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Voidvill Rajandeep is an ideology of a guy who is 13yo and just being a contrarian and having fun, his views of absurdism come from exurb1a, generally I am very much a fan of school life, much better than pcb life in my opinion and will just wander this thing I have until death. He offers no solutions and only skepticism, mostly due to his extreme influences like Srnicek and some others, despite this may seem that he falls for a depressive outlook he carries on joyfully
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Voidvill Rajandeep emphasizes eudamonia, this can be done through ignorance and focusing on the self and what you have, economically he is anti-work, believing in an consensual economy for the employed, culturally he is opposed to nomos, agreeing with it on a few things, taking a semi-cynic view on it. He believes existence proceeds essence, but agrees with absurdism on existential absurdity, and thus reconciles these semi-opposing views by using that existence to build eudamonia. He agrees with D.Z. Rowan on gang economy and communes
{{Ideology/A wee oddo
|image=Deleuzian Social Authoritarianism.png
|image=Deleuzian Social Authoritarianism.png
[[File:LeftNietzsche.png]] Jonas Ceika Thought<br>
[[File:Karl Marx.png]] [[Marxism|Karl Marx]] (1818-1883)<br>
[[File:Contrarianism-Icon.png]] Contrarianism<br>
[[File:Fumiko.png]] [[Anarcho-Nihilism|Kaneko Fumiko]] (1903-1926)<br>
[[File:Biomech.png]] Biomechanicalism<br>
[[File:Camus.png]] [[Existentialist Anarchism|Albert Camus]] (1913-1960)<br>
[[File:SWD.png]] Soulism
[[File:MarioTronti.png]] [[Autonomism|Mario Tronti]] (1931-2023)<br>
[[File:LiberationTheo.png]] [[Liberation Theology|Desmond Tutu]] (1931-2021)<br>
[[File:Buddhist Socialism.png]] [[Buddhist Socialism|Dalai Lama]] (1935-)<br>
[[File:Srnicek.png]] [[Acid Communism|Nick Srnicek]] (1982-)<br>
[[File:Egocom.png]] [[Ego-Communism|D. Z. Rowan]] (?-)<br>
[[File:Soul.png]] [[Soulism|Misery]] (-)<br>
[[File:Grey Enlightenment.png]] [[Neoreactionaryism|smartistone]] (?-)<br>
[[File:Leftac.png]] [[Accelerationism|Alex Williams]] (?-)<br>
[[File:EconNihilism.png]] [[Post-Left Anarchy|Bobby Whittenberg-James]] (-)<br>
[[File:EgoMarx.png]] [[Ego-Communism|Ralph Leonard]] (-)
[[File:Hostis.png]] [[Communization Theory|Hostis]] (-)<br>
[[File:AnCommunization.png]] [[Communization Theory|The Invisible Committee]] (2009-)<br>
[[File:Xenosphere2.png]] {{PCBA|Xenospheric Thought|Xenosphere}} (2023-)
[[File:Noveltism.png]] Progress<br>
[[File:Noveltism.png]] Progress<br>
[[File:Absurd.png]] Existential Negation<br>
[[File:Absurd.png]] Life<br>
[[File:Armchair Left Communism.png]] Hypocrisy<br>
[[File:Music.png]] Music<br>
[[File:Music.png]] Music<br>
[[File:Friend.png]] Friends<br>
[[File:Economy.png]] Economics<br>
[[File:Philosophy.png]] Philosophy<br>
[[File:Pleasure.png]] Happiness<br>
[[File:Egocom.png]] Self-Interest
[[File:React.png]] Norms<br>
[[File:React.png]] Norms<br>
|caption="Penis vagina"
[[File:Community.png]] Community
|caption="I'm Ohio, and that's Rizz. I will never Buckle my Shoe, and that's Pizza Tower. There's no one I'd rather be... than Mr. Beast"
[[File:Taboritsky.png]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke_rcA1m7Wk&list=RDMM&index=3 Haunted Clock]
[[File:Taboritsky.png]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke_rcA1m7Wk&list=RDMM&index=3 Haunted Clock]
[[File:RevSoc.png]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k7gXu5RBZM The Sea Moaned in Rage]
[[File:RevSoc.png]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k7gXu5RBZM The Sea Moaned in Rage]
==Quotes ==
<div style="display:flex;">
<div style="width:33.33%">
|quote= "Communism knows no monster. ... Should abuse occur, the perpetrator would not be ostracized by his fellow human beings. They would not reject the social violator in order to reassure themselves of their humanity by comparing themselves to a non-human human, to a monster. They would be able to recognize what they have in common with him, and to realize that they could have done what he did. And this, we believe, is a much better way of reducing abuse to its lowest possible minimum than any search for normality."
|speaker= [[File:Communization.png]] [[Communization Theory|Gilles Duave]], 1947-
|quote="We're tired of trees. We should stop believing in trees, roots, and radicles. They've made us suffer too much"
|speaker= [[File:Deleuze.png]] [[Nomadology|Gilles Delueze]], 1925-1995
|quote="The author enters into his own death, writing begins."
|speaker= [[File:Barthes.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism|Roland Barthes]], 1915-1980
|quote="Myth does not belong to the past!" ..." Sacred dimension is always here.,"
|speaker=[[File:Dugin.png]] [[Fourth Theory|Aleksandr Dugin]], 1962-
|quote="However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at."
|speaker=[[File:Hawking.png]] [[Scientocracy|Stephen Hawking]], 1942-2018
|quote="Discovering more joy does not, save us from the inevitability of hardship and heartbreak. In fact, we may cry more easily, but we will laugh more easily too. Perhaps we are just more alive. Yet as we discover more joy, we can face suffering in a way that ennobles rather than embitters. We have hardship without becoming hard. We have heartbreaks without being broken."
|speaker=[[File:LiberationTheo.png]] [[Liberation Theology|Desmond Tutu]], 1931-2021
|quote="At any streetcorner the feeling of absurdity can strike any man in the face. As it is, in its distressing nudity, in its light without effulgence, it is elusive. But that very difficulty deserves reflection."
|speaker=[[File:Camus.png]] [[Existentialist Anarchism|Albert Camus]], 1913-1960
|quote="Crates, even Crates sets thee free"
|speaker=[[File:CratesOfThebus.png]] [[Anti-Authoritarianism|Crates]], 365-285 BC
<div style="width:33.33%">
|quote="There is something in you I like more than yourself. Therefore I must destroy you"
|speaker=[[File:Lacan.png]] [[Conservatism|Jacques Lacan]], 1901-1981
|quote="Revolution is always something that is being realised, that is in the process of becoming. A Past is always 'venerable'; tampering with it is 'sacrilegious'; to neglect it is 'inhuman'. the bourgeois World is but an agglomeration of private Property-owners, isolated from each other, without true community."
|speaker= [[File:PostHegel.png]] [[Anti-Authoritarianism|Alexandre Kojève]], 1902-1968
|quote="We joined hands as comrades to overthrow the emperor system. By nature human beings should be equal. And yet human beings who are equal by nature have been made unequal because of the presence of the entity called the emperor. The emperor is supposed to be august and exalted. Yet his photograph shows that he is just like us commoners. He has two eyes, one mouth, legs to walk with and hands to work with. But he doesn’t use his hands to work and his legs to walk. That the only difference. The reason I deny the necessity of the emperor rises from my belief that human beings are equal."
|speaker=[[File:Fumiko.png]] [[Anarcho-Nihilism|Fumiko Kaneko]], 1903-1926
|quote="No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."
|speaker=[[File:Sulla.png]] [[Optimateism|Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix]], 138-78 BC
|quote="If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it; for it is hard to be sought out and difficult."
|speaker= [[File:Heraclitus.png]] [[Anti-Humanism|Heraclitus]], 540-480 BCE
|quote="The one measure of true love is: you can insult the other."
|speaker=[[File:Zizekism.png]] [[Neo-Marxism|Slavoj Zizek]], 1949-
|quote="Nay, I see that God is in all Creatures, Man and Beast, Fish and Fowle, and every green thing, from the highest Cedar to the Ivey on the wall; and that God is the life and being of them all, and that God doth really dwell, and if you will personally; ... and hath his Being no where else out of the Creatures."
|speaker=[[File:Rantism.png]] [[Populism|Jacob Bauthumley]], 1613-1692
<div style="width:33.33%">
|quote="Less politically radical than horizontalism, though no less ubiquitous, is localism. As an ideology, localism extends far beyond the left, inflecting the politics of pro-capitalists, anti-capitalists, radicals and mainstream culture alike, as a new kind of political common sense. Shared between all of these is a belief that the abstraction and sheer scale of the modern world is at the root of our present political, ecological and economic problems, and that the solution therefore lies in adopting a ‘small is beautiful’ approach to the world.69 Smallscale actions, local economies, immediate communities, face-to-face interaction – all of these responses characterise the localist worldview. In a time when most of the political strategies and tactics developed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries appear blunted and ineffectual, localism has a seductive logic to it. In all its diverse variants, from centre-right communitarianism70 to ethical consumerism,71 developmental microloans, and contemporary anarchist practice,72 the promise it offers to do something concrete, enabling political action with immediately noticeable effects, is empowering on an individual level. But this sense of empowerment can be misleading. The problem with localism is that, in attempting to reduce large-scale systemic problems to the more manageable sphere of the local community, it effectively denies the systemically interconnected nature of today’s world. Problems such as global exploitation, planetary climate change, rising surplus populations, and the repeated crises of capitalism are abstract in appearance, complex in structure, and non-localised. Though they touch upon every locality, they are never fully manifested in any particular region. Fundamentally, these are systemic and abstract problems, requiring systemic and abstract responses."
|speaker=[[File:Srnicek.png]] [[Acid Communism|Nick Srnicek]], 1982-
|quote= "Skepticism is the first step on the road to philosophy."
|speaker= [[File:Diderot.png]] [[Enlightenment Thought|Denis Diderot]], 1713-1784
|quote="In order to know virtue we must acquaint ourselves with vice. Only then can we know the true measure of a man."
|speaker= [[File:Marquis de Sade.png]] {{PCB|Enlightenment Thought|Marquis de Sade}}, 1740-1814
== Personality ==
== Personality ==
If you wanna understand my comedy <s>interact with me on reddit</s> watch Caddicarus, guy is hilarious
If you wanna understand my comedy watch Caddicarus, guy is hilarious
== Summary ==
=== Organization ===
*[[File:Decentral.png]] Decentralization
*[[File:Minsocf.png]] Minarcho-Socialism
*[[File:Antwork.png]] Anti-Work
=== Economics ===
*[[File:Egocom-EgomutSynth.png]] Gang Economy
*[[File:NanofactPostecon.png]] Nanofactory Post-Economics
*[[File:Barter.png]] Barter Economy
*[[File:EgoCom.png]] Communes/Unions of Egoists
*[[File:AntiIndust.png]] Abolition of Consumer-Producer Dichotomy
*[[File:Internet.png]] Sharing Economy
*[[File:Piratist.png]] Commons-Based Peer Production
=== Civics ===
*[[File:SoftCyber.png]] Soft Cyberocracy
*[[File:Minsocf.png]] Minarcho-Socialism
=== Social ===
*[[File:Absurd.png]] Absurdism
== Reading List ==
== Reading List ==
*✩ for favorite
*△ for influenced me
=== Theory I have Written <ref> Most of this is very short and abandoned </ref>===
=== Theory I have Written <ref> Most of this is very short and abandoned </ref>===
*[[File:Dictablanda.png]] Temporary Autonomous Zones and the Eternal Leviathan Systems: Two Sides (2023)
*[[File:Dictablanda.png]] Temporary Autonomous Zones and the Eternal Leviathan Systems: Two Sides (2023)
Line 40: Line 182:
*[[File:RLV.png]] Bloody Fly (2023)
*[[File:RLV.png]] Bloody Fly (2023)
*[[File:Indiv.png]] Deadly Built Freedom (2023)
*[[File:Indiv.png]] Deadly Built Freedom (2023)
*[[File:Absurd.png]] Joys and Pathos (2023)
=== Theory I Am Writing ===
=== Theory I Am Writing ===
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] Rambles for Self-Progress (2023-)

