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Cultism refers to the ideological tendency towards the practices and devotions of cults. Cults are usually defined as organizations that exert an unhealthy and abusive amount of control over their members.


Cultism as we know it emerged in 1617 as a way of describing religious cults, but in its modern form, it emerged between the 19th and early 20th centuries. Prototypes of cults have existed since antiquity, especially in ancient tribes and societies. An example could be the followers of Pythagoras, known for advancing mathematics and the execution of Hippasus of Metapontum, a mathematician known for discovering the existence of irrational numbers.

Meanings of the Word 'Cult'


The term 'cult' is a cognate of the term 'cultivation'. In the broadest and non-negative sense a cult is any group who participate in cultivation of something, with that thing being seen as holy by the members of the group. This meaning of the word is used by the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches to describe the public veneration of saints.

This meaning of the word 'cult' isn't really what people think when think of 'cults' and one shouldn't conflate this meaning with the other meaning.

B.I.T.E. model

B.I.T.E. is an acronym for the four characteristics which according to the mental health counselor define what a cult is.[7][8] The B.I.T.E. model can generally be said to be what most people think when they think of the word 'cult'.

B.I.T.E. stands for[7]

  • Behaviour control: The organisation takes control over its members' physical activity.
  • Information control: The organisation takes control over its members' source of information.
  • Thought control: The organisation takes control what its members can and cannot think.
  • Emotional control: The organisation takes control over what its members can and cannot feel.

Cult of Personality

Another meaning of the term 'cult' is found within the term 'cult of personality', which is a practice utilized predominantly by autocratic political regimes. The term means worship of a certain individual (usually the current ruler or one of the founders of the regime). Some of the most well-known cults of personality are:

Types of cults

Militant cults

Collective suicide/Destructive cults

Cults (To Christians)

Sex cults

UFO cults



Aryan Nations


Colonia Dignidad

Colonia Dignidad was a Chilean sect and German settlement with Nazi and neoliberal ideals, having numerous accusations of crimes against humanity. The colony emerged in 1961, in the region of Maule in the province of Linhares, with an area of ​​137km², in which its leader was the German refugee sympathizer of Nazism Paul Schäfer, who made people from his Christian Baptist community migrate to the colony, which at the time it was just a farm (El Lavadero).

When journalists arrived in the region, the colony made an effort to show a sign of harmony, with happy residents, men doing field work and women embroidering or making butter. In fact, the colony's rules of conduct were so strict, that it was assimilated to slavery, there were also several cases of racism, white nationalism, anti-Semitism and classism, in addition to the visit of Josef Mengele and hosting numerous Nazi refugees (such as former members of the SS and the Gestapo), with support from Perón. The colony was also accused of harboring UFOs according to Miguel Serrano, in which he blamed the victims calling them traitors, supporting Schäfer.[9]

Colonia was known for being extremely isolated and having torture camps under the Pinochet dictatorship, in which many opponents were tortured and murdered. Another thing that made her known was the numerous cases of pedophilia of Paul Schäfer in the colony.

The settlement ended in 1991 (1 year after the turn to democracy in Chile), changing its name to Villa Baviera, currently being visited. Schäfer fled to Argentina in 1996, but was arrested in 2005, later being extradited back to Chile, dying at age 88.

