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Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent SerbianSocialist's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.



Serbian Socialism is economically far-left, anti-capitalist and anti-centrist. Despite having a socialist market economy, it's staunchly opposed to Dengoloids and theit Vietnamese puppet, often calling them "Revisionists". He's also a great fan of both Anti-Capitalism and Anti-Centrism, and he's ULTRA-patriotic. On the cultural side, he's moderately progressive but opposed to nuclear for producing energy (but he wants to use it for weapons).

Personality and Behavior

Really nervous and revolutionary, wants to eradicate centrism and anti-interventionist economies from the Balkans BY ANY MEANS AND COSTS NECESSARY.


File:Ivanovic.png Aleksandar Franjo Ivanović Serbia/Italy


 Leftist Unity
 Diaspora Nationalists (I live in Italy)


As a Multiculturalist, we should stop our rivalry and defeat Kosovo.

Movements that I wanted to help

  • The 1st Serbian Revolt
  • The Red Army
  • The 1919 German Communist Revolts
  • The Hungarian Soviet Republic
  • The Labin Republic
  • The Spanish POUM
  • The AVNOJ
  • The Castroist Rebels in Cuba

Theory i'm reading


The Selected Works of Enver Hoxha


Every single page on wikipedia about Communism, Marxism, Leninism and Revolutionary Socialism.

Countries that need a Communist revolution right now

Maloross- ahem, Banderovet- ahem, Uštaska Krajin- ahem, Ukraine: a fascist country that must burn under the fire of Communism.

China: another fascist State but that larps as a Communist one.

Canada: it will be a great problem for the AmeriKKKans.

How do we reunite Yugoslavia

First of all, we must entrench Yugoslavist/Titoist values in our State with propagande campaigns and oppositors elimination. After we recreated a rightful heir to SFRJ, we must entrench those values in former Yugoslav countries with Titoist propaganda. If possible, we will purpose a Balkan Federation and then stop the Expansionism.

The State

Every form of government is compatible for me, from Monarchism to Left-Libertarianism, as long as it's dominated by our Socialist Party during the transition to Communism.

Capitalism cannot be humanized

Since it killed milions of workers who barely criticized it, capitalism is not a human system.

The Rebirth of Serbia

Yugoslavia, and especially Serbia has always be enslaved by Imperialist, Capitalists and Fascists. Our nation should reborn and revenge under Socialism those bastards' governments with their own blood. There will be no space for Capitalism, Centrism, Neoliberalism and Globalism in the new, gloriously reborn Serbia.

Total Equality

There's no space for discriminations in Serbia, so we must ensure that the competent, and not the favorites, gets a good job.

Unemployement Logics: Produce or get tf outta Serbia

My logics are simple: work or leave, everyone must do its possible for helping the country, and so Unemployement must be eradicated creating collective farms. People who cannot work will be assisted by the State.

CoMmUnIsM No fOoD, yet another stereotype

Dear Libtards, open your ears: YUGOSLAVIA HAD A FOOD SURPLUS YOU PRICK!!! Now close it, кретени.

Third-World support

I support every anti-imperialist movement, as long as it's socialist.

What should we tax?

We need a medium-high tax on Land (or directly expropriation (fuck off landlords)) and a low one on imported goods (haha Protectionism go brr (fuck you megacorp)). About alcohol, smoke and drugs they can be legal and slightly taxed.

"Races" and similar bullsh*ts

There is no races, only ethnic groups.

Socially Progressive, Culturally traditionalist

While we expand minority rights, we also must preserve theirs and ours traditions.

Immigration: just accept them for God's sake!

I am a strong supporter of Multiculturalism and Immigration because more people = more culture and workforce.

Corporation-Funded Landlords: The new Kulaks

I support a Redistrubution of the land if owned by a corporation or a tax if locally owned. The Land Tax depends on Wealth and Land Surface.

Thoughts on Nations

Stalin's Soviet Union

Stalin's State was a totalitarian and autocratic state who claimed to be communist, while it was just Social Fascism.

Pol Pot's Cambodia

Cambodia was de jure communist, but it was actually something like Nazikakistocracy.

Deng's China

  • [Comment removed by the moderator]*



I wish an independent path to Socialism for the ROC.

Ceausescu's Romania

Romania under Ceausescu was a controversial State, but at least it was Socialist and repudiated the 1968 Czechoslovak Invasion

Chavist Venezuela

Since they aumented censorship, the Venezuelan government lost any credibility in front of me.

