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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Second kaiser emperor of cheese empire's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

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Governmental/Civil Structure

Federalist Lead Unitary Centralized government

"I believe in the concept of a Federalist-led Unitary Centralized government. I think that every province in Indonesia should be given some autonomy, just like in Aceh. With this right, rapid industrialization and deployment can happen across Indonesia, and it can also prevent future revolts and rebellions. However, I do not think they should have massive autonomy. They can implement their own rules like in Aceh, but the central government in Jakarta should still have complete control over them. All new province projects will be overseen by the centralized government, and the centralized government will still take control over the provinces. I believe that if we give them too much autonomy, they will revolt. The central government also has absolute rights to all Indonesian province politics."

Populist State Lead By Talented Expert

"While I like populism and support the people, I believe that any regime can succeed if they have the support of the people. However, sometimes the people themselves are misguided, which is why I believe that talented experts should be in key government roles. With this approach, I believe that Indonesia will prosper, and all important ministries should be in the hands of talented individuals who know what they are doing, instead of just relying on populism. However, I still believe that some populists should have a government role. If I were to take power, I would reshape Indonesia's populist movement and purge the old one. That's why I want to bring an aristocratic system where elected nobles are given a rank as advisors to guide me."

*The Press Of Italy Is Free, Freer Than The Press Of Any Other Country, So Long As It Supports The Regime.*

"Benito Mussolini, the former leader of Italy, once said, 'The press of Italy is free, freer than the press of any other country, so long as it supports the regime,' which is a good view of the press. In my opinion, the press can have the right to be free, as long as it does not criticize the government or incite rebellion against government policies. However, I believe that the government should run all media, and all press must be state-owned. The press should only be used to spread positive things about the regime and state propaganda, and to be used for mass indoctrination."

Limited The Freedom Of Speech

"Limiting and suppressing freedom of speech is necessary for creating a new Indonesian state. I believe that freedom to protest should be heavily limited, and only peaceful protests of around 500 people should be allowed under strict police supervision. If a protest breaks out suddenly, I will invite the protest leader to a compromise, and if that fails, I will crush the protest. If a protest breaks the rules, all participants will be arrested and sent to a work camp for 7 years. I will also ban mass gatherings, except for gatherings in support of my regime, Also, in order to prevent a potential communist uprising or rights revolt, some selected political books will be burned and banned.

Petrus 2.0

What is Petrus, one of Suharto's divisive political initiatives? The term "Petrus," which translates to "mystery gunman" or "penembak" in Indonesian, refers to a practice in which predetermined targets, such as thieves, thugs, or people with tattoos, are shot and their bodies are discarded in a field While being notorious for violating human rights, these policies also benefit regular Indonesians, which is one of the reasons Suharto's Indonesia had a low recidivism rate. I want to bring back these regulations., I plan to conduct a massive anti-crime operation to bring the rate to about 87%, rid Indonesia of the mafia, and create a more safe society.

Millitary "I believe in a massive expansion of the military budget by 67%. I am targeting the complete modernization of the entire Indonesia armed forces' equipment over the next 12 years, with new equipment replacing the old. I also intend to create the strongest fleet in Southeast Asia, with aircraft carriers that can help control the strategic Strait of Malacca and act as a deterrent to China's economy. I also believe in a massive expansion of the air force fleet to protect the major Indonesian islands from foreign threats. Additionally, I believe the military should serve as the main backup to the government and should have a role in politics. I also believe in massive indoctrination of all new recruits and a 6-month military training program for 16-18 year old boys."

Police "I believe in a total reshaping of Indonesia's national police by purging old corrupt officials. I support the creation of a new police organization that is anti-bribery and totally serves the people. I believe this new organization will help to fix Indonesia's broken justice system. I think that all police generals should be more like Hoegeng, a former chief of Indonesia's police who was famous for his honesty and anti-bribery stance. Additionally, I believe in a total modernization of the police force to make it more efficient in countering terrorism or any other threats, and also to adapt to the needs of modern Indonesian society."

