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Revision as of 15:58, 13 April 2023

Third Way is an economically centre-left to centre-right, civically moderate, and culturally variable (though usually center-left) ideology and synthesizes Economic Liberalism or Neoliberalism with Social Liberalism, Social Democracy, or Social Capitalism. Beliefs among Third Wayers vary, but it almost always embraces the market liberalization policies of the late 20th century while stressing progressive, communitarian, or humanist values. Many also see it as a hybrid of Friedmanite and Keynesian thinking.


The modern understanding of Third Way politics was popularized in the 1990s by Anthony Giddens, who wrote a series of books detailing the qualities of the Third Way. He called for a re-evaluation of policies from both progressive and conservative parties. The ideology became popular in many western countries, including the United States, Australia, the United Kingdom, and Mainland Europe. The most notable advocates for Third Way are former American president Bill Clinton and former UK prime minister Tony Blair, who both supported its ideas while in office during the 1990s and early 2000s

United Kingdom

In the 90s, the concept of the "Third Way" was first thought up by Anthony Gidden. Originally intended to be a rebranded version of Social Democracy, aswell as an alternative to traditional forms of Socialism and Capitalism. The Labour Party, after 4 consecutive election losses to the Tory Party, decided to adopt Gidden's idea of the "Third Way" under the leadership of Tony Blair and rebranded itself as "New Labour". Blair moved the party to the right, embracing most of Margaret Thatcher's polices. Blair went on to beat the Tories in a landslide in 1997, being the first Labour leader to be PM in 18 years. After his involvement in the Iraq War in 2003, Blair's premiership became increasingly unpopular with the public. He resigned in 2007 and was replaced with Gordan Brown, who was nearly identical to Blair in policy but differed interpersonally. Brown lost in a landslide against the Tories under David Cameron in 2010. His replacement, Ed Miliband was slightly to the left of him and Blair, but still compromised on issues like austerity. In 2015, Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party and his victory was seen as a rejection of the Blairite establishment and the party finally moving back to the left. However, now that Corbyn has been replaced with new leader Keir Starmer, the party has now mostly reverted back to the centre to centre-left.

United States

In the mid 80s, the New Democrats faction of the Democratic Party first appeared, emerging after the landslide victories by president Ronald Reagan. Instead of continuing with the more left-leaning direction the party had taken since FDR, this new group embraced Reagan's economic reforms with more of an emphasis on progressive values, due to feeling that the party was becoming out of touch on economic issues. Bill Clinton became the first New Democrat to win the presidency in 1992, with the New Democrats becoming the dominant faction in the party since. Barack Obama, in a meeting with the New Democrat Coalition, said he was a New Democrat. Hillary Clinton ran for president in 2016 as a New Democrat, but lost. During the presidency of Donald Trump, many Moderates in the Republican Party swapped to the New Democrat Coalition. Joe Biden, one of the first New Democrats, won the American presidency in 2020.


One of the most notable proponents of Third Way politics in France is current president Emmanuel Macron and his party "La République En Marche!". The party was founded with a goal to "modernise and moralise" French politics, and would go on to win in a landslide against Right-Wing candidate Marine Le Pen in the 2017 election. Politicians also associated with Third Way politics include former president François Hollande and former prime minister Manuel Valls.


  • Ion Iliescu is a Romanian politician and engineer, the founder of the Social Democratic Party, who served as President of Romania from 1989 to 1996 and from 2000 to 2004. Iliescu rose to prominence during the communist era when he joined the Romanian Communist Party (PCR) in 1953 and became a member of its Central Committee in 1965. He was eventually marginalized by dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu and eventually came to play a leading role in the Romanian Revolution during the fall of communism.

After the overthrow of Ceaușescu in December 1989, Ion Iliescu was recognized as the co-leader leader of the National Salvation Front (FSN) an organization formed by second-rank Communist party members opposed to the policies of Ceaușescu to fill in the power vacuum caused by the fall of the dictator and lead the transition to parliamentary democracy. In recent times Iliescu has been accused of committing crimes against humanity by approving deadly militaristic measures against civilians during the aftermath of the Romanian Revolution.

