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Experimental Artelordism

Revision as of 13:07, 31 October 2023 by Artelord (talk | contribs)

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Artelord's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Infrequently updated
"S l o w c h a n g e i s t h e b e s t c h a n g e !" - Decelerationism
This page is not frequently updated and the creator doesn't have time to do changes, or might do them later or the creator is just lazy.

This is the second ideology of PCB user Artelord, the first one is Artelordism. Unlike it, Experimental Artelordism describes the best state of things for the whole humanity and isn't limited to current technologies, describing much more the use of future possibilities.


Democracy + Technocracy + Cyberocracy

With the development of AI, it should be widely used in the government for planning, calculating consequences of actions, choosing better specialists (forming something like cyber-technocracy) and fighting corruption.

Citizen participation in polls and elections should be increased through the use of Internet. Any person should be able to have a voice in passing laws as well as a right use forums to engage with the government as an advisor.

There should be the Supreme Council with no main person. Council members should be elected in a democratic way.

If the results of any vote or election are close to 50/50 then a special commission should be made to find a solution that will be accepted by more people. Then a new vote or election can be made. It's better to vote several times than to make a wrong decision.

Besides some elected politicians, like the council members, decision-makers within the area are selected on the basis of their expertise in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge.

Social and economical problems should be approached through the lens of sustainability and the scientific method.

Advanced Economy

The economy should be based on a market but with a huge role of computers and AI, that decide not only companies decisions, but also the government's interventions in the economy and market regulations. The usage of modern information technology and algorithms could potentially solve the Economic Calculation Problem and allow planners create efficient and effective economic plans.


Anti-corruption measures should include:

  • People can freely inform the government about any problems;
  • The government should give the information and the possible outcomes to the public;
  • If people consider someone corrupt, the government should investigate the case;
  • Measure the level of corruption;
  • Reward the most effective anti-corruption measures;
  • Punish the corrupt.

Political Freedom

All political parties and figures should be legal so as much as many people, including opponents, are in the system.

If you are doing your job well, you won't loose to an opponent.

The only way to become an illegal ideology is to go against the political freedom or support violence.


  • When making decisions, the government should be concerned about how it will affect the ecology.
  • The recycling rate should be increased until no garbage is thrown away.
  • CO2 emissions should be decreased.
  • Water should be filtered and kept clean.
  • Technologies that will upgrade alternate energy sources are important.

One World - One Union

  • There will be the World Union that unites all countries like EU unites Europe;
  • People can freely travel between different countries;
  • There is one legal system, government and economics system of the WU (World Union) and local governments;
  • Each state can take any decisions as long as they don't break the WU policies;
  • Every decision should benefit the union and its members, so staying in the WU is better than leaving;
  • Any country should be able to enter or leave the WU but only as a result of a referendum.

Before the World Union is Created

All alliances and unions, both military and economic, should be expanded as much as possible. They even should share members.

The United Nations should have more power and be involved more often so it eventually becomes the World Union.

Before the World Union is created, it's necessary for countries to collaborate as much as possible to benefit the humanity as a whole. There also always should be attempts to bring old "enemies" (like PRC and RoC) together and solve all other conflicts as peaceful as possible.

But if fighters won't stop fighting, other methods will be used as well.


The religion always changed, fast or slow. First it was about spirits, then there was a pantheon of Gods, who also settled some basic rules and role models. Then there was one God to give hope, rules and goals for this life. But it shouldn't stop here. IT'S TIME.

The Senatorial is the unknown itself and the god of unknown. It doesn't make follow rules, we already have them but it gives ideas about why humans are important and different. It is because of the MIND. It also reminds us that we can shape this world, we have a WILL... but at the same time, we are nothing compared to the galaxy itself, to the universe, to the Senatorial.

Robot Acceleration

Robots SHOULD take people's jobs so than the government helps those people to reeducate and find new, better jobs.

Space Program

"I am going to the only place that is not corrupted by capitalism, SPACE!!!" Colonizing space is a generally good idea.

All planets should be first prepared and terraformed by robots and then taken over by humans.

If the conditions on earth get too bad or if the earth gets completely destroyed, the AI and the World Union should try to evacuate humanity to other planets.


Emerging technologies should be used to enhance humanity and overcome it's own physical limitations.

End Goal

End goal? Who said there is an end goal? There is an endless goal, the evolution itself! We all always change, or, at least, we all should change. Because there is nothing that is always right and nothing that is truly ideal. Any utopia you've read about either can't be achieved or is just another step in the evolution of humanity, an age in history. Same about dystopias.

So the goal is to always learn, grow and evolve.



For the Relationships list.
