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Banana Republicanism is an ideology where a whole country's economy depends on upon the exportation of a limited-resource product, such as bananas or minerals. The country is lead by a de facto ruling class who hold control over the main export by exploitation of labor of the nation then there is an impoverished middle class who collect the product. Thus, the term banana republic is a pejorative descriptor for a servile Oligarchy that abets and supports, for kickbacks, the exploitation of large-scale plantation agriculture, especially banana cultivation.

It's to be noted that people living under a Banana Republic don't necessary chose to be under a Banana Republic. This is usually forced upon by other nations.


In 1873, to produce food for their railroad workers, the American railroad tycoons (Henry Meiggs and his nephew, Minor C. Keith) established banana plantations along the railroads they built in Costa Rica; recognizing the profitability of exporting bananas.

In the mid-1870s, to manage the new industrial-agriculture business enterprise in the countries of Central America, Keith founded the Tropical Trading and Transport Company (Now called UFC) Not the fighting championship

By the late 19th century, three American multinational corporations (the United Fruit Company, the Standard Fruit Company, and the Cuyamel Fruit Company) dominated the cultivation, harvesting, and exportation of bananas, and controlled the road, rail, and port infrastructure of Honduras. Among the Honduran people, the United Fruit Company was known as El Pulpo ("The Octopus"), because its influence pervaded Honduran society, controlled their country's transport infrastructure, and manipulated Honduran national politics with anti-labor violence. The term "Banana Republic" was coined by the American writer O. Henry in 1904.

In 1924, despite the UFC monopoly, the Vaccaro Brothers established the Standard Fruit Company (later the Dole Food Company) to export Honduran bananas to the U.S. port of New Orleans. The fruit-exporting corporations kept U.S. prices low by legalistic manipulation of Latin American national land use laws to cheaply buy large tracts of prime agricultural land for corporate banana plantations in the republics of the Caribbean Basin, the Central American isthmus, and tropical South America; the American fruit companies then employed the dispossessed Latin American natives as low-wage employees.

By the 1930s the United Fruit Company owned 1,400,000 hectares of land in Central America and the Caribbean and was the single largest landowner in Guatemala. Such holdings gave it great power over the governments of small countries, one of the factors confirming the suitability of the phrase "banana republic".

Smedley Butler Thought

Smedley Butler Thought is based on the thoughts of American political figure Major General Smedley Darlington Butler.

He was born in West Chester, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States of America on July 30th 1881 as the eldest of three sons descended from local Quaker families that both of their parents were of entirely English ancestry because their ancestors had been in North America since the 17th century while the father known as Thomas S. Butler who is a lawyer that later became a judge served in the "United States House of Representatives" for 31 years serving as chairman of the "House Naval Affairs Committee" (HNAC) during the administrations from President Warren G. Harding to President Calvin Coolidge even Butler's career successes of the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Charles Heywood occurred as the father held that politically influential congressional seat controlling the (USMC) manpower along with the budget since he married his wife named Maud Butler but then the maternal grandfather was Smedley Darlington who is a Republican congressman from 1887 to 1891 and the paternal grandfather was Samuel Butler who served in the "Pennsylvania House of Representatives" before he served as Pennsylvania State Treasurer from 1880 to 1882.

Smedley Butler's childhood home is a registered landmark located in 228 W. Miner St. while he attended the West Chester Friends Graded High School followed by The Haverford School located in a then Quaker-affiliated secondary school popular with sons of upper-class Philadelphian families before became captain of the school baseball team along being a quarterback of its football team but then in 1898, he left school 38 days before his seventeenth birthday to enlist in the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Charles Heywood during the Spanish–American War (1898) against the wishes of his father Thomas S. Butler and in June 6th 1898, the school awarded Butler his high school diploma before the end of his final year as his transcript stated that he completed the scientific course with credit.

Smedley Butler has been known to have an aunt named Isabel Darlington while during the Spanish–American War (1898) lied about his age to receive a direct commission as a second lieutenant in the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Charles Heywood as Butler trained at the Marine Barracks located in Washington DC but then in July 1898, he went into Guantánamo Bay, Guantánamo, Cuba arriving shortly after its invasion along with the capture as the company soon returned to the United States of America after a short break in which he was assigned to the armored cruiser USS New York for four months and in February 1899, he came home to be mustered out of service.

In April 8th 1899, Smedley Butler accepted a commission as a first lieutenant in the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Charles Heywood while he was sent to Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines during the Philippine American War (1899-1902) in which on garrison duty with little to do turned to alcohol to relieve the boredom but once he became drunk it lead to temporarily relieved of command after an unspecified incident in his room and In October 1899, he saw his first combat action when he led 300 Marines to take the town of Noveleta, Cavite, Calabarzon from the "Philippine Revolutionary Army" lead by Emilio Aguinaldo of the Philippine Republic.

