The Zabójcy Zła, commonly known as ZZ, operates as a semi-integrated paramilitary organization within the Polish Staff of the United Ministry-ZZ Against Internal and External Threats and the Polish Armed Forces. However, ZZ also operates autonomously in countries beyond Poland's borders. The organization primarily consists of radical Social Nationalists and veterans from the Grupa Szturmowa, all deeply committed to the tenets of orthodox Ziółkowskiizm. For instance, they view the Treaty of Chicago and the Treaty of Baranovichi as revisionist due to what they perceive as "collaboration with the West." Their ideology rejects pragmatism in favor of a more radical, romanticist, and idealistic philosophy.
The ZZ often serves as the intervention force for the PSNR (Polish Social Nationalist Republic), deployed to various nations to safeguard Polish interests. However, in certain scenarios like the Second Russian Civil War or the Uighur rebellion, the ZZ has acted independently, albeit with the government's consent.
Significant Divisions:
- 3rd ZZ Division
- 8th ZZ division "Centrazja"(Formerly)
- 12th ZZ division
- 34th ZZ division
- 1st New International Division(Formerly)
- ZZ Xinjiang Division(Formerly)