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Revision as of 21:07, 11 January 2024 by Yoda8soup (talk | contribs)
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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Yoda8soup's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Yoda8soup Thought is a form of Neo-Marxism and Democratic Socialism that is economically Left wing (incorporating both planning and regulated markets with democracy in the workplace), civically Semi-Direct Democratic, culturally progressive and inclusive( While still preserving harmless culture and tradition).

The ideology is opposed to Anti-LGBTQ+, free market capitalist, monarchist, imperialist, racist, and (most) authoritarian ideologies.

Favorite Parties/Movements



I'm a Democratic Socialist and Neo-Marxist with added elements. In essence, I want a society where everyone can live a dignified existence free of the oppression of capitalism, imperialism, authoritarianism, and bigotry, in a clean green world.


To describe my ideal economy I would say, it's a form of Cooperativism that involves a Regulated Market with a Welfare State that would cover things like Universal Healthcare, Public Housing (Specifically Viennese Style Public Housing), Public Transportation, etc. Funded with Progressive Taxation. As well as Partial Democratic Computer Planning of the economy and Workplace Democracy in various forms ranging from complete (100%) to partial (50%) including Cooperatives, Strong Worker Unions, Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOP), and Board-Level Employee Representation (BLER) to establish a fair, equitable, sustainable, and realistic system.


As an Eco-Cooperativist I strongly advocate for Environmentalism, I believe that unchecked Capitalism is eating the earth alive with wasteful resource extraction and consumption, I see the Green New Deal as a good first step to solving this. But ultimately dismantling Capitalism is an integral step on the road to a sustainable green environment, I think that another integral part of dealing with climate change is developing new Green Technologies, for example in Japan they are developing biodegradable plastics made using seaweed, this would be a big step towards sustainability. Along with new technologies the government should regulate carbon emissions this could be done with a carbon tax among other things. As an Eco-Cooperativist I believe that cooperatives and other forms of workplace democracy play a key role in environmental sustainability, A great example of this is Welch's, They practice environmentally sustainable farming because it is in the best interests of the farmer-owners, whereas in fully private business the corporate owner doesn't care about sustainability, only their own profits.


I believe that everyone regardless of identity should be Equal in opportunity and socially and that as a society we should abide by the Harm Principle and a general philosophy of Inclusion while preserving Harmless Cultural and Traditional Practices. I also believe in a Wildean style of Individualism in which the community and society support individuals, creating the ability for everyone to enjoy their individuality while still having a productive and cooperative society. I also enjoy Existentialism, and the Gramscian theory of Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony. We must build counter-hegemony. This cultural counter-hegemony pushes out the corrupted capitalistic aspects, to oppose and combat the current ruling class hegemony on culture, build strong class consciousness and solve the subjective aspects of revolution.


I believe in a Semi-Direct Democracy in the framework of a Federal Republic with some Parliamentary Elements where people's votes and referendums actually count unlike the current American "Democracy", I believe this federal system could be paired with a Communal Government on the local level similar to Rojava. I also believe in having a Constitution to protect Civil Rights and Liberties, and prevent corruption.


I want to see Neo-Imperialism done away with and replaced with Global Cooperation and Democratic Self Determination. I believe in using left-wing policies to make my country one worth being proud of making me a kind of Left-Patriot. And like most Alter-Globalists I advocate for Fair Trade policy.

Road to Socialism

When it comes to achieving socialism, I agree with the Centrist or Kautskyist approach of reforming and using Labor Organizations such as Trade Unions, and Worker's Parties to help the worker's condition in the present, while at the same time using those organizations to build Class Consciousness, Popularity, and Revolutionary Momentum to eventually culminate in a popular revolution led by the proletariat. A part of achieving this in The United States is fostering cooperation between the pro-worker parties in the US, including the Vermontese Progressive Party, Congressional Progressive Caucus, GPUSA, and DSA.