Smedley Butler in the initial moments of the assault noticed that his first sergeant was wounded in which he briefly panicked until quickly regained his composure to led his Marines in pursuit of the fleeing enemy while by noon the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Charles Heywood had dispersed the native defenders to taken the town even one Marine had been killed while 10 were wounded with another 50 had been incapacitated by the humid tropical heat but then after the excitement of this combat the garrison duty again became routine and met Littleton Waller who is a fellow Marine with whom he maintained a lifelong friendship.

When Littleton Waller received command of a company in Guam it made Smedley Butler was allowed to select five officers to take with him while he was amongst his choices but they had departed as their orders were changed and they were sent to the Qing Dynasty aka China aboard the USS Solace to help put down the Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901).

In July 13th 1900, Smedley Butler was initially deployed at Tianjin, Qing Dynasty took part in the battle against "The Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists" aka "Boxers" lead by Prince Duan/Zaiyi along with Empress Dowager Cixi of the Qing Empire while in August 1900, he was in the subsequent Gaselee Expedition during which he saw the mutilated remains of the "Imperial Japanese Army" lead by Prince Ōyama Iwao but then when he saw a Marine officer fall wounded it made him climbed out of a trench to rescue him even Butler was then shot in the thigh and a Marine officer helped him get to safety who was also shot even despite his leg wound it has been know that Butler assisted the wounded officer to the rear.

Four enlisted men of the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Charles Heywood including Smedley Butler receive the Medal of Honor in the battle while Littleton Waller who is a Major commanding officer personally commended Butler wrote "For such reward as you may deem proper the following officers Lieutenant Smedley D. Butler for the admirable control of his men in all the fights of the week for saving a wounded man at the risk of his own life and under a very severe fire." but then commissioned officers were not then eligible to receive the Medal of Honor so Butler instead received a promotion to captain by brevet as he recovered in the hospital two weeks before his 19th birthday and in 1921, he was eligible for the Marine Corps Brevet Medal who was one of only 20 Marines to receive it.

In March 28th 1901, Smedley Butler is appointed Captain of the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Charles Heywood while participated in a series of occupations known as police actions interventions by the United States of America in Central America along with the Caribbean that later be called the "Banana Wars" (1898-1934) due to their goal of protecting American commercial interests in the region particularly those of the "United Fruit Company" owned by Sam Zemurray in which Butler became an outspoken critic of the business interests in the Caribbean criticizing the ways in which American businesses along with Wall Street Bankers imposed their agenda on U.S. foreign policy since 1934 but then in 1903, he was stationed in Culebra, Puerto Rico until hearing rumors of the Honduran revolt in which the American government ordered his unit and a supporting naval detachment to sail to Honduras that was 1,500 miles (2,414 km) to the west to defend the U.S. Consulate there.

Smedley Butler along with several hundred Marines used a converted banana boat renamed the "Panther" landed at the port town of Puerto Cortés, Cortés, Honduras while in a letter home describes the action as they were prepared to land before shooting everybody or everything that was breaking the peace but then instead of found a quiet town it has been know that the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Charles Heywood re-boarded the "Panther" to continued up the coastline looking for rebels at several towns and they found none.

Smedley Butler along with several hundred Marines in the "Panther" banana boat arrived at Trujillo, Colón while they heard gunfire that came upon a battle in progress that had been ongoing for 55 hours against the rebels called "Bonillista" who are going against the Honduran government soldiers at a local fort until at the sight of the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Charles Heywood stated that the fighting ceased but then Butler led a detachment of Marines to the American consulate where he found the consul wrapped in an American flag hiding among the floor beams even as soon as the Marines left the area with the shaken consul as the battle resumed with the "Bonillistas" soon controlled the government and during this expedition Butler earned the first of his nicknames such Old Gimlet Eye as it was attributed to his feverish bloodshot eyes when he was suffering from some unnamed tropical fever at the time that enhanced his penetrating bellicose stare.

In June 30th 1905, Smedley Butler after the Honduran campaign went to Philadelphia to marry Ethel Conway Peters of Philadelphia who is a daughter of civil engineer railroad executive Richard Peters while his best man at the wedding was his former commanding officer Lieutenant Colonel Littleton Waller even the couple eventually had three children such as a daughter named Ethel Peters Butler along with two sons named Smedley Darlington Butler Jr. & Thomas Richard Butler but then Butler was next assigned to garrison duty in the Philippines where he once launched a resupply mission across the stormy waters of Subic Bay after his isolated outpost ran out of rations and in 1908, he was diagnosed as having a nervous breakdown even received nine months sick leave in which he spent at home as he successfully managed a coal mine in West Virginia until returned to active duty in the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by George F. Elliott at the first opportunity.

