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*[[File:AriFut.png]] [[Aristocratic Futurism]] - I much prefer [https://web.archive.org/web/20121014094554/http://www.greatbooks.org/resources/publications/guides00/the-natural-aristocracy-by-thomas-jefferson/ Natural Aristocracy] as opposed to Artificial. I'll wait until you update your page to give a fulll analysis, but from what I've seen it's alright, minus the statism. You want more Lesbian Aristocrats, I want more Trans Terrorists.
*[[File:AriFut.png]] [[Aristocratic Futurism]] - I much prefer [https://web.archive.org/web/20121014094554/http://www.greatbooks.org/resources/publications/guides00/the-natural-aristocracy-by-thomas-jefferson/ Natural Aristocracy] as opposed to Artificial. I'll wait until you update your page to give a fulll analysis, but from what I've seen it's alright, minus the statism. You want more Lesbian Aristocrats, I want more Trans Terrorists.
*[[Luthumism]] - I like and dislike you at the same time. I wish you weren't Anti-American. Ethnonationalism can work fine here, the mormons have been doing it for  centuries dude. And my economics are based off the principles of voluntarism, mutual aid, and market exchange, all consentual and anarchic. How would your economics be anarchist if they seek to end voluntary trade between people through enforcement of communism?
*[[Luthumism]] - I like and dislike you at the same time. I wish you weren't Anti-American. Ethnonationalism can work fine here, the mormons have been doing it for  centuries dude. And my economics are based off the principles of voluntarism, mutual aid, and market exchange, all consentual and anarchic. How would your economics be anarchist if they seek to end voluntary trade between people through enforcement of communism?
**[[Luthumism]] - To answer the first one, the Mormons ain't an ethnic group, they're a culture of many based around a common religion, like what I advocate for. The second, I am opposed to your beliefs in economic competition because it will eventually lead to a revival of consumerism. Trade between communes should only consist of necessary goods.
**[[Luthumism]] - To answer the first one, the Mormons ain't an ethnic group, they're a culture of many based around a common religion, like what I advocate for. America is a nation of mutts, ethnonationalism here is an oxymoron. The second, I am opposed to your beliefs in economic competition because it will eventually lead to a revival of consumerism. Trade between communes should only consist of necessary goods.
*[[File:DarkAstrodisc.png]] [[Voidvill Rajandeep]] - You've basically just regressed to how you were when we first met. All hail the king of unreadable pageism! Also, WTF, this is the 2nd time you've stolen one of my icons! >:(
*[[File:DarkAstrodisc.png]] [[Voidvill Rajandeep]] - You've basically just regressed to how you were when we first met. All hail the king of unreadable pageism! Also, WTF, this is the 2nd time you've stolen one of my icons! >:(

Revision as of 02:04, 7 November 2023

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Luna's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Infrequently updated
"S l o w c h a n g e i s t h e b e s t c h a n g e !" - Decelerationism
This page is not frequently updated and the creator doesn't have time to do changes, or might do them later or the creator is just lazy.

Necro-Anarchism is the self-insert ideology of Luna (Formerly known as Erissky). It has a variety of different influences, but it can overall be characterized as American National Anarchism.



I am a committed Anarchist, meaning I don't prescribe any specific method of organization and governance beyond the principles of voluntary association, self-ownership, and total autonomy from any state control. However, I do have my preferences and favored ideas, including, but of course not limited to:

  • Direct Democracy

(Through voluntary and mutually agreed upon contracts, meetings, and voting organized through local community councils, democracy can work to ensure the will of the community and the individuals within it. I'm also in favor of ideas such as E-Democracy, to accommodate those not able or willing to attend council meetings physically, and to possibly increase the efficiency of the Democratic process.)

  • Duels

(They are a tried and true method of solving disagreements, and would help to make violence a more everyday phenomenon, lining up with my ideals.)

  • Frontier Justice

(Constant duels, fighting, on-site punishment for wrongdoing, with the wrongdoing being decided on consensually by all members of the community. Either the wrongdoer is taken out, or they fend off the community and prove their right through strength.)

