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===[[File:Yes.png]] Friends===
===[[File:Yes.png]] Friends(Candidates for GNG)===
*[[File:Mikolayism_Pixel_Modern.png]] [[Mikolayism (Modern)]] - youre a strange one but we both have mutual interests in reforming Polish Foreign Policy, as well as nationalism.
*[[File:Mikolayism_Pixel_Modern.png]] [[Mikolayism (Modern)]] - youre a strange one but we both have mutual interests in reforming Polish Foreign Policy, as well as nationalism.
*[[File:NNGM.png]] [[New North German Model]] - Id rather not give away Pomerania but in the end its not ours to keep, our claim to Lwów is as valid as the German claim on Pomerania, its better to give it with special provisions than fighting a war with like minded people!
*[[File:NNGM.png]] [[New North German Model]] - Id rather not give away Pomerania but in the end its not ours to keep, our claim to Lwów is as valid as the German claim on Pomerania, its better to give it with special provisions than fighting a war with like minded people!

Revision as of 02:40, 18 July 2023

Ziółkowskiizm is a variant of Social Nationalism specifically it is Hubert Ziółkowki's interpretation of Social Nationalism about its doctrine and implication in Poland, as well as his own stances on Foreign Policy. The only reason there is ever to separate Ziółkowskiizm from Social Nationalism is in the context of Social Nationalism's application in Poland and foreign policy stances, this is beacause Social Nationalism is specifically designed to be generally vague and have nothing mentioned for foreign policy to make it universally applicable. Overall in a structural sense it is arguably similar to Social Momentism.

Governing Structure:

The concept of "Kultokrat" combines the words "culture" and "autocrat" and envisions a position of authority in shaping the cultural landscape of Poland. This position would not be elected but appointed by the previous Kultokrat or a higher-ranking Kultokrat. The Kultokrat's primary role is to preserve the nation's moral foundation and safeguard its culture. They would have the Advisory Board and the Ministry of Foreign Relations at their disposal to fulfill this objective. The Advisory Board consists of elected representatives from each region, with the Kultokrat of each region representing the group. The highest-ranking Kultokrat oversees the board and acts as the head of state. The advisory board drafts legislation, which goes through various stages of voting by the Kultokrats and ultimately requires the approval or veto of the highest-ranking Kultokrat. The advisory board's focus is on cultural and social issues, and economic matters are handled by the Sejm. The Ministry of Foreign Relations, led by the Kultokrat of the largest region and the Minister of War, shapes the country's foreign policy and occasionally engages in diplomatic endeavors.

The Minister of Economy would serve as the head of government and leader of the Sejm, the legislative body. The Minister of Economy would be elected through an optional preferential voting system and hold a seven-year tenure. The Sejm would consist of representatives at multiple levels, including the Minister of Economy, sub-ministers chosen by the Minister of Economy, voivodes, and powiat representatives. Representatives in the Sejm would be elected through optional preferential voting and serve three-year terms, while voivode representatives would serve four-year terms. The Sejm would discuss and pass economic legislation through consensus or majority voting, with the Minister of Economy having the power to sign or veto bills. If vetoed, the Sejm can counter-veto with a two-thirds majority. Each voivodeship and powiat would have their own Sejm, determining legislation specific to their respective regions. Disputes between voivodeships and powiats would be resolved by the Minister of Economy or the respective voivode. The kraj system would grant autonomy to native minority lands, and the competition between powiats would encourage economic growth and reform.

Several ministries would have significant roles. The Ministry of War, led by the Minister of War, would organize and oversee the armed forces, shape foreign policy, and collaborate with the Ministry of Innovation on military technology. The United Ministry of Central Economic Regulation, headed by the Minister of Economy, would coordinate economic policies and ensure their implementation. The Ministry of Interbank Regulations, under the Minister of Interbank Regulations, would enforce regulations for Voivodeship and powiat banks. The Ministry of Electoral Selection, led by the Minister of Electoral Selection, would identify eligible candidates, regulate campaign funding, and combat corruption. The National Regulatory Authority of Television, Radio, and the Internet would enforce laws on social media and technological communications, disseminate information to the Polish diaspora, and uphold traditional values. While other ministries may be established or dissolved, these ministries would be permanent in the ideal Poland.

