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Polcompball Wiki
Revision as of 05:44, 20 November 2023 by Rigby (talk | contribs) (→‎Add List)
This page is HEW's ideology, and was mostly made for fun, it was highly inspired by Template:HeredyBall and his self insert know as Heredism! with that said, the page will also expand in the future
it was also directly copied from the original one on PCBA, expect some non-working links and missing files, templates etc.

Have in mind that HEW is from Brazil, so HEW Thought is also mainly focused on issues and problems involving Brazil, and may not be compatible to other nations.


  • Protecting - My country has one of the highest crime rates and some places are basically controlled by criminal gangs and i don't think this is healthy nor acceptable.
  • Eliminating Kleptocrats - My country has the potential and everything it needed to be successful, but the people who have the power to bring that success are more worried about themselves, not their nation or the people in it.
  • Spreading solidarity and care - At the very least, everyone should have easy access to everything needed to survive on our modern society. And we should be aware of that.
  • Preserving Nation and Culture - Although we go though difficulties, it's important to never give up on what's important for us, and what makes us connected with eachother.
  • Hegemony - We should not let other countries treat us like we're their pet or something, and being self-sustainable and Stable is a good start

Civic Beliefs

The role of the State

I believe that the state has some core roles such as:

  • Protecting the people - The state should give security to the people, with a strong Military to protect the country, an Armed Police to enforce law and order, and other Essential jobs like firefighters to keep everyone safe. It should punish not only the criminals and the enemies of the people but also the politicians who abuse their power for their own good. Arresting that thief would be a good start.
  • Guarantee well-being - well-being is essential to archive healthiness and happiness, and no one should suffer from lack of care just because of their social conditions.
  • Guarantee (and nationalize) basic utilities - Everyone should have access to:
    • Roads and Transportation
    • Electricity
    • Education
    • Health
    • And basic basic utilities like food, clean water and basic sanitation (This last one being an issue in most Brazilian cities... Sadly...)

By following those, the State gets the trust and fidelity from the people, motivating both to collaborate with eachother 🤝

The role of the People

I believe that the people, just like the state, has some core roles such as:

  • Collaborate with the state - Everything needs popular support, and the State should know that and follow the will of the People and vice versa.
  • Find a purpose - The people should find a purpose for themselves, be it by helping others, working, educating, etc.
  • Spread Culture - Culture, Tradition, Values, History... all of those need to be preserved and teached. What even is the point of being part of a nation if you have nothing to live for?

By following those, the People develop a sense of pride, leading then to defend and help their Nation and the people in it 🤝

The Limit

Going extreme in the civic compass will only cause trouble and disgrace for everyone you're trying to help. That's why we should always oppose Totalitarianism and other Hyper-Authoritharian ideologies , as those drain every single drop of liberty that an individual should have to live a normal life, but that doesn't mean that we should ever seek anarchy, as it's a totally flawed, unrealistic and dangerous idea, doesn't matter which one we're talking about, liberty is good, but too much of it can strongly backfire, and every society needs atleast some kind of authority and/or organization to function.

Economic Beliefs


I believe that a certain amount of Economic Freedom is required for a successful economy, not to the Point of Laissez-faire, but neither it should be a Planned Economy, because the market is naturally unpredictable and trying to take full control of it will only delay economic progress. I also think everyone should have the right to start a business and have their own property/land.


A full Laissez-faire Capitalism would lead to outcomes such as:

  • exploitation
  • unethical mega-corporations
  • inhumane Markets (Like Human Trafficking, Drug empires, Unrestricted fire weapons) etc.

And those can negatively impact the workers, costumers, and people related to that Market. That's why we need Regulations not only to protect the market but everyone involved. But we should not go too far on this regulations, or else it may backfire and end up retarding our economy.


We should always try to collaborate with other nations in economic terms, since those trades generally benefits both countries in it. This could also create Brazilian markets around the world, that's why i'm in favor of economic unions, such as the MercoSur.


i believe that corporations are a good way to expand national markets around a country and around the world, And if the Corporation follow basic human and ethical rights, we should give incentives for them to be economic Imperialists and expand to international markets, to guarantee our economic stability and hegemony around other close countries! and make their economy very dependent on us. Especially if they're poor, they will have no choice!

Foreign Beliefs

Why having a Nation?

For me, loving your country is about having affection for it's culture and values and wanting to improve the Nation for the common people in it, it's not about who's nation is superior, it's about help, care and consideration for everyone that lives in the same soil as you.

