FreePCB Staff Member This user is a part of the FPCB team and thus has certain moderation and administrative powers, if you have questions, feel free to ask them.
This user is agnostic. "Basically the radical centrists of religion."
This user is a Bad Artist "My ArT iS tHe BeSt AnD aNyOnE wHo SaYs OtHeRwIsE iS dOuBlEpLuSuNgOoD!"
This user is Asian. "Welcome to the rice fields, motherfucker!"
This user is Authoritarian. "I swear I'm not nazi!"
This user is hella gay. "Alphabet Mafia Unite!"
This user is Nationalist. "Blood and soil!"
This user is a Fascist "Everything for the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. While keeping losing wars"