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National-Communitarian Theory

Revision as of 15:02, 3 April 2024 by Nebeler (talk | contribs)
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Nebeler's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

National-Communitarian Theory (NCT) is an economically far-left, culturally variable syncretic ideology which posits the well-being of the national community (or nation, which is primarily identified as being a people united by a cultural identity) as being of primary importance. It is thus Nationalist, but opposes Ultranationalism on count of it being detrimental to national communities — preferring to side with Internationalist movements, though it strongly opposes Cosmopolitanism.


On Democracy

  • Democracy is merely a system of smoke and mirrors which serves the interests of the bourgeois class. It is not the most capable or intelligent who are elected, rather those who are most able to mislead the crowd. Even in a 'real' democracy, the majority often makes choices which are not in their best interest. The truth is that most people are simply not educated enough to make important decisions.

On Capitalism

  • Since capitalism is driven by profit, it is bound to prioritise the continued accumulation of wealth over all else. It will continue to expand to the detriment of all which stands in its way — the rights of the individual, the good of the community, the health of natural ecosystems, cultures and nations — anything which cannot be commodified or exploited to further the growth of capital.

On Nation and Culture

  • The nation is by definition people united by a common identity, formed out of a shared culture, language, heritage, tradition, et al. Individuals within a nation are thus also united by common interests, and it is natural that they seek to organise themselves on that basis.
  • A-culture (see 'Concepts' section) acts as a medium of unconscious communication which informs one's reasoning and interpretation. It forms a basis for symbolic understanding, providing a unique set of values and relations which is subtle but permeates all interaction.
  • Commonality is essential for mutual trust. Two individuals which are brought up with different cultures will have different values. One cannot truly grasp how the other thinks, nor how he operates. They cannot understand each other on that fundamental frequency for which shared culture is required.


  • 'A-culture' refers to organic and anthropogenic cultures which are carried through vectors of experience, practice, belief, environment and genealogy. It is used to differentiate human ethnic/national/religious cultures with the wider notion of 'culture' (which also includes culture of establishments and mass media).


Much like

  • Socialism - Mann der Arbeit, aufgewacht!
  • Titoism - Maybe it was not wise to try and integrate all of the Yugoslav nations together considering that the enmity between them and their desire for independence was strong enough to cause such atrocious conflict. But you did will to resist against Stalin.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - Finally, a socialist who recognises the importance of the nation!
  • Internationalism - International solidarity between the peoples of the whole world!
  • Cultural Nationalism - More than anything else, it is culture which unites a nation!


  • Marxism - Very correct analyses. You were a bit harsh on that Lassalle guy.
  • Left Communism - I am not as keen on orthodoxy as you are and I know we disagree on the national question, but you are authentically Marxist at least, unlike Stalinists and the New Left.
  • Kemalism - You were great. I wish you would come back to fix Turkey.

Mixed feelings

  • Authoritarianism - People also want freedom and privacy, you know
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - Your concerns are valid, but a bit of authority can do a lot of good.
  • Democracy - 'Democracy' of the bourgeoisie lets the uneducated majority make decisions that are poor and/or against their own interests. Not a fan.
  • Democratic Socialism - Socialism will not come through the ballot-box, Kautsky.
  • Liberal Socialism - Liberal. RIP Gorbachev, you did what you could
  • Leninism - I understand the need for revolutionary violence, but was Cheka really necessary?
  • Trotskyism - I am glad you recognise the crimes of Stalin, however I am still not completely convinced that you would have done much better.
  • National Conservatism - The interests of the nation cannot be met by capitalism.
  • Civic Nationalism - The nation-state is not like the Borg which can always assimilate everything. Nationality is more than just a certificate.
  • Identitarianism - Stop being such a chauvinist.
  • Occult Post-Humanism - Technocapital and hyperstition are valuable concepts in the current epoch, though your Anti-Humanism makes me uncomfortable.
  • Landian Accelerationism - Another banger Mr Land
  • LesbiaNRx - You write well, though with you it is hard to tell where convictions end and jokes begin. You have a good sense of humour, but I don't really support misandry.
  • Neoluddism - You write good analysis, but you need to be less asozial.


  • Capitalism - Exploitative and inhuman.
  • Conservatism - You are a pussy and you stand for nothing.
  • Libertarianism - You are right about the need for liberty, but you are too individualist. You must realise that those who 'just want to be left alone' can very easily be overwhelmed and destroyed by any organised multiplicity who is determined to take.
  • Hoppeanism - Well, you are right to be critical of Democracy. Read Bordiga.
  • Anarchism - Naïve and idealist. Why do you support independentist movements but then condemn nationalism? You are little more than a hypocrite.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Not much better. At least you have a more complete set of ideas.
  • Hoxhaism - The only compliment I can give you is that you were right about Maoism.
  • Dissident Right - Rightoid chauvinist. I guess you did force me to broaden my horizons...
  • Pan-Nationalism - Let people have their independence.