National Hegemony

For ages my country has been looked down and mocked because of how powerless it was, that's why we need to seek power and authority around the world, and stop being a "third world spectator" or "USA's Yard", but we should not directly attack any of our neighbors, as mentioned before, i'm strongly in favor of Making other countries dependent on us, instead of literally plotting their downfall, and when we have the conditions to, we should put those ideas in practice, this way we can archive a sphere of influence around our neighbors. And the benefits that this will bring for our economy and people will be totally worth it.


I tend to not like the West's interventionist nature, and i would avoid doing it against any existing country, because it only brings a bad image and reputation to your own nation.


I'm in favor of immigration, i believe that the more people to work and collaborate for your nation, the better, but only if they assimilate to our culture, or else this could create instability and dangerous polarization. We should also teach them how to operate in this world, to make it possible for them to rebuild their life here in case they are war immigrants or in other critical situations, and they should be treated like any other citizen (and receive citizenship) so they create a sense of pride just like the natives.

Societal Beliefs

Basic Human Rights

  • Everyone is Equal - Every citizen within the country should be treated like any other. Race, ethnicity, gender and social class shouldn't matter, they all deserve to be treated like humans and have the same opportunities and importance as any other, they are our people after all.
  • Eugenics - Eugenicism and Genocides are undesirable for obvious reasons, but since this is the PCBA, i will have to explain why these types of ideas are completely crazy, as they reduce human beings to mere sets of genes, which i find incorrect, there's way more to the human world and mind as it may look like at first.


Education is failing, but why?

  • Lack of care - Well, first of all, never in the history of this country have we had a president that cared about education, so first we need someone apt that genuinely cares about that issue.
  • Horrible Jobs - Teachers also have terrible salaries even though they do one of the most essential jobs in society, to the point where their profession is mocked and few people want to be one when they grow up, so we also need to increase their salaries and/or working conditions, they are the ones that guide this country after all.
  • New way to Teach - We should follow the Nordic Model when teaching, some hours in class and some hours studying about what we just learned, as this is scientifically proven to be the ideal way of studying.

Culture and State



Mega Based

  • Rigby Thought - You and i have a lot in common, it probably helps that we live in the same country, you also say alot of things that i don't have the courage to hehehe. I also like your ideas of exploiting other countries, why does every Brazilian on this site have some kind of imperialist thought?


  • Skinny Populism - You're cool, i don't have much against you, you're just an average lib. I'm still wondering if you really hate fat people or if it's just a silly joke.
  • Armandonian Liberalism - I appreciate how you're one of the few sane and non-radical people on this community, your ideias seem very promising and realistic.
  • Yoda8soup - The only notable discrepancies i see is progressivism and socialism, but besides that, i loved your ideology, especially your ecological ideas which have now influenced me.
  • Altemism - You're probably one of the few people that make Monarcho-Socialism look possible and not wacky, i think i would like to try your ruralist style of life, even if it's very different from mine.
  • Vynism - You're like an extreme, crazy version of me, maybe too extreme? Anyways love most of your beliefs especially your cultural and religious ones.
  • Craniocommunization - Me in a parallel universe where i was smart more philosophical. we disagree in a few things tho but whatever.


  • Heredism - You have cool welfare and public service ideas, but you've became more and more extreme in your cultural ideals, i also think you're going way too far with that Post-Humanist thing.
  • File:FutReunionIslandball.png MacDeko's_thought - Your ideology seems very promising but your page seems kind of vague and incomplete, and i also hate the French just like you, although it's for different reasons
  • Jefbol Thought - Your ideas are very unique and it has a lot of potential if practiced correctly, but they're not what i'm going for.
  • Brazilian Liberalism - I really admire the majority of your foreign, economic and civic policies. Specially your way to interact with other countries, like encouraging economic imperialism. But your social policies kind of ruin everything (Especially Neoliberalism). Also... common, The Brazilian Status-quo is terrible.
  • Salvationism - You look like what would happen if someone picked AuthRight and LibLeft, threw them in a blender and made a cake with the result. Other than that you're pretty decent.
  • User:Khomeinism - You're basically me but even more Anti-Western and Traditional. I think you're going too far though, you're tad too crazy and extremist. Sorry for dragging you 2 tiers down, but you fucked up very badly with the things you posted on the main wiki.
  • Neo-Anthony Bax Thought - eh pretty average ideology, nothing in your ideology make me go "wow, literally me!" or "this is the biggest piece of dogshit i've ever seen" in general i don't have strong opinions on you.
  • Venatrixism - Very promising, but also very radical and vague.
  • Voidvill Rajandeep - Your ideology is not the best and sometimes it scares me, but your humor is pretty good and your page was fun to read.

