- Слуга Народу (Servant of the People)
- Європейська Солідарність (European Solidarity)
- Батьківщина (All-Ukrainian Union "Fatherland")
- Голос (Voice)
- Платформа за життя та мир (Platform for Life and Peace)
- 5.10
- Автономний опір (Autonomous Resistance)
- Блок Кернеса - Успішний Харків (Kernes Bloc - Successful Kharkiv)
- Братство (Brotherhood)
- Відсіч (Repulse)
- Всеукраїнське об'єднання "Свобода" (All-Ukrainian Union "Freedom")
- Вольт Україна (Volt Ukraine)
- Громадянська позиція (Civil Position)
- Демократична сокира (Democratic Axe)[2]
- KMKSZ - Ukrajnai Magyar Párt/КМКС - Партія угорців України (KMKSZ - Party of Hungarians)
- Qırımtatar Milliy Meclisi/Меджліс кримськотатарського народу (Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People)
- Народний рух України (People's Movement of Ukraine)
- Народний фронт (People's Front)
- Національний корпус (National Corps)[3] [4]
- Наш Край (Our Land)
- Наша Україна (Our Ukraine)
- Об'єднання "Самопоміч" (Self-Reliance)
- Організація українських націоналістів (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists)
- Партія "Християнських соціалістів" (Party of Christian Socialists)
- Правий сектор (Right Sector)
- Пропозиція (Proposition) [5]
- Робітничий Фронт України (Workers’ Front of Ukraine)
- Революційна Дія (Revolutionary Action)
- Радикальна партія Олега Ляшка (Radical Party of Oleh Lyashko)[6]
- Рух нових сил (Movement of New Forces)
- С14
- Соціал-демократична партія України (об'єднана) (Social Democratic Party of Ukraine (united)) [7]
- Соціальний рух (Social Movement)
- Традиція і порядок (Tradition and Order)
- Україна - наш дім (Ukraine is Our Home)
- Українська Галицька Партія (Ukrainian Galician Party)
- Український демократичний альянс за реформи (УДАР) Віталія Кличка (Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reforms)
- Українська стратегія Гройсмана (Ukrainian Stragedy of Groysman)
- Український національний союз (Ukrainian National Union)
- УКРОП - Українське об'єднання патріотів (Ukrainian Association of Patriots)
- Українська соціалістична ліга (Ukrainian Socialist League)
- Група 239 (Group of 239) (1990-1994)
- Народна Рада (People's Council) (1990-1994)
- Українська Національна Асамблея-Українська Народна Самооборона (УНА-УНСО) (Ukrainian National Assembly – Ukrainian People's Self-Defence) (1990-2014) [8]
- Соціалістична партія України (Socialist Party of Ukraine) (1991-2022)
- Комуністична партія України (Communist Party of Ukraine (1993-2015)
- Прогресивна соціалістична партія України (Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine) (1996-2022)
- Партія Регіонів (Party of Regions, 1997-2014)
- Комуністична Партія України (оновлена) (Communist Party of Ukraine (renewed)) (2000-2015)
- Руський блок (Russian Bloc) (2001-2014)
- Комунітична Партія Робітників і Селян (Communist Party of Workers and Peasants) (2001-2015)
- Патріот України (Patriot of Ukraine) (2004-2015)
- Українська націонал-трудова партія (Ukrainian National Labor Party (2005-2009)
- Організація марксистів (Organization of Marxists) (2007-2011)
- Український вибір (Ukrainian Choice, 2012-2022)
- НАШІ (Ours) (2015-2022)
- Партія Шарія (Party of Sharii) (2019-2022) [10] [11]
- Націонал-комуністичний фронт (National Communist Front) (de facto)
Ukrainian SSR
- Комуністична партія України (КПУ) (Communist Party of Ukraine, 1917-1991)
- Холодноярська республіка (Kholodnyy Yar Republic, 1919-1922)
- Українська Соціалістична Партія (Ukrainian Socialist Party, 1950-?)
