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Revision as of 20:03, 30 October 2023 by Person16384 (talk | contribs) (Deagendapostification)
This page is about an important IRL ideology
"This knowledge is essential to political science!" - Scientocracy
This page is about an ideology that not only exists in the real world, but is also of reasonable importance. Please do not make major edits to this page without citing sources, so that it may stay accurate.

Social Darwinism is an ideology that believes the "survival of the fittest" philosophy of Darwinism should be the governing factor in society. Social Darwinists often believe in ideas such as the "might makes right" principle or "master morality," where the strong should be able to do and act whatever they want.

Due to this, Social Darwinism is fiercely individualistic and usually rejects all forms of collectivism, whether it be religion, nationalism, socialism, or third positionism. Social Darwinists also view any sort of collectivism as "slave morality" due to collectivists looking out for their fellow man.

Social Darwinists also believe success is literally a dice roll where some people are naturally unlucky.


Top of the Food Chain

  • Kraterocracy - Nice aesthetic. But I don't see what the point in having a "rule of the strong" is when you could just make everyone strong.
  • Avaritionism - Cool dude! We've compared weapon collections. But without laws the strong might end up... *stretches* "showing compassion" again.
  • Combatocracy - We dominate the weaklings together!
  • Meritocracy - Of course, the most talented will be at the top of the chain! But why do we need useless ones?
  • Technocracy- The emphasis on intellectual power is based, but like the above you don't go far enough.

Temporary Predators

  • Anarcho-Egoism - Moral egoism is very based but you don’t use it enough!
  • Nazism - These idiots called themselves Darwinists but didn't win the war? Cringe. Aktion T4 was based though. The Dirlewanger Brigade would've been based, too, if they hadn't turned out to be a bunch of pussies beaten by commies.
  • Fabian Socialism - Kinda based but what's with this caring about the poor shit? You know caring about your own people is a weakness too, right? Still, the only lefty I might be able to have some use for. Maybe.
  • Eugenicism - Right idea, wrong application. Artificial selection and natural selection are two very different things. Also, it doesn't go nearly far enough. Why not just kill off all the inferior “people”? Do you value their lives or something? That might be showing compassion as far as I'm concerned, which is a weakness I can exploit.
  • Odalism - Waiting for you after the end of civilization.
  • Illegalism - Like to commit violence like me, but only out of petty self-interest, sometimes even for no reason at all. Unlike I merely use violence to actually achieve a visionary ideal.
  • Primalism - The animal kingdom is an example of natural selection in its purest form, not affected by the "morality" invented by people.But still thanks to technological progress, humanity is the most powerful species on the planet.
  • National Capitalism - You have great ideas, but are far too moderate.
  • Capitalism & Fiscal Conservatism - Market hierarchies are based but you are even more moderate for my tastes.
  • Freemasonry & Illuminatism - "Didja think every battle in history was all part of some big ol' conspiracy? Bullshit! War is just part'a who we are. Why fight it?"


  • Anarcho-Pacifism - "All we're saying is... give war a chance!"
  • Communalism - I'd say he's poisoning our gene pool... But it's more like he's spitting on our gene toothbrush. Using someone else's toothbrushes can lead to infection, so you and your friends in the commune infecting each other prove the theory of natural selection...
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - "I admire how much you want to be like me" is what I would say if you weren't some larping edgelord. Grow a damn spine!
  • Kakistocracy - Rule of the stupid?! You will die first!
  • Mediocracy - And you for second!
  • Hive-Mind Collectivism - How can there be competition if everyone is the same?
  • Soulism - There is no such thing as an unjust hierarchy.
  • Ego-Communism - Aren't you just Soulism but with fewer drugs?
  • Esoteric Fascism - THE SAME GOES TO YOU TOO!
  • Humanism, Socialism & Welfarism - True biological evolutions of humans can be only realized by accepting that NOT ALL HUMANS ARE EQUAL and that they must not be treated that way either.
  • Deep Ecology - Species are not equal. The dodo deserved to die for being weaker than humanity.