Secret State Police I believe in the establishment of a covert state police force. This new secret police unit will be more like the Indonesian equivalents of the Stasi, Gestapo, and Securite. The primary purpose of this creation is to safeguard and uphold the Pancasila ideology, to establish and secure a new Indonesian society, and to protect Indonesia from internal threats. I believe the Secret Police should have military-grade weapons and be prepared for a coup. If there is a coup, the secret police will put it down. This will mostly be utilized for purges and the elimination of state enemies or resistance. These will also carry out international assassinations like the KGB, CIA, FSB, and Bulgaria CSS and employ their strategy.

Laws And Justice

To develop a secure society in Indonesia, I believe in a mix of fundamental Pancasila law and Sharia law. For example, I believe that anyone found guilty of theft should have their hands severed under Sharia law.Murderers, juvenile criminals, predators, and drug traffickers should all face the death penalty. Government officials who indulge in corruption should be publicly executed to prevent other authorities from doing the same.I think that all people should be treated equally under the law. I also believe in the use of both physical and death punishment. Corrupt politicians, in my opinion, should be publicly hanged as a lesson to those who may consider corruption.I also believe that individuals whose mutiny against the state be sentenced to 60 years in a labor camp.


The Main

I believe in export-led growth and regulation, as well as the nationalization of many Chinese firms, which ushered in a more nationalist perspective. that the government will impose a flat tax on the middle class while imposing a progressive tax on the wealthy. I also believe that government action is required to safeguard and protect indigenous commodities and economies, as well as to encourage indigenous economic activity and production. Modest autarky safeguards were occasionally required for the economy. I favor the Corporative Economic System and believe that the government should promote collaborationists of all classes, from laborers to small business owners and entrepreneurs.Yet, I believe in the formation of cooperatives and state-owned firms in order to create economic self-sufficiency. as well as in promoting Indonesian products to the rest of the world.I also emphasized social justice and wealth distribution, with goal of empowering the impoverished and underprivileged groups. Land reform initiatives, the introduction of social welfare programs, and the promotion of labor rights and trade unions all contributed to this. i also believe in the importance of localism as opposed to globalism and consumerism. i also want a program, which aims to increase the country's competitiveness i also belief In Hatta economic democracy of A combination of state ownership of key industries, such as oil, mining, and transportation, and the development of small-scale cooperatives and other forms of community-based economic activity. He also promoted land reform policies aimed at redistributing land from wealthy landowners to small farmers and other landless peasants.

Argarian/Land Reform

I believe in the implementation of a land reform initiative. With the goal of eliminating social and economic inequality in rural regions, the initiative intended to redistribute land from large landowners to small farmers. The government also developed a system of land registration and certification in order to strengthen the security of small farmers' land tenure. I also want agricultural industrialization strategies put in place, with an emphasis on export-oriented products like oil palm, rubber, and coffee. Farmers were given subsidies to cultivate these commodities, and marketing boards were formed to guarantee farmers received fair prices for their output. This strategy aided in increasing agricultural production and generating export income, which aided in the country's economic development. The government should have greater Infrastructure investment in rural areas: This involves the development of roads, irrigation systems, and other infrastructure aimed at increasing agricultural output and competitiveness.


I support centralized banks that adhere to Islamic financial norms.The government should take over and nationalize this bank.It will also be clear of fraud, exploitation, and usury.This bank, I believe, will also provide funds for state programs and will be used to promote national self-determination.

Indonesian Native First

I believe that numerous Indonesian natives such as Sunda, Java, Betawi, and others should be the primary focus of government care.I believe in huge government investment in social issues. I believe the government should implement a large-scale initiative to alleviate homelessness and poverty.I believe that all homeless people should be provided free housing by the government, as well as jobs.Other than that, the welfare program will be more focused on helping Indonesia's middle and lower classes thrive. Yet, this social initiative will be confined to non-Indonesians. This means that Chinese, Indians, and Westerners living in Indonesia will not be provided benefits unless they have totally assimilated and forgotten their previous cultures in favor of adopting Indonesian traditions.


I believe that Indonesia has enormous untapped potential, especially given its position as the fourth-largest country in the world. I think that this potential should be fully exploited by fast-tracking industrialization and managing the country's natural resources. To this end, I advocate for the massive nationalization of various Western and Chinese industries, with the state owning and operating them. However, I also welcome foreign investment and encourage American companies to establish their operations in Indonesia, as long as they agree to pay a 35% royalty to the state, which will be used for state affairs.

