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Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent NewMaritimeVistula's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.


Militant Socialism is a form of Guild Socialism and Revolutionary Socialism created by Vistula which advocates for a workers revolution against the party game and corporations in order to establish a new technocratic state running under a federated economy inspired by guild socialism. It believes that mega-corporations are colluding with the neoliberal state and currently use problems suffered by people as a way for positive reputation, which in fact just ties into the capitalist system which makes these people suffer in the first place.

Militant Socialism rejects the idea that a technocratic state would give less freedom than the "democratic" state today as it considers the current democracy to run on murder, corruption and to be the servant of megacorps.



Federated Economy

A federated economy (also known as a decentralised-centralised economy) is an economy which distributes control between the departments of the state and the workers guilds.

State Departments

State departments act very similarly to guilds but instead of being run by any worker in the public sector, their membership is established technocratically. These departments act as regulators in work places, much like workers guilds and can, like workers guilds, vote in workplace elections.

Public Services

Public Transport >> Bus Service

The bus service will act with these colour codes:

  1. Green bottom will mean a Local Bus meaning it goes around the locality
  2. Red bottom will mean a Tour Bus meaning it goes across the administrative division showcasing highlights of our nation.
  3. Blue bottom will mean a Workplace bus
  4. Pink bottom will mean a School bus
  5. Grey bottom is a hire bus which has its locations chosen through custom paths from donations, it orders them by closeness rather than first come first serve

There are also these colour codes:

  1. A white stripe represents that a bus is energy efficient.
  2. A orange stripe represents a new bus driver.


Diplomatic Policy

Our Interests Only

Militant Socialism is against most country's which have a high diplomatic standing such as the USA, Russia, and China. It believes they all are against the freedom of the working class. This is why it advocates to only ever do diplomacy with them if it is in the interests of the nation and its people.

Free Trade

Militant Socialism is also against free trade, supporting protectionist policies in order to become dependent on no other country's as it applies a "dark forest" view to other nations.

Proletarian Internationalism

Militant Socialism believes that the establishment of an international group of like-minded nations for the purposes of trade and defence would be ideal, but it also recognises it is unlikely for like-minded nations to come about.

The Windsor Monarchy

The Windsor Monarchy is a symbol of the subjugation of man within our nation - it is a symbol of us accepting being stamped down upon by talentlesss, inbreeding aristocrats. The monarchy which has stepped upon us for so long deserves punishment.
Many in our country unfortunately see the monarchy as a figurehead for greatness, but they are incorrect. The monarchy espouses a culture of weakness and submission to those with the most amount of wealth.
We must bring the people to justice by punishing the monarchy for their crimes - treason against the people and paedophilia in the case of Prince Andrew who is a showcase to us that royal morality is nothing more than hogwash. They shall be exiled to the United States who is fittingly the overlord who they have allowed to run our country for so long.

The Subjugation of Alba

Currently, the Albannach in our nation are having their distinct identity consumed by the dominance of England due to the Westminster government. This is a disgusting attack on culture, something I do not stand for. The Albannach deserve the allowance to have their own identity, long for their own ideas without them being stamped down upon by the English. Even the Queen who many look up to as great for "being a good monarch" (which I consider to be an oxymoron) wished for Alba to be subjugated - it is clear that she was happy with the results of the "Scottish" independence referendum.



The state will be modelled technocratically in which only those who are fit to rule will rule. Liberal Democracy, the abhorrent system which has kept our country at the hands of fools for so long will be disestablished and be replaced with a form of democracy which shall fit Guild Socialism.
This form of democracy is inspired by ideas of corporate statism and shall work through the use of a new parliament called the Federation of Guilds (which will replace the House of Commons as the Lower House) who shall suggest ideas to fit the country to their needs. This parliament shall be overseered by some technocrats who will actively engage in discussion.

House of Lords

The House of Lords is, much like the monarchy, a disgusting institution. It is composed of those by a claim of birth right rather than skill, something my ideology fundamentally rejects. Due to this, the House of Lords will be disestablished and the Council of Technocrats shall serve as the new Upper House of the nation.