In 2004, during Iliescu's second presidency, Romania joined NATO and has taken part in the War in Afghanistan and the Iraq War with boots-on-the-ground troops in both wars.


Third Way in Australia largely takes the form of Economic Rationalism, which was a movement with in the Labor Party lead by Bob Hawke. It shifted the formally social democratic ALP to more market based solutions. WIP


As the political situation is different, there is a difference in the interpretation of the third way by each country. Although each country does not explicitly advocate a “third way,” one commonality can be found:

This Third way (left-wing regimes) have largely embraced neoliberalism since the 1980s, denying the existing excessive welfare policies, and claiming a new "radical" center course, breaking away from socialist ideology.

The left, which has represented the working class, sets the new middle class as a political base and attempts to change as the living standards of the working class improve and the scope expands.


Neoprogressive Hawk

Neoprogressive Hawkism is in reference towards people who support progressive social policies with an interventionist foreign policy. Neoprogressives differ from liberal hawks in the sense of how progressive their social policies are, as liberal hawks are usually center-left, while progressives are left-wing. As well in economics, as liberal hawks will usually be centrist, while neoprogressives will either be center-left or left-wing.


Third Way believes in a theory of "social-ism" which tries to pursue the goals of equality and social justice in a framework of a Neoliberal society. By fusing traditional social democratic goals with an acceptance of globalism and free markets, Third Way creates a philosophy which is similar to Social Liberalism or Radical Centrism, but built on a more modern theoretical basis. In Beyond Left and Right, Giddens gives a 6 point ideological framework of the Third Way

  • Repair damaged solidarities.
  • Recognise the centrality of life politics.
  • Accept that active trust implies generative politics.
  • Embrace dialogic democracy.
  • Rethink the welfare state.
  • Confront violence.


There are two Third Way factions: The social liberal faction and the social democratic faction. Justin Trudeau belongs to the social liberal branch while Tony Blair belongs to the social democrat branch. Despite holding similar policy prescriptions, the philosophical differences between social liberalism and social democracy apply here and it explains many policy divisions among Third Wayers.


Third Way advocates champion a variety of the Social Market Economy which overlaps heavily with Neoliberalism. They hope to achieve a dynamic economic system which emphasizes individual or collective welfare (depending on who you ask) while balancing it with economic liberalization and the values which reinforce it. Third Wayers support welfare programs, but, accepting right-wing criticisms of benefits—such as notions it discourages work and subsidizes negative cultural tendencies—will balance it out with an emphasis on personal responsibility. ( Bill Clinton drew influence from Charles Murray, which drove his support for welfare reform in the 1990s.[16]

For example, they will favor increasing access to education and vocational training (as seen with Hillary Clinton's plan to eliminate educational tuition and debt[17]), so the impoverished can "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" by acquiring marketable skills: A government-funded scheme that not only allows more people to attain economic security (increasing individual liberty in a positive sense or benefiting the community by reducing intergenerational poverty), but encourages people to make something of themselves. Often Third Wayers will propose market-based solutions to social programs, often as a middle-ground between libertarian and social democratic policies; such as support for compulsory private health insurance with a public option instead of "Medicare For All."

Third Wayers pursue other neoliberal economic policies, such as cutting "unnecessary government red tape", privatizing social services, gutting perceivably ineffective welfare programs, a positive relationship between business and state, and (sometimes but not always) union busting.[18] Third Way economics can be compared to Ordo-Liberalism, though modernized and friendlier to big capital. It is also similar to Liberaltarianism, albeit more regulationist and friendlier to Keynesian demand-side policies.

Foreign Policy

Proponents of the Third Way have been known to take a generally interventionist foreign policy and have made several alliances with Neoconservatism. Most infamous example being when Tony Blair allied with George W. Bush to invade Iraq in 2003.

