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Volkssozialismus (Fictional)/Anidiotoncrack Thought

Yes, you. You read the title of the page. You know who this is addressed to.

I considered you such a personality- such a unique case of a dumbass larper, that I have decided to not only add you to the list of LARP ideologies, but I am reserving a special page dedicated solely to ripping into you. Why?

You're a dumbass larper.

I hate LARPers. If there is one thing I hate more than anything- aside from the English, it is LARPers. But do you know what I hate more than LARPers?

I hate LARPers who pretend they have an ideology.

You are a picture-perfect example of this, crackhead. Your ideology is being a racist, edgelordy dumbass. A singular visit to your userpage reveals everything that anybody needs to know about you. You have a 'based Wojak profile picture'. The first information in your userpage is 'racist'. Your gang is 'the Kool Kids Klub'. if your goal was to be an edgy little shit- you've succeeded in it, certainly. (ty :3) It reveals a lot about you. It reveals that your ideology hatred and only from hatred. You want to be 'based' and so you spew out random bullshit that might get the attention and- god forbid- approval of others. That's why your page is a nonsensical mess. You're a capitalist but you're a National Socialist. You're a capitalist but you're a Fascist. You're a capitalist but you're an environmentalist. You're a National Socialist but you're a monarchist. You're "super straight" but you would fuck a femboy. Already on just your userpage we find contradictions which only have one explanation to them:

You don't know shit.

You have nothing of substance to say. Your userpage and ideology page is the same old, uninspired bile of shit that other self-proclaimed "Neos" spew out on a daily basis. I don't even care that you're a Neo or that you're a fascist. I care about the fact that you are a picture perfect example of the fact that modern day National Socialism and fascism has gone completely down the drain and that it is now paraded around by incel retards like you.

You're not a National Socialist.

If I'm being honest, I would apply this to literally every other self-proclaimed "neo" or "Nazi" on this platform. Of course most of them are edgelord 14 year olds who have never actually read Hitler in their lives and just think "hurr durr.. aryen race" or whatever it is those mentally ill people think, but you... YOU are certainly an interesting case of somebody who not only is only nominally a National Socialist, but who spits in the face of basic National Socialist principle at nearly every turn. It's astonishing, honestly! The bar was low for people like you, but SOMEHOW you have managed to turn yourself into a midget and go even lower.

Judeo-Capitalist revisionism

Evidently, you have not read a single thing from Hitler despite your claiming that he's 'one of your influences'. Neither have you read anything from literally any National Socialist... except of course modern Neos who are not National Socialists, but merely white nationalists. National Socialism is undeniably an anti-capitalist ideology. This is Nazism 101; but somehow this escapes people like you because you aren't an actual National Socialist, you're a LARPer (see above). Do I need to remind you of what Hitler said several times on capitalism and capitalist principles?

"Our fight is with money. Work alone will help us, not money. We must smash interest slavery. Our fight is with the races that represent money."

"The common good before the individual good."

"...You just tell the German bourgeoisie that I shall be finished with them far quicker than I shall with Marxism."

- A.H.

Dear fucking Lord, is your belief in a country ran by corporations absolutely the antithesis of what National Socialism stands for. The express purpose of National Socialism is to break away from money. It's to break away from interest slavery, from enslavement by industrialists and the international bourgeoisie, if not the bourgeoisie entirely. It is socialism. It seeks the socialization of the means of production. Its goals stand utterly against the Jewry of capitalism; which is interested only in the individual good over the common good. Capitalism cares not for race- for volk or state. It cares only for profit! It shall profit off of the same usury and deceitfulness that the Jews practiced, regardless of whether or not it is regulated or not. The entire system has been thoroughly corrupted. Regardless of how much regulation is done, how much the Jews are thoroughly purged from the system, it's too late. The system has already been destroyed. There is no reforming it. Capitalism has no place in National Socialism. Your 'absolute capitalism', which supports subordinating the state to the whims of the international bourgeoisie and capitalists most certainly has no place within National Socialism or within any genuinely National Socialist circle.

National Socialism is not 'white'.

The white race does not exist. It doesn't. The more and more you try to narrow the definition down, the less it makes sense, and the more and more you try to broaden the definition, the less it makes sense. Either way, you are fucked- because it doesn't exist.

The idea that you can classify an entire group of people as not only being of the same blood and folk, but that they should unite with one another based solely on the fact that they share the same hue of skin color is stupid. It is entirely the antithesis to National Socialism. This is the corruption of Neo-Nazism: It knows nothing of National Socialism. It only knows white nationalism and Klansmanite revisionism, paraded by fools like Rockwell and the like. The NSDAP were around in a time when the concept of a 'white' identity was fully developed, when "pan-white" and "white nationalist" movements were flourishing in places such as the United States. So tell me- why did it speak nothing of white nationalism, or of the white race, or of anything related to it? Sure, it spoke of the unity of the European peoples, but never 'the white European peoples' or anything related to that.

