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Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent officernasty's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Former Self Insert
"IT WAS JUST A PHASE, I SWEAR!" - Liberalism

This page represents a self-insert that the original author, Officernasty, no longer believes in. Their new self-insert is Cosmic Legionarism.

Nastyism is the ideology of Officernasty. It is an Authoritarian, Economically Third Position, Traditionalist, Religious(Catholic), and Pan-European Nationalist ideology. Advocating for the creation of a Western Imperium which while allowing each culture to maintain its uniqueness will create a new Western Identity which all shall unite all of the cultures and peoples. All being led by a benevolent leader known as the director who is chosen based upon merit and wisdom

Economic Views:

Land Policy

Nastyism economically advocates for a land policy which can be sumarized as geodistrbutism with the implementation of a land value tax in order to encourage proper use of the land. Nastyism also wishes to encourage widespread ownership of both land and housing. While Nastyism doesn't necessarily object to landlords what he does object to is absentee landlords and slumlords. Nastyism has no issues with landlords who treat their tenants well however if a landlord is found to be mistreating his tenants his property shall be seized and given to the tenants.

The Corporate State

Nastyism advocates for a corporatist economy. Which to quote Jorian Jenks in his agricultural policy of the BUF can be defined as "Industrial self-government within a framework of national planning." In this economy workers will be organized based upon trade and interest group. Within this there will be three main types of groups: Syndicates for industrial workers and various service jobs. Guilds for farmers, agricultural workers, and artisanal professions such as carpenters and lastly owners associations for the owners of large businesses. These three groups will be overseen by a chamber of economic development chaired by representatives of the various groups as well as economic experts chosen by the director to advise the chamber. This chamber will vote upon isssues which effect the whole economy with an overriding veto given to the director. This chamber will also contain representative's of consumer interests to ensure that the everyday man is given a voice. As for individual industries they shall be granted self governance within the boundaries of the national interest and shall be run by four groups a within the context of industrial groups such as steel these will be the workers syndicates, the owners associations, the consumer representatives, and overseeing it all a government court for that industry made up of lawyers and experts to if necessary mediate negotiations between the other three . The industry would have its wages set by negotions between the worker syndicates and the owners groups and prices would be set by as an agreement between consumer reps and owners groups in order to ensure that the owner can make enough to keep his business afloat and the consumers are not forced to pay ridiculous prices. These systems will if implemented I believe eliminate the ills of class struggle and inflation as well as form the building blocks of a productive prosperous and innovative society.

Trade Policy

Nastyism also advocates for what he calls "Euro-American autarky" a system inspired by Karl Otto Patel's idea of German-Russian Autarky. In this system Europe and America will as part of an early stage of unification act as a single entity and shall attempt to only trade with each other so that Europe and America might become self-sufficient and uninfluenced by outside financial interests. Though of course Nastyism still supports a strong protectionist policy in most other regards wishing to promote domestic industry and bring jobs back to America as well and placing heavy tariffs upon imports.

The Roles of Private and Nationalized Industry

While Nastyism believes that the corporate state can address many of the issue with private industry there are still some Industry which are simply too vital to be left up to the control of privates corporations and thus must be nationalized the main industries which in Nastyism's view must be nationalized are as follows: Banking, Energy, Railroads, Mines and other natural resources, and Healthcare. In Nastyism view these Industries are either as is the case for banking too corrupt under private ownership and thus must be nationalized or as is the case for the rest so vital for the national interest that they must be directly supervised by the government at all times. However besides these and some other industries not listed Nastyism is generally fine with allowing private ownership of industry so long as the industry acts within the bounds of the national interest and does not waver in it's loyalty to the state and obviously does not break the contracts or regulations set upon it either by the state or in agreement with the worker syndicates.