From 1909 to 1912, Smedley Butler served in Nicaragua enforcing U.S. policy with a 104-degree fever as he led his battalion to the relief of the rebel-besieged city of Granada, Nicaragua while in December 1909, he commanded the "3rd Battalion 1st Marine Regiment" (3/1) on the Isthmus of Panama before in August 11th 1912, he was temporarily detached to command an expeditionary battalion he led in the Battle of Masaya a month later but then in October 1912, he was in the the bombardment assault capture of Coyotepe Hil against the rebels lead by Benjamín Zeledón and in November 1912, he left Nicaragua re-joining the battalion regiment located in Camp Kearny, Panama even in private Butler was highly critical of the operation writing to his parents stating "What makes me mad is that the whole revolution is inspired and financed by Americans who have wild cat investments down here and want to make them good by putting in a government which will declare a monopoly in their favor as the whole business is rotten to the core".

In January 1914, Smedley Butler along with his family were living while he was ordered to report as the Marine officer of a battleship squadron massing off the coast of Veracruz, Mexico to monitor a revolutionary movement even he did not like leaving his family along with the home they had established in Panama so he intended to request orders home as soon as he determined he was not needed but then in March 1st 1914, Butler along with Lieutenant Frank J. Fletcher of the "United States Navy" (USN) lead by Josephus Daniels went ashore at Veracruz where they met the American superintendent of the Inter-Oceanic Railway and surreptitiously rode in his private railway car up the line 75 miles to Jalapa before turning back because the purpose of the trip was to allow Butler along with Fletcher to discuss the details of a future expedition into Mexico and Fletcher's plan required Butler to make his way into the country to develop a more-detailed invasion plan inside the borders even it was a spy mission as Butler was enthusiastic to get started so when Fletcher explained the plan to the commanders in Washington DC it made them agreed to it so Butler was given the go-ahead.

In March 5th 1914, Smedley Butler set out by train on his spy mission to Mexico City with a stopover at Puebla as he made his way to the U.S. Consulate in Mexico City posing as a railroad official named Mr. Johnson while the chief railroad inspector scoured the city saying that they were searching for a lost railroad employee but there was no lost employee even in fact the employee who they said was lost never existed and the ruse gave Butler access to various areas of the city as in the process of the so-called search made the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by William P. Biddle located weapons in use by the "Mexican Army" determined the size of units or the states of readiness even they updated maps along with verified the railroad lines for use in an impending U.S. invasion.

In March 7th 1914, Smedley Butler returned to Veracruz with the information he had gathered to presented it to his commanders until the invasion plan was eventually scrapped when authorities loyal to General Victoriano Huerta detained a small American naval landing party that had gone ashore to buy gasoline in Tampico, Tamaulipas in which lead to what became known as the Tampico Affair while in April 21st 1914, President Woodrow Wilson discovered that an arms shipment was about to arrive in Mexico so he sent a contingent of "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by William P. Biddle along with sailors to Veracruz to intercept it but then over the next few days there was street fighting with sniper fire posed a threat to Butler's force so a door-to-door search rooted out most of the resistance and in April 26 1914, 5,800 Marines mixed with sailors secured the city in which they held for the next six months even by the end of the conflict as Americans reported 17 dead with 63 wounded mixed with Mexican forces had 126 dead with 195 wounded so after the actions at Veracruz the U.S. decided to minimize the bloodshed changing their plans from a full invasion of Mexico to simply maintaining the city of Veracruz.

In April 22nd 1914, Smedley Butler was awarded his first Medal of Honor as the citation reads "For distinguished conduct in battle with engagement of Vera Cruz as Major Butler was eminent and conspicuous in command of his battalion when he exhibited courage skill in leading his men through the action of the 22nd and in the final occupation of the city." while after the occupation of Veracruz an unusually high number of U.S. military personnel received the Medal of Honor as the "United States Army" (USA) with nine went to Marines before 46 were bestowed upon naval personnel but then during World War One (1914-1918), Butler attempted to return his medal explaining he had done nothing to deserve it and the medal was returned to him with orders to keep it to wear it.

In July 28th 1915, Haitian President Vilbrun Guillaume Sam was killed by a mob of Haitian rebels known as the "Cacos" lead by Josaphat Jean-Joseph so in response the United States of America ordered the USS Connecticut into Haiti with Smedley Butler who lead a group of Marines on board while in October 24th 1915, 400 rebels ambushed Butler's patrol of 44 mounted Marines when they approached Fort Dipitie, Grande Riviere, Haiti as the Marines who are surrounded maintained their perimeter throughout the night but then the night morning as they charged the much-larger enemy force by breaking out in three directions so the startled Haitians fled and in November 1915, Butler with a force of 700 Marines mixed with sailors returned to the mountains to clear the area before their temporary headquarters base at Le Trou as they fought off an attack by about 100 rebels even after the Americans took several other forts or ramparts during the following days the only Fort Rivière located in Montagne Noire was left.