Another example is the German Green Party, which holds broadly atlanticist and pro-NATO stances on diplomacy. It follows what it dubs a "foreign policy to protect human rights", manifested in their hawkish stance on autocratic regimes such as Russia and China. Current German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock has stated in the past that military intervention is sometimes necessary in order to save human lives.
The most infamous example of military intervention by the Greens is that of 1999, when the foreign minister Joschka Fischer decided to deploy German troops in Kosovo, thus marking the first time since WW2 that German troops have been involved in a foreign war. This action made Fischer receive high amounts of criticism, particularly from the contemporary red-green coalition as well as the opposition, the former of which having felt left behind in the decision making process.


Some leftists still argue that even if the equality of labor and educational opportunities (which is proposed as a welfare policy) provides opportunities for everyone, it is difficult to guarantee "actual equality" because the situation after that (employment, startup ect..) is left to one's ability.
Opinions from socialists

How to Draw

Pink Rose Design

Flag of Third Way (Pink rose design)
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw a rose in pink
  3. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Pink #FF00AF 255, 0, 175
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255

Official Logo Design

Flag of Third Way (Official Logo)
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw the a black compass with a ring
  3. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



  • Pragmatism - I'm basically him codified into an ideolgy.
  • Neoliberalism - I owe it all to you dad! Just please try to compromise with Soclib more.
  • Radical Centrism - Mixing up the center gang.
  • Moderatism - One of my biggest fans.
  • Globalism - Globe Gang!
  • Liberal Internationalism - Global Liberalism Gang!
  • Social Liberalism - My other dad, who will begrudgingly admit that my policies are a good compromise. Usually forms coalitions with me.
  • US Democrats - Fellow member of Bill Clinton and Obama fan club.
  • Neoconservatism - My best friend! From Yugoslavia, to Iraq, to Libya, our teamwork makes the dream work. Still, calm down a bit.
  • Social Capitalism - Literally me.
  • Ordo-Liberalism - My German predecessor.
  • Fiscal Conservatism - Austerity time!
  • Rockefeller Republicanism - My more conservative brother. We must stay moderate!
  • Liberalism - Grandpa who is too anti-war sometimes, but good direction.
  • Zionism - I have my disputes with Bibi and the Israeli far-right but Obama gave you the Iron Dome and signed historic military aid deals for you.
  • Liberaltarianism - The best type of libertarian and most certainly not a lolbert.
  • Welfarism - Ok, just needs some reform to get people working again.
  • Nordic Model - Scandinavian pal. The fact that all of you are either in, or want to join NATO makes it all better.
  • Police Statism - Hey buddy, want some more military gear?
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - Economically a bit too far, but we are both progressive welfarist hawks.
  • Social Democracy - Hates my deregulation and fiscal responsibility. But also a fellow economic centrist and a triggerer of lolberts and contards.
  • Liberal Conservatism - A member of the centrist moderate Gang and some of my supporter used to support you but please compromise with soclib instead of him. Also a Republican worth changing parties for and I'm very greatful to you for you rathering abandon your party than support that laughable Prince but still, see you in elections!
  • Pink Capitalism - More libertarian counterpart of mine, still calm down a bit, m'kay?
  • Girondism and La Plaineism - You both should've been the direction of the french revolution!