Societal morality

Nastyism tends to be tradionalist on matters of morality. Nastyism is strongly opposed to homosexuality, transgenderism and other forms of what he see's as sexual degeneracy. He is also opposed to abortion in most cases with exemptions for rape, incest, and danger to a mothers life. Nastyism favors a patriacal structure for families were the father is the central decision maker and is essentially the dictator of the family however Nastyism also see's the mother as playing a vital role within the family and thus she should be viewed with immense respect as a vital life bearer of the race. Nastyism also strongly supports a total outlawing of pornography as well as the outlawing of adulatory and the elimination of no fault divorce requiring evidence of abuse or unfaithfulness in order for a couple to divorce.

A New Western Culture

In Nastyism's view western and especially American culture has fallen into such extreme degeneracy that only a total upheaval of culture similar in scale to Mao's cultural revolution can save it. Though of course the values which Nastyism wishes to instill differ vastly from those of Mao. Nastyism seeks to create a thoroughly militaristic, community oriented culture were the first and foremost emphasis is the needs of the folk and were death in war is seen as glorious and honorable. Within this culture from youth every individual will be instilled with the values of loyalty and duty to the folk, respect and obedience to tradition, and for men an understanding of the glory of honor which war can bring. Women shall be taught the importance of their role as mothers and thus as the life bearing element of the race.


Nastyism often refers to the Aryan race this is a race comprised of Mostly European groups as Nastyism holds these are the most pure of the Race races but also includes Persians, The Caucus peoples and Hungarians who in Nastyism view has been intermixed enough with the natives of Europe to be considered acceptable. Nastyism is strongly opposed to racial mixing seeing it as a sin and a vile act which betrays one's people. While nastyism does not hate most other races he believes it would be best if they remained within their own nations as the mixing we see today does nobody any good whatsoever and just leads to feelings of rootlessness and confusion. Nastyism views race as a primarily spiritual matter as in his view the body is simply a reflection of the soul thus to be an aryan in Nastyism's view is to not just having certain features it is also a way of thinking, acting and an overall feeling one has.



Nastyism Supports a government structured around a Caesarian autocrat and who in turns guides a totalitarian democracy were the representatives of the corporate groups are elected by the people who are however heavily inducted into the proper ideology. The state in terms of leadership could be described as a Aristocratic republic were in the leader has behind him an aristocracy who shall serve to advise the leader and to enforce upon the public the leaders commands. This aristorcacy shall be made of primarily of scholars, warriors, and clerics since these groups in nastyism's view are the closest to god and upon the leaders death provide the best field from which they might elect a new leader similar to elect a new leader similar to how the Vatican elects a pope. Local officials can be elected as well but only once they are approved by the leader for running as this ensures that the ruler of best merit is elected by the people and that none are elected upon ideological basis.

The Organic State

In the view of Nastyism the state ought to be an organic entity which emerges which emerges from the will or to put it in Jungian term the collective unconscious of a people. Thus the state serves two purposes: Serve the will of the people and instill within the people proper virtue. If the state does not do the former then it is tyrannical and should be overthrown and if it does the latter than it is degenerate and should also be overthrown. Thus the state can be understood if it embodies the will of the people as truly democratic unlike the modern degenerate liberal state which is merely an oligarchy run by a bunch of actors propped up by corrupt plutocrats.



National Socialism-The savior of Germany who tried to defend Europe from the evils of Masonry as well as the twin semitic beasts of Bolshevism and Capitalism! You were truly an embodiment of the collective unconscious not just of Germany but the whole of Europe. HEIL to thee forevermore!

Distributism-While I admire your land distribution policy when it comes to the economy at large you are a bit too decentralized for my taste.

National Syndicalism-Indutsrial Workers must be organized into state run labor syndicates.

Spiritual Racism-The spirit of our race is one which must be defended from corruption at all costs! Race is more than just skin it is your BLOOD AND SOUL!

Clerical Fascism-Glory to god and to the nation!

Legionarism- Codreanu was a true revolutionary hero of Romania and a devout servant of christ. May god rest his soul!

Archeofuturism-While advancing technology we must also return to the ancient traditions of the Indo-European peoples which made great Civilizations which conquered the world!