Castro's Cuba

Finally, a true communist State that isn't Laos.

Titoist Yugoslavia

Best. Nation. Ever.


I partially identify as a Sandinist, so Nicaragua is the best South American State along with Cuba and Uruguay.

Lukashenko's Belarus

Despite his weird cultural policies, i strongly support Comrade Lukašenko.

Populism: The falling Promise System

I am opposed to Populism since i live in Italy and it fucked up terribly, Milošević was one of them and i don't want to illuse my people and be deposed for not respecting promises. That's why i ACTUALLY do things, not promise it.

Is life worth it?

For me, life is fucked up, but we can make the possible to reduced its fuckedupness.

People who inspires me

Svezotar Marković (Founder of the first Socialist movement in Serbia)

Milan Gorkić (Founder of the KPJ, killed by Stalin)

File:Cball-DemFedYugoslavia.png Ivan Ribar (First president of Yugoslavia)

Koča Popović (Heroic Liberation Army Leader and later Prime Minister of Yugoslavia)

Josip Broz Tito (You know him if not whack yourself)

Lazar Koliševski (Third leader of Yugoslavia)

Josip Joška Broz (Leader of Srpska Levica)

Alijaksandar Rhioravič Lukašenka (Belarussian Leader)

Gamal-Abdel Nasser and Ahmed Ben Bella (Best Arab leaders)

Edvard Kardelj (Last big man loyal to Tito)

File:Dubcek.png Aleksandr Dubček and Imre Nagy (Anti-Imperialist socialists in Eastern Europe)

the Monster of Firenze Pietro Pacciani (only for memes)

Foreign Policy: Moderate Approach

I strongly believe in a Pragmatic and flexible foreign policy if non-alignment is not possible: the enemy of my enemy, if doesn't hate me, can be my friend. Did you understood NATO! JUST STOP HATING SERBS AND SOCIALISM!

On National Identity: Multiethnic Patriotism

Since Serbia is a Multi-Ethnic State, the term "Serbs" is wrong. All the citizens of Serbia and all the Serbs and Rusyns should create the "Serbian United Peoples". If Serbia Reunites the Balkans, same thing. "United Balkan People".

Anti-Pacifism, not "Neoconservative Socialism"

I support a militarist society where the President is also the highest military charge (Marshal Tito flashbacks) and the Army can replace police forces in case of emergency or anti-communist manifestation. Our neutrality must be an armed one, not like Great War Belgium. Talking about government, a bit of democracy, with neither right-wing nor centrists can exist.

Small Properties, an exception

While all the bigger industries must be nationalized, for the smaller one the Leninist NEP is the way: If 20 or more workers, it goes to the State. In the other case, the owner must'nt have another industry.

Agrarian Socialism, the best economic system for Serbia File:DjordjeMartinovic.png

Since the NATO bombings of 1999, Serbia cannot be an industrialized State. So, we must empower our low agrarian production and make it our economic base. ( Also, Djordje Martinović was Serbian File:DjordjeMartinovic.png)

European Federalism and Globalism: the Antichrist

It's impossible for me to see the whole European Continent under a Neoconservative Regime. That's why i support anti-EU organisations. Globalism is somehow better, but only from the cultural side.

Why NATO is The New Order

I see NATO as the rebirth of Imperialism. They destroyed half of the World and they're now targeting Russia.

A Federal State, the only solution

Centralism has proven to fail: Since Milošević's centralization reforms, Yugoslavia fucked up. So, we must create a fragmented Federal State for reducing ethnic tensions and misrepresentations.

How should we treat State-owned industries?

First of all, we must use traditional production systems. Second, factories are owned by the State, but managed by the workers and ONE Political Commissar, for avoiding anti-Socialist uprisings.

A Communist League led by Experts

For protecting Our Communist Party from vile, stinky Populists, we need a Expert leadership, and this means Technocratic Socialism.

Porn and Prostitution

Drawn porn is ok, as long as doesn'try to represent a politician in ambiguos scenes; while IRL actors must be 18+ old. Prostitution can be legal but regulated.

The Intelectuals

Socialist intelectuals are welcome to our new State, while capitalist of fascist ones are just EU's puppets.

Foreign Culture

We will allow a costant flow for foreign culture in Serbia by translating TV series, movies and books in Serbo-Croatian.

Imperialism: an European Weapon

Serbia must help the EU citizens to uprise against their imperialist government with Propaganda and funding of opposition.