In addition, I believe that it is essential to support and promote the growth of the domestic industry, and prepare it for expansion abroad. This will turn Indonesia into a powerhouse for the industry. The state will own private companies through an organization similar to Mussolini's GLC, but I also want to encourage small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to start their own companies that will not be under the control of the government. This will foster competition and innovation in the Indonesian market.

Private Property

I believe that the right to private property is a fundamental human right that should be respected by the government. People should be able to own property without interference from the government. If there is unclaimed land, the first person to claim it should be able to enjoy any profits from it. I also believe that landlords have an important role to play in providing housing for many Indonesians. However, I believe that all landlords should follow the prices set by the government to ensure fair and affordable housing for everyone.


I believe that the government should regulate many factories to be more environmentally friendly. I also believe that the government should launch a program aimed at reducing pollution. It is essential to protect the environment and ban activities such as illegal logging and wildlife hunting. The government should protect forests and animals while also taking steps to grow more trees.

Cultural/Social Structure

Religious Pluralism And Tolerance Society

Without religion, society cannot be moral, yet a fully theocratic state is not moral. I believe in absolute religious tolerance, and that individuals can worship whoever they want as long as it is not a demonic cult.I believe that Indonesia will be completely cleansed of demonic religiousness. I believe the government should conduct a large anti-satanic campaign, and I believe radicalize ideas that advocate one religion or theocracy, such as jihadism, should be prohibited.I believe that all religions are equal, even if I admire atheists and would elevate some of them to government positions if they were skilled.Furthermore, religion should have greater rights and authority in addition to tolerance.I believe that Confucius or other Chinese religions should be suppressed, but that people can continue to worship them in private. All linked confusion will be replaced by mosques, churches, or hinduist\buddhist temples.I will persuade Chinese people to give up their faith and choose another religion.

My Answer For Chinese Problem And Question

I believe that the Chinese should have completely integrated into our culture, however the administration would completely rewrite history and eradicate Chinese culture.I believe in limiting and prohibiting Chinese businesses and shops outside of major cities, after which all Chinese ethnic groups that have not assimilated will be segregated and relocated to a region known as China Town, where we will begin total assimilation by forcing them to marry with pribumi and change their names to be more Indonesian. while kicking all Chinese and other immigrant workers out of the country, like Idi Amin did to Indians, and giving them 170 days to depart the country

Authenticité Cultural Revolution

I believe that the government should conduct a great cultural revolution to fully eradicate the ducth legacy, which would entail demolishing all ducth-related structures and massively promoting diverse Indonesian cultures.I aim to entirely eradicate foreign culture from our country, to cleanse it of any imperialistic past, and to create a pure Indonesian race. This includes changing the names of buildings that sound European to more Indonesian names. With this cultural revolution, I believe Indonesia will be a pure nation devoid of the past, and I also advocate all Indonesian presidents as heroes and outstanding leaders, including Suharto. I also want to glorify Indonesia's history in the same way that Mussolini did. I want to instill nostalgia in Indonesia for the days of Sriwijaya and Majapahit.I also wish to preserve and maintain Indonesian culture and heritage, as well as encourage people to study the local languages of their respective ethnic groups. .

The LGBT Question

I believe in completely suppressing their right. This includes their right to free expression and freedom of opinion. They will also have no legal protection, allowing others to hurt them.I also prohibited the Pride March and imposed Sharia rule on their communities.I intend to unleash a huge crackdown on them while mandating mass conversion treatment.These are the same for transgender people, however, all transgender people must be forced to change their gender and are prohibited from changing their names and will be called by their first gender. Lesbian and lesbian people will be barred from adopting children, and trans parents' children will be removed and put in orphanages.I will segregate them and urge others to shame them.

Women Right I have complete faith in huge females right now.I believe females can defend themselves and think for themselves. I urge women to be more engaged in their communities while also promoting and glorifying female heroes in Indonesian history. I believe they can become anything they desire, such as police officers, millitaries, and so on.I also believe that women should be given more roles in government and be allowed to participate in state affairs. Therefore, unless they threaten or rape the victim, I will abort.