Before November 17th 1915, Smedley Butler was given three companies of Marines with some sailors from the USS Connecticut that added about 100 men as they encircled the fort before gradually closed in on it while a few moments later Butler reached the fort from the southern side with the "15th United States Infantry Regiment" found a small opening in the wall but then on the certain day it lead to the Marines entered through the opened engaged the "Cacos" lead by Josaphat Jean-Joseph in hand-to-hand combat that resulted in the taking of a rebel stronghold so Butler received his second Medal of Honor as well as the Haitian Medal of Honor and the entire battle lasted less than 20 minutes.

Smedley Butler reportedly had one Marine injured in the assault as he was struck by a rock in which lost two teeth with about 50 Haitians in the fort were killed while Butler's exploits impressed Assistant Secretary of the Navy named Franklin D. Roosevelt who recommended the award based on his performance during the engagement but then in 1917, Butler achieved the distinction that shared with Dan Daly of being the only Marines to receive the Medal of Honor twice for separate actions after the medal was approved to be presented and Butler lead the "Gendarmerie of Haiti" since 1915 that established a record as a capable administrator under his supervision, social order that was administered by the dictatorship in which largely restored even he recalled later that during his time in Haiti that he with his troops hunted the "Cacos" like pigs.

Since December 1915, Smedley Butler formed the "Gendarmerie of Haiti" before it become operational since February 1916 assuming the post of commandant of gendarmes along with the Haitian rank of major general while officers, non-commissioned officers and even enlisted personnel of the "United States Navy" (USN) lead by Josephus Daniels with the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by George Barnett were initially placed in command of the force holding officer commissions from the Haitian government even retaining their United States commissions with their enlistment status as the process for commissioning of officers was set out in the Haitian–American Convention "All American officers of the gendarmerie shall be appointed by the Haitian President Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave upon nomination by President Woodrow Wilson and will be replaced by Haitians when they have shown by examination as that they are fit for command." but then early attempts to establish an officer candidate school to train an indigenous officer corps from among Haiti's educated upper class failed due to a reluctance among potential candidates to be seen collaborating with the American occupation and by the perception that the methods of American military instruction were demeaning even the enlisted Gendarmes were recruited from indigenous Haitians who were paid between $10 to $25 per month.

The "Gendarmerie of Haiti" lead by Smedley Butler quickly evolved into the cornerstone of the United States of America occupation with Gendarmerie officers had practical control over the U.S. client government of President Philippe Sudré Dartiguenave as one visiting American observer noted that "The actual running of the government comes pretty near being vested in General Butler and his young colonels and majors." while one occasion the Haitian ambassador to America named Solon Ménos balked at the idea of signing a Butler-inspired compact that would give the Gendarmerie control of the nation's postal service but then Butler forced the issue by placing an armed guard in Dartiguenave's office with instructions to compel Dartiguenave to telegraph the ambassador with orders to sign the agreement or else and at the local level File:Savage.png junior officers were virtual potentates having only military or police authority in their jurisdictions.

The "Gendarmerie of Haiti" lead by Smedley Butler who had local level junior officers were also being responsible to sit as judges in civil or criminal cases, collecting taxes, manage prisons, enforce weights or measures, register vital statistics and even to audit the financial records of municipal governments but then the interference by gendarmerie officers into local governmental affairs prompted Solon Ménos to file a complaint with the "United States Department of State" (DOS) observing that "The American officers of the Haitian Gendarmerie have extended their powers for the communal councils to such an extent that they wish to act as administrators of the commune and not rest within their powers." and in 1918, Alexander S. Williams replaced Smedley Butler as commander of the Gendarmerie.

During World War One (1914-1918), Smedley Butler was to his disappointment not assigned to a combat command on the Western Front against the German Empire even he made several requests for a posting in France including writing letters to his personal friend Wendell Cushing Neville as the superiors considered Butler brilliantly brave described him as unreliable while in October 1918, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general to placed in command of Camp Pontanezen located in Brest, Brittany, France as a debarkation depot that funnelled troops of the "American Expeditionary Force" (A. E. F.) lead by John J. Pershing to the battlefields but then the camp had been unsanitary, overcrowded and even disorganized and U.S. Secretary of War Newton D. Baker sent novelist Mary Roberts Rinehart to report on the camp as she described how Butler tackled the sanitation problems.