The Environment: a modern Crisis

Since i live in Italy and the Environmental crisis is menacing my life with mortal heat, we must act as soon as possible by deindustrialising our economy and produce with traditional methods.

Reform or Revolution?

About this question, i'm syncretic: depends, as long as we don't go on the center.

Workers' organisations

Workers can be a member of any organisation, as long as the organisation is Communist/Socialist. I don't want another Solidarnosc.

Centrism and its conseguences have been a disaster for the whole political world

I am strongly opposed to Centrism, since it's nothing but Capitalism and Reactionarism (See Alcide de Gasperi).

Why C*mmie is an Insult

The term "C*mmie" was born in America to insult Communism. And i don't want a so bad insult. So, if you call me C*mmie, get you balls kicked by Chuck Norris.

The Feds: An invented problem

Honestly, why the fuck should the FBI create puppet accounts?! I hope you're joking. If you're not joking, the OZNA will send you to Goli Otok.

Levels of Autonomy

In a Federal State, States' autonomy will depend on Ethnic groups and Territorial Size. For Example, Šumadija, a mainly-Serb region will be less autonomous than Sandžak, Bosniak-dominated.

Being Horny is NOT a valid reason to get banned

Read above n*gga.


Do your questions here.

User Test

Civic Axis

    • Anarchist (-50)
    • Minarchist (-25)
    • Libertarian (-10)
    • Civically Moderate (-5)
    • Statist (+10)
    • Authoritarian (+25)
    • Totalitarian (+5)
    • Orwellian (-50)

Type of Rule Axis

    • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (-50)
    • Direct Democracy (-25)
    • Semi-Direct Democracy (-20)
    • Representative Democracy (-10)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (+50)
    • Totalitarian Democracy (+5)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (+25)

Economic Axis

    • Marxist Communist (+50)
    • Non-Marxist Communist (+25)
    • Socialist (+5)
    • Mixed (-10)
    • Third Positionism (+5)
    • Liberal Economics (-25)
    • Capitalist (-50000000)
    • Darwinist (-50000000)
  • If none above apply...
    • Anti-Economy (-50)

Economic Freedom

    • Anti-Economy (-50)
    • Dirigisme (+25)
    • Regulationism (-10)
    • Mixed (-5)
    • Liberal Economics (-10)
    • Free Market (-50000000)
    • Laissez-Faire (-500000000)

Diplomatic Axis

    • (Alter-) Globalist (-15)
    • World Federalist (-50)
    • Cosmopolitan (-10)
    • Internationalist (-25)
    • Moderate (-5)
    • Civic Nationalist (-10)
    • Patriotic (+50)
    • Nationalist (+10)
    • Chauvinist (+5)
    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-10)
    • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-25)


    • Western (-50)
    • Western Adjacent (-25)
    • Non-Aligned (+25)
    • East Adjacent (+5)
    • Eastern (+10)
  • If none above apply...
    • Anarchistic Unaligned ()

Cultural Axis

    • Revolutionary (+15)
    • Progressive (+10)
    • Reformist (+10)
    • Syncretic (+25)
    • Conservative (-15)
    • Traditionalist (-5)
    • Reactionary (-25)

Technological Axis

    • Primal (-50)
    • Primitivist (-25)
    • Pre-Industrial (-25)
    • Deceleration (-10)
    • Moderate (+25)
    • Acceleration (+10)
    • Automated (+20)
    • Transhumanist (+100)
    • Posthumanist (-200)

Environmental Axis

    • Human Extinction (-100)
    • Radical Environmentalism (+15)
    • Eco-Fascism (+25)
    • Ecocentrism (+15)
    • Environmentalist (+10)
    • Moderate (-5)
    • Industrialist (-25)
    • Anthropocentric (-50)
    • Anti-Environmentalism (-75)
    • New Mass Extinction (-100)

War Axis

    • Pacifism (+25)
    • Non-engagement (+25)
    • Intervention (-50)
    • Irredentism (-5)
    • Revachism (-25)
    • Jingoism (-50)
  • If none above apply...
    • Class Warfare (+50)

Religion Axis (Optional)

    • Original Paganism (+25)
    • Hinduism (+10)
    • Orthodoxy (+10)
    • File:PCB-Catheo.png Catholicism (+10)
    • Islam (+25)
    • Judaism (+10)
    • Protestantism (+50)
    • Neo-Paganism (-10)
    • Wicca (+25)
    • Irreligion (-25)
    • Satanism (either atheistic or theistic) (-666)
    • Shinto (+5)