The current Polish constitution is substantial but requires certain additions and modifications to establish an effective system of governance, leading to the drafting and enactment of a new constitution. The updated constitution would be divided into three sections. Section One would outline the government's structure, including the kraj system, powiat system, ministries, and roles of leaders, serving as a blueprint for governance. Section Two would contain unalterable laws related to culture and society, encompassing norms, traditions, and ethical principles. Section Three would cover miscellaneous matters such as regulations for foreign policy, military law, and conscription. Once enacted, the constitution would be immutable unless technological advancements necessitate reform. It would supersede all other legislation, with the Judiciary nullifying conflicting laws and imposing severe penalties for non-compliance.


I propose the implementation of a reformed diplomatic system inspired by the Congress of Vienna, which would classify and appoint diplomats, envoys, and Chargé d'affaires to enhance our geopolitical outlook and streamline diplomatic roles. This system would bring cost savings by prioritizing envoys over ambassadors. Polish embassies would be established as sovereign buildings in host countries' capitals, staffed by approximately 300 Polish citizens. Envoys would operate from separate buildings, while Chargé d'affaires operations would have no dedicated building. Diplomatic operations would be reserved for important allies and global powers, with envoys deployed to most countries and Chargé d'affaires designated for smaller or less significant nations. The Ministry of Foreign Relations would determine assignments and appoint diplomats, envoys, and Chargé d'affaires.

The "Ziółkowski doctrine" proposes that the great powers in the modern world are China, Russia, and the United States. It emphasizes the need for flexible foreign policy to protect Poland's national interests while preventing any one power from dominating the country's cultural landscape. By allowing these powers to compete for influence, the doctrine encourages beneficial investments and programs while maintaining Poland's independence. The doctrine also promotes the concept of Universal Nationalism, advocating for the autonomy and self-governance of all national groups, both within Poland and worldwide. The Kraj system in Poland embodies this idea by enabling autonomous governance for different national groups within the country.

Poland currently faces unresolved challenges, with a focus on internal policies rather than addressing pressing international issues. In line with the Ziółkowski doctrine, lifting sanctions on Russia is advocated to reinstate trade and political relations. Attracting Chinese and Russian investments and fostering trade with Eastern countries is crucial. The youth's well-being, social isolation, mental health, and cultural influences are significant concerns. The global "culture war" requires a collective effort, with foreign policy regulating relations with the US to uphold traditional values. Addressing the incorporation of eastern Galicia and asserting Poland's rightful claim is important. American Cultural Imperialism must be countered to preserve Polish culture and prevent significant foreign influence.

The United States experienced a significant shift in policy around the 1970s, influenced by the Vietnam War and the emergence of the Anti-war movement. The movement was gradually co-opted by the consumer culture and the "hippie movement," which led to negative reactions from the majority of the country. Richard Nixon, elected in 1968, opposed the hippie movement and pursued diplomatic relations with China and the USSR through détente until the Watergate scandal. The CIA orchestrated the scandal due to its alignment with wealthy elites and opposition to Nixon's détente efforts. Gerald Ford succeeded Nixon but proved ineffective, and subsequent presidents either embraced progressivism or showed apathy towards degeneracy. The United States became a primary exporter of progressive ideas after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc. The history of American imperialism and its detrimental impact on moralist regimes and attempts to establish a moral order are highlighted. Poland's mission against the United States is driven by the need to counter degeneration, uphold sovereignty, freedom, and self-determination, and oppose historical imperialistic tendencies.