- Об'єднана партія визволення України (United Party for the Liberation of Ukraine, 1955-1958)
- Українська національна партія (Ukrainian National Party, 1961-1962)
- Українська робітничо-селянська спілка (Ukrainian Worker and Peasant Union, 1959-1961)
- Шістдесятництво (Sixtiers movement, late 1950s-1960s)
- Українська Гельсінська група (Ukrainian Helsinki Group, (1976-)
- Народний рух України (People's Movement of Ukraine, 1989-)
West Ukrainian People's Republic (1918-1919)
- Українська народна трудова партія (People's Labor Party, 1899-1923)
- Українська соціал-демократична партія (Social Democratic Party, 1899-1939)
- Українська радикальна партія (Radical Party, 1890-1950)
- Християнсько-суспільна партія (Christian-social Party, 1911-1930s)
Ukrainian People's Republic (1917-1921)
- Українська соціал-демократична робітнича партія (Ukrainian Social Democratic Labor Party, 1905-circa 1922)
- Українська партія соціалістів-федералістів (Socialists-Federalists, 1917-1923)
- Українська партія соціалістів-революціонерів (Socialists-Revolutionaries, 1905-circa 1922)
- Борьбисти (Borbysts, Strugglers)
- Боротьбісти (Borotbists, Fighters)
- בונד (Jewish Bund)
- Українська демократично-хліборобська партія (Democratic Agricultural Party, 1917-1918)
- Українська Народна Громада (Ukrainian People's Community, 1917-1918)
- Українська партія соціалістів-самостійників (Socialists-Independents, 1917-1922)
- Союз земельних власників (Union of Landowners) [12]
- Головна Руська Рада (Main Ruthenian Council, 1848-1851)
- Польська Соціал-Демократична Партія Галичини і Силезії (Polish Social Democratic Party of Galicia and Silesia, 1890-1919)
- Русько-українська радикальна партія (Ruthenian-Ukrainian Radical Party, 1890-circa 1950)
- Католицький Русько-Народний Союз (Catholic Ruthenian People's Union, 1896-?)
- Руська Народна Партія (Ruthenian People's Party, 1900-1914)
Russian Empire
- Українська національна партія (Ukrainian National Party, 1890-?)
- Революційна українська партія (Revolutionary Ukrainian Party, 1900-1905)
- Українська соціалістична партія (Ukrainian Socialist Party, 1900-1904)
- Поалей-Ціон (Poale Zion, 1900-1928/1950 (in Poland))
- Українська народна партія (Ukrainian People's Party, 1902-1907) [13]
- Українська демократична партія (Ukrainian Democratic Party, 1904-1905)
- Українська радикальна партія (Ukrainian Radical Party, 1904-1905)
- Українська соціал-демократична спілка (Ukrainian Social-Democratic Association, 1904-1913)
- Українська демократично-радикальна партія (Ukrainian Democratic Radical Party, 1905-1908)
List of People
Grand princes of Kyivan Rus'
- Askold and Dir (866-882)
- Oleg the Prophet (882-912)
- Igor I the Old (912-945)
- Saint Olga (regent) (945-960)
- Sviatoslav I the Brave (960-972)
- Yaropolk I (972-978)
- Volodymyr I the Great (978-1015)
- Sviatopolk I the Accursed (1015-1016, 1018-1019)
- Yaroslav I the Wise (1016-1018, 1018-1054)
- Iziaslav I (1054-1068, 1069-1073, 1077-1078)
- Vseslav the Seer (1068-1069)
- Sviatoslav II (1073-1076)
- Vsevolod I (1076-1077, 1078-1093)
- Sviatopolk I Iziaslavich (1093-1113)
- Volodymyr II Monomakh (1113-1125)
- Mstislav I Monomakh (Mstislav II the Great) (1125-1132)
- Yaropolk II Monomakh (1132-1139)
- Vsevolod II (1139-1146)
- Igor II (1146)
- Iziaslav II (1146-1149)
- Yuri Long Arm (1149-1151, 1155-1157)
- Izyaslav II (1151-1154)
- Rostislav I (1154, 1159-1167)
- Izyaslav III (1154-1155, 1157-1158)
- Mstislav II (1167-1170)
- Gleb Yurievich (1170)
- Volodymyr III Mstislavich (1170-1171)
- Michael I (1171)
- Roman I Rostislavich (1171-1173, 1174-1176)
- Vsevolod III the Big Nest (1173)
- Rurik II Rostislavich (1173, 1194-1201, 1205-1206, 1207-1210)
- Yaroslav II Iziaslavich (1173-1174)
- Sviatoslav III Vsevolodovich (1176-1194)
- Ingvar Yaroslavich (Igor III, 1201-1202, 1212)
- Roman II the Great (1204)
- Rostislav II Rurikovich (1204-1205)
- Vsevolod IV the Red (1206-1207, 1210-1212)
- Mstislav III the Old (1212-1223)
- Volodymyr IV Rurikovich (1223-1234)
- Iziaslav IV Volodymyrovich (1235-1236)
- Yaroslav III (Yaroslav II Vsevolodovich, 1236-1238, 1243-1246)
- Michael II of Chernihiv (1238-1239, 1241-1243)
- Daniel of Halych (1239-1241)
- Alexander Nevsky (1249-1263)