I believe education is for everyone believe that education is free for everyone. Government should build more schools and build more proper school buildings in rural areas and remote areas. I believe the government should launch a new literacy program so all citizens can write and be educated. I believe that politics should teach in school and we should indoctrinate all students in religion, nationalism, and anti-American and Chinese subject. I believe that all students should study how to fight and used weapon.the standard 8 hour school time wiill be remove and replace with 5 hours but the student will get many homework and the exam will be hard other then that goverment will prepare free milk station for student to drink milk.


I believe that health is a fundamental human right. I think that everyone should have access to a good healthcare system, and that healthcare should be free for everyone.More healthcare facilities should be built for rural residents, and everyone should be vaccinated.I believe that the government should invest in and develop new technology and medicines to improve health care.Apart from that, I believe the government should have expanded healthcare, upgraded equipment, and had Indonesia produce its own medicine. I also believe the government should have built some form of hospital in many distant areas.


Improvement of Technological Development while Preserving Tradition

Extreme traditionalists, like reactionaries, will only lead to regression and stagnation, whereas extreme technological advancement will obliterate tradition. believe that the government should welcome and encourage brilliant individuals to compete and contribute. I would want to see a campaign of discovery that encourages people to develop new helpful innovations.The majority of this technical improvement will be focused on healthcare and military applications. I believe that Indonesia should have the most modern healthcare technology in Southeast Asia, which will lead to more people being treated while promoting and upholding tradition.i

Millitary Technological Weapon

Apart from healthcare, I believe the Military must also be a major focus of the government's technological campaign. I want to develop new weaponry that can be employed by the military to defend the country against foreign threats such as Chinese and Western. I also believe in the implementation of battle droids to aid soldiers in battle.

Indonesia Going Nuclear

I believe that Indonesia should develop nukes through vast expansion and the construction of several nuclear reactors around the country.I believe it will be extremely beneficial for the new Indonesian society, and I also believe it will be utilized to build Indonesia nukes.I believe Indonesia should possess nuclear weapons.

Indonesia Space

I believe the government should increase the budget of the space agency and encourage individuals to do research and create new technologies for use in space exploration.I believe Indonesia should create its own rocket for space research and military purposes.I believe that this will increase Indonesia's respect in the outside world and create amazement in the globe for Indonesia's technological growth, as well as promote Indonesian engineering.


Indonesia Imperialism And Reclaimation of lost territory

Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei are legitimate Indonesian regions since they share malayanic beliefs and are historically and culturally connected to the Pan Malaya culture, which restored the Majapahit kingdom.I want to glorify the Majapahit empire and reclaim it for the people of Indonesia, but first I believe in the peaceful annexation of Timor, and after this peaceful annexation, I believe we should go north and strike on North Borneo by doing a false flag operation to justify cause operation, then invade North Borneo liberate it before going to Brunei, which will easily disarm them, then take Singapore and Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, and Selangor provinces.Next, in the remaining territory, establish a vassal state that will serve as a buffer between Thailand.

Asean The Third Position Bloc Between East And West

I believe Asean should shift to a military alliance that serves Indonesia's interests. Southeast Asia should be placed in Indonesia spehere influence to construct a shield against Peking Imperialism and utilized to oppose Chinese dominance.I believe in deposing all Southeast Asian country governments and replacing them with governments that support Jakarta, similar to the Warsaw Pact. As a millitary alliance, ASEAN will pursue rigorous neutral policies and mild isolation, and I encourage each member to trade with each other rather than with China or the West, while commerce with the West is still desirable.then launch a purification drive to rid ASEAN of the communist disease

Why West?

Did I enjoy West? Of course, I loathe them as China, but because China is the major threat in Asia, we must first chase the hun out of Asia and back to their original territory. After that, we'll drive west from Asia.China is an imperialist that is wrecking Indonesia, which is why I loathe them and wish to limit their influence in Asia, which is why I like and supported Chiang Kai Shek during the Chinese civil war.It is the primary reason why Indonesia should control the Malacca Strait. With this, we will confront China and, if necessary, restrict their influence, crushing the Chinese economy and return them back to third-world countries that really are impoverished.