  • Gambling

(For those who may lack physical strength to beat their competition, decision-making may be carried out through various forms of gambling and general gaming, be it skill-based, luck-based, or both. This may extend to have economic ties as well, with communities run through gambling and casinos. Think Anarchist Las Vegas.)


My economic views are equally Anarchic, although I have a strong distaste for adjective Anarchists such as Ancoms or Ancaps for wanting to institute a specific economic system rather than leave it up to the people, contradicting their supposedly Anarchist views. So long as economic interactions are free, voluntary, consensual, and stateless, I am happy with them. However, from this I do lean a bit to the right economically, as I think Market Anarchy is the way to go about this. Free trade and competition between communities, balanced with mutual aid and economic combat, can sustain an economy based around the will of free communities and individuals.


I am a National Anarchist, meaning I want anarchist societies to be ethnically homogenous and based somewhat on traditional values such as togetherness and family, meaning communities defend themselves from outsiders based on a natural closeness to their own people. This is mainly the reason why I adore rural and suburban communities and champion Deurbanization; people know each other and are loyal to their neighbors, they look out for one another and help out in times of need.

I am largely culturally Syncretic, meaning I support a range of different attitudes, including a Conservative respect for tradition, socially Progressive attitudes on gender and sexual relations, a Reactionary respect for the past and a wish to bring back parts of it, an Ultraprogressive desire to strike down regressive elements, a Futurist adoration for violence and speed, an Archeofuturist fusing of ideas of antiquity brought back with new technology and ideas, and an overall Nationalist attitude towards ethnic and racial differences.

Vapid Political Ramblings

Power: Statist and Anarchist

Violence; Power, Force, Domination, Combat, Sheer Might; is the basis and root of ALL political power. The state maintains its control through a monopoly on violence. The freeman asserts his freedom through his (more often than not) violent resistance to said state. There has never been a case of peaceful domination. Just as much - no state can exist without violent repression of its dissidents or perceived detractors, and subjugation of its citizens (slaves, in better conditions!). This is why ideas like Nozick's Night-Watchman State or those of the Post-Libertarians are pure nonsense. The state has no reason to protect the "civil liberties" (whatever that means, and we know full well that the state takes advantage of that lack of clear definition!) of its subjugates, so long as they have bread and circuses to keep them distracted. No state exists for the purpose of the defense of its citizens. States exist to rob, cheat, lie to, attack, kill, suppress, and generally disregard the will of the people subjugated by them. The state does this through all sorts of ways, be it through taxation, rent, debt, brute force, coercion, etc. but all of these actions and institutions stem from two things - force and invasion.

Now, contrary to what you may hear from other so-called Anarchists (whether they be actual Anarchists or simply misuse the term), I'm actually quite in favor of force, power, and violence. My issues are with invasion and tyranny. The Anarchist appreciation of force is towards the enforcing of the individual and the community's autonomy from the state, the Anarchist appreciation of power is towards the power to be free in all aspects of one's life and to maintain that freedom, and the Anarchist appreciation of violence is towards liberatory violence from the state's gangster police. The state's institution of force is towards destroying individual autonomy and lining its own pockets, the state's institution of power is towards abolishing freedom and solidifying its 'rightful' place, the state's institution of violence is to put down any and all opposition from those who would dare to escape it's maw.

Point is - Anarchy isn't about destroying power or ending violence, it's about taking such things out of the hands of the state and back into the hands of individuals. Ending the state's monopoly on violence, along with all of its other monopolies. Every 'justification' for the state is a loose lie built on a faulty foundation. As I said before and will repeat with a fervent mantra; Force, Coercion, Violence is the foundation of the state, and, just as much, all of the best ways to resist it.

Long Live Death!

