I recently started doing a Political Spectrum of Self-Inserts. I will be adding whoever comments to me with their icon.
I recommend showing your results from SapplyValues.
If you have any questions, talk to the discord: Dr_Bax
- Added:
- Requests:
- Rocksism
- Baxism - Papers, please
- DECBism
- Baxism - Papers, please
- Meadowsin's Basilisk - request requesr requeasr
- Baxism - Papers, please
- https://sapplyvalues.github.io/results.html?right=-6.67&auth=-8.67&prog=10.00
- Baxism - Okay. When I'm on my phone I'll add you to the political compass.
- https://sapplyvalues.github.io/results.html?right=-6.67&auth=-8.67&prog=10.00
- Baxism - Papers, please
- Rocksism