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This is done to combat the rise of extremist and Anti-Frisian factions that would otherwise pose a threat to the nation and the world.
This is done to combat the rise of extremist and Anti-Frisian factions that would otherwise pose a threat to the nation and the world.

Revision as of 05:14, 18 July 2023

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Dr. Occo's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Leerderism is the current ideology of polcompball contributor Dr. Occo. It unites a strong interest in old Frisian culture and political structure with the more Socialist, Progressive and Statist leanings of its creator, seeking to establish a reformed, but recognizable Frisian Identity within an independent East Frisian State and a socialist economy. It is essentially a less authoritarian, more esoteric form of National Fracturism.

The Four core principles of Leerderism

  • Preservation of Culture
  • The Strengthening of Communities of land and people
  • The Universal improvement of living conditions and the pursuit of happiness[1]
  • Equality of all people



The Government should be a form of Defensive Democracy that not only prohibits Anti-Democratic and Nazist sentiments from being integrated into parliament, but extends this to practices that are found to oppose the principles of Frisian Nationalism and a United populace. Those include:

This is done to combat the rise of extremist and Anti-Frisian factions that would otherwise pose a threat to the nation and the world.

Otherwise, the government would be a fairly standard democracy. Parties would be allowed to form, rise to power and rule, people are free to participate, and elections would be held regularly, though maybe with longer intervals between, which would serve to - at least partially - prevent parties from sacrificing their goals and only trying to be re-elected. There would be no term limits on positions in government, as I do not believe they are necessary and only serve to change a well-liked and well-functioning government, potentially for the worse. Additionally, parties may only enter parliament if they can get more than five per cent of the overall votes, as is already the case in modern Germany.

Lastly, I would prefer the positions of head of state (President) and head of government (Chancellor) to be separate positions, and both to be filled by two people, who are still ideologically in line with one another and always from the same party. This is done to limit the potential for a charismatic strongman taking over the entire government, like we have seen many times before.

Nation and Diplomacy

National Identity

I am still an East Frisian Separatist and Tinist. I believe a small nation-state is overall beneficial, as it is easier to rule and more likely to be culturally homogenous without wiping out other indigenous cultures, like the Russian Empire did in Siberia. The independent East Frisian Nation should have a national cultural identity, that holds the state together and prevents parallel societies from forming, which are often breeding grounds for crime and extremism. This would be achieved not by closing the borders and trying to become ethnically homogenous, but by forcing migrants to learn the official language (High or Low German, whichever one it will be), attend courses on proper behaviour in the Frisian society, and punishing them for trying to split off from the society, for example not cooperating with the school system when it comes to sending children to school. It would, of course, not be part of state practice to erase foreign culture, just to get foreigners to integrate into the national culture by force.

Inner Structure

The East Frisian state should not be centralized, but be a somewhat loose federation of individual cities and townships. While the overarching government should still provide most of the actual laws, individual districts would still be able to make decisions of their own, and should strive to be as self-sufficient as possible. As farming is a big part of East Frisian economy, it would likely be the most important task of the districts to regulate the farming sector.


While I still believe Internationalist ideologies like Neoliberalism, Neoconservatism, Trotskyism or Fourth Theory need to be abolished, I am also not a full isolationist. A good form of international alliance is the European Union, a trade and defense alliance that protects its member states while granting them complete autonomy in all matters, while NATO is a worse form of International alliance, as it is clearly centered on a common ideological goal, has a clear main country in the US and supports an ideology I can not accept. I am not saying that the EU is perfect, god knows there are major problems with it, and I am also not trying to sell NATO as the ultimate evil, because NATO too has done some good, I am simply expressing my preference for one over the other. Militarily, I am in favor of staying neutral in most cases, only intervening through humanitarian aid and supply shipments in extreme cases, for example of genocide or imperialism, like, again, Russia has a history of doing. What I am explicitly NOT in favor of is intervention in a country for ideological reasons, aka to „Liberating a Russian minority“ or „Spreading freedom and democracy“. Economic cooperation is a tad less nefarious in most cases, but can still be a real danger when it leads to particular countries being oppressed for their resources or exorbitant CO2 Emissions from transport vehicles (see section „environment“). Trade relations between countries should be scaled back and carefully observed to prevent economic imperialism. A close cooperation with other micronations, separatist nations and Third-World nations in need of aid would be favored over integration of East Frisia into the Neoliberal status quo of capitalist exchange without care for the human experience.