=== Theory I Plan To Write ===
=== Theory I Plan To Write ===
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] Removal of a Dream: In The Name of Consistency!

=== Theory I Am Reading ===
=== Theory I Am Reading ===
==== [[File:Srnicek.png]] Nick Srnicek, [[File:Leftac.png]] Alex Williams, [[File:PostMarxism.png]] Alex Andrews, [[File:Leftac.png]] Armen Avanessian, [[File:PostMarxism.png]] Diann Bauer, [[File:Brassier.png]] Ray Brassier, [[File:Foucault.png]] Benjamin Bratton, [[File:Ormarxf.png]] Harry Cleaver, [[File:LeftCom.png]] Nathan Coombs, [[File:Accel.png]] Michael Ferrer, [[File:Fisher.png]] Mark Fisher, [[File:Post-Accelerationism.png]] Sam Forsythe, [[File:Accel.png]] Dominic Fox, [[File:TranshAcc.png]] Lucca Fraser, [[File:Postmodern.png]] Craig Gent, [[File:AcidCorbynism.png]] Jeremy Gilbert, [[File:TranshAcc.png]] Fabio Gironi, [[File:Acidcomf.png]] Jairus Grove, [[File:Accel.png]] Doug Henwood, [[File:Accel.png]] Aggie Hirst, [[File:Cybernetics.png]] Amy Ireland, [[File:Accel.png]] Joshua Johnson, [[File:Deleuzoguattarianism.png]] Robin Mackay, [[File:Speculative Realism.png]] Suhail Malik, [[File:Leftac.png]] Keir Milburn, [[File:Negarestani.png]] Reza Negarestani, [[File:Leftac.png]] Matteo Pasquinelli, [[File:DeleuzoguattarianPoststructuralism.png]] Patricia Reed, [[File:Accel.png]] Rory Rowan, [[File:Leftac.png]] Michal Rozworski, [[File:Leftac.png]] Mohammed Salemy, [[File:Accel.png]] Robbie Shilliam, [[File:Accel.png]] Ben Singleton, [[File:PostMarxism.png]] Keith Tilford, [[File:Inhumanism.png]] James Trafford, [[File:Fut2.png]] Deneb Kozikoski Valereto, and [[File:Leftac.png]] Pete Wolfendale ====
==== [[File:Stirner.png]] Max Stirner ====
*[[File:Postcapitalism.png]] Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work
*[[File:Anego.png]] The Unique and Its Property
**[[File:EgoNihil.png]] I Have Based My Affair On Nothing
**[[File:Antihuman.png]] 1. Humanity
***[[File:DialectEgo.png]] 1.1. A Human Life
==== [[File:CyberDel.png]] Antonin Dailleau and [[File:GlorCommunism.png]] Noel Marxgrave ====
*[[File:Auton.png]] Autonomy & Sabotage
**[[File:AnCommunization.png]] On Proletarian Suicide
**[[File:MarioTronti.png]] Autonomous Tactics & Social Factory
==== [[File:MarioTronti.png]] Mario Tronti ====
*[[File:Neomarx.png]] Workers and Capital
**[[File:Neomarx.png]] Marx Yesterday and Today
**[[File:Auton.png]] Factory and Society
==== [[File:Camus.png]] Albert Camus ====
*[[File:Absurd.png]] The Myth of Sisyphus
**[[File:Absurd.png]] Preface
**[[File:Absurd.png]] An Absurd Reasoning
***[[File:Absurd.png]] Absurdity and Suicide
***[[File:Absurd.png]] Absurd Walls

=== Theory I Plan To Read ===
=== Theory I Plan To Read ===
Line 55: Line 215:
==== [[File:OswaldMosley.png]] Oswald Mosely ====
==== [[File:OswaldMosley.png]] Oswald Mosely ====
*[[File:Fash.png]] Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered
*[[File:Fash.png]] Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered
==== [[File:Camus.png]] Albert Camus ====
*[[File:Absurd.png]] The Myth of Sisyphus
==== [[File:Anpostleft.png]] Bobby Whittenberg-James ====
*[[File:EconNihilism.png]] Economic Nihilism
==== [[File:DrBones.png]] Dr. Bones ====
==== [[File:DrBones.png]] Dr. Bones ====
*[[File:Egocom.png]] Egoist-Communism: What It Is and What It Isn't
*[[File:Egocom.png]] Egoist-Communism: What It Is and What It Isn't
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==== [[File:Egocom.png]] D. Z. Rowan ====
==== [[File:Egocom.png]] D. Z. Rowan ====
*[[File:Egocom.png]] A Brief Description Of Egoist Communism
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] Why Collapse Won’t Save Us
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] Why Collapse Won’t Save Us
*[[File:LeftCom.png]] Ultra Left International
*[[File:LeftCom.png]] Ultra Left International
==== [[File:Anego.png]] Evan Jack ====
==== [[File:Anego.png]] Evan Jack ====
*[[File:Postpostleft.png]] A Farewell To Post-Left Anarchy
*[[File:Postpostleft.png]] A Farewell To Post-Left Anarchy
Line 79: Line 235:
==== [[File:Cybernetics.png]] Amy Ireland ====
==== [[File:Cybernetics.png]] Amy Ireland ====
*[[File:CCRU.png]] The Poememenon: Form as Occult Technology
*[[File:CCRU.png]] The Poememenon: Form as Occult Technology
==== [[File:Postpostpostmodern.gif]] João-Clóvis Bruselas ====
*[[File:Postpostpostmodern.gif]] The End of Post-Postmodernism

