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User:FargothGares/Tamriel 7E 143

Tamriel, 7E 143

Republic of Resdaynia


The Republic of Resdaynia was formed in the province of Morrowind after a century of humiliation at the hands of Argonian and Nordic invaders. With the Great Houses officially abolished during the revolution of 7E 102, civil war and strife ravaged the Dunmer. Many factions emerged in this chaotic period, but it was the Dunmeri National Front, holding onto Redoran warrior culture and Indoril piety, that would go on to finally push the Argonians from Mournhold and the Nords behind the Veloth Mountains. Today, Resdaynia has recovered and claimed her spot among the great powers. The nation's military strength is primarily in her magical forces, in contrast to Skyrim and Argonia's almost purely conventional armed forces. Despite historical animosity due to the Empire's legacy, Resdaynia's strongest ally is no doubt Nibenay, sharing the same enemies. The parliament of Resdaynia is known as the National Council; the National Republican Party rules in effectively a one-party state, with several minor parties, many of which are continuations of the old Great Houses.

Republic of Resdaynia
Merruhn Resdayn

  • Capital: Blacklight
  • Demonym: Resdaynian
  • Languages: Dunmeris (official), Several minority languages recognised
  • Government: Unitary Parliamentary Republic
  • President: Ulseth Shamirbasour
  • Population: 146,495,871


Ruling Party

Minor Parties

Banned Parties

Nibenese Social Republic


The Nibenese Social Republic came to be 12 years ago, when Gaius Sejanus led the March on Cyrod-City, wrestling the White-Gold Tower away from the hands of royalty at last. Establishing a new nationalist, militarist and totalitarian Nibenay, Sejanus proclaims himself as Dictator, serving as strongman and a rallying symbol for the Nibenese nation itself. With the last years of the Duchy of Nibenay seeing large swathes of territory lost to Argonia and Skyrim, the NSR has ambitions of revanche, in addition to maintaining disputes with Colovia over the Great Forest region. Nibenay has also established positive relations with both Morrowind and the states of Elsweyr. The Nibenese navy is sizable, sitting at the heart of the continent and controlling much of the Niben Bay, but the loss of the port of Leyawiin struck a huge blow to Nibenese naval capabilities. In the place of the Elder Council, a bicameral system was established, with the Grand Council of Nibenese Interests as the upper house directly appointed by the Dictator, and the National Chamber of Guilds serving as the lower house, with representatives elected by their fellow guild members in a corporatist system.

Nibenese Social Republic
Respublica Socialis Nibenesia

  • Capital: Cyrodiil City
  • Demonym: Nibenese
  • Languages: Cyrodiilic
  • Government: Unitary One-Party State
  • Dictator: Gaius Sejanus
  • Population: 41,812,235


Ruling Party

United Kingdoms of High Rock


The United Kingdoms of High Rock stand as Daggerfall, Wayrest, Camlorn and Northpoint. Largely a neutral nation, High Rock is a prosperous and major power in Northwestern Tamriel. In the early 7th Era, the four Breton kingdoms signed the Glenumbria Act, politically uniting High Rock for the first time in centuries. Not too long after, High Rock's Mercester System came to be, with each Kingdom its own First Minister, and the position of Prime Minister becoming the head of Breton government. The Kings and the High King are for the most part, ceremonial roles, though the Breton traditions of aristocracy and noble titles remain strong. In contrast to the land-focused warrior cultures of its Redguard and Orcish neighbours, High Rock prides itself on its naval prowess and battlemages.

United Kingdoms of High Rock
Reyaumes-Uni de Haughroch

  • Capital: Daggerfall
  • Demonym: Breton
  • Languages: Bretic, Cyrodiilic
  • Government: Constitutional Federal Monarchy
  • Prime Minister: Geracard Lothoud
  • High King: Childeric III
  • Population: 38,042,653




Kingdom of Orsinium


The 6th Kingdom of Orsinium inhabits the Wrothgarian Mountains in what was formerly Eastern High Rock. It stands as the homeland of the Orcish people, maintaining a formidable standing army and a staunch isolationist foreign policy. Decades behind in equipment, much of the Orcish army still relies on melee beserkers, which has put the Orcs in an incredibly vulnerable position in their proximity to the advanced nations of High Rock and Hammerfell. Territorial disputes with the similarly technologically backwards Reachmen have seen many border conflicts throughout the last century. Religious schisms regarding Trinimac and Malacath worship have torn Orsinium in recent years, particularly the rural regions tending to prefer Malacath while the cities, especially Orsinium itself seeking to re-establish Trinimac worship. Officially, the dominant ruling Gortwog Party endorses Trinimac worship.

Kingdom of Orsinium
Tarushk Orsinium

  • Capital: Orsinium
  • Demonym: Orcish
  • Languages: Orcish, Cyrodiilic
  • Government: Unitary Semi-Constitutional Parliamentary Monarchy
  • Prime Minister: Murzrash gro-Mashgdu
  • King: Kogrlorg
  • Population: 5,849,875




People's Republic of the Reach


The People's Republic of the Reach was established in 7E 129 after the self-described People's War of National Liberation against the Nords. It stands as a vulnerable and developing nation entrenched in the rocky Druadach Mountains. A 'cultural revolution' against the perceived backwards Daedra-worshipping ways of the Reachmen is underway at the hand of the ruling Reachmen Communist Party. As druidic practices were made strictly illegal, the RCP remains split between moving towards the pantheon of the Eight Divines and abandoning religiosity in totality. The Party identifies its ideology strongly with Dunmer revolutionary Mazireth Drethendas, leader of the Communists during Morrowind's civil war, despite this the PR holds favourable relations with the Republic of Resdayn as well as the National Syndicalists of Nibenay due to their common history of warring with Skyrim.

People's Republic of the Reach
Daofoblacht na-Karth

  • Capital: Markarth
  • Demonym: Reachmen
  • Languages: Reachmen, Bretic, Cyrodiilic
  • Government: Unitary Drethendist Republic
  • Premier: Cadmanach Manecht
  • Population: 6,953,976