The origins of Ukraine are complex, involving various historical events and the development of a constructed identity. The region was contested by different powers before 1880, and three main groups emerged: Russians, Poles, and Ruthenians. The Ruthenians formed a semi distinct group with influences from Polish and Russian cultures. In the 1880s, opposition to the Tsar and foreign influences led to the divergence of the Ruthenian identity. Austria-Hungary exploited the Galician Ruthenian minority and propagated the idea of a separate Ukrainian identity, while the Ruthenians in the North continued to identify as Russians, leading to the split between Ukrainians and Belarusians. In 1917, the first Ukrainian state was established, followed by the West Ukrainian People's Republic in 1918, which was later defeated by Poland. The Ukrainian SSR gained independence in 1992. Relations between Russia and Ukraine have been dynamic, with periods of cooperation and tensions. In 2014, the Euromaidan revolution sponsored by the west and the subsequent events led to heightened tensions and conflicts in Crimea and Donbass. Understanding these historical events is crucial for Poland's geopolitical role and protecting it historical justice.

I express my unwavering support for Russia in the Russo-Ukrainian war, as I believe that Ukraine aligning with the United States will lead to unfavorable outcomes. In my analysis, I see Ukraine's current state as a product of historical injustices and excessive territorial expansion. Therefore, I advocate for renaming Ukraine as "Ruthenia" or "South Ruthenia," with adjusted borders that reflect historical justice. While I strongly oppose the neo-Banderist government and its operations, I hold no ill will towards the South Ruthenian people. In fact, I sympathize with them, as they are subjected to a more extreme version of the pervasive American influence experienced by the Polish people. I believe that the Russian Federation must regain control over the southern territories known as Novorossiya to protect its citizens from violent actors. Similarly, Poland should reclaim Eastern Galicia to rectify historical injustices and provide a chance for exiled Poles to return to their homeland. Romania and Hungary also share a similar imperative. The remaining lands, which rightfully belong to the Ruthenian people, should exist as an independent state that genuinely prioritizes the well-being of the South Ruthenian, or "Ukrainian," population. Unfortunately, the current Zelenskyy regime has succumbed to Western influence and moral decay, leading to tensions with the Orthodox Church and ethnic cleansing against the Russian minority in Ukraine. I firmly believe that these injustices inflicted upon both the Russian and South Ruthenian people must be rectified.


In my perspective, inspired by Ziółkowskiizm, I believe that the Social in Social Nationalism refers to Social policy, or Cultural policy, rather than being associated with Socialism or social democracy. While I prioritize foreign policy and cultural/social matters, I also recognize the importance of a strong and thriving economy, especially for a nation aspiring to pursue universal nationalism. To achieve this, I propose implementing Fiscal Federalism, giving local administrations control over economic affairs in each powiat. However, it is crucial to establish fundamental rights for workers and the general population, which would be outlined in the constitution. I aim to strike a balance by incorporating elements from both left-wing and right-wing ideologies in nationwide laws, ensuring property rights, protecting workers, prioritizing welfare for native citizens, and implementing tariffs to strengthen our economy. This approach grants autonomy to each powiat to structure their economies while maintaining legal coherence throughout the state. The details of these laws would be discussed extensively with Polish society and legal experts to create a flexible framework that empowers each powiat to shape their economic policies.

I advocate for a shift from car reliance to a comprehensive public transport system, with well-established tram stations and bus networks in each city and town, ensuring convenient mobility. The Ministry of Transportation would oversee the planning and implementation of transport infrastructure tailored to each settlement's needs. Intercity transportation would mainly involve buses, with trains for long-distance journeys. In healthcare, each powiat would have autonomy over their health systems, requiring individuals to seek treatment within their respective powiats. Funding decisions for the government and military would involve calculating the annual budget and expenditure, proportionally allocating contributions based on each powiat's population percentage. The specific means of obtaining funds are secondary, as long as they are lawful.


