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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Kalivyah's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

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"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

This is what happens when you combine Council Communism, Internationalist Communism and Marxian Egoism.

Communism, as both an ideology that is proposed and a state of affairs to transcend capitalism and the present state of affairs, is inherently an egoist and individualist ideology. Its goals and actions are to create a society in which the individual is capable of developing himself as he pleases and acting in his own self-interest. Communism is inherently egoistic; it already believes in the preservation of individuality to the point of destroying that which corrupts individuality: the family, culture, the state, classes, etc., nor is egoism solely and purely self-serving. Just as egoism benefits the self, the proletariat and one acting in their own self interest too benefits society and others as a whole.

The communists reject the idea that Man is an island, when as a matter of fact Man is just as much a social creature as He is egoist. Just as Men are individuals, so too are individuals Men. Our goal is to transcend the notation that man exists only as a selfless or selfish creature.

Summarized Beliefs


council communism. council/soviet democracy. elected representatives who's mandate can be revoked at any time.


bottom up system, not top-down. not decentralized though- very much centralized. councils decide in collaboration with one another their economic 'plans' (for lack of a better word) until it finally reaches the top. economic planning should be as close to the local governments as possible.


giga proletarian annihilation of classes, nations, and countries

Technology & Nature

cybercommunism is the natural conclusion of marxism with our current level of development. at the same time i don't want the earth to turn into a technological shithole where everything is concrete and whatever. so a little bit of ecological socialism mixed in there too.


standard communism shit. blah blah.

you will read theory, inshallah


  • - Reformism is ultimately more harmful than beneficial to the proletarian movement as it strengthens capitalism rather than weakening it.

Electoralism subjugates the proletarian and communist movement and makes it subservient to bourgeois interests, as the bourgeois state would not tolerate real communist movements advocating for actual revolutionary change (through revolution).

Communist movements have historically performed better when not aligning themselves with other non-communist movements and when serving as extraparliamentary opposition.

  • / - Socialism and communism are a strictly global affair and cannot be achieved in one country. Socialist states on their own cannot survive without one another. The international communist movement cannot revolve around a singular movement, organisation, or state.
  • - The party cannot substitute the liberation of the working class for itself. The liberation of the working class is the job of the working class, not of a revolutionary vanguard.

A communist republic should be non-partisan in nature and based on the principal of organic centralism.

  • - Democratically elected soviets, or councils, are the best and purest form of proletarian self-governance.

The Councils are the foundation of the self-governance of the proletariat.
The party is the political organisation by which the communist movement rallies proletarians to its side and builds up class consciousness.

  • Luxemburg and not was right on the national question.

Self-determination on the basis of nationalism and nation states is anti-communist.
Anti-colonialism and anti-imperialist movements are ultimately still petit-bourgeois movements rather than proletarian movements, even if they attempt to adopt socialist and communist rhetoric to attract sympathies.

  • - New democracy and or any other attempts to combine the Dictatorship of the Proletariat with other forms of class dictatorship are anti-communist and class collaborationism.

The bourgeoisie and the petit-bourgeoisie should be disenfranchised and should not be given a say in the governing of society.

  • Commodity production is, even when under proletarian control, still capitalist.
  • The popular front and other forms of collaboration with the "progressive" bourgeoisie are anti-communist and harmful to the proletarian movement as it subjects the interests of the proletarian movement to other interests which are firmly against it.
  • Stalin was a fucking retard.



  • Marxism - Hi, dad.
    • Leninism - You honestly don't influence me all that much, but you're an honorary parent.
    • Council Communism - It took me way too long to realize that believing in a vanguard party who only educates the masses and also believing in council communism are not at all mutually exclusive. Councilism is literally the purest form of proletarian organization there is.


  • Internationalist Communism - Mean book nerds, but I can't deny that you're champions of Marxism who have tried so desperately to defend it from the revisionism of Stalin and... others. *shivers*


  • Libertarian Marxism - I mean- you're alright... there's nothing necessarily wrong with seeing Marxism from a more libertarian perspective. But like- come on. Some of you are way too close to anarchism for comfort.
  • Luxemburgism - I do quite like you. You're alright. Just please stop calling Lenin a Anarcho-Syndicalist... whatever that is supposed to imply.
  • Trotskyism - I like you. Would probably place in family if it wasn't for the fact that you're a massive supporter of party dictatorship... which is antithesis to my ideals.


  • Centrist Marxism - You're bad. Very bad. But somehow I can't place you in 'Lumpenproletariat'.
  • Ego-Communism - You're fine. I'm not opposed to your egoism; I believe that communism is as egoistic as it is selfless, but I do not approve of the anarchism whatsoever or the belief that communism is opposed to egoism when it as a matter of fact is among the most egoistic idea aside from most obviously egoism itself.