Influences and Inspirations

I take heavy influence from Dr. Sun Yat-sen, his revolutionary struggle to overthrow the Qing and his Three Principles of the People, Nationalism, Democracy, and Socialism, he was truly one of the greatest leaders in history with his fiery and pure devotion to his people. On the topic of taking heavy influence from history, I have to mention Red Vienna and the Austromarxists as a whole, their welfare programs and devotion to workers were great, but what I admire most is perhaps their longest standing work, that being the Gemeindebauten. These community homes are incredible, they are accessible to all, they are beautiful, they provide good quality housing, and support working-class folks, and they've survived the test of time and still operate today. Another great influence from Europe is Antonio Gramsci, Gramsci's involvement in and coordination of the Turin general strike was inspirational. But perhaps Gramsci's greatest achievement was his prison notebooks that wonderfully analyze social issues and introduced the theory of Hegemony and Counter-Hegemony, truly one of the greatest Marxists in history. Robert M. La Follete is another big inspiration, his policies as governor established direct election of senators, citizen referendum, and protecting workers' unions and cooperatives, all in all an incredible guy who stood tall fighting for the working-class in America. Another big American inspiration is Eugene V. Debs, Debs fought hard for the proletariat and made socialism popular in the States, he strengthened trade unionism in America and was instrumental in winning better conditions for workers. W.E.B. Du Bois was key in the founding of the NAACP and the good that they do to this day, his sociological analysis of racial disparity and capitalism in America was flawless making him an influence on my political thought. A modern progressive I take inspiration from is Bernie Sanders, he has spent his whole life fighting for working folks, his work reducing economic inequality in Burlington and consistently standing up for what is right in Congress and the Senate is an inspiration. Perhaps one of the US's greatest reformers, Martin Luther King Jr., is an influence on my beliefs, his fight for and successes in civil rights forever changed America for the better. Going north of the US, another inspiration of mine is Tommy Douglas, Douglas's establishment of a Universal Healthcare System in Saskatchewan was a massive win for the working people of Canada, and his involvement in the CCF and later in the founding of the NDP are inspirational. One of my greatest inspirations from Latin America is Evo Morales, during his presidency poverty was halved in Bolivia, he codified Native Andean and women's rights, and passed laws to protect the environment. And despite being ousted and replaced by a neoliberal puppet, a year later his vice president, Luis Arce, would be elected and allow Morales back into the country, and to this day Morales's party and policies continue to be implemented and are successful in Bolivia. The Japanese Communist Party's use of unions specifically doing production control strikes and using a mix of revolution and reform to make gains was inspiring, and they would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for those meddling kids. The agrarian cooperatives and devotion to land reform of Emiliano Zapata is truly inspiring, fighting until his dying breath for the common folks of Mexico. Other leaders whom I take inspiration from are, Rennyo Monshu of the Hongan-ji, Dekanawidah, Toussaint Louverture, John Stuart Mill, Hastiin Chʼil Haajiní, Ferdinand Lasselle, Eduard Bernstein, Karl Kautsky, Keir Hardie, James Connolly, Rosa Luxemburg, Hồ Chí Minh, John Curtin, Ben Chifley, B. R. Ambedkar, Sanzō Nosaka, Soong Ching-ling, Kenji Miyamoto, Tetsu Katayama, Salvador Allende, Gough Whitlam, Nelson Mandela, Alexander Dubček, Mikhail Gorbachev, Patrice Lumumba, Olof Palme, Ralph Nader, José Mujica, Jeremy Corbyn, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Cornel West, Jacinda Ardern, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Gabriel Boric. Some honorable mentions for figures who weren't politicians/leaders but still influenced my views, Socrates, Plato, Robert Owen, David Ricardo, Charles Darwin, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Oscar Wilde, Daniel De Leon, Herbert George Wells, Franz Kafka, Albert Camus, Pete Seeger, Howard Zinn, Stephen Hawking, Hayao Miyazaki, Richard D. Wolff, George Lucas, and Greta Thunberg.


What Political Figure Do I Remind You Of?

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Best and Worst Parts of my Ideology?

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  1. Specifically Antonio Gramsci, W.E.B. Du Bois, and Richard Wolff.
  2. I preface with "Left" because I specifically support and take inspiration from figures like Robert M. La Follette, Eugene V. Debs, and Bernie Sanders.
  3. Ethnically I am for the most part Celtic (With a wee bit of English, and Québécois sprinkled in), specifically my family has roots in Scotland, Ireland, and Wales and culturally I am a mix of Canadian Gaelic Diaspora and American Welsh and Danish Diaspora. I also take a lot of inspiration and influence from thinkers like John Maclean and James Connolly as well as movements and parties like Plaid Cymru, Yes Scotland, and the Irish Republican Movement (Specifically the Provos and Sinn Féin). And I also practice a kind of loose Celtic Spirituality, I say loose because I'm not too big on the theological side, but I do enjoy and practice a bit of the spiritual side. This part of my ideology is more personal I'm not an ethnonationalist nor do I wish to impose Celtic culture on others, I just enjoy it for myself. :)
  4. As mentioned in the footnote above, ethnically I am mostly Celtic but I am also partially Danish. I also take inspiration from figures like Olof Palme and Thorvald Stauning, and support movements like the Nordic Green Left Alliance, Green Left (Denmark), Red–Green Alliance (Denmark), Left-Green Movement (Iceland), Swedish Left Party, and Rodt Party (Norway).
  5. Aesthetically as you can tell from my ideology icon, and also the Rebels are the best Star Wars faction.
  6. I am sympathetic and suportive of autonomy for Native Americans.
  7. On culture/traditions and cooperatives