Self-Insert Relations


  •  Baxism (///) - I certainly agree with you on many things. For example, your diplomatic views are very good - we share the ideals of universal nationalism, non-alignment and pacifism. The idea of Directed Socialism is very interesting to me, I think it's pretty good overall. On a philosophical basis, we both share the ideas of Optimistic Nihilism, you also believe in Eternal Peace though, which I'm not optimistic enough for - I think war will remain indefinitely and we must be strong to defend against our enemies . I like your love for guillotines - you should invest in some wood chippers as well haha. Also, you like being extreme which I think is good because moderation is oppression. We both also share a hatred for monarchism. Overall, I find your beliefs to be very great and now that I'm less pissed off by nationalism, I pretty much agree with everything.


  • Rocksism (///) - Direct democracy is still authoritarianism, it imposes the will of the masses upon the will the of few. Luckily, I never said that's a bad thing. I don't see anarchism as an ideal anymore, it would be usurped by evil people. The destruction of capitalist social relations is not permanent, they can always return, a stronger force is necessary when met by strong force, globalism, enemy states everywhere, the whole shit. The system of the world isn't built for peace, even a small area of peace, they'll find a way to intrude it, they'll knit their fibres into your clothes. I guess other than this you're quite good though, believe what you wish.
  • Hyperfascism (////) - Before I start this, I would like to say I know little to nothing about multiple of the people you are influenced by so this may be rather inaccurate. First up, your Queer Acceptance makes me happy, some website aren't the kindest to them. You even seem to accept trans people which I don't believe I've seen before? (You're literally being the antithesis to all people who think fascism has to be traditionalist.) You're for a republic which is something shared between the two of us, I disagree with the existence of a monarchy for it is a symbol of the subjugation of our people under, as I described it previously, talentless, inbreeding aristocrats. You're aligned to the East whilst I personally harbour hatred for both the West and the East. I disagree with your totalitarianism but I guess you would require it for your beliefs so it's practical. I also don't agree with ethnopluralism as I don't really care for the ethnicity of the people, only really a shared language, culture and belief in commitment to the nation. Your economics seem tolerable, I like that you are revolutionary as I also harbour hatred for reform as it will never fully disestablish the capitalist menace and only through action can we bring about a strong attraction and calling to/for anti-capitalist initiative. I don't really understand the eternal war part, maybe once your page has more stuff I can add to this, you're rather interesting so yeah I quite likely will.


Kyrie Eleison

  • Proto-Proto-Neocarlism - This is still absolutely horrible damn. How the fuck did you go from LGBTQ+ to "burning the gays"????


  • Proto-Neocarlism - Now this is an example of what I personally consider to be a bad fascist. Cultural reactionarism rather than the more tolerable alternate modernity.
  •  Neocarlism - Even more conservative shit. Like I mean your economics are tolerable and I think your beliefs on immigration aren't too bad, I dislike illegal immigration because I believe by not following the law, they disrespect our people and also make it harder for the country to register them. You believe in woman fufilling their traditional roles which just sucks, continue to cling onto your tradition...
  •  DECBism - Quite possibly the antithesis to my beliefs. NATO-loving all around, hawkism (get the fuck outta countries.), and horrendous liberal democracy. I do love when the western definition of democracy is when billionaires own parties which act in the interests of billionaires.(And now you're getting bombed if you don't follow it, lovely!) Socially you're pretty alright I guess, but you disagree with revolutionary progressivism...I mean this is just the internationalist capitalism that is meant to push the worker down into a death by losing their anger. And you genuinely like the CIA and FBI?? Same with NATO? Just look at some countries after NATO has brought them "freedom" and "democracy". You dislike Palestine yet claim to be against Radical Zionism, I guess we have very different definitions of radical zionism. Oh no the far-left and far-right want to hurt the poor liberal democratic institutions!! Poor, poor, liberal democratic institutions which have oppressed the workers under a bourgeoise-aligned system for one-hundred percent of its existence!! Oh and Totalitarianism is an evil system? Your democracy isn't much better mate - look at the TOTALitarian destruction of country's for not following the views you endorse. "groups want to, I mean for real, kill every single Jewish people" Yes...that's not Palestine though, these groups are not Palestine, it's like saying Azov Batallion is Ukraine so I don't like Ukraine or the IRA is literally Ireland so I don't like them either, silliness is unreal. I share your opinions on Iran, fuck Iran. I don't really support monarchies though. "what the prisoners ended up being killed in the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse shouldn't happen to anyone" Wow if only there was an organisation we should punish for allowing this to happen, I just really can't think what one that could be though...hmm...nah definitely isn't one. "Afghanistan should have a secular and democratic government" I agree with you here (maybe our definitions of "democratic" are rather different.) but I think its unlikely to happen. Why do you believe Satanism should be banned? Most "Satanists" are ironic satanists who don't know what Satanism is but want to look cool. Yay, you want pedophillia banned, just please, make it by the death penalty. (or torture, I prefer that personally.) Your list of favorite regimes disgusts me, I'm pretty sure by this point you know why I hate the United States. Worst regimes? Yeah, I agree on them. Maybe I'd have America slotted in there somewhere though. Overall, yeah, you really are terrible in my opinion.
  • N.Brioism - Y-you like genocide? What the fuck?? Your social views are also abhorrent.
  • Distributist Reactionaryism - Your ideology is abhorrent. You cling onto the label of "reactionaryism" whilst being democratic (which is a post-enlightenment value i.e. completely unreactionary.) Your social views also suck, let the gays be gay you peculiar circle-headed twat-ratted wallop weasel.

