negative Leaning




Positive Leaning

Mustafa Kemal Atatürk - Overall very based man who helped modernize turkey but what you did to the Armenians was cringe. Still a shame that the roach is destroying you legacy.


Negative Leaning



Andrew Tate- I fucking hate you with a burning passion. You have ruined a generation of Young males and corrupted my classmates turning them into annoying assholes and in addition to this You are a Migyonist Sex Trafficker.I hope the Romanian Mafia assassinates you.Fuck You.


Positive Leaning


Negative Leaning




Positive Leaning


Negative Leaning



Positive Leaning(60-79)


Negative Leaning(20-39)


Who do I remind you of?

Best&Worst part of my ideology?

User Test

Economic Axis

  • Communist (-20)
  • Planned Socialist (-15)
  • Market Socialism(+2)
  • Social Democracy (+10)
  • Mixed (+20)
  • Social Capitalism(+15)
  • Economic Liberalism (+5)
  • Free Market (-10)
  • Third Position (+5)
  • Anti-Economy (-20)

Economic Basis

  • Community (-15)
  • Collective (-20)
  • Class Equality (-15)
  • Social Justice (+5)
  • Individual (+20)
  • Maximizing Capital (+10)
  • Nation (-5)
  • The State (-8)

Civil Axis

  • Egoist (-15)
  • Anarchist (-15)
  • Minarchist (-10)
  • Libertarian (-5)
  • Moderate (+5)
  • Statist (+15)
  • Authoritarian (+20)
  • Totalitarian (-5)
  • Orwellian (-20)

Type of Rule Axis

  • I am a Anarchist(0)
  • Direct Democracy (-20)
  • Semi-Direct Democracy (-15)
  • Representative Democracy (-10)
  • Constitutional Monarchism(-10)
  • Authoritarian Democracy (+5)
  • Technocracy (+20)
  • Totalitarian Democracy (0)
  • Aristocracy(-20)
  • Absolute Monarchism(-18)

Social Axis

  • Revolutionary (+20)
  • Progressive (+20)
  • Reformist (+5)
  • Moderate (-5)
  • Conservative (-10)
  • Traditionalist (-18)
  • Reactionary (-20)

Cultural Axis

  • Multicultural (+15)
  • Melting Pot (+15)
  • Traditional (-20)
  • Liberal (+20)
  • Progressive (+20)
  • Anti-Culture (-5)

Diplomatic Axis

  • World Federalist (-5)
  • Globalist (+15)
  • Alter-Globalist (+8)
  • Cosmopolitan (0)
  • Internationalist (+20)
  • Moderate (+10)
  • Patriotic (+10)
  • Nationalist (+2)
  • Ethnonationalist (-20)
  • Racial Nationalist (-20)
  • Ultranationalist (-15)
  • Separatist (-20 for America -10 anywhere else)
  • Tinist (-15)

Geopolitical Axis

  • West (+20)
  • Western Adjacent (+10)
  • Other/Non-Aligned (-5)
  • Eastern Adjacent (-18)
  • East (-20)

Environmental Axis

  • Human Extinction (-20)
  • Radical Environmentalism (-10)
  • Eco-Fascism (-15)
  • Environmentalist (+20)
  • Moderate (+20)
  • Industrialist (-15)
  • Anthropocentric (-5)
  • Pollution (-20)
  • Planetary Destruction (-20)

Technological Axis

  • Primal (-20)
  • Primitivist (-20)
  • Pre-Industrial (-18)
  • Deceleration (-10)
  • Moderate (-5)
  • Acceleration (+10)
  • Automated (+15)
  • Transhumanist (+20)
  • Posthumanist (+15)


Art n Shit

Books and Stuff

Note: Most of it isn’t proper theory just stuff that has influenced my thought process. Also doesn't mean I agree with everything stated

Actually Influenced Me

The Curse of the High IQ by Aaron Clarey

The Electric State by Simon Stålenhag



get the chance :-)

  1. expect for my friends and a few other people who are okay

Recent changes

  • JAcket • 32 minutes ago
  • JAcket • 45 minutes ago
  • JAcket • 58 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 11:40