Reactionary Modernism-Same as above

National Agrarianism-Farmers are the backbone of the nation and the vanguard of tradition.

Eco-Fascism-We must protect the great mountains and forests of Europa!

Spartan System-We must remake the Aryan man in the Spartan ideal of Strong body, Strong mind, and Strong will!

Galacticism- It is the destiny of our race to conquer the Stars!

Caesarism-Hail Caesar! Savior of Rome from the corrupt and degenerate Optimates who horded the land and stagnated the great civilization! You were truly one of the first men of action! It was a travesty what was done to you and thankfully you were avenged by the great Augustus!


Guild Socialism-While I agree workers should be organized into guilds you want the guilds to be democratic and be a way for workers to control the means of production which is a terrible idea.

Strasserism(Gregor Strasser Variant)- You were better than your brother for certain though you still foolishly wanted and alliance with the soviets at least you tried to stay loyal to the party.


Market Socialism- I disapprove of your class struggle ideals The workers should have a say in the means of production sure but by no means should they fulling control them. However I would be willing to tolerate small scale co-ops as long as they just like any other enterprise act within the national interest.

Black Nationalism-Yes please go ahead form your own nation as long as it's somewhere else I am fine with it. Anything to get you the fuck out of my country.




Strasserism(Otto Strasser Variant)-Degenrate tratior to national socialism it's a shame you didn't meet the same fate as your brother and instead worked with allied intelligence to spread lies and propaganda


Jewish Theocracy- 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

Marxism- A degenerate materialistic and subversive form of socialism which promotes class struggle, the foolish doctrine of historical materialism, and false narratives around the role of labor. Your ideology has for too long lead good aryan workers astray your false socialism must be cleansed!

Liberalism- “Liberalism is, in one word, weakness. It wants every day to be a birthday, Life to be a long party. The inexorable movement of Time, Destiny, History, the cruelty of accomplishment, sternness, heroism, sacrifice, super-personal ideas — these are the enemy. Liberalism is an escape from hardness into softness, from masculinity into femininity, from History to herd-grazing, from reality into herbivorous dreams, from Destiny into Happiness."-Francis Parker Yockey


Techno-Esoteric Fascism-overall pretty based but capitalism is cringe and so is paganism.Also you take it a bit far in terms of technology,but besides that you are pretty good and a based member of the NPLM

File:Pixil-frame-0(16).png Reactionary-Cheesenism-pretty good for the most part but capitalism is cringe.

File:Pixil-frame-0(27).png New Model Of Cheesenism-overall pretty good however I am not a fan of the Sinophobia, Islam or workers owning the means of production.

Neo-Majapahitism-Same as above pretty much though you are no longer a fascist which is cringe however you are also no longer a market socialist so I suppose it evens out.

Hydra'ism-A fellow National Socialist and Lover of the Aryan Race however you are a pagan and a bit economically decentralized for my taste(Market National Socialism does sound kinda based though). Also you should really learn the role which Industry and Science can play in the advancement of our people. Maybe cool it with the supremacy stuff as well.

File:BCSneedico.png BetterCallSneedism - Very similar to me except for his neoluddism.Over all extremely based!


Template:NameCelfloskism-Same as above pretty much except your more authoritarian which is based. Also the enlightenment was cringe!

Nonexistism-A bit too socialist and culturally moderate for my taste but besides that and the anti-national socialism you are alright.

Bourgeoisie destroyerism- Has some based ideas around religion(mystical catholic gang) and race but he is an anarchist and a primitivist which I am not a big fan of.

File:MessardismIcon.png Michael Messard Thought-Same of as above in most regards though less of a racial nationalist still pretty based ngl and we have gained another mystical catholic which is good!