Smedley Butler began by solving the problem of mud as he stated that the ground under the tents was nothing but mud so he had raided the wharf at brest of the duckboards no longer needed for the trenches carted the first one himself up that four-mile hill to the camp that provided something in the way of protection for the men to sleep on while the "American Expeditionary Force" (A. E. F.) lead by John J. Pershing authorized a duckboard shoulder patch for the units but then Butler earned another nickname called Old Duckboard and he was awarded the Army Distinguished Service Medal, Navy Distinguished Service Medal and even the French Order of the Black Star.

After World War One (1914-1918), Smedley Butler became commanding general of the barracks located at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Triangle, Prince William, Virginia as he transformed the wartime training camp into a permanent Marine post while he directed the camp's growth until it became the showplace of the Corps before won national attention by taking thousands of his men on long field marches as many of which he led from the front to Gettysburg, Adams mixed with other battle sites from the American Civil War (1860-1865) where they conducted large-scale re-enactments before crowds of distinguished spectators but then in 1921, during a training exercise near the wilderness battlefield was told by a local farmer that Stonewall Jackson's arm was buried nearby to which he replied "Bosh! I will take a squad of Marines and dig up that spot to prove you wrong!." and Butler found the arm in a box as he later replaced the wooden box with a metal one to reburied the arm before he left a plaque on the granite monument marking the burial place of Jackson's arm until the plaque is no longer on the marker even it can be viewed at the Chancellorsville Battlefield visitor's center.

In January 1924, Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick of Philadelphia asked President Calvin Coolidge to lend the city a military general to help him rid the city's municipal government of crime mixed with corruption so he authorized Butler to take the necessary leave from the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by John A. Lejeune to serve as Philadelphia's director of public safety in charge of running the "Philadelphia Police Department" (PPD) along with the "Philadelphia Fire Department" (PFD) until December 1925 while he began his new job by assembling all 4,000 of the city police into the Metropolitan Opera House in shifts to introduce himself before inform them that things would change as he was in charge but then since he had not been given authority to fire corrupt police officers so Butler switched entire units from one part of the city to another in order to undermine local protection rackets or profiteering and within 48 hours of taking over organized raids on more than 900 speakeasies ordering that they be padlocked or be destroyed in many cases.

Smedley Butler attempted to eliminate other illegal activities, including bootlegging, prostitution, gambling and even police corruption as he was more zealous than he was political ordered crackdowns on the social elite's favourite hangouts such as "The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company" along with the "Union League" in which it was a club based on the "American Civil War" (1860-1865) as well as on drinking establishments that served the working class while Butler was a controversial leader for example in one instance made a statement that he would promote the first officer to kill a bandit stating "I don't believe there is a single bandit notch on a policeman's guns sic in this city so go out and get some." although many of the local citizens along with the "Philadelphia Police Department" (PPD) felt that the raids were just a show as they continued for several weeks but then he implemented programs to improve city safety with security, establishing policies guidelines for the administration and even developed a police uniform that resembled that of the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by John A. Lejeune and other changes included military-style checkpoints into the city mixed with bandit-chasing squads who were armed with sawed-off shotguns backed by armoured police cars.

Smedley Butler's personal war on crime have the press reporting on both the good aspects along with the bad aspects as they praised the new uniforms, the new programs and even the reductions in crime while they reflected the public's negative opinion of their new public safety director as many felt that he was being too aggressive in his tactics even resented the reductions in their civil rights such as the stopping of citizens at the city checkpoints but then butler frequently swore in his radio addresses causing many citizens to suggest that his behaviour particularly his language was inappropriate for someone of his rank and even they suggested that Butler was acting like a military dictator charging that he wrongfully used active-duty Marines in some of his raids and Major General Annesley F. Haynes who is federal prohibition commissioner visited the city six months after Butler was appointed as he announced that great progress had been made in the city as he attributed that success to Butler.

Smedley Butler's leadership style with the directness of actions undermined his support within the community so his departure seemed imminent while Mayor W. Freeland Kendrick reported to the press stating "I had the guts to bring General Butler to Philadelphia and I have the guts to fire him." but Butler who is feeling that his duties in Philadelphia were coming to an end contacted John A. Lejeune to prepare for his return to the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by John A. Lejeune even not all of the citizens felt that Butler was doing a bad job though so when the news started to leak that he would be leaving it made the people began to gather at the Academy of Music located in Broad Street and a group of 4,000 supporters assembled before negotiated a truce between him with the mayor to keep him in Philadelphia for a while longer even the President Calvin Coolidge authorized a one-year extension.