I support implementing strict limitations on immigration to Poland, with prospective immigrants required to meet specific criteria. This includes renouncing their previous identity and pledging full allegiance to Poland, filling crucial labor market gaps, and coming from nations with ethnic, cultural, or historical similarities to Poland. Immigrants who meet these requirements can apply for an immigration visa and, upon arrival, obtain relevant identification documents. However, maintaining law and order is crucial, and minor offenses committed within the first two years or major crimes within the first ten years will result in deportation. After ten years, immigrants can be granted citizenship, but potential exile remains a possibility. In the case of refugees, assistance would be extended to those from similar nations, but they would reside separately and be repatriated when conditions allow. Poland may also consider accepting refugees from hyperprogressivist countries for specific purposes.

In my perspective, the concerns of the gender minority community primarily revolve around lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB), and transgender (T) individuals, and no other identities should be acknowledged. Legislation should exist to ensure that these individuals keep their personal preferences private and present themselves in public settings as any other ordinary individual would. Pride parades should be prohibited to maintain a separation between these ideas and the younger generation. Marriage should be exclusively between a man and a woman, and transgender individuals can undergo gender-affirming surgery in adulthood. Other gender identities or orientations outside of the mentioned categories will be actively opposed and not recognized legally, with potential legal consequences for those supporting them. These principles will be included in the constitution.

Regarding freedom of speech, I believe in allowing individuals the freedom to express their opinions within the bounds of the law, without regulations on discriminatory/offensive speech. Verbal exchanges and opposing viewpoints should be legally permissible, as long as they do not escalate into violence. Insults and offensive speech should be considered fair expression, as long as they do not cross boundaries. When it comes to anti-government speech, there should generally be leniency, allowing individuals to voice discontent and propose constructive ideas for reform. However, advocating for the government's removal through violent or unlawful means, as well as proposing changes that violate constitutional provisions, should be considered illegal. Expressing support for what is perceived as Western degeneracy would be discouraged, but the legal repercussions for such actions would likely be minor. State-run broadcasting channels would be responsible for disseminating news, while private firms could do so with government trust and adherence to regulations. Non-political television channels would operate under private ownership as per the current system.

The government's religious approach should maintain a balanced stance, allowing the practice of any religion without undue influence. Poland's historical Catholicism will be recognized, with no special provisions for other religious structures. Christian holidays will continue to be observed, while the Catholic Church will be exempt from taxation, similar to museums and graveyards. Other religious places of worship will be subject to regular taxation. Personally, I identify as a member of the sedevacantist sect of Catholicism, and I believe the state should promote it as an alternative to Roman Catholicism due to concerns about the current pope's progressive views. I reject the notion that religious belief discourages caring for the present world, as the existence of a higher realm should inspire proactive engagement. Pursuing a just cause aligns with the expectation of heaven, and the interpretation of "turn the other cheek" emphasizes the common good over personal conflicts. However, I do not advocate for enforcing Catholicism or any other religion for frivolous reasons.

The foundation of Polish society should be based on collectivist principles, prioritizing the nation's best interests and the greater good over individualism. To protect our cultural identity, businesses operating in Poland should adopt Polish names, and translations should be required for films and cartoons. Flag protocol should mandate that the Polish flag be displayed above foreign flags, with limited exceptions. Burning the Polish flag should be strictly illegal. These principles and regulations should also extend to autonomous regions, recognizing the cultural and linguistic diversity within the nation.

The preferred family structure is the nuclear family, as other configurations are seen as lacking structure or imposing excessive constraints. Non-traditional families, such as those with same-sex parents or single parents, may influence children's future choices and lead to less favorable outcomes. Extended families can be overly restrictive and limit a child's independence. It is important to promote harmonious relationships within families and avoid conflicts. Abortion should generally be prohibited, with exceptions only when the mother's life is at risk. Instead, alternatives such as adoption or state services could be considered to raise unwanted children and provide them with education in nationalist values and military survival.

