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Revision as of 01:14, 28 May 2024 by Xablau Gostoso (talk | contribs) (fixing stuff 2)
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Luna's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Infrequently updated
"S l o w c h a n g e i s t h e b e s t c h a n g e !" - Decelerationism
This page is not frequently updated and the creator doesn't have time to do changes, or might do them later or the creator is just lazy.

"Y'know, a long time ago crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy."- Charles Manson
"Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain."
- Philippians 2:14-16
"Here's a matchstick boy,
let's set this world on fire and enjoy
the pretty flames of our youth."
- Charles Free

Hello and welcome dear reader to my self-insert page! My name's Luna, I'm an American National Anarchist and Perennialist Christian. Here is where I lay out and explain my beliefs and opinions barely anybody agrees with, especially here, but I still feel like writing on because I'm autistic about this stuff and find it fun. So yeah enjoy your stay.


Anarchy - Holy and Righteous!

I believe in, very firmly and violently, Anarchism without any sort of concession or surrender. The Bible commands us to live free, without Conformity[2] or the Law of Man,[3] and to trust in God and exercise the Liberty he has provided us. Authoritarianism is Idolatrous, Sinful, and goes against everything taught by our Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ.[4] These Holy Principles have been outlined in the Divinely Inspired Declaration and Constitution[5], even if they are flawed, which is an inevitable outcome of their presence in the imperfect material world.

In order to bring about Anarchy - Self Government and Liberty, we must adhere to Voluntarism and emphasize the utmost importance of the Individual and his Self-Reliance. Anarchism from the Left is, more often than not, an abysmal failure at this. Cooperating with Authoritarians, being radically anti-individual, rejecting God in favor of pathetic radical Anti-Theism, rejecting any ounce of Syncretism or Cooperation with other Anarchists, the grievances I have with these streams of thought could stretch across this whole page. In their foolishness they equate the Law of Heaven with that of Earth, a terrible mistake.[6] Rather, honest Anarchism rests upon those Old European ideals: Natural Rights, Self-Government, Property Rights, and most important of all, a sense of Local Family and Community, however it should be found. Is it really that bad to care for and about your greater Racial Family? To not want to see it go extinct? The Left rushes to destroy the natural identity and closeness that, if anything, unites people against a central authority, and attempts to replace it with shallow and vague, horribly irreverent ideas of "Global Community", supporting and endorsing whether intentionally or not the domination of people by a state which exploits a lack of community and belonging.

The United States of America was only able to establish itself because it's Patriots were united by their adherence to Protestant, Dissenting, True Christianity against the religious tyranny of Europe, they were united by their shared local identities. The English, The Scotch Irish, The Pennsylvania Dutch, even the Swedish, Finns, and French all had their unique identities, free to live in their own defined Communities, all within the same Confederation with a United Greater American identity. America has never been and should never ever be a Nation-State or a Civilization-State, our Founding Fathers and the men who died to be free from Britain fought and died valiantly to birth a Free Country, where Men are free to be who they were born as, and free to associate with their own kind.

Attempts to go against this have always been by a central, authoritarian, power. Lincolnites worship and idealize an Authoritarian Union with the sense that it fought for and was motivated by a unified cause to End Slavery and free the Blacks. Which couldn't be any further from the truth. Lincoln himself was only motivated by Greed and fought the war to "Unite the Country" (destroy the Southern Cause for State's Rights to govern themselves, the very soul of America's founding.), and every Carpetbagger Yankee who ruled from Office and came down to exploit the South during Reconstruction was motivated by Greed too. Just as much, Desegregation and Integration were forced at GUNPOINT[7] by Corrupt New Deal Democrats like Eisenhower and Johnson for political power and favors. The Civil Rights Acts were signed for the very same reasons, and so were the Immigration acts of the 60s. The Corrupt and exceedingly power-hungry Government in Washington wearing an American guise will burn this country and it's institutions to the ground to secure it's own existence. Said Immigration acts were extremely unwarranted and unwanted. Up until then the founding and guiding principle for such things, supported by all True Americans, was simply that free White persons of good character[8] are to be American Citizens. No part of the Constitution or Early American Legislation ever called for a state to enforce Integration and Miscegenation upon it's subjects. Anyone who says otherwise is a traitor to this Holy Country.

What I want is an American Anarchism. I want what was outlined in the Articles of Confederation. Hell, I want documents like this to lay the groundwork for all American communities, with their specifics deliberated and agreed upon by their respective communities through Direct Democratic processes. Self-Governing Communities, agreeing to provide each another defense, trade, and whatever else in Free Confederations, is the only just model of Government. These Communities are determined and formed upon Voluntary Association and Shared Identities. Be they Racial, Ideological, Cultural, Religious, all at once, or even something else (healthy experimentation is all just and good), these communities must be Close-Knit as well as small in population so that they may stay together. They have the right to invite and exile whoever they would like. Trespassing would be dealt with to the whim of the community's consensus.