=== Theory I Have Read ===
=== Theory I Have Read ===
Line 86: Line 244:
*[[File:VentureCom.png]] Venture Communism versus Venture Capitalism (2023)
*[[File:VentureCom.png]] Venture Communism versus Venture Capitalism (2023)
*[[File:PostCraft.png]] What is abstract labour, and who does the abstracting? (2023)
*[[File:PostCraft.png]] What is abstract labour, and who does the abstracting? (2023)
==== [[File:Curtis Yarvin.png]] Mencius Moldbug ====
==== [[File:Curtis Yarvin.png]] Mencius Moldbug ====
*[[File:Formal.png]] A formalist manifesto (2023)
*[[File:Formal.png]] A formalist manifesto (2023)
*[[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]] The case against democracy: ten red pills (2023)
*[[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]][[File:Redpill.png]] The case against democracy: ten red pills (2023)
*[[File:CapAnti Clerical.png]] Why do atheists believe in religion? (2023)
*[[File:CapAnti Clerical.png]] Why do atheists believe in religion? (2023)
*[[File:Cynic.png]] A new theory of constitutional cynicism ✩ (2023)
*[[File:Cynic.png]] A new theory of constitutional cynicism ✩ (2023)
==== [[File:Postciv.png]] Margaret Killjoy ====
==== [[File:Postciv.png]] Margaret Killjoy ====
*[[File:Postciv.png]] Take What You Need And Compost The Rest: an introduction to post-civilized theory (2023)
*[[File:Postciv.png]] Take What You Need And Compost The Rest: an introduction to post-civilized theory (2023)
==== [[File:PunFel.png]] PunishedFelix ====
==== [[File:PunFel.png]] PunishedFelix ====
*[[File:Post-Genderism.png]] The Queer Machine - Critique of Nyx Land ✩ (2023)
*[[File:Post-Genderism.png]] The Queer Machine - Critique of Nyx Land ✩ (2023)

==== [[File:Karl Marx.png]] Karl Marx ====
==== [[File:Karl Marx.png]] Karl Marx ====
*[[File:Classiccom.png]] Capital Volume One <ref> Would recommend section 4 to anyone </ref> (2023)
*[[File:Classiccom.png]] Capital Volume One <ref> Would recommend section 4 to anyone </ref> (2023)

==== [[File:PostHumPhil.png]] Thomas Moynihan ====
==== [[File:PostHumPhil.png]] Thomas Moynihan ====
*[[File:POSTHUMANISMICON.png]] Responsibility and Existential Risk (2023)
*[[File:POSTHUMANISMICON.png]] Responsibility and Existential Risk (2023)
==== [[File:Grey Enlightenment.png]] smartistone ====
==== [[File:Grey Enlightenment.png]] smartistone ====
*[[File:Corp.png]] Ads are everything, not AI (2023)
*[[File:Corp.png]] Ads are everything, not AI (2023)
*[[File:AtAuthority.png]] The appeal to authority: when it works and doesn't (2023)
*[[File:AtAuthority.png]] The appeal to authority: when it works and doesn't (2023)
*[[File:Gero.png]] The Myth of Wealthy Boomers (why they are not much ‘better off’ compared to later generations) (2023)
*[[File:Gero.png]] The Myth of Wealthy Boomers (why they are not much ‘better off’ compared to later generations) (2023)
*[[File:Book.png]] Why Influence/Reach is Better than Power, Wealth, or Social Status (2023)
*[[File:Book.png]] Why Influence/Reach is Better than Power, Wealth, or Social Status (2023)
==== [[File:Fumiko.png]] Fumiko Kaneko ====
==== [[File:Fumiko.png]] Fumiko Kaneko ====
*[[File:Equality.png]] Because I Wanted To (2023)
*[[File:Equality.png]] Because I Wanted To (2023)
==== [[File:Bonanno.png]] Alfredo Bonanno ====
==== [[File:Bonanno.png]] Alfredo Bonanno ====
*[[File:ContempAn.png]] Armed Joy (2023)
*[[File:ContempAn.png]] Armed Joy (2023)
==== [[File:Soul.png]] Misery ====
==== [[File:Soul.png]] Misery ====
*[[File:Esosoul.png]] The Dark Truths of Enlightenment ✩ (2023)
*[[File:Esosoul.png]] The Dark Truths of Enlightenment ✩ (2023)
==== [[File:Calculustt.png]] Spek ====
==== [[File:Calculustt.png]] Spek ====
*[[File:Metareg.png]] Metamodern Corporate Devices (2023)
*[[File:Metareg.png]] Metamodern Corporate Devices (2023)
*[[File:Philosophy.png]] Statements, do not take them as my law (2023)
*[[File:Craniomodern.png]] Cranioanalyzing Random Stuff: #1: Cottonelle Packaging (2023)
==== [[File:Bordiga.png]] Amadeo Bordiga ====
==== [[File:Bordiga.png]] Amadeo Bordiga ====
*[[File:EcoLeftCom.png]] The human species and the Earth's crust (2023)
*[[File:EcoLeftCom.png]] The human species and the Earth's crust (2023)
==== [[File:Hostis.png]] Hostis △ ====
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] A Short Introduction to the Politics of Cruelty (2023)
**[[File:Postpostleft.png]] I. Beyond Social Ethics ✩ △ (2023)
**[[File:Artaud1.png]] II. The Politics of Cruelty (2023)
**[[File:AnCommunization.png]] III. In Defense of Cruelty (2023)
==== [[File:Egocom.png]] D. Z. Rowan △ ====
*[[File:Egocom.png]] A Brief Description Of Egoist Communism △ (2023)
**[[File:Egocom.png]] Part One △ (2023)
**[[File:AnCommunization.png]] Part Two △ (2023)
***[[File:Egocom.png]] Method (2023)
==== [[File:Anpostleft.png]] Bobby Whittenberg-James △ ====
*[[File:EconNihilism.png]] Economic Nihilism △ (2023)
==== [[File:EgoMarx.png]] Ralph Leonard △ ====
*[[File:Egocom.png]] Egoism: The Basis for Communism △ (2023)
==== [[File:AnCommunization.png]] The Invisible Committee △ ====
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] Beautiful Like an Impure Insurrection △ (2023)
==== [[File:CyberDel.png]] Antonin Dailleau ====
*[[File:Internet.png]] Online Economy
==== [[File:Marquis de Sade.png]] Marquis de Sade ====
*[[File:Maso.png]] 120 Days of Sodom

=== Theory The Thought Half-Assed ===
=== Theory The Thought Half-Assed ===
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*[[File:Econil.png]] Desert (2023)
*[[File:Econil.png]] Desert (2023)

==== [[File:NihilCom.png]] Monsieur Dupont ====
==== [[File:NihilCom.png]] Monsieur Dupont ====
*[[File:NihilCom.png]] Nihilist Communism (2023)
*[[File:NihilCom.png]] Nihilist Communism (2023)
==== [[File:Jackanfash.png]] Jack Donnovan ====
==== [[File:Jackanfash.png]] Jack Donnovan ====
*[[File:Male-icon.png]] The Way of Men (2023)
*[[File:Male-icon.png]] The Way of Men (2023)
==== [[File:BB.png]] Bob Black ====
==== [[File:BB.png]] Bob Black ====
*[[File:Antwork.png]] The Abolition of Work (2023)
*[[File:Antwork.png]] The Abolition of Work (2023)
==== [[File:Srnicek.png]] Nick Srnicek, [[File:Leftac.png]] Alex Williams, [[File:PostMarxism.png]] Alex Andrews, [[File:Leftac.png]] Armen Avanessian, [[File:PostMarxism.png]] Diann Bauer, [[File:Brassier.png]] Ray Brassier, [[File:Foucault.png]] Benjamin Bratton, [[File:Ormarxf.png]] Harry Cleaver, [[File:LeftCom.png]] Nathan Coombs, [[File:Accel.png]] Michael Ferrer, [[File:Fisher.png]] Mark Fisher, [[File:Post-Accelerationism.png]] Sam Forsythe, [[File:Accel.png]] Dominic Fox, [[File:TranshAcc.png]] Lucca Fraser, [[File:Postmodern.png]] Craig Gent, [[File:AcidCorbynism.png]] Jeremy Gilbert, [[File:TranshAcc.png]] Fabio Gironi, [[File:Acidcomf.png]] Jairus Grove, [[File:Accel.png]] Doug Henwood, [[File:Accel.png]] Aggie Hirst, [[File:Cybernetics.png]] Amy Ireland, [[File:Accel.png]] Joshua Johnson, [[File:Deleuzoguattarianism.png]] Robin Mackay, [[File:Speculative Realism.png]] Suhail Malik, [[File:Leftac.png]] Keir Milburn, [[File:Negarestani.png]] Reza Negarestani, [[File:Leftac.png]] Matteo Pasquinelli, [[File:DeleuzoguattarianPoststructuralism.png]] Patricia Reed, [[File:Accel.png]] Rory Rowan, [[File:Leftac.png]] Michal Rozworski, [[File:Leftac.png]] Mohammed Salemy, [[File:Accel.png]] Robbie Shilliam, [[File:Accel.png]] Ben Singleton, [[File:PostMarxism.png]] Keith Tilford, [[File:Inhumanism.png]] James Trafford, [[File:Fut2.png]] Deneb Kozikoski Valereto, and [[File:Leftac.png]] Pete Wolfendale △ ====
*[[File:Postcapitalism.png]] Inventing the Future: Postcapitalism and a World Without Work △ (2023)
= Authors I Will Eventually Read =
*[[File:Anego.png]] Evan Jack
*[[File:Postpostpostmodern.gif]] João-Clóvis Bruselas
*[[File:Mason.png]] James Mason
*[[File:Redbeard.png]] Arthur Desmond
*[[File:Communization.png]] Tiqqun
*[[File:FriedrichHayek.png]] Friedrich von Hayek
*[[File:Renzo Novatore-icon.png]] Renzo Novatore
*[[File:Proudhon.png]] Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
*[[File:Postpostmodern.png]] Eric Gans
*[[File:CratesOfThebus.png]] Crates