In January 1st 1926, Smedley Butler devoted much of his second year to executing arrest warrants, cracking down on crooked police and even enforcing prohibition until his leave from the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by John A. Lejeune ended while President Calvin Coolidge declined a request for a second extension so Butler received orders to report to San Diego, California prepared his family along with his belongings for the new assignment but then in light of his pending departure began to defy Mayor John L. Bacon including his other key city officials and on the eve of his departure Butler had an article printed in the paper that stated his intention to stay to finish the job.

Mayor John L. Bacon was surprisingly furious when he read the press release the next morning before he demanded Smedley Butler's resignation but then after almost two years in office it made Butler resigned under pressure stating later that "Cleaning up Philadelphia was worse than any battle I was ever in." and in February 28th 1926, he assumed command of the Marine base with ceremonies involving officers along with the band of the "4th Marine Regiment" following after the period of service as the director of public safety in Philadelphia.

From 1927 to 1929, Smedley Butler moved back to Tianjin located in China becoming commander of the "Marine Expeditionary Force" (MEF) with a division of the "China Marines" of the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by John A. Lejeune while Butler cleverly parlayed his influence among various warlord generals to the protection of American interests that ultimately winning the public acclaim of contending Chinese leaders but then in 1929, he returned to the United States of America promoted to major general becoming the youngest of them of the Marines but since May 26th 1928, Thomas S. Butler who is the father of Butler died that ended the Pennsylvanian Congressman's ability to protect him from political retribution for his outspoken views and in 1931, Butler violated diplomatic norms by publicly recounting gossip about Benito Mussolini of Italy in which the dictator allegedly struck a child with his speeding automobile in a hit-and-run accident that lead to his death even the Italian government along with President Herbert Hoover who strongly disliked Butler forced Secretary of the Navy Charles Francis Adams III to court-martial him in which Butler became the first general officer to be placed under arrest since the American Civil War (1860-1865) as he apologized to Secretary Adams III before the court-martial was cancelled with only a reprimand.

In July 8th 1930, Wendell Cushing Neville who lead the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) died that made Smedley Butler a candidate for the position as a senior major general although he had significant support from many inside or outside the Corps including John Lejeune along with Josephus Daniels but there are two other Marine generals who were seriously considered such as Ben Hebard Fuller, John H. Russell Jr. and other generals who petitioned President Herbert Hoover garnered support in the United States Senate that flooded Secretary of the Navy Charles Adams who had desk with more than 2,500 letters of support and in October 1st 1931, Butler's outspokenness that characterized his run-ins with the mayor of Philadelphia, the "unreliability" mentioned by his superiors when they were opposing Butler's posting to the Western Front with his comments about Benito Mussolini resurfaced in which the end the position of commandant went to Fuller who had more years of commissioned service than Butler as he was considered less controversial so Butler requested retirement to left active duty.

In May 1931, Smedley Butler took part in a commission established by Oregon Governor Julius L. Meier which laid the foundations for the "Oregon State Police" (OSP) while began lecturing at events along with conferences to took this up full time but then he donated much of his earnings from his lucrative lecture circuits to the Philadelphia unemployment relief and he toured the western United States of America making 60 speeches before returning for his daughter's marriage to Marine aviator John Wehle as her wedding was the only time he wore his dress blue uniform after he left the "United States Marine Corps" (USMC) lead by Ben H. Fuller.

In March 8th 1932, Smedley Butler announced his candidacy for the "United States Senate" in the primary of the "Republican Party" (GOP) as a proponent of Prohibition known as a dry while in April 26th 1932, Pennsylvanian Governor Gifford Pinchot along with Butler defeated in the primary election with only 37.5% of the vote to incumbent Senator James J. Davis but then during his senate campaign spoke out forcefully about the bonuses of army veterans from World War One (1914-1918) as many of whom had been out of work since the beginning of the Great Depression (1929-1939) sought immediate cash payment of service certificates granted to them eight years earlier via the World War Adjusted Compensation Act of 1924 and in November 3rd 1936, Butler voted for the "Socialist Party of America" (SPA) lead by Norman Thomas during the 1936 United States presidential election against President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

In July 19th 1932, Smedley Butler along with his young son Thomas Richard Butler arrived in Washington DC to went into Anacostia flats were a shantytown camp was created by the "Bonus Expeditionary Force" (B.E.F.) lead by Walter W. Waters as the day before the official eviction by President Herbert Hoover with his administration while Butler walked through the camp and spoke to the veterans as he told them that they were fine soldiers because they had a right to lobby congress just as much as any Corporation even He along with son spent the night before they ate with the men but then in the morning Butler gave a speech to the camping veterans as he instructed them to keep their sense of humor before cautioned them not to do anything that would cost public sympathy and in July 28th 1932, two generals such as Douglas MacArthur along with George S. Patton lead 500 infantry units, 500 cavalry units, 6 M1917 light tanks and even 800 policemen dispersed the "Bonus Army" by riding through it and using gas as during the conflict several veterans were killed or injured in which Butler declared himself a Hoover-For-Ex-President-Republican who is widely known for his outspoken lectures against war profiteering, U.S. military Adventurism and even what he viewed as nascent Fascism in the United States of America.