Gender Roles

Ethnicity and „Race“


Philosophy and Morals

User Alignment Test of Ultimate Destiny

  • Civic Axis
    • (Deliberate) Chaosist (+5)
    • Egoist (-15)
    • Anarchist (-10)
    • Minarchist (-10)
    • Libertarian (+5)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+15)
    • Statist (+20)
    • Dictablanda (+10)
    • Authoritarian (-10)
    • Totalitarian (-15)
    • Orwellian (-20)
  • Type of Rule Axis
    • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (-5)
    • Direct Democracy (-20)
    • Semi-Direct Democracy (-10)
    • Representative Democracy (+10)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (+20)
    • Totalitarian Democracy (-15)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (+5)
  • If none above apply...
    • Organic Centralism (-10)
    • Kultokratic System (-5)
  • Economic Axis
    • Marxist Communist (+5)
    • Socialist (+20)
    • Welfarist/Gift Economy (+5)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+5)
    • Liberal Economics (-5)
    • Capitalist (-15)
  • If none above apply...
    • Third Positionism (-10)
    • Anti-Economy (-15)
    • Non-Marxist Communist (+15)
    • Fiscal Federalism (+5)
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    • Anti-Economy (-15)
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    • Regulationism (+20)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+15)
    • Liberal Economics (0)
    • Free Market (-10)
    • Laissez-Faire (-20)
  • If none above apply...
    • Central Planned (-15)
    • Decentral Planned (0)
  • Diplomatic Axis
    • Autarchy (-15)
    • Autarky (+10)
    • (Alter-) Globalist (-10)
    • World Federalist (-20)
    • Cosmopolitan (-15)
    • Internationalist (-5)
    • Moderate (+5)
    • Patriotic (+10)
    • Nationalist (+20)
    • Chauvinist (-15)
    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-20)
    • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-10)
    • Organized Tinist (+15)
    • Universal Nationalist (+15)
  • Geopolitics
    • Western (-15)
    • Western Adjacent (-10)
    • Non-Aligned (+20)
    • East Adjacent (-15)
    • Eastern (-20)
  • Cultural Axis
    • Revolutionary (-10)
    • Progressive (+10)
    • Reformist (+20)
    • Moderate/Mixed (+10)
    • Conservative (-10)
    • Traditionalist (-15)
    • Reactionary (-20)
  • Technological Axis
    • Primal (-20)
    • Primitivist (-15)
    • Pre-Industrial (-10)
    • Deceleration (+10)
    • Moderate (+20)
    • Acceleration (+5)
    • Automated (0)
    • Transhumanist (+5)
    • Posthumanist (-20)
  • If none of the above apply...
    • Post-Civilization (-20)[2]
    • Archeofuturism (0)
  • Environmental Axis
    • Human Extinction (-20)
    • Radical Environmentalism (+20)
    • Eco-Fascism (+5)
    • Ecocentrism (+5)
    • Environmentalist (+10)
    • Moderate (0)
    • Post-Industrialism (-5)
    • Industrialist (-10)
    • Anthropocentric (-15)
    • Anti-Environmentalism (-20)
  • Neurological Axis
    • Anti-Praxis (-20)
    • Utopian (-5)
    • Dogmatic (-15)
    • Idealist (0)
    • In Between (+10)
    • Realist (+15)
    • Pragmatic (+20)
    • Rational (+10)
    • Dystopian (-20)
    • Anti-Theory (0)
  • War Axis
    • Pacifism (+15)
    • Non-engagement (+20)
    • De-escalation (+10)
    • Intervention (-15)
    • Irredentism (-15)
    • Revachism (-20)
    • Jingoism (-20)
  • If none above apply...
    • (International) Class Warfare (-15)
  • Praxis
    • Insurrectionism (-10)
    • Revolutionism (-5)
    • Moderatism/Mixed (+20)
    • Reformism (+10)
    • Stagnationism (-20)

Post your results here:



  • Communitarianism - A politicians responsibility is first and foremost to the community.
  • Environmentalism - One of the core principles of my ideology. Nature is our friend!
  • Eco-Socialism - We‘ve seen what Billionaires have done to our world, it is now time to fix that!
  • Eco-Nationalism - A bit weird for a country that’s (in parts) literally manmade, but I do believe we should keep East Frisia green.
  • Linguistic Nationalism - It is necessary for every citizen to speak the language of the state. That is the bare minimum.


  • Environmental Globalization - The only good kind of Globalization. Stopping something that could harm the whole world is a priority for the whole world.
  • Linguistic Conservatism - We need to keep Plattdeutsch and Sater Frisian alive through all means! Just don‘t oppress people because they speak other languages.
  • Meritocracy - A very worthwhile way to determine who is fit to govern. Though I did not forget what the ancient Chinese Emperors did while this system was in place there, and I also maintain that the name „Meritocracy“ sounds ridiculous.
  • Technogaianism - Oh shit, It’s GAIA! Quick people, destroy all the robots! Otherwise the Faro plague will get us! So, this is pretty much as good as Transhumanism gets. My Autism still makes me a bit sceptical of big changes, so Transhumanism scares me, but I logically know it‘s a good thing, especially for the medical sector. And this is, as I said, the absolute best form of Transhumanism.


