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Communism, is, simply put, the only alternative to Capital. My goals are to realize an entity which as of now exists only in the past and the future, but never the present: That entity known as communism. I support the decadent, the profane, the vulgar, the free, the foolish and the mad.


  • Insurrection Against Capital
  • Abolition of Law
  • Communization
  • Eternal Production and Destruction of Myth
  • Abolition of Technorganic Barrier
  • Biological Anarchy
  • Primordial Soup Recreation
  • Surrealist Society
  • Summoning Communism
  • Realized Solar Economy
  • Universalized Aristocracy
  • Destruction of Technocapital and Civilization
  • Communist Social Relations Replacing Religious Ones
  • Hyperstitional Realization of Communism
  • Utter Spontaneity


“In the civilized mechanism we find everywhere composite unhappiness instead of composite charm.” -Charles Fourier

P A R T I: The Origin of the Civilized

Civilization is the systematized repression and stratification of desire. It is that which is constricted. It is thus not unsurprising that it is so deeply related to the phenomenon capital. Greater individuals than I have conducted a radical analysis of the relationship between the two, but I seek to both analyze the capital-civilizational relationship as well as the tools that we must utilize to surpass it. And so, we must begin by understanding the nature of civilization.

Civilization is a systematized repression, seemingly alien to nature, seemingly alien to *us*, that has simultaneously infiltrated our lives to such a vile extent that it is difficult for most to imagine a state of existence beyond it. It finds its root in the complication of societal relations and the construction of a division of labor, first based upon gender, then upon other characteristics, until the gradual hyper-stratification we see today emerges. When a community begins creating fixed roles for individuals to fulfill, it becomes ‘civilized’. But why did these roles emerge? Why are they so apparently foundational to civilization?

It is because of capital. Capital is the very logic of growth itself. It is the thought of producing in order to produce more later on. It is a loop of ever greater production, of ever greater  complexity. Capital is the name of this circuit, and civilization is its factory. The division of labor, specialization, is necessary for more efficient production. If production is more efficient, the circuit of capital can be prolonged and proliferated. Prosperity is simply a side affect of capital-civilization. As production becomes more streamlined, resources become more bountiful. This is the supposed purpose of capital. That is a lie. Capital’s purpose is simply capital. It is simply to continue becoming.

Civilization was a notable transformation of human existence, signaling the end of the communism and the beginning of capital. Civilization is necessarily repressive just as communism is necessarily freeing. Civilization is necessarily repressive because its existence rests upon repression, upon division. Labor must be divided in order to maximize its efficiency, people must be divided in order to maximize their efficiency, division, division, stratification, order, structure!

Civilization also relies upon the institution of ‘norms’, or society-wide repressions. Most notable and most deeply seated are those norms which are sexual. Sexual repression is instituted by civilization for one reason and one alone: The maximization of capital-accumulation. Take, for example, the many-thousand-year-old prohibition of homosexual activity. What is the root of this revulsion, this disgust towards same-sex love? It is because homosexual intercourse and relations are not productive in any sense of the word. They are purely useless. They do not aid in the production of more children and thus more capital. They do not aid in the subjugation of woman, and thus the maximization of women’s performance of reproductive labor.

While on the topic of the ‘second sex’, let us draw upon the great work of the feminists and analyze the relationship between civilization and the female. In the division of reproductive labor(childcare, housework, any labor that contributes to the rearing of the next generation) we find the first division in society, one perhaps older than civilization itself. There has always been some distinction between the labor of the sexes, but in prehistoric, communistic society, there was a level of flexibility, of fluidity in these roles. It was not yet the time of patriarchy. Women, if they so pleased, could engage in ‘male’ labor, and vice versa.

The birth of civilization was the solidification of sexual roles. No longer was the division of labor primitive and based primarily upon a pragmatic approach catering to the biological differences between the sexes, but rather a concrete and sweeping expectation, a repressive norm that colored the relations between sexes for thousands of years to come. Now, it was the women’s *obligation* to engage in reproductive labor, and it was now the man’s responsibility to engage in all other types of labor. This is the difference between the roles of the sexes: The woman must perform one type of labor and only that labor; The man can perform any other kind of labor but reproductive labor. The woman becomes a reproductive machine, while the man remains a free agent in society, to the extent that he can be.

The more roles like “man” and “woman”, “servant” and “leader”, “us” and “them” become solidified, the more “civilized” a society becomes. The more repression and stratification becomes institutionalized, the more “civilized” a society becomes. Civilization is a system of subjugation, oppression and repression, simple as.