This is because National Socialism does not delude itself with delusional shit such as race based on skin color. Race is based on blood. It is based on common cultural, ethnic, and spiritual ties to one another. A Frenchman is not French because he's white. A Frenchman is a Frenchman because French blood courses through his veins!

National Socialism is politics of ethnicity. It is not politics of 'race'.

You talk a lot of shit about how people of other races (and even women) are less intelligent than white males, but look at you: You're a fucking dumbass. You can't even spell right, let alone spell write. No, that wasn't a typo. You can't spell write. I have seen hood ass bitches who give 0 fucks about education who write with better grammar and spelling than you.

You don't even know what 'Aryan' means. The National Socialists never claimed that the "Nordic race" was the 'most Aryan' or that it was superior to the other races because of it. It's just that they carry on the brunt of Aryan genetics. Why do people like you always twist National Socialism to fit your dumbass white supremacist fantasies?

National Socialism is not misogynistic

Your attitudes and opinions towards women are disgusting. Straight up. They again are nothing more than the opinion of an edgelord incel teenager who rightfully considers himself a chud. You are a chud. You're a fucking loser. National Socialism is maternalist. It is feminist. It doesn't hate women, nor does it wish to put them below men. It recognizes that women and men are equal but that their abilities mean that they take separate roles in life. I don't know what sort of manosphere content your computer has been spewing out to you, but it is not at all something that National Socialism or any fascist endorses. Talk to women. Your ass probably can't do that; that's why you spew weird misogynistic things about them.

National Socialism doesn't hate blacks.

Hitler had no hatred for black people. No National Socialist had a hatred for black people. There were black volunteers in the Wehrmacht and Schutzstaffel: propaganda was targetted towards blacks condemning their horrid treatment at the hands of their colonizers and the Americans. They stood firmly against the Ku Klux Klan, lynching, and the barbaric treatment of blacks in America. It pitied them. Hitler never considered blacks intelligently, physically, or emotionally inferior. He saw the pacifism of blacks; their refusal to act on their oppression. He considered them docile. But yet, it has been revealed that they are not docile; that they do not take a passive stand towards their own oppression. It took them a few decades after his death, but Hitler's initial problems with blacks are over.

National Socialism doesn't hate Arabs.

It doesn't. Walter Gross, head of the Office for Racial Policy of the NSDAP, stated as such in a letter to Rashid Ali al-Gaylani. I don't have access to the specifics of the letter right now, but you are more than capable of looking that up for yourself. National Socialism also doesn't hate Muslims. I don't know what in the fucks name your neo-crusader head was thinking with that, but it has always held quite the respect for Muslims- more so than Catholics as a matter of fact.
EDIT: Here we are.

"The Axis enemies in their propaganda state that the Germans consider the Arabs among the lower castes. In my capacity as the Premier of Iraq, I can give an assurance that the Arabs do not give this claim any importance after what they have seen and felt Germany's treatment and help to them. But as the enemy propaganda goes on repeating these lies, I should like to receive an answer from an official source regarding the German consideration of the Arab race. I should be very grateful to get from you a reply on the opinion of Germany on the subject."

This is what Doctor Walter Gross, Head of the Office for Racial Policy of the NSDAP, had to say.

"In answer to your Excellency's letter of 17th October, 1942, I have the honor to give you the racial theory regarding the Arab caste. The racial policy has been adopted by Germany to safeguard the German people against the Jews who, biologically, are different from the Middle East races. Accordingly, Europe has been opposing Jews for decades. The Germans do not fight the Jews because they are Semitic or because they come from the East, but for their character, egoism and their hostility to society... while Germany forbids the entrance of the Jews into her territory, she welcomes all Arabs of Semitic origin and cares for them. The attitude of the Germans for the Arabs is that of respect. Not a single official German source ever stated that the Arabs originated from a lower caste. On the contrary, the racial theory of National Socialism considers the Arabs of a very high caste. The oppression of the Arabs of Palestine is being followed in Germany with great interest and Germany confirms the demands of the Arabs."

National Socialism is not reactionary.

"Comrades shot by the Red Front and reactionaries!"

It's literally right there in the anthem. Nevermind the fact that the express purpose of National Socialism was to rebel against reaction, the Kaiser, the church and everything like it. Yes, this means National Socialism is unapologetically opposed to monarchism; because it is opposed to reaction. Take your crusader larping ass back from whence it came.

And... that's it for now.

I would write more about you, honestly- but I think it's time to take a break from this and go do, you know, more productive things. I have absolutely zero faith in your ability to respond to this. I don't intend you to respond to it. Your response- if you have any- will amount to 'degenerate' or whatever it is Klansmanite revisionists spew out nowadays. 88. Yo mama 8 this 8 inch dick. Getcho Judeo-Capitalist, hypocritical, incel, chud-lookin headass, no bitches lookin headass, mutt lookin ass, T30 lookin ass, Papist-shilling, reactionary, monarchist, ancaptard lookin ass out of here.