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Modern Secular Zionism

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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent LocalLiberal's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

"Pessimism is a luxury that a Jew can never allow himself."

Golda Meir

Modern Secular Zionism is an Economically Syncretic Civically Liberal Culturally Left-Wing Radical Centrist and Liberal wing of Zionism, that represents the ideology of sedapS. It is heavily influenced by Third-Way ideology, as it deems it to be the only viable solution to the conflict in the Middle East. It advocates for a two-state solution and wants to establish a lasting peace in Israel in order to help its people get back on their feet and recover the state from the ultraorthodox coalition. This is because it regards religion of all sorts to be a key factor to the instability in the Middle East, specifically Radical Islam and Radical Religious Zionism - both of which support the extermination of the other, and therefore wishes to work with western powers to completely de-radicalise the Middle East in return for the establishment of a regional trade union and the recognition of the State of Israel by all of its members. It also advocates for reforms on healthcare,The Knesset and societal attitudes through the education system.


As a liberal, Modern Secular Zionism believes in the principle liberal values:

- From the Liberalism page

Reforms | רפורמות


Modern Secular Zionism Believes in a set of healthcare reforms to improve its accessibility and efficiency. Such reforms include:

  • Free Healthcare, similar to that of the NHS
  • Improve the pay of key workers
  • Build more hospitals to make sure that there is one accessible to anyone within 30 minutes.

The Knesset | הכנסת

'Modern Secular Zionism believes that the AMS voting system should be adopted in Israel, along with the separations of districts with each one having their own representatives. This way, areas predominantly populated by Arabs will have a higher chance of representing the Arab population in its district and so on.

  • Modern Secular Zionism Believes that the Knesset must take on the Semi-Parliamentary system, in which:
    • A president, who is elected by the people appoints a cabinet.
    • The representatives in the Knesset, whether or not they are a part of this cabinet, approve of this cabinet.
    • The cabinet and the president appoint a Prime Minister
    • The Prime minister deals with domestic issues
    • The president deals with foreign policy and diplomacy.

Diagram of Modern Secular Zionism proposed political system

Education | חינוך

Modern Secular Zionism believes that liberal values should be taught in education, as well as the promotion of coexistence with the Palestinians. Free university education must be given to those who served in the army

Economy | כלכלה

Fundamentals | יסודות

  • Modern Secular Zionism believes that:
    • There must be a free market
    • The market must be a fair one
    • Monopolies must not exist
    • Regulations must be put in place to ensure eco-friendliness
    • Economic Liberalism (in terms of minimal government intervention)

Modern Secular Zionism also believes in a Socialist Liberal Democracy :

    • There must be a Market Socialist economy with the Illyrian model in place
      • Therefore workers own their workplace collectively and are able to compete in the free market together.
      • There must be an establishment of Co-ops, close ties between the government and Histadrut
      • worker's self-management will take place by electing self-directed management, not specialized managers.
      • The hopes of this is to improve worker's motivation and morale, so that competition in the free market is innovated and growth is produced as a result.

Private property | רכוש פרטי

Private property is a necessity in any economy. However, the only exception in private property would be in a kibbutz (that chooses to use socialist principles) where the farmland is owned collectively by all its residents.

Taxation | מיסוי

These are the specific taxes that Modern Secular Zionism believes are relevant in modern Israeli society:

      • Progressive income tax (low)
      • 45% Inheritance tax
      • 10% Place of Worship tax
      • Medical tax (₪23 a month for GP + % of annual salary at the end of each financial year)
      • Tariffs (on imports)
      • Land Value Tax
      • Special tax on competition / gameshow / lottery winnings of 40%"

The Palestinian issue | בעיאת הפלסטינאיים

Modern Secular Zionism believes that both the Israeli side and the Palestinian side are at fault and therefore both must need to change their ways before a two-state solution can take place.

  • Israeli settlers must back out of the west bank
    • there will be a referrendum held for arabs in East Jerusalem on whether they would want to live under Israeli governance or Palestinian governance.
  • Israelis and Palestinians will be granted access to religious sites of their faith (Christianity, Judaism or Islam).
  • Both Hamas and Fatah must be removed from power as neither powers are cooperative.
    • A new administration approved by both the President and the Knesset will be put in as a replacement to govern the Palestinian people.
      • This will ensure cooperation between the two powers.
  • Palestinians who wish to become Israeli citizens must go through a background check before being granted an Israeli citizenship and vice versa
    • Israeli citizens will be allowed to visit Palestinian territories and vice versa
      • It is important to note that unless a dual citizenship is held, neither side will be allowed to settle in the opposite territory.
  • Both governments will work closely to maintain peace amongst their nations.

Foreign Policy | מדיניות חוץ

Due to its heavy influence of Third-way politics, Modern Secular Zionism takes an Interventionist stance towards peace-making, with a policy of Peace-Making in favour of Human rights Modern Secular Zionism encourages trade deals that increase worker's rights in foreign countries.

The Middle East | המזרח התיכון

Modern Secular Zionism believes that as the only democratic state in the Middle East, it is up to Israel to work towards establishing peace within the Middle East.

One of the key reasons the Middle East is in a hardship is becaust of Iran's islamic regime. Modern Secular Zionism believes that the collapse of the Islamic Regime is a vital factor to establishing peace within the region. It therefore wishes to:

    • Work with Western Powers to overthrow its regime
    • Weaken its sphere of influence.
This can only be done by destroying its proxies (Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis etc...) To ensure that Israel and Palestine are not at risk during this operation.

