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Anarcho-Universalism was a short-lived avant-garde anarchist movement that existed in the RSFSR (predecessor of USSR) from August 1920 to November 1921 before it was suppressed by Bolsheviks .



Anarcho-Universalism was developed by Gordin brothers during 1917 — 1921. It incorporated the theory of Pan-Anarchism, which was developed by Gordins in 1917 — 1918. A «Pan-Anarchy Manifesto» was published in 1918 by the Moscow Federation of the Anarchist Groups. Gordins' initial position was decisively anti-Marxist. However, from 1919 Gordins change their rhetoric and start displaying the strong support for Bolsheviks, recognizing their services to communism building.

Ultra-Progressive Ideas

In 1918 Gordins publish the «Declaration of the First Central Sociotechnicum». Sociotechnicum, or Vseizobretalnya («Omni-invention-house», a futurist-styled neologism), was an avant-garde association with twofold activity — inventive and ideological. There Universalists attempted to create izobretpitaniye («invent-nutrition», the pills substituting food), what has almost led to a lethal poisoning once. On the other hand, Sociotechnicum was conceived as a shelter where experimentation with social order is possible, protected from prosecution and public condemnation.

In 1919 Wolf Gordin came up with the idea of a universal language called АО. That was an a priori sort of constructed language with mathematical notation as syntax with corresponding sounds. It's supposed that АО is an autonym, meaning «invention»: «A» means «to invent» and «O» is a suffix for substantives. As an example, Wolf gave himself a name «1+01√», which would sound in English as «Beobi» and mean «Society-Me» («Human»).

Universalist Party

in August 1920 Gordins together with German Askarov found the «Pan-Russian Section of the Anarchist-Universalists», which has become the heart of the short-lived trend of Soviet Anarchism. The organization had its own periodical called The Universal.

As a part of Anarcho-Universalism, Anarcho-Biocosmism was created in December 1920 by A. Svyatogor and A. Yaroslavsky., which later became a separate movement.

The Split

Meanwhile, the conflict between Bolsheviks and anarchists was intensifying. As the organization was growing, anti-Bolshevik sentiment became prevalent there. This resulted in Gordins and their closest followers being exiled. In April 1921, they've founded the new organization called the «Anarchist-Universalist Association (inter-individualist)» with its own periodical Trough Socialism to Anarchism-Universalism. The relationships between two factions were extremely hostile with mutual insults, defamation and violence.

The Suppression

In March 1921, the Kronstadt rebellion has occurred, which was harshly suppressed by Soviet authorities. The actions of Bolsheviks were denounced by many anarchists, to include Anarcho-Universalists. After that, Bolshevik leaders have decided to put an end to the anarchist movement in the country. In November 1921, Universalist party was smashed. Gordins were arrested and accused of underground activity and banditry.

In December 1921, Anarcho-Biocosmists, who were more loyal to Soviet authorities, issued a manifesto declaring, that the mission of Anarcho-Universalism is exhausted, and disbanding the local Universalist associations.

Several years later Gordin brothers managed to escape to the USA.



Gordins believed oppression is present in five forms, which are capitalism, conformism, colonialism, patriarchy and ageism. They opposed all of them with the comprehensive program of communism, individualism, «gynanthropism» (feminism), cosmopolitanism and «pedism» (the liberation of youth via libertarian education).

Pan-Anarchism also extended the anarchist principles to culture, what opened the way for a critique of both religion and science.


Gordins adhered to the ideology of Vseizobretatelstvo («Omni-invention»), which implied that all physical environment should be human-made, and the social environment should be a product of a conscious creation.

Country Anarchy

Gordins have written a utopian novel «Country Anarchy». There they describe a planet without personal property, and everything around is a product of invention — from little things to celestial bodies. To five kinds of oppression they counterpose five mountains called Equality, Fraternity, Love, Freedom, Creativity and five seas called Communism, Cosmism, Gynism, Anarchism, Amorphism.

The Universal

Gordins suggested the creation of a world anarchist federation, which they called the Universal (hence the name for the periodical).


Gordins also believed, that undisciplined affinity groups are unable to bring about the change, and supported the idea of a strong anarchist organization.

Soviet Anarchism

From 1919 Gordins became the active supporters of Bolsheviks, calling anarcists to cease the resistance against the Soviet regime. However, they refused to work within repressive organizations, such as army, Extraordinary Commission (security agency), prisons etc.


Gordins believed that self-organization is a natural way of existence of society. They also subscribed to the unironic form of Anarcho-Statism believeing that the State will bury itself under the weight of its crimes, and this should be just waited for.

Other Beliefs

Gordins were pro-feminist, anti-intelligentsia and radical empiricists criticizing both religion and science (which they saw as a new religion) for their abstract nature.

Personality and Behaviour

Anarcho-Universalism is famous for his strange behaviour. He loves inventing weird neologisms, speaking an unknown language, trying to eat inedible things, felling trees in the park and replacing them with metal poles.




  • Marxism-Leninism (before the repressions) - I don't like authoritarianism, but you've done a great job building communism! I support you.
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism - Okey, stop playing a fool. Let's organize and make the real revolution!
  • Anarcho-Biocosmism - Great ideas, son! Wait, what do you mean I must go?!


  • Capitalism - You're the enemy of humanity!
  • Authoritarianism - As you are.
  • Nationalism - Our country is Earth, our nation is humanity. You must be ashamed of yourself!
  • anti-Bolshevik Anarcho-Universalists - How dare you be against Bolsheviks! We couldn't make this revolution without them! You're a traitor! I will bash your skull!
  • Marxism-Leninism (after the repressions) - No, it's a horrible mistake! I have always been protecting you!



Further Information




«Pan-Russian Section of the Anarchist-Universalists»

«Anarchist-Universalist Association (inter-individualist)»





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