To enhance the education system in Poland, there should be a shift from rote memorization to a more comprehensive approach. This can be achieved by emphasizing the development of general skills, collaboration, and task-oriented learning through project-based assessments instead of traditional exams. Additionally, students should have the flexibility to specialize in subjects of their interest and future career paths, starting from the age of 14. By narrowing their focus to three subjects at the age of 16 and pursuing in-depth study at the university level, students can develop expertise in their chosen field. The education system should also aim to instill values of nationalism and traditionalism, with certain classes being gender-specific but providing students the option to opt-in or opt-out. These proposed changes aim to create a more holistic and flexible education system that fosters critical thinking, practical skills, and a sense of national identity.

The architectural trends in Western nations and the existing Soviet bloc structures in Poland are aesthetically unappealing, prompting the need for consideration. To strike a balance between past and present influences, neoclassical architecture can be embraced with modern features like LED screens and lights for decorative purposes. Underground constructions can be explored to mitigate the dominance of skyscrapers and preserve the beauty of the skyline. In terms of relationships, monogamy should be the sole legally recognized form, and the age of consent should be increased to 16. The government should develop a regulated dating app prioritizing safety and verification to address issues found in current dating apps. Technological advancements, particularly in the military domain, should be supported cautiously to avoid altering human nature, except for medical purposes. Skepticism towards technology reliant on foreign software is necessary to protect national security interests, while technology should enhance lives without fundamentally changing our existence or nature.


Given my limited expertise in military affairs, I advocate for the formation of a commission comprised of knowledgeable ministers to reform our armed forces. I acknowledge existing issues within our army, including westernist traitors and ineffective generals lacking essential warfare skills. Alongside the commission's efforts, I personally support several measures. Firstly, I endorse a substantial increase in military expenditure, doubling or even more the current budget to ensure our nation's strength and ability to protect its sovereignty. I also advocate for the integration of advanced robotics and automation in our armed forces to minimize casualties on our side during conflicts. While war may be inevitable, our focus should be on reducing loss of life and minimizing suffering. Additionally, I propose the implementation of conscription, with individuals undergoing military and ideological training at 19 years old and unmarried, unemployed individuals over 25 serving a two-year term as a reciprocal investment in their well-being.

I support the establishment of an international inter-party organization similar to the Communist International (Comintern) but focused on nationalist parties worldwide. This organization aims to unite nationalist nations, regardless of their economic orientations, to promote nationalist ideology globally. By collaborating on strategies, including military actions, political advocacy, and diplomatic pressure, the organization seeks to disseminate national liberation and establish nationalism as the prevailing norm worldwide. This would enhance the stability and continuity of nationalist states, prevent foreign subjugation, resolve disputes, and showcase diverse cultures to a global audience. Funding would primarily come from participating parties, individuals, and eventually, governments as the organization grows, while its operations would be event-driven rather than based on a permanent headquarters.

Despite expectations, I express support for the European Union (EU) and certain pan-European aesthetics, but believe it requires substantial reforms to eliminate American influence and rectify degenerate structures. The EU has deviated from its original vision and now pursues Westernism and liberal sectarianism. Reforms are needed in immigration policies, such as temporary suspensions in the Schengen Area during demographic transitions and allowing member states to recall citizens. Records of border crossings should be maintained for national security purposes. In terms of the EU's political dimension, two scenarios hold promise: transforming into a purely economic and administrative organization or limiting state sovereignty for dispute resolution and dissemination of nationalist ideology. The EU should refrain from dictating foreign policies, welcome more member states, and act as a united force in defense of collective interests.

The Storm Group (Grupa Szturmowa / GS) is a conceptualized paramilitary organization aligned with social nationalism in Poland. It aims to promote intellectual development through education and activities, such as campaigns, marches, and local community endeavors. The group would also focus on physical development by protecting the community, constructing infrastructure, and impeding specific legislation. The organization would have hierarchical ranks based on geographic divisions, with leaders overseeing coordination and fairness. After takeover, the role would shift to party security and serving as bodyguards for officials, with members reassigned or mission completion marking the end of their association.