In November 8th 1932, Smedley Butler who is a self-described Republican voted for Franklin D. Roosevelt during the 1932 United States presidential election as it was upsetting for many Conservative businessmen of the time as his campaign promise that the government would provide jobs for all the unemployed had the reverse effect of creating a new wave of unemployment by businessmen frightened by fears of Socialism backed by reckless government spending while Some writers have said concerns over the gold standard were involved in this even Jules Archer who wrote "The Plot to Seize the White House" say that with the end of the gold standard it made Conservative financiers horrified as they viewed a currency not solidly backed by gold as inflationary that undermined both private and business fortunes leading to national bankruptcy but then Roosevelt was damned as a Socialist or Communist out to destroy private enterprise by sapping the gold backing of wealth in order to subsidize the poor and in 1933, the "Business Plot" was formed as political conspiracy to make Butler lead a veterans organization known as the "Business Army" to become dictator backed by "DuPont de Nemours Inc." owned by Irénée du Pont, "General Motors Company" (GM) owned by Alfred P. Sloan & Pierre S. du Pont, Lammot du Pont II, Democrat John W. Davis, Prescott Bush, Al Smith who is former governor of New York and even Bankers from the New York Stock Exchange Building located in Wall Street, Financial District, Lower Manhattan, Manhattan, New York City, New York.

In July 1st 1933, Smedley Butler met with Gerald C. MacGuire being a member of the Connecticut faction of the "American Legion" lead by Edward A. Hayes was a $100-a-week bond salesman for Wall Street banking firm called the "Grayson Murphy & Company" owned by Grayson M. P. Murphy with Bill Doyle being commander of the Massachusetts faction of the legion while Butler stated that he was asked to run for National Commander of the legion but then in July 3rd 1933, he held a second meeting with MacGuire & Doyle stating that they offered to get hundreds of supporters at the Legion's convention to ask for a speech and MacGuire left a typewritten speech with Butler that they proposed he read at the convention stating "It urged the "American Legion" convention to adopt a resolution calling for the United States to return to the gold standard so that when veterans were paid the bonus promised to them and the money they received would not be worthless paper." even the inclusion of this demand further increased Butler's suspicion.

In August 1st 1933, Gerald C. MacGuire visited Smedley Butler alone as he stated that MacGuire told him about Grayson M. P. Murphy underwrote the formation of the "American Legion" lead by Edward A. Hayes in New York along with telling MacGuire that the American Legion was nothing but a strikebreaking outfit even Butler never saw Bill Doyle again while in September 24th 1933, MacGuire visited Butler's hotel room located in Newark, Essex, New Jersey but then Butler met with Robert Sterling Clark who is a second lieutenant of the Boxer Rebellion (1899-1901) that became an art collector as an heir to the "Singer Corporation" owned by Sir Douglas Alexander even he was nicked named the millionaire lieutenant and in December 1933, Butler toured the country with James E. Van Zandt to recruit members for the "Veterans of Foreign Wars" (VFW) lead by James E. Van Zandt as he described their effort as trying to educate the soldiers out of the sucker class even in his speeches he denounced the Economy Act of 1933 calling on veterans to organize politically to win their benefits condemning President Franklin D. Roosevelt with his administration for its ties to big business.

The "Veterans of Foreign Wars" (VFW) lead by James E. Van Zandt reprinted Smedley Butler's speeches with the title "You Got to Get Mad" in its magazine known as "Foreign Service" as he said "I believe in taking Wall St. by the throat and shaking it up." while Butler believed the rival veterans group the "American Legion" lead by Edward A. Hayes was controlled by banking interests but then in December 8th 1933, he said "I have never known one leader of the American Legion who had never sold them out—and I mean it." and during the first half of 1934, Gerald C. MacGuire traveled to Europe mailing postcards to Butler even wrote about the "Croix-de-Feu" lead by François de La Rocque to Robert Sterling Clark with his lawyer.