Much dislike


  •  Baxism - I am personally sceptical of revolutionary violence, but you seem alright.
  • Shellshocked Communism - I can sympathise with you, and though your formulations carry that poetic vagueness which is characteristic of post-structuralists, they still convey an idea — which I interpret as a dream of a biomechanical world, of horizontality and freedom from alienation. Though maybe I am wrong.
    • - You are very right.
  •  Romantic Egoism - Don't know what else to say. Despite disliking individualism, I like your style and consistency.
  • Psychedelic Liberationism - You seem alright. Read Bordiga, Stalinist (/hj)
    • - Stalinist?!
  • Sundog - I haven't studied some of these concepts you talk about, but your ideas seem quite interesting and you seem like well-read individual. Influenced by Italian left-communism, therefore great and authentic.


  • Venatrixism - Cool reading list, I recommend CCRU and N1x.
    • Venatrixism - I have read n1x, not a big fan.also better analysis of me plz 😔
      • - Well, I'm not sure how you'd consider yourself a communist while also being post-left and a stirnerite, but I guess you're okay.
        • Venatrixism - not really that hard to be a communist and a stirnerite and post-leftist? Don’t know what you’re pulling at here. Literally one of the first generally accepted ones to be a post-leftist, Tiqqun was communist.
          • - ok
  • Brazilian Liberalism - Liberal, but would probably heal the country a bit. You're Nietzschean, apparently? Based
  • Rocksism - I'm critical of anarchism, but your ideas seem coherent and well-thought-out.
  • Schumacherianism (////) - Disagree with individualism and anarcho-capitalism, but your ideas are fairly well-developed and unique enough that I can respect it.
  • Patrick Thought - Not a fan of monarchism, but you're not too bad.

Mixed feelings

  • Alstūdism - I'm really not a fan of fascism, but at least you're more of an ethnopluralist and universal nationalist rather than just a chauvinist — though I'd still object to your revanchism, on the count of it being unworkable (especially for Norway) and likely to backfire. Overall one of the more tolerable fascists I've come across, and at least you're a socialist like Mussolini.
  •  Neocarlism - Weird, but I guess I've seen worse.
  • Distributist Reactionaryism - Distributism is okay, but I wish you were economically socialist instead of just being a corporatist (fascist). And what is culture without the nation?
  • Aldathism - Aldathy you have to stop. You smoke too tough. Your swag too different. they’ll kill you


  • Dankeism - Too liberal, too progressive. My advice is that you should read a few books by authors with a variety of different opinions, so as to explore many perspectives. Seek to understand them.
  • Imperial Socialism - Have you even actually read Lenin? Also, "pay rool [sic] taxes so that the government can pay for Social Security and insurance"? You sound more like a social democrat than a communist. Please read theory, a bit of Marx at least.
  • Nuriskianism - The Fourth Political Theory is cringe, I'm not adding that to my reading list. How exactly are you influenced by both multiculturalism AND ethnopluralism??? At least you don't seem to be an anti-Western chauvinist like Dugin. Overall, very strange.
  • Volker41ism - I'm really not a fan of fascism and nazism, sorry.

Much dislike

  • Theoanarchism - "I fear no man. But that thing... it scares me." - The Heavy
  • N.Brioism - Contrarianism is retarded. You're neither funny nor cool, grow up.
  • N.Cortexism - ...You're actually the same person, aren't you? Coal regardless.

Much like

  • Josip Broz Tito - The only one who could hold Yugoslavia together... wish you were still here.
  • Lee Kuan Yew - Single-handedly made Singapore into the developed country it is today!


How to draw

Flag of National-Communitarian Theory
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #bd0000 189, 0, 0
Blue #003a84 0, 58, 132
White #ffffff 255, 255, 255
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with red.
  3. Fill the bottom one-fifth portion with blue.
  4. Add a white circle of wheat grains, centred relative to the red section.
  5. Add a white hammer, placed vertically in the centre of the circle of wheat grains.


Have read


On my bookshelf

Reading list

Recent changes

  • SocialistWorldRepublic • Yesterday at 23:15
  • SocialistWorldRepublic • Yesterday at 23:13
  • SocialistWorldRepublic • Yesterday at 23:13
  • SocialistWorldRepublic • Yesterday at 23:12