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Polcompball Wiki

this has got to be one of the most soy ideologies out there

LGBT ideology (not individuals, provided that they just want to live their lives and be tolerated) in itself is bad, but ancom added to it makes it extremely soy. Not as bad as pinkcap and I can kinda understand why some living in countries where gays are oppressed would turn to this, but it’s still peak soy

oh fucking please, how is the movement for acceptance a cancer on society? The fact that comments like these exists validates the entire LGBT movement

Kinda cool in theory, but (at least in the west and social media) Fucking Disgusting, basically state-liberals in utter ignorance and denial of their actual anti-anarchist views

Maybe you could argue the people who identify as this are not "real anarchists" or etc. But if it is the majority are acting like this while only focusing on first-world problems and white peoples issues while actively co-opting and """"deplatforming"""" those they hate, then they are gigacringe and fuck them. Especially with the rise of social media "anarchists" who don't even care about anarchy but want instead a bunch of pride flags to represent their entire ideology, as well as debate bros who actively promote such [removed] such as via echo-chambers and who harness such rabid fans via toxic social media platforms.

Seriously, these fucking people are actively killing off any genuine leftist change and never really were leftists to begin with (outing all "activists" who use social media especially Breadtube and especially Vaush and his fans) but identified with the movement to justify their own shitty behavior and to harass those who call them out on it.

If you see a person over 25 who unironically identifies as this, hear them out first and see what they advocate and what they prioritize on (fighting for ACTUAL anarchism and anarchist ideals alongside their ideas for implementing such a society IRL and solidarity with other oppressed folks and actively calling out or not associating with others who identify as those who actively harm genuine lib-soc ideals or are who focus exclusively on "deplatforming" things they find "problematic".), if they are under that age, bonus points if they use social media like twitter or Tumblr or have dyed hair, possibly at least chubby, have a victim complex despite their insane amount of priveledge, and use needless buzzwords if you disagree with them with pretty much anything even in minor ways (that is if they don't immediately block/ban you outright), are in an arts college, obsessively focus on LGBT identity as a personality trait, focusing more so on their own identity than their actual ideology or praxis, and/or is ideologically confused about actual anarchism (often ends up not being anarchist or even vaugely libsoc despite identifying themselves as such just to look cool and because everyone else does it) or characters they headcannon as it, or shipping fictional characters based on their sexual identity as apparently "right" and try to harass people over things they find "problematic" regarding depictions of fiction which have nothing to do with reality, or for some reason, and are white females (at least by sex anyways) then please consider the following...

Step 1.