Another issue is the Hezbollah terrorist group in Lebanon. A third Lebanon war would be catastrophic, and so Modern Secular Zionism believes that Lebanese groups must be funded in order to gain support from the lebanese people in order to establish a stable government within Lebanon, in hopes to completely eradicate Hezbollah. However, a war is inevitable as Iran would likely increase funding to Hezbollah in order to ensure it is not overthrown, therefore a war must begin within the country at first, then externally from Israel and Palestine (with the help of Western troops too). The hopes are to restore democracy in Lebanon and restore cooperation between Lebanon and Israel.

The current civil war in Syria is a brutal and complex one. Modern Secular Zionism believes that at its current state, peace is near-impossible, even with intervention. It believes that the easiest way to establish peace is to remove the proxies (Iran and Russia) from the image. This is, again, a complicated one and therefore not worth risking a world war breaking out.


אחים שלי

  • Liberalism - my core values
  • Social Liberal Democracy - Worker's rights and a free market economy? BASED!
  • Illyrian Model - The best Market Socialism model <3
  • Labour Zionism - You built my country, and you are still a major drive to the Meretz party, so I love you <3
  • Zionism - Return to the homeland! (love you dad)
  • Two-state solution - I recognize you both and support the 1967 borders. Lets make it happen!
  • Third Way - You are the reason Israel's Iron Dome exists, thanks for saving people's lives!
  • Interventionism - Intervening is the only way to establish peace and recognition in the Middle East (sadly).
  • Reformism - Israel needs reforms in order to let Palestine exist
  • Radical Centrism - why stick to one quarter of the compass?
  • Liberal Feminism - Based Bad B*tch!
  • Progressivism - EQUALITY FOR ALL PEOPLE

קרובי משפחה רחוקים

  • Capitalism - Look, free markets are based, but exploitation isn't.
  • Libertarian Socialism - yes markets should exists, but Israel is too small to be federal...
  • Social Democracy - Equality of opportunity is based <3 (but stop regulating the market so much)
  • Religious Zionism - Look, Israel is for ISRAELIS, not just the jews.
  • Revisionist Zionism - You're alright for the most part, but drop the idea of settlers and tone down on the authoritarianism.


  • Kahanism - You are a disgrace to my people.
  • Jihadism - Filthy Terrorists! Abomination to my muslim brothers!
  • Revisionist Maximalism - Fascist scum,
  • Jewish Theocracy - Israel is the jewish homeland, but it is not a theocracy and must never be one!
  • Nazism - Jew hater! You left an antisemetic rhetoric in the middle east! F*ck you for pumping your nazi propaganda into the arab world during the second world war!
  • Jewish-Nazism - Euthanasia is legal under my rule... Just saying.
  • Islamic Theocracy - No offence, but Muslims shouldn't have to follow sharia law. Iran was so beautiful before your regime!

אחים שלי

  • Brazilian Liberalism - My based Brazilian Zionist Brother!
  • Mordecaism - Whilst we may disagree on foreign policy, you are overall a based liberal!
  • קרובי משפחה רחוקים

    • Timocratic Neocameralism - You support free markets, are a liberal and love your country. But whats with the Middle Age inspired law system?
    •   Lehianism - A fellow Zionist and Market Socialist! I agree that the spread of Islam is a worrying one, which is why a Palestinian state should be established to provide a country for them to live in. I disagree with a strong religious state as the foundation of Zionism is to be a free nation in Eretz Yisrael, not an authoritarian one. (Drop the Kahanism, its a terrorist ideology).


    • Hoodism - Anarcho-communist, revolutionary, anarchist and more anarchism. No thanks.
    •  Neocarlism - Stop and embrace liberal values! Also, god won't save your king

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    Civic Axis

      • Anarchism (-5)
      • Libertarian (+5)
      • Liberalism (+10)
      • Authoritarianism (-10)
      • Moderate (+0)

    Economic Axis

      • Marxism (-10)
      • Socialism (+0)
      • Mixed (-5)
      • Market Socialist (+10)
      • Capitalist (+5)

    Diplomatic Axis

      • Globalist (+0)
      • Moderate (-5)
      • Patriotic (+5)
      • Civic Nationalist (+10)
      • World federalist (-10)


      • Western (+10)
      • Western Adjacent (+5)
      • Unaligned (+0)
      • East adjacent (-5)
      • Eastern (-10)

    Cultural Axis

      • Revolutionary (-10)
      • Progressive (+10)
      • Traditional (-5)
      • reformist (+5)
      • syncretic (+0)

    Enviromental Axis

      • Eco-fascism (-10)
      • Enviromentalist (+10)
      • Moderate (+0)
      • Industrialist (-5)
      • Anti-enviromentalist (-5)

    Philosophical Axis

      • Dogmatic (-10)
      • Pragmatic (+10)
      • Dystopian (-10)
      • Realist (+5)
      • Moderate (+0)

    War Axis

      • Pacifism (+5)
      • Inverventionism (+10)
      • Irredentism (-5)
      • Jingoism (-10)
      • de-escelation (+0)


    Flag of Modern Secular Zionism

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  • Xabier Culinus • 8 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 9 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 10 minutes ago
  • Xabier Culinus • 10 minutes ago