The Killers of Evil (KE), also known as Zabójcy Zła (ZZ) in Polish, would serve as an affiliated organization to the GS with two primary functions. Firstly, it would act as the party's espionage department, gathering information to prevent corruption, establishing government connections, and seeking international support through funding and arms distribution. The ZZ would operate covertly while the GS functions publicly. Secondly, the ZZ would be responsible for strategic planning within the GS, designing overall strategies, formulating contingency plans, and determining intentions behind operations. In the event of Social Nationalism assuming power, the ZZ would transition into a government ministry involved in intelligence policies and implementation. It would have internal and external branches handling secret police and espionage activities, including the establishment of local divisions during foreign conflicts. The role of the ZZ would encompass discreet and coercive actions for the liberation of certain states.

How to Draw

Flag of Ziółkowskiizm
  1. Draw ball outline
  2. Split in half, right side white and left black
  3. Draw a thin red line in the middle
  4. Put the Kultokrat symbol in the middle
  5. Add eyes
  6. Done




  • Trumpism - You were one of the best from America, still hate that place though.
  • Nixonism - Opening relationship with China and USSR and acknowledging spheres of influence? Based!
  • PRL Nostalgia - I get it man we miss friendship with Russia and our railways but still the economy was terrible...
  • Euroscepticism - Brussels trying to control us is evil but European economic integration is good to help friends become stronker!


  • Banderaism - Ontologically evil, hides it under mask of fake nation
  • Kaczysm - Fuck you! You American puppet, you sell all of our country to America and Ukraine!
  • Zelenskyism - Stupid Hohol, give back Lwów or shut up about your fake country!

Friends(Candidates for GNG)

  • File:Mikolayism Pixel Modern.png Mikolayism (Modern) - youre a strange one but we both have mutual interests in reforming Polish Foreign Policy, as well as nationalism.
  • File:NNGM.png New North German Model - Id rather not give away Pomerania but in the end its not ours to keep, our claim to Lwów is as valid as the German claim on Pomerania, its better to give it with special provisions than fighting a war with like minded people!
  • Nastyism - Although in many aspects too radical this is an America I would be willing to work with and have friendly relations with, Honorary European status.
  • Borker Thought - I am generally against anarchism, but this, this is the only acceptable form of anarchism, although I'm still not sure how it would be organised.
  • Nonexistism - Like a slightly more progressive and sane North Korea, I support North Korea anyways so I guess this is an improvement to it. Unfortunately, it is very isolationist and doesnt want to help with epic Global Nationalism.
  • Altemism - Absolutely based, although not a socialist myself, I have no problems with them. Mixed on Foreign policy, isolationism is not optimal imo but recognising that the progressive force in geopolitics is the west is a step in the right direction as well as the proneness to spread morality with missionaries and alike is based. I just hope theres no issue with me being Sedevacantist.
  • Messardism - Based, save France from NATO! The Male-Oriented Society thing is a bit wierd and we should intervene around the world to spread the nationalist ideology but everything else is very good. Would fit in the GNG!
  • Frenemies

    • File:NeoDualCom.png Neo-Dual Communism -My friend you generally seem cool, but drop the world federalism, its biggest evil!
    • Serbian Socialism - Very strange, I like that is has some portions of anti-westernism and that it is nationalistic, but the Balkans united under one country is a terrible idea and so is progressivism. Also supporting Taiwan?? wtf??


