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Caladanism (also known as Neo-Ilminism, Neo-Juche, or Korean National Socialism) is the ideology of Caladan. He is a fascist who is influenced mostly by the ideas of Juche and Ilminism along with Maoist-Third Worldism and Ethnopluralism. It is incredibly ultranationalist and somewhat pan-nationalist ideology believing Koreans and other Asians (excluding Arabs and Indians) should form a strict military alliance and that this military alliance should govern warfare between member states. This system is based on the Imperium in Dune and the Galactic Convention described within the books. He is extremely racist against Anglos and Jews and is fine with almost everyone else although he also has some problems with the Germans albeit less because he admires what the Nazis did on the western front.

Religious Views

Caladanism is rooted in Korean Shamanism and an absolute rejection of all foreign religions. The only other religion he tolerates is Korean forms of Buddhism due to how heavily indigenized that specific religion has become. He seeks to codify Korean Shamanism into a national cult with strict religious law reminiscent of Sharia in Islam.


Political System

Caladanism believes the political system should operate on a corporate basis similar to the system described by Mosley. All the corporate entities from the local to national level would be monitored by a Socialist Guardian Council which would make sure all the corporation's decisions are in line with Nationalism and Socialism. Additionally he would also have a Supreme Leader elected by those eligible to vote once every 10 years. The Supreme Leader would appoint provincial leaders who are from those provinces to govern those provinces in accordance with Korean National Socialist ideology and would be given a lot of power to do what they want so long as they remain within the bounds of Korean National Socialist ideology. Party members would be the only ones allowed to vote for the Supreme Leader and the Supreme Leader candidates would all have to be vetted by the National Socialist Guardian Council. Socialist Guardian Councils will also be elected by party members according to the level they are at (provincial Socialist Guardian Councils will be voted on by party members of that province, for example). All persons of Korean heritage would be allowed in the party so long as they pass a test on Korean National Socialism.

In addition, Caladanism wants to restore the Bon-Gwan (clan) system and give the Bon-Gwans certain political powers such as approving marriages and might even give them representation in the corporate assemblies. In general Caladanism wants to empower the bon-gwans in order to strengthen clan and familial bonds and restore a valuable part of Korean society he feels has almost disappeared because of liberalism. However what separates him from tribalism is that the bon-gwans would be overseen by the state in order that unnecessary infighting is avoided and all bon-gwans will exist to be in service to the state.


Caladanism believes every single company in Korea should be nationalized or de facto nationalized. He believes private enterprise should not be considered truly private but that the property a business holds is on rent from the state and can be taken away at any time should the business fail whether by mistreating workers or failing to be a contribute to the growth of Korea. He believes companies should all be heavily meritocratic and technocratic and that the heads of companies should not be viewed as the owners of a business but as the heads of the company. However in this matter he is rather bipolar and sometimes just wants to nationalize everything and might not even want a market system but absolute state socialism where the state controls all matters in the economy.

As aforementioned Caladanism believes in a corporate system where the management of a business and the workers of a business meet with each other in syndicates from the local to the national level to coordinate production and settle disputes. As mentioned before however sometimes Caladanism just wants only the workers and the state to meet and remove the managers from the equation entirely.

In economic matters his main influences are Franco Freda, Oswald Mosley, Giovanni Gentile, Benito Mussolini, Adolf Hitler, Kim Jong-il, and Gottfried Feder.

Social Views

In regards to social views Caladanism could be best described as bipolar. With regards to LGBT people he especially has conflicting views largely dependent on his mood. Sometimes he wants to blow all LGBTs (except his friends) out of artillery guns. Sometimes he advocates the current policy of the Korean government which is to largely ignore LGBT people's existence. At his most progressive however he often calls for full embrace of LGBT rights except he would force LGBT movement to undergo a Koreanization process to rid it of its western elements. Generally when he is in a normal mood however he is willing to tolerate LGBT's people's existence but advocates sending them to prison if they "promote" it.

Caladanism has an extremely negative opinion on feminism considering it a western ideology and seeks to rid it from Korea. His views on women vary but in general he views, at the very least diaspora Korean women, as race traitors who need to be controlled. He believes marriage should be mandatory and any Korean man or woman who is not married by age 20 should be forcefully match made by the government. In addition, Caladanism seeks to implement a 4 child policy where couples who are able will be forced to have at minimum 4 children. Caladanism will also incentivize couples to have more children through government programs such as loans, increases to pensions, etc. He plans to have the minimum marriage age and the age of consent to be fixed at 16 however statutory rape laws will still be in effect for anyone over the age of 18 who has relations with a 16 year old. He is opposed to polygamy and is mixed on the idea of consensual polyamorous relationships

  1. (According to Borker)
  2. Due to Borker's belief that liking tall/older women makes you a closeted homosexual
  3. Same reason as the above