Results (feel free to add)

How to Draw

Flag of Serbian Socialism

The symbol used for Serbian Socialism in the polcompball is the flag of Strasserite Serbia

  1. Draw the Serbian Tricolor
  2. Add a red Star
  3. Add Hammer and Sword
  4. (Optional) add a Zastava

Alternative Drawing

You can also use this flag

Flag of Serbian Socialism

Influenced by

Proto-Titoism (For the Yugoslav federal and Socialist management) Liberal Socialism (For its opening to freedoms) Market Socialism (Because the State can't manage all) Syndicalism (For its freedom to the workers) Protestant Secularism (Believe but not make it political) National Communism (Serbia and the Partija!) Pepperism (About uniting Progressism, Nationalism and Socialism in one great ideology)


Drugovi (Comrades)

"S Titom, za tobom, kroz juriše plamne Pošli smo u odlučni boj! Partijo naša – iz pustoši tamne, – Stijeg nas je vodio Tvoj! Partijo naša – iz pustoši tamne, – Stijeg nas je vodio Tvoj!"

Ljudi između (People in the Middle)

  • Hedonism Pleasure is good, but why the fuck should i risk my life for it?
  • Euro "Communism" Your Humanist reforms are good, while your foreign policy really sucks. (Also Hoxha was right about you, Anticommunist son of a bitch)
  • Maoism A great helper against the Brezhnev Doctrine, but befriending the USA was shit. You're still better than modern China btw.
  • Social Democracy Give up with Capitalism.

Or i'll break your ass legs.

  • Britannocommunism Just condemn Deng and the Soviet invasions please!
  • Hoxhaism a fellow enemy against Euro"Communism" but i will never forgot Koçi Xoxe.
  • File:HueyLong.png Longism You fought the System, but you allied with the wrong people to do it. Still mainly good btw.
  • Dimitrovism Wait, you wanted to unite with Yugoslavia, but Stalin said no so you killed Traicho Kostov?! Bro are you ok?
  • Ceausescuism You confuse me. I've been in Romania and people is still divided about you.
  • Brezhnev Doctrine REVENGE FOR DUBČEK!!! (But letting Gierek be leader if Poland was based).

Neprijatelji Naše Nacije (NNN lol) (Enemies of Our nation)

  • 2nd: That's a fucking paradox humanistic capitalism because it killed lots of workers.
  • 3rd: Thats literally the fucking Status Quo in Italy.

Mi smo protiv ugnjetača I njihovih pomagača, Legionara i fašista! (We are against the oppressors and their collaborators, Legionnaires and fascists!)

  • Right-Social Democracy F**k you, fascist with a capitalist mask! Also, 15/01/1919 never forget. R.I.P. Socialist Germany.
    • Cope, asshole!
  • Die, son of a bitch!
  • Neoliberalism I am not populist, but i'm going to say it: FUCK OFF FASCISTIC CAPITALISTIC AND IMPERIALIST ESTABILISHMENT!
    • Ahh... I feel better.
  • Capitalist Libertarianism I'll tread where dafuq do i want
  • Dengism DENGOLOID!
  • Xi Jinping Thought NAZI DENGOLOID!
  • Three Represents EVEN MORE DENGOLOID!
  • Neoconservatism "Demokratska" NATO armija, a gospodar proklet i zao!
  • File:Npsi ball.png Italian Liberal Socialism I live in Italy and i identify as a Liberal Socialist, so you Craxiyte, should explain why are you socialist! File:Npsi ball.pngNATO? NO!! File:Npsi ball.pngEuro? FOR GOD'S SAKE, STOCA🅱️🅱️O!! Now shut up!
  • Fake Titoists Izdajnici revolucije i Jugoslavije!!!! Kreteni!!!
  • Getulism Anti-Communist?! IN THE FUCKING GOLI OTOK YOU MOTHERFUCKER SHITTY [Redacted] Socdem!!!!! Oh, i forgot: Liberdade para Luis Carlos Prestes, filho da puta!!!
  • Schleinism il Renzianismo non è di sinistra, e tu lo segui comunque?! Ma per piacere, è per questo che non voto.
  • Soycial INJustice Warrior I don't give if i'm slightly progressive. I'm going to say it ONLY FOR TRIGGERING YOU: N-[Redacted]
    • Micro-Aggression! Micro-Aggr-BLAM!
      • Haha ripbozo
  • Anti-Authoritarianism Destroying a left-wing republic for replacing it with right-wing ministates? You are just NATO again.
  • Nazism Fuck you Zelenskij!
  • File:Djilas.png Djilaism Vile parasite traitor who infected Savez Komunista Jugoslavije! May you rot in the Hell, you Godless infamous fascist capitalist [REDACTED] son of a bitch. JUST KYS. Don't thank Tito for not sending you to Goli Otok, because we really wanted to send, kill and drop you in the sea there. FUCK YOU SON OF A [Redacted]!
  • Fake Leftism Go **** yourself stupud succdem son of a whore satanic stupid ni🅱️🅱️er.
  • Rankovićism Kill yourself.
  • Markovićism YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DID TO MY HOMELAND! Jebeš Markovića, ružna kurvo Zapada! Tvoje reforme su nas uništile i razdvojile!
  • File:PinkDengf.png Pink Dengism I am Yugosexual and i am not homophobic, but you're an exception.
  • Thatcherism Ding Dong the 🅱️itch is dead!
  • Karadžicism Yet another dickhead.
  • Sali Berisha Kosovo je srce Srbije, deal with it!
  • Objectivism Literally my opposite. And that's literally SHIT!
    • muh war good
      • Thats not even a war you dumbfuck!!