  • Marxism-Leninism - Marxism-Leninism has been, without a doubt, the most damaging thing to the proletarian movement in all of its history. Even more than social democracy- even more than Bernstein... just straight up worse than socdems.
    • Stalinism - do not tell stalinists who scream about revisionism and anti-reformism that stalin was a reformist who forced communist movements to collaborate with liberals (fascists), authored programs for communist parties like the communist party of great britain which explicitly denounced revolutionary activity in favor of reformism, denied proletarian revolution in france because he thought "we would win by elections" and also that he scrapped an entire ready-to-go communist cabinet for austria in favor of a would-be nazi collaborator socdem who got his ass rejected by the nazis because he was a socdem
      • Mao Zedong Thought - Maoism is Anti-Communism. You do not have any bright ideas. Now fuck off.
        • Maoism - Adventurist dumbassery. See above.
  • Bernsteinism - I take my comment back. You still suck. You are still absolutely horrible, but I don't think you fucked up as badly as ^ he did.
    • Social Democracy - Abandoned historical and dialectical materialism in favor of sucking up to capitalism and trying to 'fix it', as if though it isn't functioning as intended.
    • Democratic Socialism - Not as guilty of appalling revisionism as Succdem and Bernstein up here, but most of you are still pretty revisionist... and most of you have no idea what 'socialism' or 'Marxism' even means.
  • Market Socialism - We should, as a matter of fact, not continue the same economic principles that capitalism operates under.
  • Anarcho-Communism (and Anarchism in general) - "We did it Patrick, we abolished the state!"; while economic classes continue to exist and the state either operates as a dictatorship of the peasantry, petit-bourgeoisie or proletariat.
  • Liberalism - Be quiet.
  • Communization Theory - Behold, the best of the petit-bourgeois shitstorms to have came out of the '68 protests. Not necessarily harmful, but utopian in its thinking.

"Communization of social relations" are, as a matter of fact, only capable of being done by a dictatorship of the proletariat, as all other classes are by principal opposed to such a thing. We wish to not utilize the dictatorship of the proletariat... yet by the very nature of communism it is such a proletarian thing that it is only possible through absolute control of the proletariat that communism can arise out of.

"The proletariat is a class that is marked by their own oppress-" Wamp wamp.

Anarcho-Communization Theory - Jesus Christ. At least the first one had redeeming qualities; this one is just retarded.
  • Autonomism - Why is it that those who self-proclaim themselves to be the 'purest communists' or whatever are the most anti-Marxist in their nature? Anti-Organizationalism is retarded.

the big bads

You already know what this section would be referring to, so rather than providing commentary which has been given time and time again, have a list of icons instead.

If I add you here by myself, it usually means I have a lot to say about you.

lenin spider detected

trotsky spider detected

  • bogdanov - Welcome back, Comrade Bogdanov. (your proletarian god-building shit is stupid but my larp side says PROLETARIAN GOD BUILDING RIGHT FUCKING NOW)
  • Shellshocked Communism - You have too little information on your page for me to gouge exactly what you're supposed to be, but from what I have read you seem to be a very well-informed and read Marxist, which I respect.

mao spider detected

kautsky spider detected

British Kautskyism - You should actually be in Bernstein spider detected, it's just that I can't pass off on the opportunity.
Reformism is bad and does more harm than good to the proletarian movement as it forces compromise through the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie.
Private property (which you imply will continue to exist) is anti-proletarian, anti-socialist and above all just straight up against the basics of Marxist philosophy.
Your ideology is glorified social democracy/democratic socialism, which I have already explained (and many others have as well) is absolute dogshit and goes against the proletarian movement rather than supports it.

stalin spider detected

  • stop moving your ideology around - Lumpenproletariat brainrot. I don't give a shit much that you're an egoist anymore, but everything else is moronic. Communization theory is a farce. You want and wish for anti-democracy and anti-organizationalism, yet you in practice still support organizationalism and organization... of course not touching on the fact that seriously believing that the proletariat is capable of freeing itself and later abolishing itself on an individual, divided and unorganized level is a stupid, utopian ideal which should have died with the utopian socialists. Nomadology is incompatible with materialism. Insurrection is adventurism and does not contribute anything productive to the liberation of the proletariat.
  • rock and roll anarchism - I am adding you here, along with the two other people that requested to be added, for the purposes of finishing up loose ends before leaving here. I do not care about this website and I never asked to be unblocked, but I care about not leaving work unfinished if I am able to help it.

You are a petty bourgeois anarchist. You should expect of me to say that. I do not care about you, but you are fine. You are tolerable. My opinions on insurrection have been outlined for the above user.

bernstein spider detected

  • Neo-Neo-Baxism - What do I have to say about you? You're the exact same as before, you just cleaned up your article and supposedly removed a couple of its contradictions.

No more larping. Bad. *swats*. And Contrarianism doesn't mean 'be contradictory' it means 'you're opposed to ruling/prevailing political ideologies'.

goebbels spider detected

  • brazil - Brazillian. Instantly sent to the 6th circle of hell.


() Distributist ReactionaryLoisism - Average Brazillian.

Feudalism is incompatible with the distributism and corporatism you so wish to have. The guild system- particularly that of the corporatist guild system, originated out of the merchant class- later the bourgeois class, who were only capable of thriving once state power was taken. So long as state power is held by the feudal classes, your proposed economic system- which combines bourgeois economics with a feudalist and reactionary setup, makes no fucking sense.

Indeed, how humorous it is when an explicitly capitalist and bourgeois market system is upheld whilst at the same time combining itself with reactionary feudalism, which together are so incompatible as to make one question exactly what it was you were thinking with this. Then there is also the fact that you wish for a corporatist system yet at the same time call for a free market capitalist system; two of which are absolutely incompatible with one another. If you're a syndicalist- then congratulations, because once again you've revealed more and more contradictions within your ideology.

You want a regulated authoritarian welfare state but you want a free market corporatist democratic feudalist industrialist environmentalist carlist universal monarchy. OK buddy retard.