  • Nationalism - Nationalist policy is important, the state is the nation after all, but this can quickly change into more sinister stuff.
  • Cultural Nationalism - Preserving National and local culture is important, as is preventing dangerous parallel cultures from forming. But suppressing other cultures is ultranationalist garbage, and this ideology sadly often leads to exactly that happening.
  • Civic Nationalism - Definitely a better qualifier than race or ethnicity, but not as good of one as culture and language. I believe that citizenship is the only true requirement for nationality, but I also believe that Immigrants must be pressured to integrate, lest they form a subculture that breeds crime or radicalism, and you can‘t do that without a good signifier for true nationality.
  • Noocracy - It is broadly agreeable to say that the wisest people should rule. Though this ideology tends to focus too much on philosophy, and it‘s often used by Autocrats and Monarchists, so it‘s not a completely unproblematic proposal.
  • Cosmicism - Lovecraft was an intelligent man when he wasn‘t busy being incredibly racist. This philosophy has some strong points, mostly the aspects of complete rationality, secular reason and the meaninglessness of life, but I do not know if I can agree with the notion that people are controlled by the „uncontrollable tides of fate“, as opposed to being completely free of outside control. I am also now Democratic, so I can identify less with the authoritarian, Aristocratic side of this ideology. Still though, there is a reason my LARP nation is a Lovecraftian Theocracy.


  • Left-Wing Populism - Makes generally good points against the Right, but can be extremely hyperbolic and is also Populist scum.
  • Liberal Socialism - Good ally, but I don‘t completely see how Liberalism and Socialism can work together.


  • Marxism - I‘m personally more on the side of Community Socialism, and this ideology seems to attract Dictators a whole lot, which is pretty cringe. Also, I‘m not a fan of Marxist historiography, because it was wrong a whole lot of times. But still, I AM a socialist…
  • Liberalism - I acknowledge that you‘re the better alternative to Totalitarianism, Fascism or Tankie Communism. But you‘re still a cappie.


  • Strasserism - Strasserists who opposed Hitler, like Otto Strasser, were actually not so bad, but this is still just Left-Nazism.
  • European Federalism - The current EU is enough. We do not need such Neo-Imperialist ideas for Europe.
  • Ultranationalism - Yes, I like my Nation. And so do others with their nations. That is precisely why nation supremacy is a harmful and frankly terrible ideology. Why can‘t you just accept that your nation is not so important that you have to kill for it?
  • Ethnonationalism - It‘s pretty much impossible to achieve Ethnic homogeneity in a state. So even the variants of this ideology that are neither chauvinistic nor xenophobic will only result in needless cruelty.
  • Machajskism - You can take your productive Labour and shove it up your arse, my friend. Punishing people for being smart is one of the most needlessly cruel and restrictive things I have read in some time, and while it may be true that intellectuals produce nothing of INHERENT value, they do contribute their part. To not see this is simply foolish.

Makes me reconsider Pacifism

  • Nazism - May you suffer eternally in the darkness of the infinity, you wretched, vile, monstrous piece of garbage.
  • Racial Nationalism - The Even more retarded version of Ethnonationalism. Builds on the worthless concept of „Race“ instead of Ethnicity, and is also the go-to ideology for murderers, terrorists and cultists.
  • Imperialism - LEWER DUAD AS SKLAV!
  • World Federalism - NEVER! KILL IT WITH FIRE! Also, the amount of Red tape would be insane.
  • Trotskyism - Ultimately, he kind of had it coming. I do not care that this is socialist, it still is a globalist scum ideology! And an incredibly violent one at that!



  • File:NNGM.png New North German Model - More extreme than me, but generally shares most of my ideas, now even more than when my ideology was National Fracturism. He was also the one who truly introduced me to the PCB community, so thanks for that. The only real problem I have with you is the Ethnonationalism, that one is cringe. How would you propose the world deals with refugees?



  • Borker Thought - Ah yes, the Great Anarkist. Some very good economic policy, but too racist and too Anti-Intelligentsia. Thanks for this new wiki BTW!
  • Amism - The Good: Community-focused Socialism, a strong state, cultural and linguistic conservation, localism and nationalism, environmentalism. The bad: Autocracy, Fascism, sexism, Anti-LGBT stance, violent revolution, theocracy (even if moderate), censorship.




  1. Oh fuck that‘s a liberal thing AAAAH I AM A LIBERAL AAAAAAH
  2. Okay Edgelord

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