- Current parties in Verkhovna Rada (Supreme Council)
- Партія Регіонів (Party of Regions, 1997-2014)
- Опозиційний блок (Opposition Bloc) [1]
- Опозиційна платформа - За життя (Opposition Platform - For Life)
- Слуга народу (Servant of the People)
- За майбутнє (For the Future) [2]
- Європейська Солідарність (European Solidarity)
- Батьківщина (All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland") [3]
- Голос (Voice)
- Партія Регіонів (Party of Regions, 1997-2014)
- Parties represented in local councils and other notable extraparliamentary parties
- Народний рух України (People's Movement of Ukraine) [4]
- Всеукраїнське об'єднання "Свобода" (All-Ukrainian Union "Freedom")
- Об'єднання "Самопоміч" (Self-Reliance)
- Пропозиція (Proposition) [5]
- Партія Шарія (Party of Sharii) [6] [7]
- Український Демократичний Альянс за Реформи (УДАР) Віталія Кличка (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms)
- Радикальна партія Олега Ляшка (Radical Party of Oleh Lyashko)[8]
- Українська стратегія Гройсмана (Ukrainian Stragedy of Groysman)
- Сила і Честь (Strength and Honor)
- Громадянська позиція (Civic Position)
- Аграрна партія України (Agrarian Party of Ukraine)
- Демократична сокира (Democratic Axe) [9]
- 5.10
- Українська Галицька Партія (Ukrainian Galician Party)
- KMKSZ - Ukrajnai Magyar Párt/КМКС - Партія угорців України (KMKSZ - Party of Hungarians)
- Правий сектор (Right Sector)
- Національний корпус (National Corps) [10] [11]
- Formerly represented in Verkhovna Rada
- Прогресивна соціалістична партія України (Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine) [12]
- Наша Україна (Our Ukraine)
- Соціал-демократична партія України (об'єднана) (Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (united)) [13]
- Соціалістична партія України (Socialist Party of Ukraine)
- Народний фронт (People's Front)
- Notable movements and organizations
- Автономний опір (Autonomous Resistance)
- Братство (Brotherhood)
- Відсіч (Vidsich, Repulse) [14]
- Організація українських націоналістів (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists)
- Організація українських націоналістів революційна (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists Revolutionary)
- С14
- Традиція і порядок (Tradition and Order)
- ↑ Former members of Party of Regions formed the Opposition Bloc in mid-late 2014. Four years later, due to internal disagreements between the members, a schism has occured and Opposition Platform - For Life has formed. The vast majority of OB joined that party. It is believed that both of them are controlled by prominent oligarchs, such as Rinat Akhmetov, Borys Kolesnikov and Vadim Novinskiy for OB, while OPFL is controlled by Dmytro Firtash, Sergiy Lyovochkin and Viktor Medvedchuk.
- ↑ The party is ruled by Ihor Palytsya, who is considered to be a close friend of (((Ihor Kolomoyskyi))), thus ukrainian journalists link the party with the said oligarch as well as representing his views in the Parliament, however the party members officially deny these connections. The party mostly follows the same ideology as SotP.
- ↑ The party officialy presents itself as liberal conservative, christian democratic and liberal nationalist, but supports the expansion of social security, lifting the moratorium on land sales, is against the sale of agricultural land and strategic enterprises and even supports raising tariffs for housing and communal services for the population, though previously the party was against it.
- ↑ A legendary party that played a key role prior to and during Independence. Nowadays it's nothing more than a shadow of its former glory.
- ↑ The party advocates for extended local power and decentralization, but not federalism. Confederalism is used as the closest equivalent.
- ↑ Anatoliy Sharii is an infamous political blogger known for his staunch ukrainophobic, anti-US, eurosceptic (despite living in Spain, an EU country) and pro-Russian views.
- ↑ The party of Sharii was (and still is) receiving financial support by being featured in selected news channels as well as mentions in interviews with politicians, promotion of certain events and "political persecution by the nationalists" from the pro-Russian Opposition Platform - For Life (OPFL) party and one of its leaders, Viktor Medvedchuk.
- ↑ The ideology of "Radicals" is a mix between National Agrarianism and Left-Populism. They hold conservative and nationalistic social views and are usually center-left when it comes to economics. RPL's leader Oleh Lyashko is a frequent guest on Rinat Akhmetov's TV channels, meaning that Akhmetov is financiially involved in the party.
- ↑ D7 also classifies itself as "the party of trolls". This, unfortunately, also attracts radical nationalists, despite having a right-liberal ideology.
- ↑ In 2019, the Bellingcat research network published the results of its investigations, which indicate regular contacts between representatives of the National Corps and Azov Battalion with the American far-right, including a representative of Atomwaffen Division. In audio files available to the research network, the international secretary of the National Corps, responsible for Azov's strategy, summarized the goal of working with the Americans as a "global conservative revolution" aimed at "protecting the white race."
- ↑ A paramilitary organization of the party called "National Druzhyna" (National Squad), is linked with the political interests of the Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov (who has been the minister from 2014 to 2021), but both representatives of the organization and Avakov himself deny the connections. Officialy, its leader is Ihor Mykhalylenko, but some media outlets say that the Russian neo-Nazi Sergey Korotkikh aka "Botsman", is its actual leader.
- ↑ Extremely pro-Russian, anti-Western, pan-Slavic and ukrainophobic party whose popularty dwindled since the mid-2000s.
- ↑ Notable memebers include: Viktor Medvedchuk, Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma, Petro Poroshenko, Nestor Shufrych, ((((Hryhoriy Surkis)))
and some other nasty folks. Think of SDPU(u) as Party of Regions of the 1990's and early to mid-2000's. - ↑ An anti-corruption movement founded in early 2010. Holds moderately conservative and nationalistic views.