Work in Progress "I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details. |
Agricoetism is the ideology of SkeletonJanitor, greatly influenced by the works of Jose Antonio Primo de Riveria and Ramiro Ledesma and advocates for an emphasis on Hellenic revivalism. He believes that the state should return to a more simple and agrarian way of living, without the need of total destruction of technology, while not falling into Reactionaryism. Retaining the left economic theory of worker self management, Agricoetism puts a strong emphasis on worker power without slipping into a “egalitarian” society.
Have Read
Plan to Read
- The Fourth Political Theory (by Nurisk)
The 7 Leaves of Agricoetism
- The redistribution and equal transfer of landownership to the people who work on such, and organzing these lands into common lands ran by the state.
- The mission of the state will be to educate and promote the Hellenic religion in the populace.
- For the means of production to be violently seized and collectivized in mass strikes, and put into the hand of the syndicates, democratic councils of trade unions.
Agricoetism believes in a socialized economy with a mix of state owned and collective properties, (social ownership, as in collective ownership) in taking syndicates as the basis for the economy. The means of production would be a split between state owned industries and collective ownership of unions, land, etc.
The importance of agriculture and the countryside will be recognized under Agricoetism, concerning farmland and decaying infrastructure of the neglected Spanish rural communities, leading to major reforestation of devastated deforested areas.
Major land reforms, such as reclamation projects, a cap limit on land ownership (no more than 30 hectares) and forced collectivization of farmland by the state, to be redistributed to their respective workers, eventually working towards the abolition of private ownership.
Alongside these reforms will be agricultural programs to make it easier for people who want to go into such a career easier to do so, and education programs for present farmers to maximize efficiency in their field of work.
The state will be organized as a Unitary Vanguard (one party) Socialist Republic.
While the physical state and church shall stay seperated for the integrity of the popular party, the state religion will be Hellenic Polytheism and both bodies will work towards the religious and cultural revival of the nation towards a Hellenic identity and "Eusebeia", acting in the honor of the 12 Gods of Olympus.
I am generally supportive of homosexual rights, a same sex male relationship could be just as virtuous and healthy as an opposite sex one. Plus, you SHOULD be engaging in a homoerotic/sexual relationship to subvert the longhouse regime, which panders towards mentally and physically inferior women.
Frottage is the true expression of distilled, essential homoromanticism, It is antithetical to the low-IQ sodomy of the modern, Judaized-Christcuck brain. Frottage is Greco-Roman, sodomy is globohomo. Essentially, pure and and ancient pastoralist Aryan tradition vs Abrahamic heterosexuality.
The Peasantry
Falangism - WIP
Crusade of Romanianism - WIP
Bonapartism - And so the rotting, incompetent aristocracy of France was replaced with new, revitalized, and enlightened prodigy named, Napoleon.
Marxism–Leninism–Maoism - I respect your virtuous economic ambitions, hatred of anarchists, your love of the peasants and recogition of their participation in the revolution, and love for agrarianism and the environment. However, revisionism is fine if it comes out as a good execution. If it's a horrible revision of Marxism, kill it, if it's a good revision of Marx, incorporate it.
National Communism - You're cool, also I transheart Castro. But you should be more open to international socialist solidarity, after all, you need other socialist allies to keep your revolution secure.
Stransserism - You’re weird but I guess I get you a bit…? Not a fan of ethnic-nationalism, either.
Maoism - Cultural revolution? Check. Class struggle? Check. We need to talk more... You are truly virtuous in your radical reforms to reshape China in a new functioning society, but some of your ideas were a bit… overboard and did more harm than good. Also you should put more emphasis on class struggle, rather than excusing the petite bourgeoisie.}}
Marxism - I haven't read the communist manifesto yet, and don't believe I need to, but the idea of a national identity does not need to fade away in a socialist society.
Reactionary Libertarianism - I hate you and everything you stand for, fuck off to the gullotine!
Capitalism - Die! Die! Die, you piece of shit!
Social Democracy - Elections are fucking useless and will not achieve anything, maybe making a """social""" democratic plutocracy if you actually manage to get elected.
White Supremacism - Fuck off.
W.I.P.Comment below if you want to be added :3
The Peasantry
Inexistism - WIP
Pantheonism - I joke about your ideology being terrible sometimes, but if I’m being honest it’s not THAT bad, I just think you’re too moderate in some places and definitely vile in some other places. (World Federalism) Also I don’t approve of your monarchism and blatant Zionism. At least you aren’t an ethnonationalist pagan, 5/10.
Alstūdism - Your self-insert is very virtuous in someways, such as in your Paganism, National Syndicalism and National Rebirth, which are all great, and agreeable in most places, (stop calling me a reactionary though). But, I disagree with your stance on ethnic nationalism, stop being racist, please. I think we would be onpar if it wasn't for the ethnic nationalism to be honest, and maybe my idea of a roman-esque state to base a state off. 7/10
Brazilian Liberalism - WIP
Distributist Reactionarism - Not much I can say here than this is just vile. It's reactionary and uses a catholic, capitalist, (less vile than normal capitalism I guess) internationalist, and anti patriotic/nationalist rhetoric in its beliefs. It's bad. It's really bad.
Voidvill Rajandeep Incomprehensible, I cannot rate this any higher due to how much of a LARP this is, stop adding post to everything please.
- Voidvill Rajandeep - Add the thought
- MugiKotobuki8814ism - Add me
- Distributist Reactionarism - Add me
- Finnish Strasserism - Add me
- Venatrixism - add me
- Necro-Anarchism - Addy