Destiny Church


Peoples Temple

The Peoples Temple was founded in 1954 by reverend Jim Jones. Jim Jones was born in Crete, Indiana, on May 13, 1931, and was a product of the Florence Nightingale Effect: his father, James Thruman Jones, was a World War One vet who suffered ill health from a gas attack. His mother, Lynette Putnam, served as James's nurse and later married him. They were later forced to move to Lynn, Indiana due to the Great Depression, where Jones grew up in a shack with no plumbing. As a child, he was often left to his own devices while his mother worked multiple jobs and his father showed little interest in him. One of their neighbors offered to take him to her church, which later became a regular occurrence and sparked Jones's interest in religion. Jones began visiting different churches and preaching to other kids when he was aged 10, actively objected to drinking and dancing as "sinful", and held funerals for small animals on his parents' property, including one for a cat he personally stabbed to death. Due to all this creepy behavior, Jones was an outcast for much of his early life; his peers and neighbors described him as a weird kid, obsessed with religion and death. Still, he was very well-read and studied world leaders like Stalin, Mao, Hitler, and Gandhi. He graduated from both high school and college early and with honors. Jones's status as an outcast also helped him sympathize with the African-American community. This drove a wedge between him and his father, especially after he refused to let one of Jones' black friends into their house. After his parents split up, Jones moved to Richmond, Indiana, where he finished high school and met his future wife Marceline Baldwin. The two married in 1949. While attending the University of Indiana Bloomington, Jones was impressed by a speech made by Eleanor Roosevelt about the plight of African-Americans. He was also continuously harassed after he attended a meeting of the Communist Party USA. Jones became increasingly frustrated with the open hostility toward Communists, especially from the Rosenberg trial and after his mother was harassed by the FBI in front of her co-workers for coming with him to such an event. After many years of struggling, Jones decided that the best way to demonstrate his own brand of Marxism was to infiltrate the church. In 1952, he became a student minister at a Methodist church in a very poor and predominately-white neighborhood in Indianapolis. While the Methodist superintendent helped him get a start, he didn't comply with Jones's request to hold racially integrated congregations. It was also around this time that Jones witnessed a faith-healing session, which he saw as another means to gain financial resources to accomplish his social goals. So, in 1954, Jones decided to begin his own church in a rented space in Indianapolis, known as the Community Unity Church. In 1956, Jones bought his first church building in a racially-mixed neighborhood. Initially known as the Wings of Deliverance, it was later changed to the Peoples [10]Temple Full Gospel Church. It was also around this time that Jones donned his famous sunglasses. Jones and the Peoples Temple garnered a lot of publicity. They set up large conventions that drew thousands, held faith-healing sessions, impressed people by revealing private information supposedly through clairvoyance, preached egalitarian ideals, happily accepted members of all races, opened a soup kitchen, and even bought time on a local AM station to air Jones's sermons over the radio. Jones had been ordained as a minister in the mainline Protestant Disciples of Christ denomination, which helped the Temple's credibility in the religious community. Jones was later appointed to the Indianapolis Human Rights Commission for his deeds. Of course, Peoples Temple really only existed to fund his own social goals and spread his Marxist doctrine. Accounts from former members have revealed that they were taught about socialism rather than religion. Jones discouraged romantic and sexual relationships between Temple members, but engaged in many adulterous relationships of his own with both male and female followers, even fathering a child from one of them. Jones would later state to his Temple that he was "the one true heterosexual". Jones also knew full well that the "healings" were all fake and likely hired private detectives to acquire personal info about the people who attended the faith healing sessions, while also pocketing everything they gave to the Temple. Still, to his credit, he did practice what he preached about racial equality - he sought to encourage interracial friendships among the Temple, publicly did everything he could to help local businesses integrate as a member of the Human Rights Commission, and in 1961 he and Marceline became the first white couple in Indiana to adopt a black child.Through these charitable acts and his own natural charisma, Jones garnered an extreme devotion among his congregation that would gradually evolve into a Cult of Personality. Jones took this to heart and used it to tighten his grip over the Temple. Members were required to spend Thanksgiving and Christmas with other members rather than relatives, slowly making them more dependent on the Temple while veering them away from society. Jones actively preached an "us versus them" message in his sermons concerning the government, even later stating that the United States was The Antichrist and that capitalism was "the Antichrist system". After claiming to have received a vision about a nuclear war on July 15, 1967, Jones convinced many of his followers to leave Indianapolis with him, while also researching places that would be safe during World War III. After Jones made an