=== Suggestions ===
= Thought Garble =
<center>Put sections for specific authors
(unless it is already there) and add there books here is an example</center>
|text= I am no longer doing relations I want to be less active
==== [[File:Centrist-yellow.png]] Guy ====
*[[File:Centrist-yellow.png]] Book
== User Test ==
*[[File:Dirigisme.png]] '''Dirigisme''' (+20)
*[[File:Keynes.png]] '''Keynesian School''' (+13)
*[[File:Marxian.png]] '''Marxism''' (+19)
*[[File:Socialist Industrial Unionism.png]] '''Industrial Orchestra''' (+20)
*[[File:Postindusnewicon.png]] '''Service Economy''' (+6)
*[[File:Local.png]] '''Localized Economy''' (+2)
*[[File:EvolEcon.png]] '''Evolutionary Economics''' (+7)
*[[File:Corptism.png]] '''Corporatism''' (+3)
*[[File:Corp.png]] '''Monopolized Free-Market''' (-20)
*[[File:DistributistPFP.png]] '''Distributism''' (+1)
*[[File:Feud.png]] '''Feudalism''' (0)
*[[File:Guildsoc.png]] '''Guild-oriented Economics''' (-3)
*[[File:Regulationism.png]] '''Regulated''' (+20)
*[[File:PlannedEconomy.png]] '''Planned''' (+9)
*[[File:Neocam.png]] '''Neocameralism''' (-1)
*[[File:Urb.png]] '''Patchwork''' (0)
*[[File:Georgist.png]] '''Georgist''' (+11)
*[[File:GE.png]] '''Gift Economy''' (+2)
*[[File:Autarky.png]] '''Self-Sufficency''' (+3)
*[[File:Soccap.png]] '''Social Market Economy''' (-12)
*[[File:Lenin.png]] '''Transitionary Economics''' (-18)
*[[File:Communization.png]] '''Immediatism''' (+19)
*[[File:Statecap.png]] '''State Capitalism''' (-6)
*[[File:Protect.png]] '''Protectionism''' (+20)
*[[File:Ecoeco.png]] '''Environmentalism''' (+20)
*[[File:Markets.png]] '''Market-oriented Economics''' (+2)
*[[File:MixEcoism.png]] '''Mixed Economy''' (+2)
*[[File:3P.png]] '''Third Position''' (+7)
*[[File:UltraProg.png]] '''Ultraprogressive''' (+20)
*[[File:Fut2.png]] '''Futuristic''' (+12)
*[[File:Prog-u.png]] '''Progressive''' (+14)
*[[File:ProgCultStandards.png]] '''Reformist''' (+3)
*[[File:Progconf.png]] '''Middle''' (-2)
*[[File:Conservative.png]] '''Conservative''' (-14)
*[[File:Trad.png]] '''Traditionalist''' (-14)
*[[File:Cultural Nationalism.png]] '''Nationalist''' (-16)
*[[File:Antiquitism.png]] '''Reactionary''' (-20)
*[[File:Transformism.png]] '''Transformist''' (+2)
*[[File:Fromm.png]] '''Frommian Society-Building''' (+20)
*[[File:SocialProgressive.png]] '''Progressivism''' (+18)
*[[File:RLV.png]] '''Unchained''' (+20)
*[[File:Cynic.png]] '''Cynicism''' (+20)
*[[File:SocialConservative.png]] '''Conservatism''' (-20)
*[[File:Transformism.png]] '''Transformism''' (+7)
*[[File:Neorealism.png]] '''Neorealism''' (+20)
*[[File:Imp.png]] '''Imperialism''' (-20)
*[[File:Ultranat.png]] '''Chauvinism''' (-20)
*[[File:Nation.png]] '''Nationalism''' (-7)
*[[File:Netocracy.png]] '''Netocracy''' (-3)
*[[File:Arist.png]] '''Aristocracy''' (-19)
*[[File:ItalianLeftCom.png]] '''Organic Centralism''' (+12)
*[[File:Councom.png]] '''Councilism''' (+7)
*[[File:Auto.png]] '''Autocracy''' (+4)
*[[File:Oligarchy.png]] '''Oligarchy''' (+13)
*[[File:Tricameral.png]] '''Tricameralism''' (+20)
*[[File:VHMent.png]] '''Voluntary Suicide''' (+20)
*[[File:Radenv.png]] '''Radicalism''' (+20)
*[[File:Biomech.png]] '''Biomechanicalism''' (+20)
*[[File:Envi.png]] '''Protective''' (+14)
*[[File:AnEn.png]] '''Skeptical''' (-19)
*[[File:Artifism.png]] '''Artifism''' (+9)
*[[File:Biomech.png]] '''Biological Anarchy''' (+20)
*[[File:Eugen.png]] '''Eugenics''' (-20)
*[[File:Postposthuman.png]] '''Morphological Freedom''' (+20)
*[[File:BioFut.png]] '''Biofuturism''' (+8)
*{{KK}} - -8
*{{NBorker}} - (-4) Evil usertest, painful
*{{FargothGares}} - (-13) what does any of this mean dawg
*[[File:Not_The_KGB.png]] - (68) I left out two sections because I have no idea what to even make with them. You should probably work on this.
== Thought Garble ==
*[[File:CyberDel.png]] {{PCBA|Cyberdelic Egoism}} ([[File:CelebEcon.png]]) - I love your thought, just embrace the dullity of our absurd existence, biofuturism is but spudges on a canvas nothing else, and that can put a smile on your face can't it? Embrace the dull struggle is a hard thing to embrace but it is fine
*[[File:CyberDel.png]] {{PCBA|Cyberdelic Egoism}} ([[File:CelebEcon.png]]) - I love your thought, just embrace the dullity of our absurd existence, biofuturism is but spudges on a canvas nothing else, and that can put a smile on your face can't it? Embrace the dull struggle is a hard thing to embrace but it is fine
*[[File:Brazlib.png]] [[Brazilian Liberalism]] ([[File:Cameralism.png]]) - Good to see that you seem nicer <s>debatable tho</s> now sure you have eugenics is not a tolerable view, you should embrace morphological freedom and biological anarchy that is just a suggestion, capitalism is a commoditizing and exploitative system but other than that, your fine
*[[File:Brazlib.png]] [[Brazilian Liberalism]] ([[File:Cameralism.png]]) - Good to see that you seem nicer <s>debatable tho</s> now sure you have eugenics is not a tolerable view, you should embrace morphological freedom and biological anarchy that is just a suggestion, capitalism is a commoditizing and exploitative system but other than that, your fine
*[[File:Bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.png]] [[Distributist Reactionarism]] ([[File:React.png]]) - <s>Y̷̩̦̩̩̱͐̓ó̸̡̱̰͎͕̪͐ū̴̢̡͎̥͕͕̪̰̬̄̍̚̕̕ ̶̧̨̛͉͚̼̻̯̞͈̈́̉̌̇̓͗͆̕͝s̵̨̬͕̩̮̹̠̪̠͈̲̤͉̣͒̓h̶̺̙͈̐͗͋̔͂͘a̷̬̙̣̠͉̾͒̈́̔l̴̨̠̝̪̦̥͉̙̮̘̪̣̑ͅḻ̷̨̨̫̫͙͇̤̫̰̺̃͊̉̀̈́͂̾̒̈̎̓̄̕ ̶̧̯̳͔̗̐̋̽̇̎͊͆͒̇̕͝b̴̧̯̘͙̼͈̣̮̼̈́͊̐̊̓̄̍̾̓͠ͅe̴̡̠̖̮̹̣͑̊̅̐̈́̍̂̾̌͆͘ͅ ̴̨̣̙͕̰̦̯̺̜̜̏͌̓̐̎̏̔̅̋̊í̶̛̛̦̣̜͕̳̯͕͚̲̺͚̪̤̔̐̓̎̈̋͘̚̕n̷̲̬̞͚̦̉̄̌̉͛̇̍̇͂̉́̽̔̕t̵̨̨̛̻̰͍̮̙̠̘̱̮̠͉ͅi̵̧̗̪̲͚͉̠͎͍̗͗̈̎͛̒̑́͌̈̒̅͋̋́͊͜m̵̨̢͚̹͚̜͖̔̔̏̌̔̕̕͝ỉ̶̩̞̼͖̯̹̳̖̪̝̱̳͉̉̊ḑ̸̧͔͓̘͇̼͒̓͋̉̋̋̓̄͑͐̑̇̋͂ä̴̧̠̘́̑̒̽̅̎͋̒̚̚͝ṫ̶̢̢̹͎͉͓̳̫̬̻̤͚͉̜͌̆̔́̋̆̒̔̾̀̔͘͝ͅe̴̡͙͖̰̍̌͜d̴̝͓̿̌͒̎͝ ̶̝͚̙̝̺̣̹͍̿̏̋̒̈́̐b̷̧̧̥͙̩̭̖̙͔̟͇̀͐͗͒̀͒̎̐̚͝ͅŷ̷̢̻̦͈̹͈̜̝̦̓ ̷̛̺̳̋͑̀͆̕t̸̪͕̉̋̓͗̽̌̔h̵̛͕̝͇̹͖͊̒͌͋̄̀͋̔͋̋̕̕̕ǐ̸̢̤̙̖̖͍̥̬̼̼̲̳͙̉̈́̈́̊̎̂̐̚s̸̢̛̩̭͖̘͇͙͓̹̳͎̳̫̗̼͂͒̌̊͝͝ ̶̗̫̘͎̼̼̼̫̋̒̽͒̏̽͐̾͗́̋͐̚͝p̶̺̖͕͉͈̄̍̏͌͘͠ḯ̶̲̺̱̯̯̠͚͉̰͙͔̳͓̈́̔̒̈̐͗̑͋̏̈̄ë̶͚̖́̈́͂͐̄̀̂̈́̾c̴̛̟̳̹̺̖̜͕̤̳̑̌ͅͅe̴̘͓̮̗̳̱̫̣̥͇͔̠͙̍̓̿̄̂͌̀̍͐́͝ ̸̞̦̝̣̉̈́̾̔̑̾̓͂͛̒̚͝͝ơ̸̢̨̯̳̟̞̜̱̝͕̲̞̮̍͊͒̃̍̌͑͌͘̕f̸̼͇̽̄̓͗̽͒̾̇̀̽̇̑͘͝ ̵̖̟̟̊͗͝w̵̡̩̦͖̬̖̩̦̟̬̰̤̺̆̔̑̑̎̇͑͒̇͐͘ǐ̷̝̈̕r̷͍̟̯͙̠̪͎̉̕ȩ̶͎̞̞̘̹̫̲̺̻̖͉̍̊̊̀̄̍̽̃̚ͅ</s> Economics hit hard, other than that your just ideologically intolerable or mid
*[[File:Bbbbbbbbbbbbbb.png]] [[Distributist Reactionarism]] ([[File:React.png]]) - <s>Y̷̩̦̩̩̱͐̓ó̸̡̱̰͎͕̪͐ū̴̢̡͎̥͕͕̪̰̬̄̍̚̕̕ ̶̧̨̛͉͚̼̻̯̞͈̈́̉̌̇̓͗͆̕͝s̵̨̬͕̩̮̹̠̪̠͈̲̤͉̣͒̓h̶̺̙͈̐͗͋̔͂͘a̷̬̙̣̠͉̾͒̈́̔l̴̨̠̝̪̦̥͉̙̮̘̪̣̑ͅḻ̷̨̨̫̫͙͇̤̫̰̺̃͊̉̀̈́͂̾̒̈̎̓̄̕ ̶̧̯̳͔̗̐̋̽̇̎͊͆͒̇̕͝b̴̧̯̘͙̼͈̣̮̼̈́͊̐̊̓̄̍̾̓͠ͅe̴̡̠̖̮̹̣͑̊̅̐̈́̍̂̾̌͆͘ͅ ̴̨̣̙͕̰̦̯̺̜̜̏͌̓̐̎̏̔̅̋̊í̶̛̛̦̣̜͕̳̯͕͚̲̺͚̪̤̔̐̓̎̈̋͘̚̕n̷̲̬̞͚̦̉̄̌̉͛̇̍̇͂̉́̽̔̕t̵̨̨̛̻̰͍̮̙̠̘̱̮̠͉ͅi̵̧̗̪̲͚͉̠͎͍̗͗̈̎͛̒̑́͌̈̒̅͋̋́͊͜m̵̨̢͚̹͚̜͖̔̔̏̌̔̕̕͝ỉ̶̩̞̼͖̯̹̳̖̪̝̱̳͉̉̊ḑ̸̧͔͓̘͇̼͒̓͋̉̋̋̓̄͑͐̑̇̋͂ä̴̧̠̘́̑̒̽̅̎͋̒̚̚͝ṫ̶̢̢̹͎͉͓̳̫̬̻̤͚͉̜͌̆̔́̋̆̒̔̾̀̔͘͝ͅe̴̡͙͖̰̍̌͜d̴̝͓̿̌͒̎͝ ̶̝͚̙̝̺̣̹͍̿̏̋̒̈́̐b̷̧̧̥͙̩̭̖̙͔̟͇̀͐͗͒̀͒̎̐̚͝ͅŷ̷̢̻̦͈̹͈̜̝̦̓ ̷̛̺̳̋͑̀͆̕t̸̪͕̉̋̓͗̽̌̔h̵̛͕̝͇̹͖͊̒͌͋̄̀͋̔͋̋̕̕̕ǐ̸̢̤̙̖̖͍̥̬̼̼̲̳͙̉̈́̈́̊̎̂̐̚s̸̢̛̩̭͖̘͇͙͓̹̳͎̳̫̗̼͂͒̌̊͝͝ ̶̗̫̘͎̼̼̼̫̋̒̽͒̏̽͐̾͗́̋͐̚͝p̶̺̖͕͉͈̄̍̏͌͘͠ḯ̶̲̺̱̯̯̠͚͉̰͙͔̳͓̈́̔̒̈̐͗̑͋̏̈̄ë̶͚̖́̈́͂͐̄̀̂̈́̾c̴̛̟̳̹̺̖̜͕̤̳̑̌ͅͅe̴̘͓̮̗̳̱̫̣̥͇͔̠͙̍̓̿̄̂͌̀̍͐́͝ ̸̞̦̝̣̉̈́̾̔̑̾̓͂͛̒̚͝͝ơ̸̢̨̯̳̟̞̜̱̝͕̲̞̮̍͊͒̃̍̌͑͌͘̕f̸̼͇̽̄̓͗̽͒̾̇̀̽̇̑͘͝ ̵̖̟̟̊͗͝w̵̡̩̦͖̬̖̩̦̟̬̰̤̺̆̔̑̑̎̇͑͒̇͐͘ǐ̷̝̈̕r̷͍̟̯͙̠̪͎̉̕ȩ̶͎̞̞̘̹̫̲̺̻̖͉̍̊̊̀̄̍̽̃̚ͅ</s> Economics hit hard, other than that your just ideologically intolerable or mid
*[[File:Hoodism.png]] [[Hoodism]] ([[File:DanielDeLeon.png]]) - I have to blabber on the toleranezation of your thought, while the thought may negate concept of "500 year road to communism", due to communizer influences. It is tolerable and autotolerated to have another "le epin ultroid"
