Total Liberationism is an anarchist movement that combines anarchism with a commitment to animal and earth liberation. They also take normal anarchist talking points like the state and capitalism, and use them as a way to show the struggle for total liberation.
Foundations and Beliefs
Total Liberationism believes in combining anarchism with a commitment to animal and earth liberation. They take normal anarchist talking points like the state and capitalism, and use them as a way to show the struggle for total liberation. Total Liberationism also supports a holistic and intersectional revolutionary strategy aimed at using direct action to dismantle all forms of domination and social hierarchy, common examples of which include the state, capitalism, patriarchy, racism, heterosexism, cissexism, disablism, ageism, speciesism and ecological domination.
Personality and Behavior
Total Liberationism is depicted as being around animals. Total Liberationism loves to hang around Primalism and likes to pet it. Total Liberationism is also depicted as violent. They can often be seen attacking ideologies that don't care for the environment.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball.
- Draw a green line diagonally through the ball.
- Fill the space below with the same color and the space above with purple.
- Draw an A with an T and L next to the A.
- Make the top half of the A green and the bottom half purple.
- Color the T green and color the L purple.
- Draw eyes and then you're done!
- Primalism - Who's a good doggy!
- Environmentalism - Come on you gotta get a little violent sometimes.
- Industrialism - Looks like it's time to commit an act of terror!