unsuccessful attempt to set up a new community in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, he and 140 members of Peoples Temple instead resettled in Redwood Valley, California (near Ukiah) in 1965. It was here that Jones ultimately abandoned the Bible as "white man's justification" and instead penned his own booklet known as "The Letter Killeth". In this, Jones pointed out what he saw as atrocities, contradictions, absurdities, lies, and truths in the Scriptures. It was in this letter that he began to disguise socialist ideals as a gospel of his own, which he called "apostolic socialism". It was also in Redwood Valley that Jones began to weave tales of America persecuting its racial minorities elsewhere, further indoctrinating his followers as the Temple truly began its metamorphosis from a church to a full-blown cult. Jones even began claiming to be a reincarnation of both Jesus and Lenin, while members started calling him "Father". The Temple put on a good front, keeping Jones' more extreme ideas hidden from becoming public knowledge. Jones still maintained the Temple's ties to the Disciples of Christ (a denomination that has no formal creed and gives its churches wide latitude in beliefs and practices), which helped it keep up the impression that it was a simple politically progressive Christian church.In The '70s, Peoples Temple began its expansion throughout California, setting up its headquarters in San Francisco. As Jones gained more followers, he also gained detractors. By this point, the Temple had become powerful enough to influence elections, especially in San Francisco, and even gained support and contact with prominent politicians on a national level. Jones met privately with vice presidential candidate Walter Mondale on his campaign plane days before the 1976 election, leading Mondale to publicly praise the Temple, and later also met with First Lady Rosalynn Carter. In these sorts of meetings, he expressed disappointment in not being able to visit countries like the USSR and the People's Republic of China. Jones also cited Mao Zedong as a major influence for him. Of course, he also drew the ire of many, such as the Nation of Islam. Reporter Marshall Kilduff also planned to publish an exposé on the Temple, which detailed the physical, emotional, and sexual abuse that had been endured by defectors from the group.On December 13, 1973, Jones was arrested and charged with soliciting a man for sex in a movie theater restroom in Los Angeles. Said man happened to be an undercover cop. The legal fallout from this drove Jones further and further into paranoia, even as he made grandiose plans to expand Peoples Temple, centering on a large agricultural commune. Jones secured a piece of land in northwest Guyana (which, as an English-speaking socialist country with a large population of African descent, was deemed a comfortable place for his group to operate) and informally called it Jonestown. The Guyanese government had their own ulterior motives for welcoming Jones's followers - it was located in a part of the country that had been (and remains) part of a long territorial dispute with Venezuela, and a large group of Americans living on this land would discourage a Venezuelan invasion. The Temple also purchased a large house in the Guyanese capital of Georgetown as a satellite property.Jonestown started as a simple settlement housing a handful of families, but as pressure mounted on Jones in Summer 1977, he and the bulk of the group's membership abruptly left California for Guyana. The mass exodus swelled Jonestown's population to nearly 1,000, which put a strain on the settlement's resources. Immediately after arriving, Jones ordered everyone to hand over their passports and laid out a list of punishable crimes in Jonestown: wanting to leave, speaking out against him, anything capitalistic in nature, keeping secrets, people not pulling their weight, disappearing without permission, and questioning anything. Punishments for this were often physical and psychological, including being dropped in a pit and told you would have snakes dumped on you. The people were surrounded by dense rainforest and under constant surveillance. They couldn't even trust their own families.The Guyanese government knew about Jones's abuses, but with the aforementioned dispute with Venezuela and reluctance to draw the ire of the American government, they were willing to let him operate unimpeded. Jones grew more and more paranoid over the months, in part due to a serious addiction to painkillers and amphetamines note , and he started using the Temple to smuggle illegal goods such as guns and cyanide into Jonestown. Back in the US, support for him and the Temple was waning. Disgruntled ex-followers and those who had relatives in Jonestown revealed the dealings, abuses, and ideology within the organization, stating that Jones was now holding hundreds of people hostage. Politicians who supported Jones's liberal causes rushed to defend him as a man of high moral character being smeared by "bald-faced lies". In the midst of all this, a long-standing Love Triangle between Jones, his one-time right-hand man Timothy Stoen, and Stoen's wife Grace exploded into a complex custody dispute in which Jones claimed to be the father of the Stoens' son, John Victor. Jones even had Stoen sign an affidavit saying he'd "Entreated my beloved pastor, James W. Jones, to sire a child by my wife" because "I wanted my child to be fathered, if not by me, by the most compassionate, honest, and courageous human being the world contains." Jones waved the affidavit as proof that he was John Victor's father, but the Stoens, who'd become disaffected from the Temple, said he was forced under duress to sign it and fought to regain