Self-Inserts Relations

Drugovi (Comrades)

Ljudi između (People in the Middle)

70% Good 25% Mid 5% Not so good

At least you recognize Neoliberalism as hell on Earth

Neprijatelji Naše Nacije (NNN lol) (Enemies of Our nation)

Welfare Socialism > "Welfarist" Third Way.

  • Refined Citizenism Do i even have to say it? Ok! Damn you, heretic capitalist!
  • Adamtheuseless Thought Progressive Capitalism? You're 30% right.
  • Gooberism How is CRapitalism supposed to help the Environment? It isn't, it just help the rich people to build bottle caps that remains attacked on the bottle!
  • Mordecaism Seriously? A "Social" Libertarian?! I thought everybody understood that oxyMoron. Also, you're the true racist, asshole!
  • TIIKKETMASTER Thought Just like if Teddy Kaczynski was not furious enough. Bruh.
  •  BERNHEism Are you OK?! Because your thoughts are literraly the European Union. Russophobic bastard.
  • Brazilian Socialism Slavs ain't crackas and stop sucking Dengoids' dicks.

Music that fits perfect (Feel free to add)

Add the song and the ideology

Steg Partije 5 Languages edition, Comrades, our destinity, The Song of Tito (Pesnya o Tito) and Heroj Tito (Romanian Version) Added by Serbian Socialism


  • Yep. I've just made a trave in Albania, Macedonia, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovenia.

Best/Worst part of my ideology (Feel free to add)

Eco-Socialism/ Imperialism

Which Politician do i remind for you (Feel free to add)

Vladimir Lenin -


Add your drawings here please File:SerbianSocialism.png My old thumbnail File:PharaonMeme.jpg My favorite meme File:SerbSocSapplyValues.png My SapplyValues Test File:OUNSerbSoc.png

File:SerbSocFasTest.png My Fascist Elements test File:SerbSocComTest.png My Communist Elements test File:SerbSoc20tier.png 20th Century figures tier list

Based Song

Mi smo protiv ugnjetača I njihovih pomagača Legionara i fašista Ay Carmela Ay Carmela Legionara i fašista Ay Carmela Ay Carmela

Želja nam je samo jedna Da fašista više nema Mi nemamo avione Tenkove ni kamione Ay Carmela Nestaje nam municije Hladan vjetar poljem brije Ay Carmela

Ne mogu nam bombe ništa Ni oluja niti kiša Gdje se ova pjesma čuje Ay Carmela Ay Carmela Tamo srce pobjeđuje Ay Carmela Ay Carmela

Želja nam je samo jedna Da fašista više nema Mi nemamo avione Tenkove ni kamione Ay Carmela Nestaje nam municije Hladan vjetar poljem bije Ay Carmela

Ne mogu nam bombe ništa Ni oluja niti kiša Gdje se ova pjesma čuje Ay Carmela Ay Carmela Tamo srce pobjeđuje Ay Carmela Ay Carmela





*Trump Is Based Thoght - Add Me

  • No way imma do it

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