File:ONL.png One Nation Libertarianism- Terrible economics, and some pretty bad views on historical figures especially on Caesar who was a man of action who implemented vital reforms against the corrupt Optimates. However I do like your love of the white race and hatred of (((Them)))

Ziółkowskiizm-Some solid ideas especially your nationalism and support for welfare chauvanism. However I am not a fan of your pro putin stance since in my view he is a corrupt oligarch who attacks true Russian nationalists and imports Muslims. I am also not big on your fiscal federalism idea which is too decentralized and would prevent the state from properly coordinating the nation.

Meh/Kinda Cringe

Pantheonism-Based economics and Pan-Europeanism but monarchy is cringe and so is democracy and you don't go far enough on culture and you are a pagan

File:NNGM.png New North German Model- A chill dude for sure but we would not agree on most things besides environmentalism. I especially disagree with you ideal world of microstates and your support of democracy and your religious views which while not influencing your politics are horrendous nonetheless.

File:Davidism-icon.png Davidism -Has Some decent ideas but your a christ killer and anti-tech so I can't put you any higher than this.

Borker Thought- Your a nice guy to talk to and I like some of your ideals such as collectivism, Anti-Marxist socialism, and your views on (((Them))) but besides that you are a cringe anarchist who opposes Christianity and supports various forms of degeneracy.

Ganzism - I like your ethnonationalism, traditionalism, and we both love nature and the cottagecore aesthetic. However you are also an anarchist, anti-fascist, a pagan and you are a luddite which while not terrible is pretty dumb.

Altemism -Not a huge fan of reactionary ideals though they are better than liberalism. Also you are a monarchist which I am generally against and you are against race which you wrongly claim is Darwinian when it is much deeper than that and worse you foolishly claim that a spiritual view of race is "satanic". However you are a non marxist socialist which is pretty based and you are christian though not a catholic but at least you are a high church protestant which is tolerable. Also you like nature and the countryside which is based!


Icedism-Based LVT but everything else is pretty awful.

Template:UserMatteel-Gross progressive only good thing is your economics which is why you aren't lower(Also why did you have to vandalize fabius's page not cool man)

Template:Io-Just plain bad. Egoism and individualism are foolish and Progressivism is degenerate and you are a hedonist which is extremally vile. Overall as previously stated this ideology is just plain awful.

Neo-Kiraism-Gross leftist only decent part about you is the technogianism.

Glencoeism-While I admire the environmentalism and we both wish for widespread private property ownership which is good. Just about every other aspect of your ideology I disagree with in the strongest possible terms. Civil Libertinism is foolish and so is democracy, Humanism is a wicked ideology which places man above the laws of nature, and social progressivism leads to social rot and degeneration.

Yoda8soup Thought-I like the environmentalism and all but you are a progressive leftist and thus I oppose you for the most part.

O'Langism-Same as above pretty much except you are probably worse since you are an anarchist and an indigenous nationalist both of which are ideologies I despise

File:SiamNeocon.png Reactionary Judeo-capitalism with Thai Characteristics- You have some good ideas in regards to social traditions but basically everything else from your economics to your technological stance to your love of Zionism is utter garbage.

BERNHEism -Man what happened you used to be kinda based now you are a supporter of mammonism and fake nationalism. Your views on race are idiotic and materialistic and you are a disgusting posthumanist and even worse an artifist who refers to god's grand creation and it's interconnectedness as "annoying'. The only good idea you have is your nationalization policy it's the only thing that is decent really along with your support of totalitarian democracy and your welfare policy.

National Fracturism - I like the social authoritarianism, enviornmentalism and nationalism of your ideology but your a degenerate who supports homosexuality, transgenderism and is opposed to Christianity. Overall you have some good aspects but not enough to redeem you.

Neo-Glencoeism-You somehow found a way to be worse than you last ideology you are now another evil state liberal who supports degenerate capitalism, transhumanism, and social degeneracy. The only thing you have going for you is that you want to nationalize the banks. Still overall just another evil ideology.


Listed here is the political liturature I have read please note that just because it is listed here does not mean I agree with it. I shall place a * next to each book that has influenced me or that I agree with so as to not confuse readers of this page.