User Test

Economic Axis

  • Guild Socialism (+75)
  • Lange Model (+20)
  • Marxist Communism (+50)
  • Non-Marxist Socialism (+35)
  • Third Positionism (+5)
  • Corporatism (+15)
  • Social Corporatism (+20)
  • Moderatism (-10)
  • Third Way (-20)
  • Social Capitalism (-20)
  • Economic Liberalism (-50)
  • Austrian School (-75)

If none apply:

  • Directed Socialism (+50)
  • Anti-Economy (-20)

Civic Axis

  • Totalitarianism (-20)
  • Absolute Monarchism (-25)[5]
  • Authoritarian (+20)
  • Dictablanda (+20)
  • Authoritarian Democracy (+50)
  • Organic Democracy (+20)
  • Technocracy (+75)
  • Liberal Democracy (-25)
  • Libertarian (+20)
  • Anarchist Anti-Democracy (+20)
  • Anarchist Pro-Democracy (0)

If none apply:

  • Vanguard Party (0)
  • Kultokratic System (+5)

Nationalism Axis

  • File:AntiNat.png Anti-Nationalism (-10)
  • Anationalism (0)
  • Universal Nationalism (+50)
  • Cultural Nationalism (+10)
  • Linguistic Nationalism (+25)
  • Cultural Patriotism (+50)
  • Alliance-based Ultranationalism[6] (-100)
  • Ultranationalism (-25)
  • Racial Nationalism (-50)
  • Ethnic Nationalism (-10)

Geopolitics Axis

  • Pro-Western (-50)
  • Western Aligned (-25)
  • Slight West (-5)
  • Isolationist (+25)
  • Opportunist (+20)
  • Non-Interventionism (+25)
  • Slight East (-5)
  • Eastern Aligned (-25)
  • Pro-Eastern (-50)

Social Axis

  • Ultraprogressivism (+25)
  • Authoritarian Progressivism (+50)
  • Progressivism (+25)
  • Syncretic (Progressive-Reactionarism) (0)
  • Traditionalist Progressive (+25)
  • Conservatism (-25)
  • Ultraconservatism (-35)
  • Reactionarism (-50)


Political Evolution

Apolitical + +
Stupid Communism Lover + +
This Corbyn Fella looks based + +
Rojava, eh? + +
Wait its the state that causes unfair markets?. + +
Cooperatives are based + +
Current Beliefs + +




Plan to Read



  1. A big influence on my economics (guild socialism)
  2. Some views on democracy and the current state of things being not free at all - read Fascism 100 Questions, it's very good. Reading it really solidified my hatred of liberal democracy.
  3. His contesting of the 2019 UK election got me interested in socialism.
  4. I think Kautskyism is okay though.
  5. If you have another civic alongside this, feel free to give yourself this as well.
  6. "You're an Aryan, you're an Aryan, all my allies are Aryan!"
  7. since the creation of this page