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Polcompball Wiki
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent JAcket's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

In Development
"I'll stop reading eventually." - Left Communism

This page is still in development due to ongoing reading by JAcket, multiple things may change drastically.

I vvill be making this not a book list anymore,,,

Icons: (///)

Hello I am the Hoodlum, reading a lot so stuff will change

Value-Form for Dummies

The value-form is the most basic component of the capitalist economy. Basically, it goes like this: 100 cents = 1 dollar. It seems simple enough, but let's go deeper. The 100 cents is the relative value, the thing that can be exchanged for another, which in this case would be a dollar. The dollar is the exchange value, the value in which the cents take their value as a dollar. To avoid confusion though, the relative value is not the value in the sense of its worth in the system but only as a means to be equal to something other than itself. It cannot measure itself, just as steel cannot measure its weight if it had no other object to measure its weight against. Do not confuse this with use-values, they are in-fact not the same. Use-values are an articles value through its usefulness or being a tool for a particular useful thing for someone to possess. In the value-form the fact that it is useful is not included in the equation. The value-form could be equated with any type of commodity that is far enough from the relative value that is being equated. Which makes the commodity equal to every other commodity in the world of commodities. There is also abstract human labor, which is one of the biggest factors in the puzzle of the value-form. Abstract human labor being not a natural factor of a commodity itself is a purely social construct which came no where fork the natural fabric of the commodity, making the value-form something of a social construct. Human labor is what creates the value of the commodity itself because the exchange of the commodity expresses the human labor that was produced to create the commodity. WIP

Why am I not a Communizer anymore?

Me including myself into the communization community was one of the worst things I’ve done, I knew next to nothing about what I believed in and I realize now that the lifestyle approach to anarchy is utterly flawed. Dauvé was also a pedo supporter 😭.

What I've Read

  • The Bible
  • Syndicalism
  • The Principles of Communism
  • The Futurist Manifesto
  • The Communist Manifesto
  • Critique of the Gotha Program
  • Socialist Industrial Unionism - The Workers’ Power
  • On Authority
  • Industrial Unionism
  • Reform or Revolution
  • Abolition of Work
  • Brief Description of Egoist Communism
  • Violence and Autonomy
  • An Introduction to the Situationists
  • Egoist Communism what it is and what it isn’t
  • The Democratic Mystification
  • How Moldbug got Pwned
  • Workers' Councils(Article)


  • Capital Volume 1
  • The Unique and its Property
  • Workers' Councils

My name is not important. What is important is what I'm going to read

  • Fundamental Principles of Communist Production and Distribution
  • Society of the Spectacle ↷
  • Revolution of Everyday Life
  • Workers & Capital
  • Empire
  • Communists like us
  • Post-Anarchism: a politics of anti-politics ↷
  • May-June 1968: The Exposure ↷
  • The Wandering of Humanity ↷
  • Capitalist Realism
  • On the Genealogy of Morality
  • Beyond Good and Evil
  • Joyful Science
  • Thus Spoke Zarathustra
  • The Birth of Tragedy Out of the Spirit of Music
  • The Myth Of Sisyphus
  • The Subject and Power
  • The Birth Of Biopolitics
  • Madness And Civilization
  • Capitalism and Schizophrenia
  • Dark Deleuze ↷
  • The Revolutionary Disaster
  • The Ego And Its Own
  • The Right To Be Greedy
  • The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State
  • The German Ideology
  • The Accursed Share Volume 1
  • Reform or Revolution
  • Leviathan
  • Reflections on Violence
  • The Three Ecologies
  • Capital Volume 2
  • Capital Volume 3
  • The Civil War in France

Writings(not coming until done with the list)

  • Age of Control
  • Abraham sanctus de Tulpas
  1. From the few chapaters i've read of unique and its property, he's my favorite writer so far. Sad that he's misrepresented as a wholesum anarcho-nihilist redditor. I also understand why camel likes him so much.
  2. As a direct antithesis of it, like Poe I wish to escape it, haunted by the romantic image. Although some romantic art is good i'll give it that.

Recent changes

  • Dr. Occo • 53 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 1 hour ago
  • Dr. Occo • 1 hour ago
  • Dr. Occo • 1 hour ago