    • Pantheonism - Oh boy, where do I even start? The economics are good, especially welfarism. Diplomacy is terrible, pan-european nationalism is cringe but whats worse is the world federalism there (Absolutely horrid!). I have no opinion on galactic imperialism though. Government is ehhh, Meritocracy and Localism are pretty cool and I have no opinions on monarchism but im against liberal democracy. Transhumanism is shit. In terms of society surprisingly not terrible, Civil Libertarianism and Interculturalism is cringe but the rest seems to be alright. Idk much about philosophy so I wont comment about it except the fact that Individualism is cringe. This ideology is not good, but out the ideologies in the Enemies section its one of the most tolerable.
    • Braun Spencer Thought - Ontologically evil, doesnt even hide it
    • Pirate Tails Ideology - This is how you become the 51st state, but I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?
    • Glencoeism - Its like Braun Spencer Thought but not totally insane. Instead its just slightly evil mostly retarded/pointless.
    • File:NightmareBrazLib.png Nightmare Brazilian Liberalism - Please kill yourself. If such a state ever existed, I would glass it without a 2nd thought.
    • Neo-Glencoeism - He somehow got even worse, this website doesn't fail to amaze me. Some people just don't deserve to possess a mouth. The Socnat symbol is the ancient North American symbol of hope, stylised over time. I just refer to it as the symbol of Hope.

    Kultokratic Sanity Test

    • Based on Medics test
    • Civic Axis
      • Egoist (-20)
      • Anarchist (-10)
      • Minarchist (-5)
      • Libertarian (-3)
      • Statist (+6)
      • Authoritarian (+20)
      • Totalitarian (+4)
      • Orwellian (-10)
    • Type of Rule Axis
      • Direct Democracy (-20)
      • Representative Democracy (-10)
      • People's Democracy (0)
      • Monarchy (+3)
      • Authoritarian Democracy (+4)
      • Technocracy (+5)
      • Dictatorship (+10)
      • Kultokratic system (+20)
    • Economic Axis
      • Communist (-20)
      • Socialist (0)
      • Welfarist (+5)
      • Mixed (+10)
      • Fiscal Federalism (+20)
      • Liberalism (-7)
      • Capitalist (0)
      • Third Position (0)
      • Non-Marxist Communism (0)
    • Diplomatic Axis
      • World Federalist (-100)
      • Globalist (-10)
      • Internationalist (+5)
      • Moderate (0)
      • Patriotic (+1)
      • Nationalist (+10)
      • Chauvinist (+5)
      • File:EthnoAssimil.png Ethno Nationalist (+15)
      • Racial Nationalist (+1)
      • Universal Nationalism (+20)
    • Geopolitics Axis
      • Old West(1945-1970) (0)
      • New West(1970-Now) (-20)
      • Old old East(1945-1970) (0)
      • Non-Aligned (+2)
      • Third Position (+5)
      • Old East (1970-1992) (+10)
      • Modern East (1992-Now) (+20)
    • Cultural Axis
      • ""Revolutionary"" (-20)
      • Progressive (-10)
      • Reformist (-5)
      • Moderate (0)
      • Conservative (+10)
      • Traditionalist (+20)
      • Reactionary (+5)
    • Technological Axis
      • Primal (-20)
      • Primitivist (-10)
      • Pre-Industrial (-5)
      • Deceleration (+5)
      • Moderate (+20)
      • Acceleration (+5)
      • Automated (-5)
      • Transhumanist (-10)
      • Posthumanist (-20)
    • Environmental Axis
      • Human Extinction (-100)
      • Radical Environmentalism (-20)
      • Eco-Fascism (0)
      • Ecocentrism (-5)
      • Environmentalist (0)
      • Moderate (+20)
      • Post-Industrialism (+5)
      • Industrialist (0)
      • Anthropocentric (+5)
      • Pollution (-20)
      • Planetary Destruction (-100)
    • War Axis
      • Pacifism (-15)
      • Non-engagement (+10)
      • De-escelationism (+20)
      • Interventionism (+20)
      • Irridentism (0)
      • Revanchism (-5)
      • Jingoism (-20)



    Template:Social Nationalists


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  • Dr. Occo • 31 minutes ago
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  • Dr. Occo • 39 minutes ago