In August 22nd 1934, Smedley Butler met with Gerald C. MacGuire at the hotel in Newark for the last time while according to Butler's account as it was on this occasion that MacGuire asked him to run a new veterans organization to lead a coup attempt against President Franklin D. Roosevelt but then in September 13th 1934, Paul Comly French who is a reporter who had once been Butler's personal secretary met MacGuire in his office before Butler told "Veterans of Foreign Wars" (VFW) lead by James E. Van Zandt that co-conspirators would be meeting him at an upcoming convention but then in November 20th 1934, the "McCormack–Dickstein Committee" lead by John McCormack & Samuel Dickstein began examining evidence before French broke the story in the "Philadelphia Record" along with the "New York Post" on the next day and in November 22nd 1934, "The New York Times" (NYT) wrote its first article on the story about the Business Plot described it as a gigantic hoax by Butler with "The Philadelphia Record" reporting on it before stating that Hugh S. Johnson who formerly lead the "National Recovery Administration" (NRA) or Douglas MacArthur will be installed as dictators as a replacement for the plot set up by the "J.P. Morgan & Co." owned by Thomas W. Lamont backed by three million dollars.

In February 15th 1935, the "McCormack–Dickstein Committee" lead by John McCormack & Samuel Dickstein stated "No evidence was presented to show a connection with any Fascist activity of any European country while there was no question that these attempts were discussed, were planned even and might have been placed in execution." while the committee was able to verify all the pertinent statements made by Smdely Butler with the exception of the direct statement about the creation of the organization even this was corroborated in the correspondence of Gerald C. MacGuire with his principal Robert Sterling Clark but a month ago in December 3rd 1934, "Time" magazine reported that the committee alleged that definite proof had been found that the much publicized Fascist march on Washington DC which was to have been led by Butler who is retired according to testimony at a hearing that was actually contemplated and the committee has had no evidence before it that would in the slightest degree warrant calling before it such men as John W. Davis, Hugh S. Johnson, General Harbord, Thomas W. Lamont, Admiral Sims or even Hanford MacNider so no prosecutions or further investigations followed.

Smedley Butler after the Business Plot incident wrote the exposé "War Is a Racket" as a trenchant condemnation of the profit motive behind warfare based on his October 1931 speech that was so well received that he wrote a longer version as a short book while points to a variety of examples mostly from World War One (1914-1918) where Industrialists whose operations were subsidized by public funding were able to generate substantial profits making money from mass human suffering divided into five chapters but then it contains this summary that stated "War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest easily the most profitable surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described I believe as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes." and in November 1935, Butler spoke in an issue of the Socialist magazine "Common Sense" stating "I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer gangster for Capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially the city of Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the "National City Corp." bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of "Brown Brothers" winery from 1902 to 1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it as I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts and I operated on three continents."

Smedley Butler who wrote the book "War Is a Racket" recommended three steps to disrupt the war racket.

  • 1. Making war unprofitable as Smedley Butler suggests that the means for war should be conscripted before those who would fight the war stating "It can be smashed effectively only by taking the profit out of war. The only way to smash this racket is to conscript capital, industry and labour before the nation's manhood can be conscripted. Let the officers, directors and high-powered executives of our armament factories, steel companies, munitions makers, ship-builders, airplane builders and even the manufacturers of all other things that provide profit in war time as well as the bankers or the speculators be conscripted to get $30 a month as the same wage as the lads in the trenches get.
  • 2. Acts of war to be decided by those who fight it as Smedley Butler suggests a limited referendum to determine if the war is to be fought and eligible to vote would be those who risk death on the front lines.
  • 3. Limitation of militaries to self-defence for the United States of America as Smedley Butler recommends that the "United States Navy" (USN) be limited by law, to operate within 200 miles of the coastline and the "United States Army" (USA) restricted to the territorial limits of the country ensuring that war if fought can never be one of aggression.

In September 2nd 1937, Smedley Butler stated that he wanted American Marines along with American Citizens to moved out of China during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) while in June 1940, after he bought a home in Newtown where he lived with his wife Ethel Conway Butler checked himself into the hospital after becoming sick a few weeks earlier as his doctor described his illness as an incurable condition of the upper gastro-intestinal tract that was probably cancer so his family remained by his side even bringing his new car so he could see it from the window but he never had a chance to drive it and in June 21th 1940, he died at Naval Hospital Philadelphia as his funeral was attended by friends, family, several politicians, members of the "Philadelphia Police Department" (PPD) and even officers of the Marines before buried at Oaklands Cemetery located in West Goshen, Chester.

How to Draw

Cockade of Banana Republicanism
  1. Draw a white ball
  2. Draw yellow boundary
  3. Draw a green circle
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
White #ffffff 255, 255, 255
Yellow #ffdd56 255, 221, 86
Green #80FF25 128, 255, 37




  • Anarcho-Primitivism - He's a great banana buddy, but a filthy anti-capitalist anarchist too.
  • Kirchnerism - Too friendly with commies and for some reason a hater of oligarchies and dictators, but I heard my name used to describe Argentina under his presidencies, so he must be doing something right.


Further Information




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