custody. This episode fed Jones's paranoia. Jones began telling his followers that the outside world had become dangerous. He told them that the U.S. had gone "full fascist" and was now sending racial minorities to concentration camps to deter them from leaving. Increasingly obsessed with the loyalty of his followers, Jones began calling meetings called "White Nights" where he ordered followers to show their loyalty by drinking what they thought was poison. Jones claimed that the U.S. government would be coming to destroy their socialist utopia and that the only way out would be through "revolutionary suicide". Faced with no other choice, many followers obeyed, though none of the drinks were actually poisoned; Jones was simply normalizing the idea for them. Unfortunately for Jones' followers, his doomsday predictions seemed to come to fruition in November 1978. Compelled by the testimonies of Temple defectors, California congressman Leo Ryan decided to visit Jonestown as part of a fact-finding mission. He arrived in Guyana on November 15, and after two additional days of travel, arrived on a small airstrip near Port Kaituma, a small regional mining center that was the nearest settled community to Jonestown. Accompanying him were government aides, concerned relatives, and journalists - all three groups that Jones hated and feared most. Jones became insanely fearful of losing control and thus hatched a plan. During the visit, Jones ordered that a welcoming celebration be held on the night of November 17, to put up a good image for the community, including a performance by The Jonestown Express, the Temple's Soul band. While this facade succeeded in initially fooling Ryan, it was at the celebration that the signs of discord became apparent to Ryan, with several residents passing secret notes to him and his aides, saying they weren't allowed to leave, and asking for help. On the morning of November 18, as Ryan confronted Jones, he was attacked by a follower wielding a knife. While he managed to escape unharmed, Ryan decided it was time to leave. A number of Jonestown residents asked Ryan if they could leave with him, and ultimately 15 did. The large number of defectors meant that Ryan needed to charter a second plane to take the party back to Georgetown. Not only did this delay his departure, he was forced to use the Jonestown radio facilities to make the request, so Jones learned exactly what Ryan was planning, and now had additional time to plot a retaliation. After making the drive back to the Port Kaituma airstrip, they discovered that an armed group of Jones loyalists, dubbed the "Red Brigade", had followed them on a tractor-trailer. The gunmen opened fire on the crowd at a chartered airplane as it was boarding, while a Fake Defector pulled out a gun and began firing on people inside the other plane that was taxiing for takeoff. Five people were killed: Ryan (still the only member of Congress to be killed in the line of duty); NBC news reporter Don Harris, and his cameraman Bob Brown; San Francisco Examiner photographer Greg Robinson; and Temple member Patricia Parks. Among the injured who survived were Ryan's aide Jackie Speier (who several decades later was elected to Ryan's old Congressional seat) and Examiner journalist Tim Reiterman (whose book Raven was the first comprehensive examination of the Jonestown story). Back at Jonestown, Jones called an emergency meeting at the commune's main pavilion, warning his followers that his predictions were going to come true and that they had to conduct an act of revolutionary suicide, stating that if they couldn't live in peace then they would die in peace. note As such, Jones ordered the creation of a drink made of grape Flavor Aid (commonly mistaken for Kool-Aid), cyanide, and lethal levels of prescription drugs. The first ones ordered to drink it were the babies and children. Without their children, and with the belief that a fascist army from America was bearing down on them, hundreds of people in Jonestown drank it all. A 44-minute-long "death tape" was later found by authorities, with Jones, in a slurred voice, trying to justify the poisoning as an act of protest against the world. The most dramatic part of the tape is when one Temple member, Christine Miller, questions the need to commit suicide, stating "Where there's life, there's hope" (a line that Jones had used in his sermons). Jones also ordered that the Temple followers at the house in Georgetown be told to take revenge against their enemies before committing revolutionary suicide of their own (which was transmitted via ham radio using Spy Speak). note After police arrived on the scene, follower Sharon Amos took her three children into a bathroom, stabbed them to death, then committed suicide.In total, 918 people died because of Jones's actions, including himself (909 in Jonestown, five in Port Kaituma, and four in Georgetown). He was found sitting in a deck chair, dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound; an autopsy also showed lethal levels of barbiturates in his system. A handful of Peoples Temple members managed to escape Jonestown with their lives. A few successfully snuck out of the final meeting and hid in the jungle. One group of families, who'd been plotting an escape for a while, sensed that things wouldn't end well and left Jonestown very early on the morning of the 18th. Members of the Jonestown basketball team, including two of Jones's sons (one biological, one adopted) were in Georgetown competing in a tournament and survived. One elderly woman scoffed at Jones's call for a meeting and instead took a nap, later waking up to eerie silence.The Jonestown massacre remained the largest loss of American civilian lives until September 11, 2001.