A controversial and fiery take of mine is that Religious Communities and Organizations (called 'Cults' by outsiders and the media) are, more often than not, fully righteous and morally sound. All of their members agreed to be a part and not go against their policy, if they violate that, it's the moral right and duty of the group to punish this individual for breaking their promise. Simple Common Law. If anything, I think Religious Communities are some of the most tight-knit and loving forms of community there can be (The Manson Family for example, who of course were framed and persecuted by the state), and I firmly believe that Confederations of Diverse Religious Communities brought together by a mutual desire for freedom and autonomy and a mutual hatred of the state's and society's persecution ought to be formed.

My views regarding Economics are comparatively pretty simple and don't really need their own section: I support any Economic Activity and Ideal which emphasizes the Individual above the State. The existence of Free Markets is vital in this, as is a focus on Local Production & Consumption and Artisan Craftmanship, a Firm Stance Against Landlordship as well as Central Banking and Usury. Questions of Property and Property rights should be handled differently by communities to their whims, however it must never be placed in the hands of The State.

I believe the Spirit of Capitalism is something inherently good, White, and Christian (Protestant Ethic), however it is not without it's various flaws of course, something I think can be solved with Anarchism (like I think with everything else), although for the same reasons I'm very supportive of Christian and Utopian, Non-Marxist Socialism, as well as Economics beyond and between them.

On Culture

I don't consider myself very affiliated with any mainstream school of Cultural Dogma, 'Culture War' itself is only something that's coming out of people's repressed need for struggle and conflict. In a sick society like ours where the state has extended it's monopoly on violence over everybody and everything, there is no healthy way to express inner feelings of rage/hate/anger etc. This leads to people fighting over non-issues, building a mob mentality, and ruining others' and their own mental health in the process, all of this, of course, is great for the state.

I can go on about that another time though, point is - pure unadulterated "Progressivism", destroying culture and history with no rhyme or reason, is pointless and ends up being regressive anyway, more specifically I'm talking about Anti-White and "Revolutionary" streams of Progressivism which don't intend to actually aid any groups they act like Vanguards for - Authoritarian Progressives do this too, virtue signaling and further victimizing them. Just as much, Authoritarian Conservatism and "le based and trad" worldview is equally egregious and regressive as well as Anti-White, no wonder it's pushed by Browns.

Against all this, it's my firm belief that the White Race itself is inherently and continually Progressive and Revolutionary. It was from Europe that The Enlightenment came forth, it was from Europe that America came forth, It was from Europe the French Revolution came forth, it was the actions and rebellious spirit of White People that animated the fight for Early Feminism and the fight for Gay and Trans Rights (and currently animate the fight for rights beyond that). Non-White involvement in all of this has been very very minimal in comparison and sure as hell was not a part of it's genesis. Africans, American-Indians, and many other Regressive Peoples around the world spent centuries without any of this, they have spent decades upon decades refusing and going against what Europe gave them and tried to teach them. Modern attempts to rewrite history from an Afrocentric and Anti-White viewpoint are the very opposite of anything I would consider "Progressive", and attempts by non-whites to co-opt White movements and ideologies are only failures and pale mimicries.

Additionally, I believe conflicts between Progressive and Conservative minded White Communities can be easily solved through Voluntary Association. Conservative communities can kick out gays, gays move to Progressive communities, they kick out chuds, cycle repeats. Not that alternatives don't exist of course, just an example. Whites shouldn't have to fight eachother over pointless shit.

Summary of Faith

I believe in Columbicism, meaning I support, in a Perennial sense, a wide range of religious movements originating from White Americans or Anglo-Saxons. A full list would be a hassle to put here and I don't think very attention-getting, but my personal greatest influences within Columbicism include Mormonism, British Israelism (and other theories on Ancient Israel), Scientology, UFO Religions, and particularly American schools of New Age and Spiritualism. I'm a firm believer in things like Faith Healing, Affirmative Prayer, Dianetics, and plenty more, leading me to be very very skeptical of the Medical and especially Psychiatric system of today, and heavily against Atheistic, Scientist, and Materialist views of the world.

I believe that every single object, force, word, idea, whatever it may be, is imbued with a soul, is sentient, and has its own unique agency, rights, and purpose. I extend this idea to everything - including Technology and the very Earth itself. Combining Animism and Idealism and taking influence from a good friend of mine, I believe that what gives something, anything that exists, from a person, to an idea, to a country, to a rock, it's spiritual energy is the amount of attention, affection, care and general acknowledgement it receives. The more devotion something has, the "realer" and more alive it becomes. The only way I could say something is not spiritually alive is if it were to not be thought of by anyone or anything anymore.

Regardless of how Syncretic and Henotheist[9] I am, I believe that there is one God (Yahweh or Elohim) above all, and that he and his Son Jesus Christ (or Jehovah) have perfected and more physical bodies in Heaven, and are a part of a Divine Council (Godhead) with the Holy Ghost, which is the active force and spirit of both. While there are many deities beneath them and it is possible for Humans and other beings to be Exalted to a Godly level, there are none that can come above The Lord Almighty.