Self Insert-Relations

Hornory Indonesianic

Nonexistism - My Korean Counterpart But Left Leaning

BERNHE - basedness my main inspiration for move away from fascism

Neo-Phibunsongkhram Thought - My Great Freind my counterpart in thailand we have many similiar view but also we have many diffrence but still you are based

Patrick Thought - HAMER H GANG

Nastyism - interesting concept i agree many thing in your ideology. Like Economy and Goverment but I Disliked your Nazist Characteristic but Overall still good

Suspicious Neutral

  • Yoda8soup Thought - meh not bad nor good your economic policies kinda good but i dont like your civic or you diplomacy you too democratic.democracy is foolish concept

Glencoeism - you just the florida version of the above guy

National Fracturism - In term of diplomatic and enviroment is based but world federalism? come on is globalism i hate globalist but rest is fine

Pantheonism - monarchist is good and economy is decent i agree with many of your view but globalism world federalism is bad very bad

Banned For Entering

Atronism - Communist scum the only good was is your daily view polices

Confederate Crusaderism - eh chief this aint 4chan stop being a edgy boy and said faggot.also you betrayed asianic race but i agree with some of your belief like your view on LGBT and your sinophobia tendecies. your foreign view is good but too extreme very extreme this the reasson why i put you in this rannk


O'Langism - A N A R C H I S T

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Libra Thought - Man Loving Man with wannabe Women Characteristic Thought

Neo-Kiraism - Stalinist Scum

Template:Iouser - Damn Egoist How Many Stirner Licker In Pcb?

Neo-Murba - Marxist Larper who wordship tan malaka

My View And Rating Of Many Historical Figure

Chad Gamer

  • Gadja Mada (INFINITE)- the Second greatest Indonesian and a great unifier of all Malayan-speaking countries. Majapahit Under Your Leadership Is Prosper and rich.
  • Hayam Wuruk (INFINITE)-THE GREATEST MAN IN INDONESIA HISTORY.A Great And Wise King Who Lead His People In The Golden Age
  • Raden Wijaya (INFINITE)-Gamer King The Founder Of The Majapahit Empire And Trick And Destroying Mongol Invader


  • Sukarno (81/100)- Bapak Proklamator. A Great Man with a Grand Idea.

A fighter for independence. You have liberated us from DuctutchColonialism. You elevate Indonesia in the eyes of the world. You have many great ideas, such as exploiting and converting Indonesian labor to run Indonesian resources, but you also have numerous flaws. Corruption is ubiquitous, and you have destroyed two anti-corruption organizations during your reign. A hysterical person. Pouring People's Money Into Useless White Elephant Projects, Partying While Others Go Without Food, and Spending Money on War With Malaysia (Altrougth Is JustifiedAnd North Borneo Should Be Part Of us). Supporting Pki While Ignoring Their Crime And Doing Nothing When The September Movement Happened.600% Inflation And The Economy Are Shattered. You also sacked Hatta and imprisoned Hamka and Syahrir. Suharto Deserves to Coup You

  • Suharto (79/100) - Bapak Pembangunan.A Hero Who Has Fallen

You fight for us, as seen by your participation in the general offensive. You deliver Ibu Pertiwi from the clutches of the Communist Satan. Help the Economy, increase Living Standards, Purging Communists, Reduce The Poverty Rate, Make Indonesia Farmer Prosper, Begin Industrialization, Advance Indonesia Culture, Decrease The Criminal Rate, And Everything Is Inexpensive Under Your Reign You also encourage many Islamic communities to participate in the national affair, even though the fact that in your early days, you were a secularist and a terrorized Muslim in Tanjung Priok. You also practice nepotism, and massive corruption, and are the most corrupt leader.1 million people were killed in the Genocide of Timor-Leste. Other than that, you should be a hero since you almost made Indonesia a great economy. I The Powerhouse, Unfortunately, the IMF has overthrown you.


Bad And Cringe




Bourgeoisie destroyerism Can you add me

Neo-Glencoeism- Add me plz?