- Yaroslav IV of Tver (1263-1271)
- Leo I of Halych (1271-1301)[14]
Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia
- Roman the Great (1199-1205)
- Daniel of Halych (1211-1264)
- Leo I of Halych (1293-1301)[15]
- Yuri I of Halych (1301-1315)
- Andrew and Leo II (1315-1323)
- Yuri II Boleslav (1323-1340)
- Dmytro Dedko (1340-1349)
Hetmans of Cossack Hetmanate
- Bohdan Khmelnytskyy (1648-1657)
- Yurii Khmelnytskyy (1657, 1659-1660)
- Ivan Vyhovskyy (1657-1659)
- Petro Doroshenko (1668-1669)
- Ivan Mazepa (1704-1709)
- Pylyp Orlyk (1710-1742, in exile)
- Yurii Khmelnytskyy (1660-1663, 1678-1681)
- Pavlo Teterya (1663-1665)
- Petro Doroshenko (1665-1668, 1669-1676)
- Mykhalylo Khanenko (1669-1674)
- Yakym Somko (1660-1663)
- Ivan Briukhovetsky (1663-1668)
- Demian Mnohohrishnyi (1669-1672)
- Ivan Samoylovych (1672-1687)
- Ivan Mazepa (1687-1708)
- Ivan Skoropadskyy (1708-1722)
- Pavlo Polubotok (1722-1724)
- Collegium of Little Russia (1722-1727, 1764-1786)
- Danylo Apostol (1727-1734)
- Kyrylo Rozumovskyy (1750-1764)
Revolution and Civil war period
- Mykhaylo Hrushevsky (1917-1918), Ukrainian People's Republic
- Pavlo Skoropadskyi (1918), Ukrainian State
- Volodymyr Vynnychenko (1918-1919), Directorate of Ukraine
- Symon Petliura (1919-1920), Directorate of Ukraine
- Yevhen Petrushevych (1918-1919), West Ukrainian People's Republic
- Kost Levytsky (1918-1919)
- Avgustyn Voloshyn (1939)
UPR in exile
- Symon Petliura (1920-1926)
- Andriy Livytsky (1926-1954)
- Stepan Vytvytsky (1954-1965)
- Mykola Livytsky (1965-1989)
- Mykola Plaviuk (1989-1992)
Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic
First Secretaries of the Communist Party of Ukraine
- Georgy Pyatakov (1918, 1919)
- Serafima Hopner (1918)
- Emanuel Kviring (1918-1919, 1923-1925)
- Stanislaw Kosior (1919, 1920, 1928-1938)
- Rafail Farbman (1919-1920)
- Nikolay Bestchetvertnoi (1920)
- Vyacheslav Molotov (1920-1921)
- Feliks Kon (1921)
- Dmitry Manuilsky (1921-1923)
- Lazar Kaganovich (1925-1928, 1947)
- Nikita Khrushchev (1938-1947, 1947-1949)
- Leonid Melnikov (1949-1953)
- Aleksey Kirichenko (1953-1957)
- Nikolai Podgorny (1957-1963)
- Petro Shelest (1963-1972)
- Volodymyr Shcherbytsky (1972-1989)
- Volodymyr Ivashko (1989-1990)
- Stanislav Hurenko (1990-1991)
List of heads of state
- Yukhym Medvedev (1917-1918)
- Volodymyr Zatonsky (March 1918-April 1918)
- Georgy Pyatakov (1918-1919)
- Christian Rakovsky (January 1919-March 1919)
- Grigory Petrovsky (1919-1938)
- Leonid Korniyets (March 1938-July 1938, 1938-1954)
- Mykhailo Burmystenko (25 July 1938-27 July 1938)
- Demyan Korotchenko (1954-1969)
- Oleksandr Liashko (1969-1972)
- Ivan Hrushetsky (1972-1976)
- Oleksiy Vatchenko (1976-1984)
- Valentyna Shevchenko (1984-1990)
- Volodymyr Ivashko (June 1990-July 1990)
- Ivan Plyushch (9 July 1990-23 July 1990)
- Leonid Kravchuk (1990-1991)
Modern Ukraine
- Leonid Kravchuk (1991-1994, Independent)
- Leonid Kuchma (1994-2005, Independent)
- Viktor Yushchenko (2005-2010, Наша Україна)
- Viktor Yanukovych (2010-2014, Партія Регіонів)
- Oleksandr Turchynov (2014, acting, Батьківщина)
- Petro Poroshenko (2014-2019, Petro Poroshenko's Bloc, Європейська Солідарність)
- Volodymyr Zelenskyy (2019-, Слуга Народу)
Prime Ministers
- Vitold Fokin (1990-1992, Independent)
- Leonid Kuchma (1992-1994, Independent)
- Vitaliy Masol (1994-1995, Independent)
- Yevhen Marchuk (1995-1996, SDPU(u))
- Pavlo Lazarenko (1996-1997, Hromada)
- Valeriy Pustovoytenko (1997-1999, People's Democratic Party)
- Viktor Yushchenko (1999-2001)
- Anatoliy Kinakh (2001-2002, Party of Industrialists and Entrepeneurs)
- Viktor Yanukovych (2002-2005, 2006-2007, Party of Regions)
- Yulia Tymoshenko (2005, 2007-2010, Batkivshchyna)
- Yuriy Yekhanurov (2005-2006, Our Ukraine)
- Mykola Azarov (2010-2014, Party of Regions)
- Arseniy Yatsenyuk (2014-2016, Batkivshchyna/People's Front)
- Volodymyr Groysman (2016-2019, Petro Poroshenko's Bloc)
- Oleksiy Honcharuk (2019-2020, Independent)
- Denys Shmyhal (2020-, Independent)
Chairmen of the Verkhovna Rada
- Leonid Kravchuk (1991)
- Ivan Plyushch (1991-1994, 2000-2002)
- Oleksandr Moroz (Socialist Party of Ukraine, 1994-1998, 2006-2007)