  • Social Libertarianism - Andrew Yang is based but most of you complain about me being a ”Woke Imperialist” and an ”Establishment Shill” as if that is a bad thing.
  • Classical Liberalism - My great-grandpa! Even more anti-war, but at least economically based. Still, my regulation is necessary.
  • Tridemism - Ok economics, but I prefer DPP to rule Taiwan you CCP shill.
  • Chicago School - Your economics are good, but can you focus on equality a little bit more?
  • Keynesian School - I support regulatory capitalism and welfare, but can you please be more fiscally responcible and more privatized?
  • Gaddafism - While he may be a totalitarian dictator, I like his idea of the "Third International Theory" and we had a brief alliance in the 2000s. But I still had to take him out when the time came.
  • Progressivism - Feminism and gay rights sound pretty cool! Just please don't bring up Iraq or Clinton banning gay marriage
  • Yeltsinism - Some say I helped you rig the 1996 Russian Election. Either way, we clashed over Chechnya. Still better than Putin.
  • Dengism - Sorry for bombing your embassy in Belgrade, 1999. But I let you join WTO and helped you integrate into the world economy. Unfortunately, Xi taking you back to the days of Mao so our alliance has come to an end.
  • PiS - Too conservative, but at least you're also a pro-NATO welfarist. And you're a Huge fan of Zelensky, too! But please leave Tusk and Trzaskowski alone.
  • Shia Theocracy - What I replaced Saddam in Iraq. In retrospect, after the rise of ISIS and Al-Qaeda, maybe I should’ve thought things through in beforehand.
  • Neo-Libertarianism - A bit too deregulated in general but it's still pro-NATO and pro-interventions.
  • Khomeinism - Contrary what Republicans may say, the JCPOA (Iran Nuclear Deal) isn’t meant to appease you but rather to contain your influence in the Middle East. Also, I helped the Saudis bomb your proxy in Yemen.
  • Social Authoritarianism - You're going way too far there buddy. Please ignore Blair and Clinton increasing police power and Thaksin's war on drugs.
  • National Liberalism - What's keeping you off the enemies list is the DPP and Ciudadanos being some of the most amazing friends I could ever ask for and to certain extent Bibi, Navalny and Sternenko too. The rest of you are a bunch of xenophobic Brexit-loving trash.
  • Satirism - I'm not sure if I will enjoy your jokes and Your Obama Prism memes are the reasons some people don't take Obama seriously, but Stephen Colbert is super based.
  • State Liberalism - This is just a strawman who is too deregulated and dogmatic economically. But Trudeau and Thaksin are close to you.
  • Medvedevism - Preferable to Putin as we had a good partnership during the Russian Reset. But now you're insane.
  • Civic Nationalism - Most tolerable member of his family.
  • Patriotism - Sorry but you have the bronze medal.
  • Liberal Socialism - One of the better Socialists, at least you try to implement a bit of the market in order to achieve your goals. Kwaśniewski and Vaush are great! But we needed to "borrow" ANC.
  • Kemalism - Unsure about some of your economic and foreign policies but I vastly prefer you over Erd*gan


Further Information



Parties and Organizations

YT Channels


Online Communities


And Justice for all by Michael D’Antuono



  1. Speech by Tony Blair to the Labour Party Conference 1994
  2. Carl Bildt generally side with the Democrats such as Clinton, Obama, and Biden in US elections and despise populism and traditionalism. He also reformed and privatized the Swedish welfare state without abolishing it.
  3. https://amp.theguardian.com/politics/2022/may/13/tony-blair-tells-keir-starmer-to-drop-woke-politics-and-focus-on-economy-labour
  4. During the second half of the 2010s, his often incomprehensible speeches became the subject of various memes.
  5. Barack Obama takes on 'woke' call-out culture: 'That's not activism'
  6. https://www.cnbc.com/id/46130609
  7. https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna32808731
  8. https://kosovotwopointzero.com/en/not-a-feminist-government/
  9. https://www.voxnews.al/english/politike/financial-times--spiune-dhe-kamera-shqiperia-ne-veshtiresi-per-te--i34920
  10. https://apnews.com/article/europe-business-albania-tirana-cabinets-2b36eed37b209e051278d1b10327ad7f
  11. While he did support a number of NATO interventions, including the one in Afghanistan, he opposed the Iraq War.
  12. https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/bilanz-der-aera-schroeder-der-zwischenkanzler-a-379027.html
  13. https://jacobin.com/2018/12/canada-postal-workers-labor-movement-trudeau
  14. As the trucker's convoy in 2022 can be seen as a wildcat strike, Trudeau's use of emergency powers, which included military force, to bust it can be seen as union busting.
  15. [1]
  16. https://web.archive.org/web/20120916130612/http://www.clintonlibrary.gov/assets/storage/Research%20-%20Digital%20Library/Reed-Welfare1/20/612964-meetings-2.pdf
  17. https://www.businessinsider.com/hillary-clinton-free-college-tuition-plan-details-2016-9
  18. Labor unions are a source of division among Third Wayers. Some of them are supportive (Bob Hawke); some are outright hostile (Emmanuel Macron); others are indifferent (Justin Trudeau).


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