*[[File:Hoodism.png]] [[Hoodism]] ([[File:Socialist Industrial Unionism.png]]) - I have to blabber on the toleranezation of your thought, while the thought may negate concept of "500 year road to communism", due to communizer influences. It is tolerable and autotolerated to have another "le epin ultroid"
*[[File:Neo-ABax.png]] [[Neo-Anthony Bax Thought]] ([[File:Socauth.png]]) - Your ultranationalism is great, border control is cringish, but thanks to you, I have come back to a bit of nationalism, and lighted an interest in the conservative revolution and folk socialism, thank you thought
*[[File:Neo-ABax.png]] [[Neo-Anthony Bax Thought]] ([[File:Socauth.png]]) - Your ultranationalism is great, border control is cringish, but thanks to you, I have come back to a bit of nationalism, and lighted an interest in the conservative revolution and folk socialism, thank you thought
*{{MugiKotobuki8814}} ([[File:NazbolColum.png]]) - Listen thought, just because the thought changes the wires formatting and page makeup, the long af tabber shit was an attempt to make it long af, blud have you seen your main influences?! Too needlessly long bro. But it could be thought that the short make the long in some sense, like how the inefficencies of armchair theorists create efficencies for the '''Biscuit'''. I'll properly explain my "shopper" things on the changes, the name changes is just my vibes when I get tired probably of a certain title, the change of formatting is this arborescent will to create a new page formatting, I copied Nesanel because I thought it would be a good an easier way of explaining my thought instead of the paragraphs which fell into "uncultured" wackiness to others, now, I changed because I was tired, of it, so I copied Modular's sections, fuck even copied Calculust's infobox, the thousands of icons I added onto was a "pseudo-trollish" attempt of making it really long never thought I'd be seen as a shopper, to an extent it was, I went out searching for things that fitted my ideal vision, and got it, my arm stretched out, and shoplifted that shit legally. I copied Jefbol because his way of essays(?) writing hit hard, and well, while my are small and tiny compared to them, they're my attempt, maybe I am rhizoming it probably not, sure they're disorganized. Onto your thought, intolerable, you were forced into this existence so why should I be proud of something I was on during that birth, state-mandated courtship is laughable, gonna put this is again since, well, you are a racial Darwinist. Maybe the "white" "race" is just "naturally" incompetent to the point they lead to there own "genocide" and "replacement" and thus nature has had enough with the great "white" "man" and with time comes a new "successor" that would now be the "black" "man" in a sense, nature has choosen them to be the heir of the superiority, in a weird sense nature is some malevolent force that lets millions of races die in the name of adaptation and selection
*{{MugiKotobuki8814}} ([[File:NazbolColum.png]]) - Listen thought, just because the thought changes the wires formatting and page makeup, the long af tabber shit was an attempt to make it long af, blud have you seen your main influences?! Too needlessly long bro. But it could be thought that the short make the long in some sense, like how the inefficencies of armchair theorists create efficencies for the '''Biscuit'''. I'll properly explain my "shopper" things on the changes, the name changes is just my vibes when I get tired probably of a certain title, the change of formatting is this arborescent will to create a new page formatting, I copied Nesanel because I thought it would be a good an easier way of explaining my thought instead of the paragraphs which fell into "uncultured" wackiness to others, now, I changed because I was tired, of it, so I copied Modular's sections, fuck even copied Calculust's infobox, the thousands of icons I added onto was a "pseudo-trollish" attempt of making it really long never thought I'd be seen as a shopper, to an extent it was, I went out searching for things that fitted my ideal vision, and got it, my arm stretched out, and shoplifted that shit legally. I copied Jefbol because his way of essays(?) writing hit hard, and well, while my are small and tiny compared to them, they're my attempt, maybe I am rhizoming it probably not, sure they're disorganized. Onto your thought, intolerable, you were forced into this existence so why should I be proud of something I was on during that birth, state-mandated courtship is laughable, gonna put this is again since, well, you are a racial Darwinist. Maybe the "white" "race" is just "naturally" incompetent to the point they lead to there own "genocide" and "replacement" and thus nature has had enough with the great "white" "man" and with time comes a new "successor" that would now be the "black" "man" in a sense, nature has choosen them to be the heir of the superiority, in a weird sense nature is some malevolent force that lets millions of races die in the name of adaptation and selection
*[[File:Murb.png]] [[Nurulisme]] ([[File:PostMarxism.png]]) - Fellow post-Marxist, not at all sold on gnosticism, monolectical materialism from what I have read so far hits hard, great job, you influenced me on production-centered ontology, give the thought <s>(yourself)</s> a pat on the back. The thought never autotolerated unironically viewing capital as a Lovecraftian god, esoteric Marxism is goofy, great ideology bro thumbs up
*[[File:Murb.png]] [[Nurulisme]] ([[File:PostMarxism.png]]) - Fellow post-Marxist, not at all sold on gnosticism, monolectical materialism from what I have read so far hits hard, great job, you influenced me on production-centered ontology, give the thought <s>(yourself)</s> a pat on the back. The thought never autotolerated unironically viewing capital as a Lovecraftian god, esoteric Marxism is goofy, great ideology bro thumbs up
*[[File:Pixil-frame-0(38).png]] [[Neo-Majapahitism]] ([[File:Suharto.png]]) - Mid, women policy really great
*[[File:Pixil-frame-0(38).png]] [[Neo-Majapahitism]] ([[File:Suharto.png]]) - Mid, women policy really great
*{{UserAm}} ([[File:Ismism Icon.png]]) - A respectable Ismist, but god? Why do you always have to go back to reactionarism?
*[[File:Dokev.png]] [[Dokevism]] ([[File:Fut2.png]]) - Futurism is auto-non-toleraable, embrace the dull, economics, why? Why stay onto capitalism? Also liberalism is disagreeable atleast to me
*[[File:Dokev.png]] [[Dokevism]] ([[File:Fut2.png]]) - Futurism is auto-non-toleraable, embrace the dull, economics, why? Why stay onto capitalism? Also liberalism is disagreeable atleast to me
**[[File:Dokev.png]] - Well, Capitalism defends Private Property and makes people work with a Purpose, But i prefer a Capitalism more Welfarist
**[[File:Dokev.png]] - Well, Capitalism defends Private Property and makes people work with a Purpose, But i prefer a Capitalism more Welfarist
Line 240: Line 351:
*[[File:Rigby.png]] [[Rigby Thought]] ([[File:Authoritarian Conservatism.png]]) - Blud.... you used to be based <s>makes sense you are a KK alt</s> homoconservatism to homophobia? PFFTTTT
*[[File:Rigby.png]] [[Rigby Thought]] ([[File:Authoritarian Conservatism.png]]) - Blud.... you used to be based <s>makes sense you are a KK alt</s> homoconservatism to homophobia? PFFTTTT

