How is The Atlantic neo-con?-YellingYowie
Their chief editor was one of the biggest advocates for the Iraq War - @Neoconfemboy (the name's ironic btw)
Literally Goebbels /s
Should I move the news channels?
Neoconfemboy - I've been thinking about moving the media channels/outlets listed here to the list of movements page under their respective countries, is this a good idea or nah?
YugoPart - I think it's a good idea but not under their respective countries just in a new section
Neoconfemboy - Ok I will work on it tomorrow
The Status Quo
And I hate it -
Change Commonwealth to Anglosphere, USA should go into it.
Wow, I feel that this is still status quo
I hate it
Western media be like: Communism is when no food! Populism is the fascist and anti-democracy ideology!
How is MSNBC is progressive?
They're warmongers and compared Bernie supporters to Nazis, yet I'm the biased one here?
They are the progressive part of the democratic establishment that is still progressive.
Ok I won't revert the rest, I'm not in the mood to fight rn and they're not really as disagreeable. Apologises...I guess
A apologize too. MSNBC and the progressive part of democratic establishment might be neolibs and closest corporatocrats. But they are still progressive fiscally and socially, which differs them from the republican conservative neolibs.
I changed them to Third Way.
Murdoch is so incosistent
Some of his media denies climate change, some opposes it. Decide already.