Boi what the hell boi

  • File:SerbSocTito.png Serbian Socialism - I don't like your ideals of Communism and Titoism, they're too radical for me, i assume that if i lived in Serbia my opinion would be different, but i don't so... yeah. Atleast you hate the EU and NATO.
  • Meowxism - You're like mild flavor Stalinism, you're too Authoritarian and Left-Wing, revolution is probably a good way to enforce your ideology, since it's so radical, but the way you propose it is very chaotic. Also, don't you think that you're kind of a Revisionist? I mean you're almost a Neo-Bolshevist at this point. atleast you dislike porn... i guess?
  • Mordecaism - Your Laissez-faire thing is complete nonsense that would never work in practice, and you're too progressive for me, also how am i Brazilian Johnson if i'm not even Progressive?
  • Template:Iouser - I like your funny words egoist man.
  • Tedcruzfan Thought - What the fuck is this shit... you look like every strawman of the right combined, you have some very few good positions but coming from you i assume they are not well intentioned, and you would probably call me a ni**er if you knew me irl so whatever.


  • Glorified Communism - Your ideas are way too philosophical for me, reading your page is like entering a rabbithole, i "disagree" with most of your views, but at the same time i feel like i don't even know what i'm disagreeing with, in general, you're not what i'm aiming for.

Add List

Add in any format, i will delete it after adding you anyways, please don't request it on the comments


  • HEW Thought - Use this section for questions/critics or whatever.
  • - Hello, I made some changes about you and you can make some changes in your relationships if you want.
    • - alright
      • - Why not make a change?
        • - i already changed it before you first commented there, i also don't have much to add
  • Armandonian Liberalism - You should add Neo-Mercantilism (You can find it on Protectionism) to your page, since you are an economic imperialist
    • HEW Thought - Added it, Thanks for the suggestion, it really seems to fit me!
    • - Hello, please help me, block me on the main wiki page, tell them I will delete the article about the holocaust, tell them I didn't read the rules, please talk to the administrators.😢🙏🏼🙏🏼
      • - THE WHAT?
  • - I meant I got blocked on the main page of the wiki, help me.🙏🏼
    • - Holy shit...
    • - I should have listened to your advice. Please help me. 😢😭🙏🏼
    • - I'm sorry bro but there is nothing i can do, if i help you they will probably just end up banning me from both the anarchy wiki and the main one
    • - At least give me a way to talk to them.
    • - Ok, Here is the page on the main wiki where you can find the moderators, click on one of their pages and talk to them using their socials (you can find it on their pages).
    • - The manager who blocked me was named User:Athena von Krab, tell her to call me and I care if I talk to her for a few words, and this person's Twitter is also written as Elon Musk. which cannot be distinguished between Twitter users. Tell him do you have Telegram or Instagram?
    • - I don't have any of those, talk to someone else or try moving your page to the anarchy wiki i guess. But read the rules this time.
  • File:EgoFutureStrasserism-Alt.png - stop putting corporations on my country otherwise I will put a tariff on it
    • - Hehehe no, throws 20BRL at you

How to Draw

  • 1. Draw a ball
  • 2. Divide the ball in 2 horizontal parts with the upper one being green an the bottom one being yellow
  • 3. Make a blue circle in the middle of the ball
  • 4. Draw the territory of Brazil inside the ball and fill it with white
  • 5. Draw a blue arrow coming from the bottom left of the Brazilian territory
  • 6. Add the eyes
Color Name HEX RGB
Green #009739 0, 151, 57
Yellow #FEDD00 254, 221, 0
Blue #012169 1, 33, 105
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255

Things i plan to add

  • Social Beliefs (WIP)
  • Technologic Beliefs
  • Views on other countries
  • Environmental Beliefs

Please don't add it for me, i will only add those when i have them ready or planning on starting them. Empty tabs makes the page look ugly

Recent changes

  • Dr. Occo • 1 hour ago
  • Dr. Occo • 1 hour ago
  • Dr. Occo • 1 hour ago
  • Pollere • 00:16