== References ==
= References =

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Voidvill Rajandeep emphasizes eudamonia, this can be done through ignorance and focusing on the self and what you have, economically he is anti-work, believing in an consensual economy for the employed, culturally he is opposed to nomos, agreeing with it on a few things, taking a semi-cynic view on it. He believes existence proceeds essence, but agrees with absurdism on existential absurdity, and thus reconciles these semi-opposing views by using that existence to build eudamonia. He agrees with D.Z. Rowan on gang economy and communes


"Communism knows no monster. ... Should abuse occur, the perpetrator would not be ostracized by his fellow human beings. They would not reject the social violator in order to reassure themselves of their humanity by comparing themselves to a non-human human, to a monster. They would be able to recognize what they have in common with him, and to realize that they could have done what he did. And this, we believe, is a much better way of reducing abuse to its lowest possible minimum than any search for normality."

Gilles Duave, 1947-

"We're tired of trees. We should stop believing in trees, roots, and radicles. They've made us suffer too much"

Gilles Delueze, 1925-1995

"The author enters into his own death, writing begins."

Roland Barthes, 1915-1980

"Myth does not belong to the past!" ..." Sacred dimension is always here.,"

"However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at."

Stephen Hawking, 1942-2018

"Discovering more joy does not, save us from the inevitability of hardship and heartbreak. In fact, we may cry more easily, but we will laugh more easily too. Perhaps we are just more alive. Yet as we discover more joy, we can face suffering in a way that ennobles rather than embitters. We have hardship without becoming hard. We have heartbreaks without being broken."

Desmond Tutu, 1931-2021

"At any streetcorner the feeling of absurdity can strike any man in the face. As it is, in its distressing nudity, in its light without effulgence, it is elusive. But that very difficulty deserves reflection."

Albert Camus, 1913-1960

"Crates, even Crates sets thee free"

Crates, 365-285 BC

"There is something in you I like more than yourself. Therefore I must destroy you"

Jacques Lacan, 1901-1981

"Revolution is always something that is being realised, that is in the process of becoming. A Past is always 'venerable'; tampering with it is 'sacrilegious'; to neglect it is 'inhuman'. the bourgeois World is but an agglomeration of private Property-owners, isolated from each other, without true community."

Alexandre Kojève, 1902-1968

"We joined hands as comrades to overthrow the emperor system. By nature human beings should be equal. And yet human beings who are equal by nature have been made unequal because of the presence of the entity called the emperor. The emperor is supposed to be august and exalted. Yet his photograph shows that he is just like us commoners. He has two eyes, one mouth, legs to walk with and hands to work with. But he doesn’t use his hands to work and his legs to walk. That the only difference. The reason I deny the necessity of the emperor rises from my belief that human beings are equal."

Fumiko Kaneko, 1903-1926

"No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full."

"If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it; for it is hard to be sought out and difficult."

Heraclitus, 540-480 BCE

"The one measure of true love is: you can insult the other."

Slavoj Zizek, 1949-

"Nay, I see that God is in all Creatures, Man and Beast, Fish and Fowle, and every green thing, from the highest Cedar to the Ivey on the wall; and that God is the life and being of them all, and that God doth really dwell, and if you will personally; ... and hath his Being no where else out of the Creatures."

Jacob Bauthumley, 1613-1692

"Less politically radical than horizontalism, though no less ubiquitous, is localism. As an ideology, localism extends far beyond the left, inflecting the politics of pro-capitalists, anti-capitalists, radicals and mainstream culture alike, as a new kind of political common sense. Shared between all of these is a belief that the abstraction and sheer scale of the modern world is at the root of our present political, ecological and economic problems, and that the solution therefore lies in adopting a ‘small is beautiful’ approach to the world.69 Smallscale actions, local economies, immediate communities, face-to-face interaction – all of these responses characterise the localist worldview. In a time when most of the political strategies and tactics developed in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries appear blunted and ineffectual, localism has a seductive logic to it. In all its diverse variants, from centre-right communitarianism70 to ethical consumerism,71 developmental microloans, and contemporary anarchist practice,72 the promise it offers to do something concrete, enabling political action with immediately noticeable effects, is empowering on an individual level. But this sense of empowerment can be misleading. The problem with localism is that, in attempting to reduce large-scale systemic problems to the more manageable sphere of the local community, it effectively denies the systemically interconnected nature of today’s world. Problems such as global exploitation, planetary climate change, rising surplus populations, and the repeated crises of capitalism are abstract in appearance, complex in structure, and non-localised. Though they touch upon every locality, they are never fully manifested in any particular region. Fundamentally, these are systemic and abstract problems, requiring systemic and abstract responses."

Nick Srnicek, 1982-

"Skepticism is the first step on the road to philosophy."

Denis Diderot, 1713-1784

"In order to know virtue we must acquaint ourselves with vice. Only then can we know the true measure of a man."