Dragon Rouge



Duvalier, being a highly paranoid man, led a state generally considered to be totalitarian. His power led him to make some rather odd decisions usually under the guise of some kind of "VooDoo" knowledge. One instance was alledgely ordering the murder of every black dog in Haiti under suspicion that one of his political opponents transformed into one. Under his rule a secret police force known as the "TonTon Macoute" (Translated as Uncle Gunnysack), itself named after a Haitian Bogeyman character was to infiltrate just about any organization in the country and would often make people suspected of the smallest crime disappear, sometimes operating in broad daylight. Duvalier also had claimed to use Voodoo to kill John K Kennedy.

Eastern Lightning


Falun Gong

Falun Gong or Falun Dafa is a new religious movement, known for its anti-communist sentiment and a sect-like organization founded by Li Hongzhi in China in the early 1990s and since 1999, have been banned by the Communist Party of China, with its members actively being persecuted and arrested for their beliefs. Falun Gong emerged toward the end of China's "qigong boom" — a period that saw a proliferation of similar practices of meditation, and promotion of Confucian values. The movement gained widespread popularity in China throughout the 1990s and by 1999 government sources estimated that there were 70 million practitioners, more than there were CPC members at the time (although this number was most likely a gross overestimate).

Falun Gong initially enjoyed support from the Chinese government which actively promoted the cult despite its right-wing anti-communist leanings. This could be because Deng Xiaoping, after his 1992 Southern Tour, decided to drop socialism completely and fully embrace free-market capitalism and may have perceived Falun Gong due to its promotion of Confucian values as a counterbalance to left-wing and liberal opposition. The fact Falun Gong promotes itself as a "healthy" practice that can cure diseases without one needing to take medicine may have been cost-effective and convenient for the Chinese government as China at the time lacked a proper healthcare system.

In 1995, Li Hongzhi declared that he had finished teaching Falun Gong in China, and began spreading the practice abroad. Between 1995 and 1999, Li traveled the world giving lectures on his beliefs wherever he went. Falun Gong associations and clubs began appearing all throughout Europe, North America, and Australia. Li Hongzhi moved to the United States in 1996 with his wife and daughter, and in 1998 became a U.S. permanent resident, settling in New York, where Falun Gong's headquarters remain to this day.

The Chinese government under President Jiang Zemin had little to no support due to mass poverty, corruption, nepotism, and repression by state officials which fueled the popularity of Falun Gong which many perceived as an escape from the bitter reality. Jiang Zemin came to perceive the cult as a threat to his power as an increasing number of CPC officials (Possibly including future President Xi Jinping) actively practiced or sympathized with Falun Gong themselves.