- Oleksandr Tkachenko (Peasant Party, 1998-2000)
- Volodymyr Lytvyn (People's Party, 2002-2006, 2008-2012)
- Arseniy Yatsenyuk (Our Ukraine, 2007-2008)
- Volodymyr Rybak (Party of Regions, 2012-2014)
- Oleksandr Turchynov (Batkivshchyna, 2014)
- Volodymyr Groysman (Petro Poroshenko's Bloc, 2014-2016)
- Andriy Parubiy (People's Front, 2016-2019)
- Dmytro Razumkov (Servant of the People, 2019-2021)
- Ruslan Stefanchuk (Servant of the People, 2021-)
Notes and References
- ↑ The party is led by Ihor Palytsya, who is considered to be a close friend of Ihor Kolomoyskyi. Ukrainian journalists link the party with the said oligarch, as it debatably represents Kolomoskyi's interests in the Parliament, however, the party members officially deny these connections. The party mostly follows the same ideology as SotP.
- ↑ D7 also classifies itself as "the party of trolls". However this also attracted radical nationalists, despite having a right-liberal ideology.
- ↑ In 2019, the Bellingcat research network published the results of its investigations, which indicate regular contacts between representatives of the National Corps and Azov Battalion with the American far-right, including a representative of Atomwaffen Division. In audio files available to the research network, the international secretary of the National Corps, responsible for Azov's strategy, summarized the goal of working with the Americans as a "global conservative revolution" aimed at "protecting the white race."
- ↑ A paramilitary organization of the party called "National Druzhyna" (National Squad), is linked with the political interests of the former Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, but both representatives of the organization and Avakov himself denied the connections. Officialy, its leader is Ihor Mykhalylenko, but some media outlets say that the Russian neo-Nazi Sergey Korotkikh aka "Botsman", is its actual leader.
- ↑ The party advocates for extended local power and decentralization, but not federalism. Localism is used as the closest equivalent.
- ↑ Oleh Lyashko was a frequent guest on Rinat Akhmetov's TV channels before the full-scale invasion, with some believing that Akhmetov is financially involved in the party.
- ↑ Notable memebers include: Viktor Medvedchuk, Leonid Kravchuk, Leonid Kuchma, Petro Poroshenko, Nestor Shufrych, Hryhoriy Surkis
and some other nasty folks. Think of SDPU(u) as Party of Regions of the 1990's and early to mid-2000's. - ↑ Political wing was dissolved in 2014 but the militant wing continues to exist.
- ↑ Former members of Party of Regions formed the Opposition Bloc in mid-late 2014. Four years later, due to internal disagreements between the members, a schism has occured and Opposition Platform - For Life has formed. The vast majority of OB joined that party. It is believed that both of them were controlled by prominent oligarchs, such as Rinat Akhmetov, Borys Kolesnikov, Vadim Novinskiy and by Dmytro Firtash, Sergiy Lyovochkin and Viktor Medvedchuk for OB and OPFL, respectively.
- ↑ Anatoliy Sharii was an infamous political blogger known for his staunch ukrainophobic, anti-US, eurosceptic (in an ironic twist, while living in Spain, an EU country) and pro-Russian views, but he no longer blogs as his cahnnels have been shut down and his party banned.
- ↑ The party of Sharii was receiving financial support by being featured in selected (now defenct) news channels as well as mentions in interviews with politicians, promotion of certain events and "political persecution by the nationalists" from the pro-Russian Opposition Platform - For Life (OPFL) party and one of its leaders, Viktor Medvedchuk.
- ↑ UoL was made up of non-Ukrainians who were against independence, but had close ties to UDAP. At the end of October 1918, UoL split into low and middle-class farmers who were pro-independence, and upper-class landlords, who demanded a federation with Russia.
- ↑ The first ukrainian party that advocated for the independent Ukrainian nation. The party's leaders were Mykola Mikhnovskyi and Shemet brothers with former being one of the key figures in the early Ukrainian nationalism.
- ↑ Leo I supported Mongol Empire
- ↑ Leo I supported Mongol Empire