Marquis de Sade, 1740-1814


If you wanna understand my comedy watch Caddicarus, guy is hilarious



  • Decentralization
  • Minarcho-Socialism
  • Anti-Work


  • Gang Economy
  • Nanofactory Post-Economics
  • Barter Economy
  • Communes/Unions of Egoists
  • Abolition of Consumer-Producer Dichotomy
  • Sharing Economy
  • Commons-Based Peer Production


  • Soft Cyberocracy
  • Minarcho-Socialism


  • Absurdism

Reading List

  • ✩ for favorite
  • △ for influenced me

Theory I have Written [1]

  • Temporary Autonomous Zones and the Eternal Leviathan Systems: Two Sides (2023)
  • Rantomism (2023-)
    • File:Pessman.png Liberalism and Pessimism (2023)
    • Communizomes (2023)
    • Singularity? (2023)
  • Incompetent Writings: Session 1 (2023)
  • My Maning Festingo (2023)
  • Void; An Argument Against “Existence” (2023)
  • Bloody Fly (2023)
  • Deadly Built Freedom (2023)
  • Joys and Pathos (2023)

Theory I Am Writing

  • Rambles for Self-Progress (2023-)

Theory I Plan To Write

Theory I Am Reading

Max Stirner

  • The Unique and Its Property
    • I Have Based My Affair On Nothing
    • 1. Humanity
      • 1.1. A Human Life

Antonin Dailleau and Noel Marxgrave

  • Autonomy & Sabotage
    • On Proletarian Suicide
    • Autonomous Tactics & Social Factory

Mario Tronti

  • Workers and Capital
    • Marx Yesterday and Today
    • Factory and Society

Albert Camus

  • The Myth of Sisyphus
    • Preface
    • An Absurd Reasoning
      • Absurdity and Suicide
      • Absurd Walls

Theory I Plan To Read

Dana Simmons

  • Waste Not, Want Not: Excrement and Economy in Nineteenth-Century France

Oswald Mosely

  • Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered

Dr. Bones

  • Egoist-Communism: What It Is and What It Isn't
  • The "Stirner Wasn't A Capitalist You Fucking Idiot" Cheat Sheet

For Ourselves: Council for Generalized Self-Management

  • The Right To Be Greedy: Theses On The Practical Necessity Of Demanding Everything

D. Z. Rowan

  • Why Collapse Won’t Save Us
  • Ultra Left International

Evan Jack

  • A Farewell To Post-Left Anarchy

Friedrich Engels

Friedrich Engels and Karl Marx

  • The Communist Manifesto

Fredy Perlman

  • Reproduction Of Daily Life

Amy Ireland

  • The Poememenon: Form as Occult Technology

João-Clóvis Bruselas

  • The End of Post-Postmodernism

Theory I Have Read

Nyx Land

  • Hello From the Wired (2023)

Ian Wright

  • Venture Communism versus Venture Capitalism (2023)
  • File:PostCraft.png What is abstract labour, and who does the abstracting? (2023)

Mencius Moldbug △

  • A formalist manifesto (2023)
  • The case against democracy: ten red pills (2023)
  • Why do atheists believe in religion? (2023)
  • A new theory of constitutional cynicism ✩ (2023)

Margaret Killjoy △

  • Take What You Need And Compost The Rest: an introduction to post-civilized theory (2023)

File:PunFel.png PunishedFelix △

  • The Queer Machine - Critique of Nyx Land ✩ (2023)

Karl Marx △

  • Capital Volume One [2] (2023)

File:PostHumPhil.png Thomas Moynihan

  • Responsibility and Existential Risk (2023)

smartistone △

  • Ads are everything, not AI (2023)
  • File:AtAuthority.png The appeal to authority: when it works and doesn't (2023)
  • The Myth of Wealthy Boomers (why they are not much ‘better off’ compared to later generations) (2023)
  • Why Influence/Reach is Better than Power, Wealth, or Social Status (2023)

Fumiko Kaneko △

  • Because I Wanted To △ (2023)

Alfredo Bonanno

  • Armed Joy (2023)

Misery △

  • The Dark Truths of Enlightenment ✩ △ (2023)

Spek △

  • Metamodern Corporate Devices (2023)
  • Statements, do not take them as my law (2023)
  • Cranioanalyzing Random Stuff: #1: Cottonelle Packaging (2023)

Amadeo Bordiga

  • The human species and the Earth's crust (2023)

Hostis △

  • A Short Introduction to the Politics of Cruelty (2023)
    • I. Beyond Social Ethics ✩ △ (2023)
    • File:Artaud1.png II. The Politics of Cruelty (2023)
    • III. In Defense of Cruelty (2023)

D. Z. Rowan △

  • A Brief Description Of Egoist Communism △ (2023)
    • Part One △ (2023)
    • Part Two △ (2023)
      • Method (2023)

Bobby Whittenberg-James △

  • Economic Nihilism △ (2023)

Ralph Leonard △

  • Egoism: The Basis for Communism △ (2023)

The Invisible Committee △

  • Beautiful Like an Impure Insurrection △ (2023)

Antonin Dailleau

  • Online Economy

Marquis de Sade

  • 120 Days of Sodom

Theory The Thought Half-Assed


  • Desert (2023)

Monsieur Dupont △

  • Nihilist Communism (2023)

Jack Donnovan

  • The Way of Men (2023)

File:BB.png Bob Black △

  • The Abolition of Work △ (2023)

Nick Srnicek, Alex Williams, Alex Andrews, Armen Avanessian, Diann Bauer, Ray Brassier, Benjamin Bratton, Harry Cleaver, Nathan Coombs, Michael Ferrer, Mark Fisher, Sam Forsythe, Dominic Fox, Lucca Fraser, Craig Gent, Jeremy Gilbert, Fabio Gironi, Jairus Grove, Doug Henwood, Aggie Hirst, Amy Ireland, Joshua Johnson, Robin Mackay, Suhail Malik, Keir Milburn, Reza Negarestani, Matteo Pasquinelli, Patricia Reed, Rory Rowan, Michal Rozworski, Mohammed Salemy, Robbie Shilliam, Ben Singleton, Keith Tilford, James Trafford, Deneb Kozikoski Valereto, and Pete Wolfendale △

Authors I Will Eventually Read

  • Evan Jack
  • João-Clóvis Bruselas
  • James Mason
  • Arthur Desmond
  • Tiqqun
  • Friedrich von Hayek
  • Renzo Novatore
  • Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
  • Eric Gans
  • Crates