I am a Restorationist Christian, meaning I believe the Catholic and Orthodox Churches and their Theologies are corrupt, apostate, and evil[10]. The rebirth of the Primordial Church of Christ is through Protestant, American-based, and predominantly American denominations of Christianity. Mormons are the Apostolic restoration, Pentecostals and Baptists are a restoration of miracle working, Evangelicals are a rebirth of renewal through Christ, Christian Science is a restoration of early Christianity's healing element, New Age Christianity is a restoration of both, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Identitarians, and Seventh Day Adventists are almost Yahwistic and are reminiscent of Jewish Christians, and above all else White Protestantism itself is far closer to God and Christ than the Apostate Churches ever will be.

How To Draw

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Draw two diagonal Dark Red and Muesli lines from the middle bottom left to the middle top right of the ball. Color the left half of the ball Mosque and the right half Tarawera.
  3. Draw cat(?) ears that match the colors of their respective sides, with the inside of the ears being colored Deep Teal (left) and Teal Blue (right).
  4. Draw the eyes and “DEATH” in white text across the bottom.
  5. Draw a brown western-style hat with a red band.
  6. (Optional) Draw a 12-Gauge Shotgun being held.
  7. (Optional) Draw round sunglasses with a brown or psychedelic tint.
  8. You’re done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Mosque #005749 0, 87, 73
Dark Red #A50000 165, 0, 0
Muesli #A67A53 166, 122, 83
Tarawera #203C47 32, 60, 71
Cocoa Brown #2F251B 47, 37, 27
Seal Brown #450000 69, 0, 0
Deep Teal #204C45 32, 76, 69
Teal Blue #294A57 41, 74, 87




American Impressionism
American Romanticism
Aero and Early Web Design
Art Deco
Avant Garde and Experimentalism
Russian Futurism
Historical Art


American Colonial
American Renaissance
Arts and Crafts Movement/DIY
Roadside Architecture
Frontier Vernacular
Protestant Architecture
Temple Architecture

Time Periods



Ancient Columbia
Ancient Israel
United Kingdom
Early United States
Confederate States of America
Union of/Republic of South Africa
Republic of Rhodesia



Ideologies and users I align with 100%.

  • Artisan Anarchism - Probably the best ideology that there is on this hellsite, and there's a great ball behind it too :3 (10/10)
  • Anarcho-Jeffersonianism - When we win, Washington is gonna be our temple. (10/10)


Good ideology/user, but differing with me in a number of ways.

  • Romantic Egoism - Chasing the same goals, using the same means, but approaching very different ends. Novalis looks awesome I might look into him. (5/10)


I don't like the ideology, but I can hold a conversation with the User.

  • Ultra-Vperedism - Metamodernism rocks, Freedom of Form is awesome, Mark Fisher rocks, uh... We stop seeing eye to eye after that. Unfortunate. I don't have anything against you as a person tho. (3/10)
  • Imperial Socialism - Ever heard of Ikki Kita? You can't be an 'Imperial Socialist' in my eyes without Showamaxxing. (2/10)


The ideology is boring/pseud/just bad and the User is equally as shit.

  • Shellshocked Communism - Tell me, how are these "le epic black trans women" treated in Africa? Oh wait..... "America being a "white country and the whites are of God and enlighteners" just make no sense outside of your esoteric circle." Is my 'esoteric circle' the men who built this country? The civic-cultural nationalist sense of American identity is something that's arisen out of the post-FDR hellscape of a country we live in. And fuck off with the "there is no love in your mind" bullshit. I will always deeply love my White race and family. (2/10)
  • Bapiysm - You will never get it. (1/10)
  • Neocarlism - Latinx Cattocommunist number 4 billion. At least you banned der ewige annika doe. (1/10)
  • Baxism - The ESL is strong with this one. Please stop filling the wiki with unintelligible babble. (1/10)
  • Corwin Schott Theory - You only get worse with time. I used to have a little bit of respect for your politics before you openly admitted you're motivated by your raceplay fetish. Just awful. Stop calling yourself American please. (0/10)



  1. Being against the cult of Science ('Scientism') and worship of Experts, not Science itself.
  2. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God."

    Romans 12:2

  3. "But Peter and John answered and said unto them, Whether it be right in the sight of God to hearken unto you more than unto God, judge ye."

    Acts 4:19

    "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men. The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree."

    Acts 5:29-30

    "And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
    Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
    Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ."

    Colossians 2:15-17

    "But, verily I say unto you that in time ye shall have no aking nor ruler, for I will be your king and watch over you.
    Wherefore, hear my voice and afollow me, and you shall be a bfree people, and ye shall have no laws but my laws when I come, for I am your clawgiver, and what can stay my hand?"

    Doctrine and Covenants 38:21-22

  4. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    Ephesians 6:12

  5. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/ensign/1992/02/the-divinely-inspired-constitution?lang=eng
  6. "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence."

    John 18:36

  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Rock_Nine
  8. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturalization_Act_of_1790
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henotheism
  10. https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/2005/02/what-happened-to-christs-church?lang=eng