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Revision as of 05:31, 15 October 2023 by Levathon (talk | contribs)

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Levathon's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Levathonism is the ideology of, well, Levathon. I'll work on this when I feel motivated and have time.

I view most, if not all regulations imposed on the market as unnecessary and only stifling market innovations and competition. Whether it be any form of taxes, subsidies, labor laws, quality controls, price controls, licensing, patents, lobbying, nationalization, whatever it may be, I view it as a net-negative for the economy. Unrestricted markets and competition naturally give incentives for corporations to improve their products and provide consumers with what they want, as well as treat the workers fairly. Because of this, I view regulations that try to "protect workers and consumers" and shit like that as unnecessary, only raising labor and product costs, as well as reducing competition on labor, which leads to job losses and creates deadweight losses which prevent market equilibrium from being achieved. Many regulations just cause the distortion of prices, examples being most taxes(especially sales and sin taxes), tariffs, and subsidies, and should be abolished. I also advocate for the complete privatization of all industries and firms(including welfare and social security), as nationalized industries are less efficient, lacking competitive pressure and innovation, and being very prone to corruption, stifling fair competition due to state backing, which is very similar to subsidies, which leads me to believe that the state should never give out any subsidies. I also support free banking the gold standard, and am against fiat currency, as excessive use of paper currency just causes price inflation and a decrease in the value of the currency. There is also a risk of the central banks using the immense power that they have in order to manipulate the economy, and central banks are just defenders of monopolies. I am also in favor of the using cryptocurrencies, as they have many advantages, such as decentralized systems that do not collapse at a single point of failure, better protection from inflation, and no government abuses of money.
Gig Economy
I am in favor of a Gig economy and self-employment, In which independent workers/contractors are hired for temporary positions and short-term commitments. Those who are self-employed are able to create their own work environment and schedule with little intervention from the corporations they are working for, while still able to be productive. There are many other benefits of a gig economy and self-employment, such as increased flexibility, access to a variety of jobs and talent, and a better work-life balance. I also see corporations benefit from a gig economy due to having access to a much larger variety of workers due to the constant moving of workers to different temporary positions. Due to this, I see a gig economy as desirable and should be encouraged by the state, and all the taxes that have to be paid by gig workers should cease to exist, as all taxes should be.
I am also a proponent of counter-economics. I believe that all exchange should be undertaken through voluntary means, and state should have no say about what goes on in voluntary exchange between two or more individuals, as long as there is no use of violence or coercion, because violence bad. I am supportive of markets that are outside the supervision of the state and cannot be taxed or regulated, such as grey(not specifically illegal products) and black(explicitly illegal products) markets. I reject red markets because the use of violence and force is antithetical to voluntary exchange and should be dealt with by authorities. I also seek to undermine corporate monopolies and the traditional economy through counter economic activity. Although there wouldn't really be a need for black and grey markets because the state would not intervene in voluntary transactions and much of the products deemed illegal would open up to the market, effectively eliminating the distinction between white, grey, and most black markets.
Free Trade
I am also supportive of global, unrestricted trade. Free trade has brought a great amount of prosperity and driven competitiveness across the globe, giving millions access to a variety of resources and goods they otherwise wouldn't have had, and lifting many nations and people out of poverty. In contrast, protectionism suppresses free exchange, isolates the domestic market from the world market, prevents individuals from possessing different goods of higher quality, prevents countries that do not have certain resources from getting ahold of those resources, restricts competition, keeps prices high, and hinders economic growth overall. While I am sympathetic to selective protectionism against Eastoids and other countries who have opposing ideologies, I do not want to restrict free exchange and global competition. These countries also may have wanted resources that the United States and it's allies do not have, so trade with these countries in question should happen less(except for when it has to do with desired resources) through encouraging more trade with fellow Western countries and allies instead.
I believe in the principles of Georgism. I believe that there should only be one tax, that being the land value tax, which is a levy that only takes into consideration ground value(the value of the land itself) and not the structures that are built on the land. I view all other taxes as theft. This is also extended to natural resources. Since land, natural resources, and the like are not produced by the one who owns it, one should not be able to make a profit from it, and if an individual wants to own land, they should pay a land value tax for it. An LVT is great for many reasons. First, by taxing the value of the land completely, it gives landlords an incentive to actually develop their land to make a profit instead of waiting for it's value to increase overtime while adding nothing to it, so it helps greatly with the problem of inefficient use of land. It also helps reduce speculation and deadweight losses due to land not being profitable with an LVT and land having no production cost.
Trade Unionism
I believe that trade unions are a great way for the workers to negotiate their wages with their employers and establish economic policy in their businesses, allowing workers to enjoy many privileges and providing them with what they want and need, and diffusing tensions between the employees and employers in the workplace. Class collaboration is also great in my opinion, as the workers are the builders of society and are needed for society to survive and flourish, while the upper class is the upholder and organizer of society, thus both are needed for society to function and thrive. The lower and middle classes are to work and provide for the upper class who in turn provide the two lower classes with safety and wellbeing. I do not want the state to force this, however, but instead encourage class collaboration between inhabitants.
I do not view intellectual property as legitimate. This is because it is an idea, and all copyright laws do is prevent people from accessing ideas and information. Laws that concern intellectual property simply lead to monopolies, which in turn stifles the competitive nature of the market. As of now, copyright laws are abused by parasitic individuals and corporations alike to limit commercial activity and internet freedoms. If an individual or organization has their work stolen, instead of bitching to the government about it, they should instead work to squash their competition by themselves. The state has much more important things to deal with than petty internet drama, and at the end of the day, if you can't protect your program from piracy well enough, that is your own fault.
Mass Automation
Automation is inevitable, and that is a good thing. Automation in manufacturing comes with many benefits, such as an increase in productivity, reduction of labor costs, the constant availability of machines, improvement of product quality, and much more. It makes no sense not to embrace it and try to get there as fast as possible(Unless you're a retarded luddite). After automation in manufacturing is achieved, living costs should be driven down enough so people will be able to pursue more of their goals, and more important jobs should be prioritized. The gig economy can also definitely help with the problem of job loss, as instead of being employed full time, they work part-time on many different projects for many different corporations, so work would still exist, but not in the way it does today.

Exceptional Nobility




Godless Barbarians

  1. Ayn Rand in her letter to Reverend Dudley.

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