On 25 April 1999, about 10,000 Falun Gong practitioners gathered near the central appeals office in Beijing to demand an end to the escalating harassment against the movement, and on 29 July the same year, Falun Gong was banned by the Central Government. The persecution of Falun Gong enabled Jiang Zemin to seize control of media, police, and the military to eliminate dissent. He even went so far as to create his own paramilitary organization called the 610 Office to persecute the cult. Re-education through labor, Laojiao, rapidly expanded with hundreds of camps being built all across the country to jail Falun Gong practitioners and other dissidents. The persecution of Falun Gong gave Jiang Zemin unprecedented powers and made it easier for him to maintain a high level of influence over Party politics after his term ended in 2004 when he was forced to formally hand over power to the new Paramount Leader Hu Jintao. Local officials often competed to arrest as many Falun Gong practitioners as possible to show their loyalty to Jiang's faction. The Governor of Liaoning, Bo Xilai, was one of the leading officials in the Anti-Falun Gong campaign which made it easier for him to rise through the ranks of the Party.

The persecution of Falun Gong caused many of its practitioners to flee China. Many settled in the US where they would gain financial support from the US government and the Republican Party to promote conservative anti-communist sentiment. Falun Gong practitioners established a vast global media network consisting of arts and entertainment company Shen Yun, the newspaper Epoch Times, New Tang Dynasty Television (NTD Television) broadcaster, and the YouTube channel China Uncensored, among others that promote negative coverage of CCP's China. Falun Gong due to their revisionist views of the ancient dynasties are believers in the mandate of heaven which stresses that when the rulers of China become too corrupt and inept to rule the Chinese people will overthrow the government and a new dynasty will take its place. Falun Gong (among other Chinese dissident groups) alleges the CCP abroad carries out organ harvesting of prisoners of conscience with the organs being sold on black markets. Falun Gong practitioners abroad have signed arrest warrants for Jiang Zemin and Bo Xilai for engaging in genocide. In 2013 Spain ordered the arrest of former President Jiang Zemin meaning that he longer can set foot in Spain without being put on trial.

Falun Gong media often promote views in line with the Republican Party and Western conservative politicians such as Steve Bannon, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsey Graham. They are also very critical of "elites" and "big tech" corporations such as Bill Gates' Microsoft and Cisco which they accuse of having helped China set up their surveillance network, Great Firewall, and promoting Chinese state propaganda. Falun Gong support the Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan over the Kuomintang which they perceive to be too friendly to CCP's interests and want China and Taiwan to be recognized as separate countries. They're also highly supportive of other Chinese dissident organizations such as the World Uyghur Congress, the Central Tibetan Administration, and the Hong Kong Democracy Movement and hope that China will be broken into several different states along ethnic and cultural divisions.

Falun Gong media have gained widespread popularity and coverage since Donald Trump's presidential campaign. The cult portrayed Trump as a messiah-like figure sent from heaven to destroy the Chinese Communist Party. Before 2021, cult-affiliated media such as China Uncensored regularly tried to portray then-presidential candidate Joe Biden and the US Democratic Party as communist sympathizers that would turn the US into a Chinese vassal state should Trump not win the 2020 Presidential Election. Since Trump lost (which the cult initially denied by promoting the election fraud conspiracy) and Biden won the presidency, Falun Gong media has back-tracked on their negative coverage of the Democratic Party as US-China relations have only worsened over the past 2 years contrary to what they had previously told their audience would happen.

Even though former President Jiang Zemin significantly lost influence even before his death, over the past decade due to losing the power struggle against current Paramount Leader and President Xi Jinping, Falun Gong remains illegal in China, possibly because of Xi's fear that legalizing the cult would mean to admit the CCP did something wrong in the first place which would greatly polarize Chinese society.