Death is equally as important as life is, if not more. Death sustains life by giving it a place to grow from. Death only begets life as what decays and rots is reborn on another day. Death puts an end to stagnation and misery, just as much as life leads to joy and fulfillment. When an animal dies in the forest, its body becomes nourishment for the forest and the animals and insects and plants within the ecosystem. The animal is dead, yes, but its death has given and sustained life to countless other organisms. If there was only life, and no death, life would become stagnant, boring, depressive, whatever would we do if we were forced to live in eternal misery, no violence to reprieve others and no suicide to escape? Pay no mind to Immortalist dreamers, who want us all to live as depressives in nursing homes well past our twilight years. A short and meaningful death is always superior to a long and pointless life. To embrace death, not to fear it, not to shun it, but to love it for what it is, is to make peace with nature. We all have our time to go, and that's what gives us reason to press on and make what little time we have on this earth mean something. The beauty of a short life was something recognized by the people of antiquity and the artists of the classical era. The horrible drabness of a long, pointless, overworked, boring life is a product of our modernity. What sounds better to you; living a long dull life of work and loneliness, living for 80 years and even at your oldest working at a retail job because you could never retire, croaking of a heart failure as you bag somebody's milk, or dying quickly and violently for something you care about with someone you love at your side?

Barbarian Rebirth

Renewed Frontiers

Freedom of Form

Other Shit


  • Anarcho-Frontierism
  • Techno-Ruralism
  • Americanism
  • Technobarbarians


Free Spirits

  • Artisan Anarchism - Probably the best ideology that there is on this hellsite, and there's a great ball behind it too :3

Free at Heart

  • Cannabis Anarchy - Well, you have a lot of good ideas, and a lot of bad ones. Mutualism is cool, I like your individualism, though I don't think nationalism contradicts it like you do. I'll stay neutral on the esoteric ideas, for now.
  • Proletariat Builderism - You're alright I suppose. Way better than how you used to be. But you'd be like 10x better if you were Protestant, more Progressive, and liked America.


  • Aristocratic Futurism - I much prefer Natural Aristocracy as opposed to Artificial. I'll wait until you update your page to give a fulll analysis, but from what I've seen it's alright, minus the statism. You want more Lesbian Aristocrats, I want more Trans Terrorists.
  • Luthumism - I like and dislike you at the same time. I wish you weren't Anti-American. Ethnonationalism can work fine here, the mormons have been doing it for centuries dude. And my economics are based off the principles of voluntarism, mutual aid, and market exchange, all consentual and anarchic. How would your economics be anarchist if they seek to end voluntary trade between people through enforcement of communism?
    • Luthumism - To answer the first one, the Mormons ain't an ethnic group, they're a culture of many based around a common religion, like what I advocate for. America is a nation of mutts, ethnonationalism here is an oxymoron. The second, I am opposed to your beliefs in economic competition because it will eventually lead to a revival of consumerism. Trade between communes should only consist of necessary goods.


  • Voidvill Rajandeep - You've basically just regressed to how you were when we first met. All hail the king of unreadable pageism! Also, WTF, this is the 2nd time you've stolen one of my icons! >:(
  • Calculust's Thoughts - I'm putting you and Oddo in the same tier because you're basically father and son at this point. I mean, you yourself say you don't take politicks seriously, so I won't take you seriously. I rock, death is awesome, white beople are pawsome, and my cultural views are just truthnukes af
  • Nurulisme - Garbage ideology, garbage writing. People like you are why anti-intellectualism exists. Also you deserve to be publically executed for assaulting my and everyone else who has had the misfortune to see's eyes with polcomphuman feet.


  • Brazilian Liberalism - Brimstone.
  • Rigby Thought - KK's alt to use when he's feeling homophobic.
  • Neo-Anthony Bax Thought - Ehhhhhh... You can coat yourself in whatever philosophies you like, but you're pretty much just a boring State Socialist.
  • Hoodism - Vantablack pinko communism number #39384939. Go back to the Soviet union.


Archons of Control


  1. Referencing the fact that the name "Luna" in portuguese looks like the word "Moon", as well as the fact she an Ethnonationalist
  2. Part of the reason I dislike non-white people/cultures is because of their historical and contemporary treatment of the queer community. Europeans have a far better track record with such matters.