Template:CharacterAnarcha-feminismball is a culturally far left, stateless ideology in the far Libertarian Left part of the political compass. She states that the patriarchy is a direct result of a hierarchy, and that dissolving authoritarianism comes with the abolition of the patriarchy. Often seen with anarcho-communism, she is dedicated to absolute equality of the genders, races, and social status.
- Marxism-Leninismball - Her idol
- Social Democracyball - Her childhood hero
- Antifaball - Friend with benefits
- Neoliberalismball - She's forced to put up with him
- Islamic Theocracyball - She loves him even though he beats her
- Neoconservatismball - Makes her cry every night
- Naziball - Clouds her thoughts every waking minute
- Capitalismball - Owes her $0.23