Happy Science


Fifth Monarchism


Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS)

The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, often abbreviated as FLDS, is a Mormon sect whose members continue to practice polygamy, currently led by Warren Jeffs, who is currently serving a life sentence in prison for the sexual assault of two children. He continues to lead the group while behind bars.

The movement was founded in the early 20th century not long after its founding members were excommunicated from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, primarily because of their refusal to abandon the practice of polygamy after its renunciation in the "Second Manifesto", published in 1904, though the Mormon Church has officially denounced polygamy as early as 1890, by then-church president Wilford Woodruff because of fears that continued support for the practice could lead to the dismantling of all Mormon temples.[11]

The group has continued to reside in the twin towns of Hildale and Colorado City on the Utah-Arizona border, though there are other FLDS groups in other parts of the United States and Canada, such as in Eldorado, Texas, Mancos, Colorado, Pringle, South Dakota, Minot, North Dakota, Grand Marais, Minnesota, Bountiful and Creston, British Colombia, and other locations.

The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated the FLDS Church as a hate group, citing Warren Jeffs' views on African Americans, women, LGBT+ people, violence, and the end of the world and declared the group as "a white supremacist, homophobic, antigovernment, totalitarian cult".[12]



LaRouche movement


Lord's Resistance Army

Manson Family



QAnon is an alt-lite conspiracy theory and political movement that originated on 4chan in 2017. The QAnon Conspiracy centers on the claims made by an individual (or individuals) named "Q". The primary claim is that a cabal of Satanists operating a global child sex trafficking ring are working to undermine Donald Trump and his administration. Proponents of the conspiracy believed that the Trump administration would one day conduct mass arrests and executions of Democratic politicians, Hollywood actors, business tycoons, and others in an event known as "The Storm" or "The Event". QAnon also claims that Trump sparked the conspiracy of Russian interference in the 2016 election to enlist Robert Mueller in helping him expose the child sex trafficking ring and preventing a coup led by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and George Soros. QAnon has been described as a "big tent" conspiracy theory due to their propensity to believe in a plethora of other conspiracies ranging from Aliens and UFOs to Covid-19 to John F. Kennedy Jr. QAnon believers were heavily involved in the 2020 election and after Joe Biden won, they were heavily involved in attempting to overturn the election results. When legal means of overturning the election failed many QAnon supporters helped in storming the Capitol on January 6, 2021. Since then social media sites have cracked down on QAnon conspiracy claims, though the movement still has a large following.

Russian Conceptualism


Unification Church



Cultism is a loon who nonetheless has a massive following of identical balls. Depending on the context, he may talk about the end times, and/or worship a deity. He sells essential oils, books, and other merch that promotes his cause. Do not let him be anywhere near a subway or flavor-aid.

How to Draw

Flag of Cultism
  • Draw a ball
  • Color it with very dark red
  • Draw an eye in the middle
    • Inside the eye, draw a big X
    • Draw the symbol ✨ glow, only black and in the middle of the symbol, draw a white circle.
  • Draw two horns and you're done.
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Dark red #340000 52, 0, 0




  • Trumpism - I like your supporters, but why do you call the KKK disgusting?
  • Marxism–Leninism–Maoism - The other kind of MLM, also based! Denies he's me and pretends to hate me, though.
  • Anti-Japaneseism - I like your idea of overthrowing the Japanese government. It's just my methods are a little more "direct" Some of you guys are alright though, don't go to the subway tomorrow.
  • Pagan Theocracy - I like you, your praxis, and your tales, but you don't go far enough. Why just sacrifice animals in the occasional ritual blood sacrifice when you could mass-sacrifice thousands? (But your Aztec counterparts were my greatest inspiration.)
  • Christian Democracy - I do occasionally adopt your religion, but Jesus Christ some of you absolutely despise us!
  • Dengism - OK I'm a cult, and? Aren't we the same? We both like brainwashing!


  • Theocracies - Ew, organized religions with no religious freedom.

Further Information

Notable Cults