Thought Garble

I am no longer doing relations I want to be less active
  • Cyberdelic Egoism (File:CelebEcon.png) - I love your thought, just embrace the dullity of our absurd existence, biofuturism is but spudges on a canvas nothing else, and that can put a smile on your face can't it? Embrace the dull struggle is a hard thing to embrace but it is fine
  • Brazilian Liberalism () - Good to see that you seem nicer debatable tho now sure you have eugenics is not a tolerable view, you should embrace morphological freedom and biological anarchy that is just a suggestion, capitalism is a commoditizing and exploitative system but other than that, your fine
  • Distributist Reactionarism () - Y̷̩̦̩̩̱͐̓ó̸̡̱̰͎͕̪͐ū̴̢̡͎̥͕͕̪̰̬̄̍̚̕̕ ̶̧̨̛͉͚̼̻̯̞͈̈́̉̌̇̓͗͆̕͝s̵̨̬͕̩̮̹̠̪̠͈̲̤͉̣͒̓h̶̺̙͈̐͗͋̔͂͘a̷̬̙̣̠͉̾͒̈́̔l̴̨̠̝̪̦̥͉̙̮̘̪̣̑ͅḻ̷̨̨̫̫͙͇̤̫̰̺̃͊̉̀̈́͂̾̒̈̎̓̄̕ ̶̧̯̳͔̗̐̋̽̇̎͊͆͒̇̕͝b̴̧̯̘͙̼͈̣̮̼̈́͊̐̊̓̄̍̾̓͠ͅe̴̡̠̖̮̹̣͑̊̅̐̈́̍̂̾̌͆͘ͅ ̴̨̣̙͕̰̦̯̺̜̜̏͌̓̐̎̏̔̅̋̊í̶̛̛̦̣̜͕̳̯͕͚̲̺͚̪̤̔̐̓̎̈̋͘̚̕n̷̲̬̞͚̦̉̄̌̉͛̇̍̇͂̉́̽̔̕t̵̨̨̛̻̰͍̮̙̠̘̱̮̠͉ͅi̵̧̗̪̲͚͉̠͎͍̗͗̈̎͛̒̑́͌̈̒̅͋̋́͊͜m̵̨̢͚̹͚̜͖̔̔̏̌̔̕̕͝ỉ̶̩̞̼͖̯̹̳̖̪̝̱̳͉̉̊ḑ̸̧͔͓̘͇̼͒̓͋̉̋̋̓̄͑͐̑̇̋͂ä̴̧̠̘́̑̒̽̅̎͋̒̚̚͝ṫ̶̢̢̹͎͉͓̳̫̬̻̤͚͉̜͌̆̔́̋̆̒̔̾̀̔͘͝ͅe̴̡͙͖̰̍̌͜d̴̝͓̿̌͒̎͝ ̶̝͚̙̝̺̣̹͍̿̏̋̒̈́̐b̷̧̧̥͙̩̭̖̙͔̟͇̀͐͗͒̀͒̎̐̚͝ͅŷ̷̢̻̦͈̹͈̜̝̦̓ ̷̛̺̳̋͑̀͆̕t̸̪͕̉̋̓͗̽̌̔h̵̛͕̝͇̹͖͊̒͌͋̄̀͋̔͋̋̕̕̕ǐ̸̢̤̙̖̖͍̥̬̼̼̲̳͙̉̈́̈́̊̎̂̐̚s̸̢̛̩̭͖̘͇͙͓̹̳͎̳̫̗̼͂͒̌̊͝͝ ̶̗̫̘͎̼̼̼̫̋̒̽͒̏̽͐̾͗́̋͐̚͝p̶̺̖͕͉͈̄̍̏͌͘͠ḯ̶̲̺̱̯̯̠͚͉̰͙͔̳͓̈́̔̒̈̐͗̑͋̏̈̄ë̶͚̖́̈́͂͐̄̀̂̈́̾c̴̛̟̳̹̺̖̜͕̤̳̑̌ͅͅe̴̘͓̮̗̳̱̫̣̥͇͔̠͙̍̓̿̄̂͌̀̍͐́͝ ̸̞̦̝̣̉̈́̾̔̑̾̓͂͛̒̚͝͝ơ̸̢̨̯̳̟̞̜̱̝͕̲̞̮̍͊͒̃̍̌͑͌͘̕f̸̼͇̽̄̓͗̽͒̾̇̀̽̇̑͘͝ ̵̖̟̟̊͗͝w̵̡̩̦͖̬̖̩̦̟̬̰̤̺̆̔̑̑̎̇͑͒̇͐͘ǐ̷̝̈̕r̷͍̟̯͙̠̪͎̉̕ȩ̶͎̞̞̘̹̫̲̺̻̖͉̍̊̊̀̄̍̽̃̚ͅ Economics hit hard, other than that your just ideologically intolerable or mid
  • Hoodism () - I have to blabber on the toleranezation of your thought, while the thought may negate concept of "500 year road to communism", due to communizer influences. It is tolerable and autotolerated to have another "le epin ultroid"
  • Neo-Anthony Bax Thought () - Your ultranationalism is great, border control is cringish, but thanks to you, I have come back to a bit of nationalism, and lighted an interest in the conservative revolution and folk socialism, thank you thought
  •  MugiKotobuki8814ism () - Listen thought, just because the thought changes the wires formatting and page makeup, the long af tabber shit was an attempt to make it long af, blud have you seen your main influences?! Too needlessly long bro. But it could be thought that the short make the long in some sense, like how the inefficencies of armchair theorists create efficencies for the Biscuit. I'll properly explain my "shopper" things on the changes, the name changes is just my vibes when I get tired probably of a certain title, the change of formatting is this arborescent will to create a new page formatting, I copied Nesanel because I thought it would be a good an easier way of explaining my thought instead of the paragraphs which fell into "uncultured" wackiness to others, now, I changed because I was tired, of it, so I copied Modular's sections, fuck even copied Calculust's infobox, the thousands of icons I added onto was a "pseudo-trollish" attempt of making it really long never thought I'd be seen as a shopper, to an extent it was, I went out searching for things that fitted my ideal vision, and got it, my arm stretched out, and shoplifted that shit legally. I copied Jefbol because his way of essays(?) writing hit hard, and well, while my are small and tiny compared to them, they're my attempt, maybe I am rhizoming it probably not, sure they're disorganized. Onto your thought, intolerable, you were forced into this existence so why should I be proud of something I was on during that birth, state-mandated courtship is laughable, gonna put this is again since, well, you are a racial Darwinist. Maybe the "white" "race" is just "naturally" incompetent to the point they lead to there own "genocide" and "replacement" and thus nature has had enough with the great "white" "man" and with time comes a new "successor" that would now be the "black" "man" in a sense, nature has choosen them to be the heir of the superiority, in a weird sense nature is some malevolent force that lets millions of races die in the name of adaptation and selection
  • Nurulisme () - Fellow post-Marxist, not at all sold on gnosticism, monolectical materialism from what I have read so far hits hard, great job, you influenced me on production-centered ontology, give the thought (yourself) a pat on the back. The thought never autotolerated unironically viewing capital as a Lovecraftian god, esoteric Marxism is goofy, great ideology bro thumbs up
  • Neo-Majapahitism () - Mid, women policy really great
  • Dokevism () - Futurism is auto-non-toleraable, embrace the dull, economics, why? Why stay onto capitalism? Also liberalism is disagreeable atleast to me
    • - Well, Capitalism defends Private Property and makes people work with a Purpose, But i prefer a Capitalism more Welfarist
      • - Capitalism commodizes people into mere profit objectives, also, why send money to one individual and not the state? It would benefit the state making it more efficent and give it more free time to spend on initiatives
        • - in my case, i dont see people as mere Profit Objectives, i see them as Humans, Living Beings that deserve love and welfare, also, what if the State uses the Money on useless things or even use the money for own interests?
  • Artelordism () - Sure your moderate, but your good, altho I feel democracy should be extended to every one no matter what, space travel is but frontierism with a "human" mask, I am glad you like economic AI planning
  •  BERNHEism () - Wow, you really are neo-eugenics strongest warrior. Impressive. Despite us being economically different, you being capitalist and me, a communist, I will always sympathize with your views, good automation policy, I agree with you on the useless, pharma policy looks even tho I have not fully read it, power policy good, travel is really good now embrace state-owned brothels legal is based, information is cringe, I do not at all agree on the need to privatize, but, shockingly, I understand it, maybe it's my past capitalism that makes me sympathetic, the old days when I was still allowed on the site but goddammit you are great, a restrained dictatorship is an alright run in my book, drug policy good, capital punishment, Tabula Rasa looks good. Diplomacy is where I hate, racial views hit hard, technology hits hard, besides the eugenics, post-BERNHEism is very good, russophobia is retarded, your life story is the saddest thing I read R.I.P. asexual rizzard L
  • Pantheonism () - Stop simping for imperialists, you can beat it eh, embrace post-Marxism ig guilds, are mid and sorta elitist, embrace industrial unions or a post-industrial form of that as I purpose.
  • Post-Jefbolism () - Ah, another one of my infleunces armchair Marxism-Leninism-racism is what infleunced me [3] cheers me to know ye have abandoned metamodernism, be happy ye made me like the ultra-left, although I am pretty certain Kaskin probably did that before you but eh. Ye seem based, spontaneity seems to offer something, Ultra-left post-Marxism sounds goofy, but that's probably a ghost of my past on the ultra-left Very well read, there, I pleased your ego, now go fuck the cranial body. Honestly I was saddened when you became an autonomist, but who cares. I'll read about Camatte later. Fs in the chat for the party, and Ws for spontaneity
  • Proletariat Builderism () - Finally you used a capital letter at the end of the title! Cardinal ethics hit hard, everyelse is hit or miss
  • Hysteria thought () - Link all the theory you've read, I can't find it! You truly are a post-post-post-post-modernist but for reals, you give of the vibes your a 30-year-old intellectual congrats you've got my admire your hyper-Deleuzianism is admirable, cannot wait for more of your thought
  • Agricoetism () - Sorry for the wait L + ratio + no 5 balls now, what do I think, ultimately, mid, I think you should embrace independent industrial unionism and become based nazbol incomprehensible? Fine. LARP? PFFFTTTT, such a dismissal of a word, mate I just want to write my beliefs in a pseud way, and sometimes silly
  • Necro-Anarchism () - Communitarian Thassaria aside, you are less shit than I thought, your not really economically right, as market anarchism is a leftist ideology inherently, glad you returned to democracy the majority are strong and must subjugate the minority aka the weak also would you say you are an alternate modernist, cultural views to conservative but good. Your slave morality, is so blatant, Jonas Ceika owned your theorists' asses. Ironic because your a sadomasochist, and in the video, Berserk shows the masochistic of morals, and well, your violence, well, if you attack someone who does not want in the name of your morals, because they well... broke it, that is not very voluntary. Another thing is you... honestly failed at self-improvement, you tried for a couple days and... than turned all wankery, also, if there is an essence for things being happy like, I'm happy when my sooong is on me like, but what if I don't like the song anymore? Is the essence.... just... not static, animism is something idk or care maybe
    • - Their immorality is their volunteering to be attacked
      • - blud your just admitting your not at all a voluntarist
  • Meowxism () - I'll say this again, beauty is a temporary thing it's struggling and fighting (fighting), just to keep itself alive (keep itself alive), I must keep biggering, I'm figgering on biggering, Though biggering is triggering more biggering, I won't stop biggering, I'm figgering on biggering, And biggering is triggering more biggering. With the customers all buying, And the money multiplying, And the PR people lying, And the lawyers all denying, Who cares if some things are dying? I don't wanna hear your crying! This is all so gratifying!!!! dullness is like capitalist realism, it consumes ofc capitalism is an economic system thus it is escapable, one-party statism is awful and restrictive on freedom the Stalin gyat was to much for bro
  • Rigby Thought () - Blud.... you used to be based makes sense you are a KK alt homoconservatism to homophobia? PFFTTTT


  1. Most of this is very short and abandoned
  2. Would recommend section 4 to anyone
  3. Yes, I remember when you called yourself "armchair Marxist-Leninist-racist